This is a what if fanfiction that literally rewrites like 2 seasons. What if T.C and Jordan's baby didn't die. What if she just passed out from exhaustion ended up with a concussion and that was that. Just to increase the content the story begins right before Jordan tells TC that she's italics are words from the show. Note: I don't own the night shift.

*Jordan's p.o.v*

It all started right before the stalker incident, I was really tired and I just blamed it on the stress at first. It was a few days in fact the day after the stalker incident was when I realized what might be going on. I woke up on the couch were Scott had left me I was really nauseous, it was already 5 when I got up. I didn't throw up I just ate some crackers and got ready for the day. I pass my calendar when I am getting ready and realize the date. It can't be September 20th already, I count on my fingers 9 days, 9 days. That number goes over and over in my head as I finish getting ready. Lets just say I stopped at the drugstore on my way to work. I didn't have time to go home and take the test so I took it at work. Gwen stopped me before I could go into the bathroom, her shift was about to start too.

"Are you ok? I saw your car" Gwen asked.

"Yeah I'm ok just not feeling so well" I tried to lie to her about my suspicions.

"That's not it" Gwen said she looked me over and though for a moment "I know what it is you weren't normal for you last week. I will make sure no one comes in" she said. I went in I took the test when I looked at it I couldn't help but smile. Gwen interrogated me on the way to the scene.

"So" she started over the phone

"I'm pregnant" I told her she was the first person I told.

"You shouldn't be here" Gwen tried to convince me.

"I'm coming" I told her and hung up.

Morning sickness sucked especially working the night shift at one am in the middle of work I am nauseous beyond what I even expected but I don't feel the need to puke meaning I just have to deal with it. I know if I throw up I will feel better but I can't. Until we had to snap that kids neck back and then Annie there was a lot of stress added that to the methane gas in my system and finally I could vomit but now it was worse I had to pass on talking with T.C

"I'll be right back" I managed to say threw the coughing.

I wretched witch sucked but I knew how to deal with it. I rinsed out my mouth and talked to that mom she was the first person that found out except for Gwen of course she knew before I was even sure. With all that happened at the hospital I didn't get to tell T.C until after our shift back at his house.


"Well she took everything sorry Jordan guess you were right she cleaned me out"

"Don't apologize" I said while walking over to him. I sit beside him

"I didn't see it coming when you try your best for someone"

"I'm pregnant" a look of confusion crosses his face so I repeat with a smile the thing I have been wanting to tell him all night.

"I'm pregnant" we both laugh and then he kisses me his way if telling me it's gonna be alright.

(The next episode clearly takes place at least a week later because Gwen is no longer on crutches so im gonna do the rest of this chapter between episodes and then skip two weeks to the next episode in the next chapter)

I woke up next to T.C we were practically living together which explains how I got pregnant. We were either both at my place or his we alternated. Today we were at his it was the evening after I told T.C we had to get up for a shift it was 5:30pm for a 7pm shift. This was T.C's first experience with me having morning sickness. He was a amazing boyfriend and held my hair back which wasn't hard since its relatively short.

"It really shouldn't be called morning sickness" T.C said.

"Yeah" I said wiping my mouth "because its 6 at night" T.C laughed and pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Do you want something to eat?" T.C asked me. I didn't really but I knew I needed to eat.

"Not really" I shook my head. "But I need to eat something" I told him.

"How about some dry toast and a cup of ginger tea." He suggested.

"Now that sounds amazing" I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"What no good smooch" he grinned

"My breath smells do you really want a kiss" I asked him with a smirk of my own.

"No i'm good" he shook his head pretending to shrink away in disgust.

"Now i'm gonna get changed go make me some breakfast" I told him with a smirk standing up and taking my shirt off in front of him. He smirked slapped me lightly on the shoulder and left the bathroom to make the food. I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes like I told him I would. Before emerging from the bedroom to T.C with his shirt off pouring a mug of tea and pulling toast out of the toaster at the same time.

"Go get dressed or we are gonna be late for work" I told him taking the mug and plate from him. He went to get changed and I flipped on the coffee pot and popped another piece of bread in the toaster. Before eating my piece while leaning against the fridge. Having the something in my stomach helped with the still queasy feeling. By the time T.C came out I was pouring him a cup of coffee and buttering the toast. I handed him the food before downing the now cooled tea.

He ate and flipped on the news the shift started in half an hour. When T.C finished he turned to me flipping off the news.

"The silence is killing me. Are you sure your ok?"

"I'm fine T. just enjoying the quiet that never exists at the hospital." I told him with a kiss to try and prove I was ok.

"Come on it's time to go" he said pulling me up of the couch and grabbing my keys.

"Let's go" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. Opening the car door for me I slid in and he shut the door he got in the drivers side, and headed to the hospital.

And that's the end of chapter one the next chapter will be up in a few days to a week. Hope you enjoyed. They will tell the team about Jordan's pregnancy in the next chapter.