The characters of Ranma 1/2 belong to Rumiko Takahashi…I'm just borrowing them.  =)

Bedtime Story: Prologue

"Goodnight story, please tell me a goodnight story!"  The man's forehead furrowed.  The boy's mother was out with her sisters and he was stuck on baby-sitting duty.  He had quickly discovered that bathing an energetic four year old was a challenge all its own and now, after wrestling the rambunctious bundle into pajamas, it was Storytime?  How much more difficult could it get?

"Uhm…well…see…about that, I think your mom is a much better choice for these things," the man caught the child in mid leap. 

"But mommy said that, if I was good, you would tell me a goodnight story!" the boy looked at his baby-sitter with shiny puppy dog eyes.  "Wasn't I good tonight?"

The man smiled despite himself.  "You mean before you spilled almost all of your dinner on yourself 'by accident?'  Or after you 'accidentally' pulled me into the bathtub with you?"

"Uhm…both?" the boy asked hopefully.

Trying to look stern, the man replied, "You can have your story on one condition…you get under the covers and zip your lip!"

"Hooray!" was the enthusiastic reply.  After one last bounce, the tiny pajama-clad body slipped between the bedclothes.

Sighing, the storyteller took his place next to his son's bed.  "Okay, here's your story.  But I gotta warn ya, I'm not nearly as good as your mom with this kinda' stuff.  So, I don't want to hear anything about how boring it is.  And no asking me to start over and tell another story just 'cause you don't like this one, all right?"

Eyes wide, the little boy nodded.  "Okay, but just one thing…"


"Can there be a prince and princess and monsters and stuff?"

"Hey, I thought you said just ONE thing!"

"Please?  All the stories that mommy tells me have a prince and princess and monsters and stuff in them."

"I thought I told you I'm not as good as your mom at these things!"  He looked down and groaned at the sight of his charge's pleading face.  "Okay, okay, I'll see what I can do!"  The man sat quietly for a moment, absentmindedly stroking the boy's hair. 

"Do you need help?" the little boy asked, in serious voice.  "Mommy's stories ALWAYS start with 'once upon a time…'"

The man smiled at the boy.  "Thanks for the help, kiddo.  I think I know what story I want to tell you now.  And, like mommy's stories, it starts with a 'once upon a time.'"