Naruto entered Quinn's room frowning heavily, as he placed the head of a clipper on the table, causing Quinn to look at him, "You killed the doctor anyway." he said

"I told you. They were the enemy."

"His skills in medicine were needed. Now more than ever, since we are at war, and your heir is laying half dead in there." Naruto said

"You made valid points on why we should've spared him, but then I could always get another doctor." Quinn turned to Naruto

"Will you have a replacement before your son dies?"

"Now you care for Ryder?" Quinn asked smirking

"I don't give a shit about Ryder, he dies it is of no consequence to me. Your son dies, it is on you, and no one else." Naruto said as Quinn watched him, "I'll go get ready for the battle, Baron."

Quinn watched Naruto walk off,


A young Quinn watched along with Waldo as a young Naruto stood in the back not drawing attention to himself as the Colts trained

"Any idea where he came from?" Quinn asked watching Naruto

"None, he remembers his name and that's it. the doctor said he may regain his memories in time but only with a powerful connection to his past.' Waldo said

"Let's see what he is made off." Quinn smirked before he looked over to his colt, "Kane, go start something with the yellow haired boy in the corner.'

"Yes Baron.' said Quinn's colt before he walked off with an arrogant smirk

Young Naruto watched the Colts fighting each it her before with a scoff he made to leave but Kane and 2 other colts walked over before Kane snatched Naruto's necklace

"Nice necklace, thanks."

"Give it back.' Naruto demanded before a colt pushed him in the back

'You want it back you'll have to win it from us." Kane smirked spinning the necklace and motioned for Naruto to follow him

Naruto narrowed his eyes dangerously before he followed Kane to the pit with the 3 older boys chuckling before Kane unsheathed his sword,

"First blood wins." Kane smirked

Naruto looked over to Quinn, and Waldo before he heard the ground shifting and in his peripheral saw Kane stabbing toward his throat, and quickly he stepped forward and leaned to the side before with a left palm thrust to the but of the sword sending it flying out of Kane's grip, and with his right hand he caught the handle in a reverse grip before he decapitated Kane

With his next step Naruto spun the sword on the palm of his hand and slit the throat of Kane's first lacky before he tossed the sword at the final lacky but he dodged not seeing Naruto had dove forward rolling to his feet and slamming his shoulder into Lacky2 stomach sending him to the ground before Naruto got on top of him and began to rain down blow after blow

Quinn, Waldo, the Clippers and colts watched in shock as Naruto with a dark smile beat in the face of the boy over him as blood splattered his face

Standing up, Naruto walked over to Kane's corpse and snatched his necklace from Kane's pocket before he walked away

"I thought you said he had amnesia?"

"It's what the doctor told us.' Waldo said

"Then how do you explain that?"

"We ran into nomads on our way back, and he saw us fight. Those movements were exactly like mine." Waldo said

'Are you saying he saw you use those moves and he learned from observing?" Quinn asked getting a nod from Waldo, before Quinn looked after Naruto, "Good job Waldo, he will be an excellent Clipper, keep him happy.'


"I would have you kill him now so that he doesn't get to powerful and take my title, but war with the other Barons is approaching. We keep him happy he'll stay loyal." Quinn hoped

End Flashback

Quinn and his forces road to the outside of the Widow's fortress, and dismounted their horses, "Fan out. Kill them all." Quinn demanded before drawing his sword and storming off with his clippers as Naruto looked to the colts

"Colts, stay put. You're on lookout. You see anyone leaving that isn't us, you kill them.' Naruto said getting nods from the boys

Naruto ran to catch up with Quinn and the other Clippers as two bisected 2 men at the door before Quinn kicked in the door

"Find the Widow." Quinn demanded

Naruto walked away from the men who began to scatter through the house, opening a door he leaned back as Tilda tossed a shuriken at him that sunk into the wall

"Naruto?' Tilda asked surprised

"Hey brat, it's been a while." Naruto smiled

"Are you here to kill me, and mother?' Tilda asked

"No, gather your sisters and use the tunnels that I escaped through when I killed the bastard." Naruto said before he turned to leave but Tilda ran forward and hugged him

"Thank you." Tilda smiled

Naruto hugged Tilda for a moment before a clipper showed up and he grabbed the shuriken in Tilda's belt before he tossed it into his neck causing Tilda to turn hearing the body fall, "Go." Naruto said getting a nod from Tilda before she ran off

Walking around a corner, Naruto quickly grabbed a dagger wielding hand and slammed his arm into the man's wrist to take the dagger before he stabbed the man in the neck, and he leaned back as another one of the widow's Clippers tried to stab him before he slit the man's throat

Dropping the dagger, Naruto with a frown walked through the Manor before he heard Quinn's scream of pain and entered to see Minerva standing over Quinn who was clutching his head

The Widow seeing Naruto tossed her sword at him but Naruto tilted his head and rushed after her but she slammed the open bookshelf shut escaping through the tunnels, with a shrug Naruto walked back over to Quinn who was still clutching his head

'Still think it was a good idea to kill the only man who may have known of a way to take away your headaches?" Naruto asked causing Quinn to glare up at him before he got to his feet using the desk to steady himself, "Pull yourself together, your men see you like this they'll be coming for your head.'

Naruto walked off as Quinn tried to wait for the pain to subside,

Later, Veil's Shop

Naruto entered Veil's shop having immediately left after the battle, and he saw her sitting down crying, sitting beside her Naruto held onto her as she cried into his neck while clutching him tightly

Next Day

Naruto was walking to his home when, he saw MK standing there, "What do you want?" he asked

"I found something. I meant to show you yesterday but I didn't know where you were.' MK said pulling out a book, causing Naruto to look around and snatched the book, "The Widow had it. I can't read it, but it's a book about Azra.'

"You went inside that house?" Naruto asked

"I had to get the book." MK said causing Naruto to look at MK with a frown as he tilted his head to the side

Moments Later

Naruto had M.K stand with his arms out with a huge bucket of water in each hand, "Naruto." Lydia called causing the two to look at her, "Come with me."

"Stay like this till I get back." Naruto said walking off with Lydia

"What? Why?" M.K asked

"Failure to follow simple instructions." Naruto said as he left

"This is bullshit!"

Naruto's Cottage

Naruto walked into the house after Lydia and closed the door, "What hap-" Lydia suddenly kissed Naruto who returned the kiss as she went about undoing his pants and pulled them down, palming his ass cheek and stroking his member

Lifting her dress, as he backed her further into his home Naruto turned Lydia around and bent her over the table before he entered her from behind causing her to moan and smile, as the Regent grabbed her hips and began to thrust into her with a hand moving to her shoulder then gripping her hair for leverage

2 Hours Later

Naruto was lying in bed as Lydia got redressed, "So what happened now? He make a move on Jade in front of you, again?"

"He slept with that skank right beside his dying son." Lydia said turning to Naruto who shook his head, "What happened to the Doctor?"

"Quinn seems to think that no one can tell he's experience headaches. The doctor told him he has a brain tumor."

"He's dying." Lydia said surprised

"Anybody who knows that isn't immediately replaceable has to die apparently." Naruto frowned before he stood up and walked up to Lydia

"Will you support Ryder? I know you and he have never really liked each other, but it would mean a lot for everyone to know that you support him." Lydia said

Naruto rose an eyebrow, before he grabbed Lydia by the back of her head and kissed her again before he pulled away still holding her, "Honestly, I am barely withholding the urge to drive my slit Quinn's throat. The fact that I'm gave my word to protect him stops me. After Quinn, I don't plan on following anyone else. I want a family, being a Clipper even Regent doesn't help me with that.'

"You want to be Baron?' Lydia asked

"I want freedom. In whatever shape that takes." Naruto said getting a nod from Lydia before she kissed Naruto and slowly began to descend to his cock

1 Hour Later

Naruto dressed walked out to where he left M.K and saw the kid asleep on the floor with the buckets of water beside him,

Naruto frowned before he grabbed a bucket and threw the water in M.K's face and slapped him as he began to sputter

M.K got up and saw Naruto as he cradled his stinging cheek, "What the hell?!"

"You ability to follow directions is terrible."

"You left me here for hours!"

"That's right. Come with me." Naruto nodded and began to walk away with M.K following to the wall of The Fort, "Look out there. What do you see?"

"Trees, cogs, poppies." M.K said

"That's your problem. You only react to what's in front of you. Look beyond this wall. Beyond these fields. That is your way out. Do you still want to go home?" Naruto asked

"You know I do." M.K said

"Then you have to start listening to me or you'll get yourself killed. The Widow or any of her people could've found you and killed you today. If your not going to listen to me then you're going to be on your own." Naruto frowned causing M.K to look at him, before he slowly nodded


Veil was fixing Ryder's sheets after Jade had came to see her and convinced her to save the boy, even though she hated Quinn with a passion for what he did to her parents, "You must be Veil."

Veil looked over to the doorway to see Quinn walking up to the bed, "Jade told me about your parents. They were good people. I'll do everything in my power to find the scum that killed them."

"Thank you, Baron." Veil said coldly

"How's my son?" Quinn asked

"Improving. But he's not out of the woods." Veil said

"You're the girl Naruto's been wicking." Quinn suddenly said causing Veil to look surprised, "You don't think I know how my regent spends his spare time? I must say he has exquisite taste."

"Well Naruto's lust is well known in the Badlands, Baron." Viel said causing Quinn to nod, "Ryder's bandages will need changing. I'll return in the morning."

"Thank you. I'll have to find the proper way to repay you." Quinn smiled stepping in front of Veil when she tried to leave, before Ryder began to cough and quickly Veil grabbed a cup of water and was going to give it to Ryder but Quinn took it

"Who set you up?" Quinn asked

Minutes Later

Naruto was walking to Ryder's room but he paused when he saw Veil coming down the stairs, "What are you doing here?"

"Believe me, I didn't have a choice." Veil said causing Naruto to narrow his eyes

"Jade." Naruto growled before Quinn appeared at the banister looking down at them

"Naruto. Get up here." Quinn said causing Naruto to look up as Veil left before he walked up the stairs into Ryder's room, "Tell them."

Lydia and Naruto looked at Ryder, "It was a doll at the Tick-Tock Club. Angelica. She set me up."

"No. Really?" Naruto gasped as Ryder frowned, "I'll bring her back."

Naruto turned and left as Ryder looked down while Quinn glared at him and Lydia looked away, "It's one disappointment after the other with you. You'll never be a Baron, your not even worthy enough to call yourself my son."

"Quinn." Lydia said

"You'll be moving into a cottage with the cogs." Quinn said leaving


Naruto and M.K walked through town, "Is this another training exercise?"

"We're going to that doll house." Naruto said before he pointed at a balcony, "I want you to get up on that balcony and make sure she doesn't get away."

"I'll watch from down here. Give me a description of this girl so I know what she looks like." M.K. said looking at Naruto who rose an eyebrow before he gave a minor shrug

"She'll be the one running for her life."

Naruto walked into the doll house as MK sighed before he was tapped, "Hey." Tilda said causing MK to turn around and get punched in the face causing him to stumble back, "I brought you home. I trusted you and look what happened."

"It's not what it looks like." MK said

"Then why are you wearing that Colt uniform? You've been lying to me since we've met." Tilda growled

"I lied because I was scared. You know what your mother wants to do to me." MK said

"You're better off with her than you are with Quinn." Tilda frowned

"I know you don't believe that. She's just as bad as he is." MK said causing Tilda to frown

"You don't add up." Tilda glared

"Neither do you."

Doll House

Naruto walked to the room his boots not making a sound as he traveled to the door and leaned against it, hearing the voice of Angelica, "Oh, is that what you want? Now, that's gonna cost extra. You came to the right place."

Naruto kicked the door in causing Angelica and her client to gasp as the client got up while Angelica backed up to the wall, "Hey!" the client yelled but his throat was slit as Naruto spun his kunai looking at Angelica who tossed her blanket at him, Naruto caught the blanket and moved it away only to be slashed across his chest by Angelica and he retaliated with a shove that sent her rolling back over the bed through the window releasing her dagger

Everyone down below flinched upon hearing the window shatter as Angelica got up and ran off with Naruto in pursuit

The two jumping from balcony to balcony before Naruto ran along a railing and swung around a pole to get in front of her

"Where is the Widow?" Naruto asked as Angelica backed away and he stepped forward

"You'll never find her."

"You're going to tell me where she is." Naruto said

"You can't stop her. And you can't stop me." Angelica said before she threw herself off the balcony slamming into the ground headfirst

"Go. Go!" M.K hissed to Tilda who ran off before Naruto landed on the ground in front of him

"Let's go." Naruto said walking away with M.K following looking at the corpse

Veil's Shop

Veil was sitting in her chair, practicing the knife techniques Naruto had been teaching her for the past few years with masterful ease before she heard the bell ring alerting her that someone was here, and she quickly hid her knifes and walked out to see Naruto and a boy

"Something I can do for you, Regent?" Viel asked

"I need a stitch job." Naruto said causing Viel to finally notice the cut in his jacket

"Naruto, what happened?" Viel asked walking up and placing a hand on the wound

"I'll tell you in the back when you're sewing me up." Naruto smiled showing that he was alright before with a nod, Viel went to get everything ready

"She's the one you want me to protect, right?" M.K asked

"Stay put and don't touch anything." Naruto said walking to the back as M.K sighed

Naruto laid back as Veil stitched him up, "Who's the boy?"

'My Colt, M.K." Naruto said causing Viel to frown

"Your Colt? Why take on a Colt if we're leaving?" Viel asked

"Because he's like me." Naruto said his eyes blacking out causing Viel's eyes to widen before Naruto kissed her and smiled, "Nothing's changed."

Viel nodded before M.K cleared his throat, "Those arms and legs, did you make them?" he asked

"Yeah, they're called mimics." Viel said

"And the books? You can read?" M.K asked

"Out." Naruto called causing M.K to sigh and walk off

"Maybe he's good practice for what's to come." Viel smiled as Naruto snorted

"I want you to stay out of that house." Naruto frowned

"I don't have a choice. At least not until Ryder's recovered." Viel said

"I should have let him die." Naruto cursed himself

"Quinn knows about us." Viel said causing Naruto to look at her, "We can't leave soon enough."


Jade smiled as she walked down a hallway with papers for her wedding when she was grabbed and pulled into an empty room and slammed into a wall as Naruto glared at her, "What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked

"I needed her help."

"You pulled her closer into Quinn's radar. She's in even more danger now, thanks to you." Naruto glared

"I know, and I'm sorry."

"Your not sorry as long as your lover is okay right?" Naruto glared causing Jade to look at him in shock, "Oh yeah, you think your being secretive but in reality the staff knows about your habit of going into the cripple's room at the dead of night."


"If anything happens Jade, just know I'll blame you and Quinn." Naruto glared before he released Jade

"You used to love me." Jade said

"And I was just a stepping stone to you getting closer to Ryder and Quinn." Naruto replied walking off as Jade leaned against the wall


Quinn was petting a messenger bird when Naruto walked in, "It appears I have ruffled the feathers of my fellow Barons. They view the possession of the Widow's oil fields as a violation of the Foundation Treaty. They want to parley."

"You'll be walking into an execution." Naruto stated

"Agreed. I need to make an alliance with a baron who hates me less than he hates the others."

"Jacobee." Naruto said

"I can't make a direct overture, but as I recall, you've a history with his regent." Quinn nodded

"I haven't seen Zypher in a long time." Naruto said

"Well, now's the moment to rekindle the relationship. Unless there's gonna be a problem." Quinn said

"Not at all." Naruto replied leaving as Quinn watched him

Getting into his car, Naruto drove off to a meeting point and waited before a Mustang pulled up and a blond woman walked forward with her sword in hand, "Hello, Zypher."

"You look like shit." Zypher smiled walking up to Naruto

"Good to see you, too.' Naruto smirked as Zypher sighed as she trailed a finger along his chin

"What are we doing here, Naruto? You miss me?" Zypher asked as Naruto grabbed her hand and lifted back as she smiled at him

"Quinn's not showing up at that parley." Naruto said

"He's making a mistake. Seems to be doing that a lot lately. Naruto, the other barons don't want a war. There hasn't been one in five years. Now, there is a way for you to stop all this. Avoid a lot of bloodshed." Zypher said with an significant look

"You think I'm gonna clip my own baron?" Naruto asked

"The other barons will recognize you for it. Jacobee will make sure of it. Then you all divide up the Widow's oil fields and everybody wins." Zypher said

Naruto frowned as Zypher smirked seeing that he was already thinking of it before he sighed, "I need you to arrange a meeting between Jacobee and Quinn."

"Ugh, loyal to a fault. What's in it for me?" Zypher asked

"What do you want?" Naruto asked

"Well, you have to ask?" Zypher asked with a smile leaning forward and kissing Naruto who returned the kiss, before she pulled away as she stroked Naruto's dick through his pants feeling it harden, before he picked her up by her hips and sat her in the hood of her car, as she took off her jacket and Naruto began to do the same as they undressed before Naruto grasped his dick and forced it into Zypher who moaned as he began to thrust causing the car to shake


Viel sighed as she read a book when the bells to the shop rung, before she walked out to see M.K, "What are you doing here? How did you get outside the wall?" she asked

"It's probably better you not know." M.K said causing Viel to raise an eyebrow

"I'm guessing you didn't tell Naruto you were coming? Considering he's out on a mission." Viel said knowing exactly what Naruto was doing with his ex

"Something smells good." M.K said walking to the kitchen as Viel walked him sit at the table before she chuckled slightly and fixed him a bowl of stew

"Oh, thank you." M.K said stuffing his face causing Viel to laugh

"You're welcome." Viel said, sitting down, "So your like Naruto."

M.K looked at Viel pausing in eating before she pointed to her eyes, "You know?'

"Course. Naruto used to be a hot head when we were kids and he protected me from a boar, the first time I saw his eyes like that." Veil said

"I'm still trying to figure out how you two ended up together. Normally, when Naruto shows up, people end up dead." M.K said causing Viel to frown

"Look, you didn't come here to hear my little story." Veil replied

"You have to read this book for me." M.K said taking the book he stole from the Widow and Naruto out his bag

"It's beautiful." Veil stated looking at the symbol, before she opened it, her eyes widening slightly at the Kanji, "I don't recognize this language."

The bells rung again, causing the two to look up, 'Hello." Quinn's voice sounded off and M.K immediately hid

"Baron?" Veil asked as she walked out front.

"Your door was unlocked. You should be more careful." Quinn said

"Where's your escort?" Veil asked noticing that Quinn was alone

"Oh, I sometimes walk alone. It helps to clear my head." Quinn said

"Is everything all right? Did something happen with Ryder?" Veil asked

"No, Ryder's fine, thanks to you. You took control of a desperate situation. I'm in your debt. Intelligence is an intoxicating quality in a woman." Quinn said walking up to Veil who was uncomfortable

"Please just tell me what you want."

"It's very simple. You saved my son. Now save me." Quinn said

Veil looked at Quinn confused as M.K who was listening clutched the book tighter
