Hey guys welcome back this is thanksgiving with the gang no one could get off for thanksgiving so instead they are all celebrating together at the hospital. It is two day after the last chapter and is not only thanksgiving but a engagement party for Jordan and T.C, and is pure fluff… Maybe. Note: I don't own the night shift.

*Jordans P.O.V*

This is my third shift in a row it's one of the only times I have done it since Topher told me not too. I'm only doing it because it's thanksgiving and were not expecting too many patients. We are expecting so few patients that we are even planing a mini thanksgiving dinner. Me and T.C are bringing mashed potatoes. Kenny was bringing ham, Paul was brining the turkey, Molly was brining green beans, Drew was bringing corn and Rick, and lastly Scott was brining pie. Michael and Topher had gotten off and were spending the evening with their family. We set up folding tables in the breakroom, with the food as soon as everyone got there we set up the food we moved the emergency phone into the break room there was one patient from earlier in the day in the E.R. they were stable and only waiting for a room upstairs, so we were safe to celebrate. We ate and talked and had fun there were even gifts from a couple of nurses for me and T.C. The n we got a call a 6 car and bus accident victims were on there way in, and we are the only hospital open for thanksgiving. 30 or more, this totally ruined our thanksgiving celebrations. Before anyone could tell me to stay put I put myself on walking wounded and coffee duty. Everyone agreed and I brewed coffee because it was gonna be a long night. Everyone was brought in in ambulance because there was no ability to have on site triage. All walking wounded were quickly ushered into the empty waiting room, while all critical were put in trauma, and all others were but in curtains. I had no scrubs that fit right because I was technically on duty, I only took the shift because T.C couldn't get off. There where the ones at the hospital but they weren't maternity and didn't fit properly. Long story short my bump was on full view to everyone and I was very self conscious about it. The cases ranged from bandages to stitches to C.T's. It was actually more stressful then if I had taken harder cases. I took two coffee runs during the shift too. I of course couldn't drink any which made this much worse. I was limited to tea, water, and juice. So I was falling asleep by the time the shift was over. My feet were swollen and my head pounded. I had eaten so much before that I wasn't worried about my blood sugar, but I should have been. By the end of the shift I was weak and dizzy, and my head was pounding. I thought I just really needed a nap and didn't eat I just went home and crashed. When I woke up it was worse I was kinda nauseous, and still weak, and dizzy. I ate a whole package of saltines because I didn't know if I could keep anything down, but I knew I needed to eat. T.C had stayed late to help finish with patients, and came in to me eating a second package of crackers. He looked worried

"The last time you sat on the couch with crackers you were having bad morning sickness… What's wrong?" He asked

"My blood sugar is really low again" I said "I wasn't sure I could keep anything else down" I added with a sigh I hated when this happened.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked. I nodded "You want some real food?" He asked

"Yeah i'm really craving chinese" I told him he laughed but he ordered chinese. I had Barely slept before I woke up and had to eat. So I went back to sleep, after I ate.

It has literally been 2 month I am so sorry it took so long school started and before that I was really not having inspiration. I still don't so i'm gonna skip until later just after New Years. Jordan will be about 26 to 27 weeks. The name reveal will be at the birth someone did already guess. But I already have a name have since the beginning. Anyway your gonna see Jordan being made to rest and work less and get bored. I'm gonna go ahead and make some updates to the chapters as well because I don't like how they sound.