Disclaimer: We really have to do this? But it's chapter 30…never mind. Don't own and never will.

"Are you ready Kitty?" Ladybug asked, her eyes still closed.

"Always, my Lady," Chat said, his eyes also closed. "But are you sure you want to do this? There's no turning back once we open our eyes."

"Chat, you deserve to know. You've always been there to answer the call, ever since the beginning. And despite wanting to know for so long, you never once looked when you had the chance."

The wind blew through her hair, stirring gently in the breeze. Her normal pigtails had fallen out during the final battle but she was in no hurry to put them back. Especially not after such a long and tiring day. Even now, she could feel the tiredness pulling at her eyes, but she was determined to see this through.

It had been one hour since Hawkmoth's defeat. One hour since Gabriel Agreste's arrest. And one hour since Ladybug had told Chat Noir that now was the time to reveal who they were.

They were alone, standing atop the Eiffel tower and well hidden from any would be observers. Rena Rouge and Queen Bee were still in hospital, Carapace was watching over them like a silent protector and nobody else could get up here in silence. In short, it was perfect.

"Tikki, detransform me," Ladybug said quietly and her transformation dropped.

"Plagg, detransform me," Chat said and his transformation dropped in turn.

"On the count of three, we open our eyes Kitty," Ladybug said calmly.

"On three," Chat said with a nod. "Ooops. Didn't really need to nod."

"Silly Kitty," Ladybug said with a slight chuckle. "One."



Ladybug opened her eyes and gasped in surprise, as did Chat. Then they both giggled.

"I can't believe," Adrien said between giggles, "That I've been feeling guilty for being in love with Ladybug and Marinette at the same time."

"And I can't believe," Marinette said as she finally stopped giggling. "That I've been stressing out over liking Adrien and Chat Noir at the same time."

The sound of an approaching helicopter broke the spell and within moments, they transformed once more.