Okay first of all SEASON 6 WAS AWESOME! It both broke and warmed my heart. The stories, the animation, the acting – EVERYTHING WAS SO GOOD!

Now to things pertaining to the story. These are the little facts I couldn't really explain

1) Shiro's been in the Astral Plane since the s2 finale and he's not the sort of guy to just sit back and watch. He would have been involved.

The Black Lion is an ancient, magical space cat. It does what it wants. Cause its a cat. End of story.

Time is screwy in the Astral Plane, sometimes slower and sometimes faster.

The Clone is being magically controlled by Haggar. Shiro uses this. But it's nasty and dangerous just like her so he can't use it for long.

Now on to the tale!

Shrio gasped and stumbled, feeling as if a rug had just been pulled out from under his feet. Vision blurred and adrenaline made his heart race. Shakily, he rubbed at his eyes and blinked to clear his vision before taking a first look at his surroundings. Eyes widening in shock, he stared at the starscape that stretched out around him. This . . . this was . . . "The Astral Plane?" he breathed, mind racing "What am I doing here?"

From behind him came a low rumble that shook him to his bones "My precious Paladin mine."

He spun around and gaped in shock as the Black Lion faded into existence before him. Or, more specifically, over and around him "Saaffee."The last word was drawn out like a purr and a feeling of possessiveness and affection washed over him.

His lion – the Black Lion – it was . . . talking to him?! "What happened?" he demanded "The last thing I remember-" he broke off with a short cry as images flashed through his mind.

The battle with Zarkon.

A bright burning light filling the Black Lion's cockpit.

Overwhelming pain.

Black's presence covering him like a blanket

He stumbled from the assault and braced himself on his knees as he struggled to regain his breath.

"You saved me." he gasped out, dazed "Thank you."

"Safe."Black rumbled again, this time more insistent.

He straightened and took a deep breath, composing himself "Thank you." he repeated, looking up at his lion "But I think its time I got back."

A wave of emotion swept over him. Grief. Apology. Hesitance. "Paladin'd body . . . no more."

His eyes widened in horror "What? What does that mean? That I'm dead? No. No, I can't be. The others – Keith . . . They need me! I have to get back!" Desperately, he threw his mind out, grasping for the silver cord that would snap him back into his body. But . . . there was nothing. It was gone. He caught a brief glimpse of Black's cockpit and the others – Lance – Pidge – Allura – Keith – crowding around the empty chair that should have been holding his body, eyes wide and dazed.

He's gone.

Shiro screwed his eyes shut as Keith's voice reached him and clutched at his breast directly over his heart . He sounded so lost . . . so helpless. Oh, kid. Hearing those two words broke him like nothing else in the universe ever could. It broke his heart.

His heart . . .

He couldn't feel his heart beat.

Opening his eyes, he stared down at his hands and felt a numb acceptance wash over him "I really am dead." But he didn't want this. He didn't want to leave his little brother again.

"Have not left." the Black Lion rumbled, head lowering so that its chin brushed the top of his head in a comforting gesture "We are one."

Shiro blinked up at the lion uncertainly "What do you mean?" he whispered

Images washed over him, their gentle flow so very different from his own mind. It showed his image over lapped with the Black Lion's, merging and sheltered. Protected.

Feeling tears prick at the corners of his eyes, he reached up and caressed the Black Lion's chin "Thank you." he breathed

Black responded with a fond purr, its affection filling him with a warm glow.

Shiro bit his lip and rested his forehead against the white chin "I have to ask: did we at least defeat Zarkon?"

He sensed the Lion hesitate, considering the question"The past one lives, though barely." then it nuzzled him affectionately "The bond is broken. He can no longer lay claim."

"That's good. Its something at least." he said, unable to hide his disappointment. Or his weariness.

"Rest now."the black Lion urged with the gentleness of a loving mother "Rest."