Just a thought on a story. I will write the next chapter after seeing the reaction.

Chapter One

In apartment 4A, on 2311 North Los Robles Avenue, Pasadena Doctor Leonard Hofstadter and his wife Penny were enjoying their Monday evening. They had just finished cleaning up for dinner and Leonard decided to catch up some emails and Penny recieved a call from her sister. Leonard frowned as he noticed an email from one of those DNA companies that him and Penny got for each other for Christmas just for the fun of it. He looked over at his wife, who was in full conversation about her sister's new boyfriend. All he remembered Penny telling him that her sister got a divorce and was now dating. Leonard brought his attention back to the email. He opened it and said he had a notification on his profile. So he clicked the link and signed into it. Leonard deepest thoughts is was that Beverly was not biological mother. That was only hopeful thinking.

As Leonard clicked the notification, it read there was someone with a fifty percent match. Under that there was a message. Leonard's heart raced as he clicked the message and read.

Dear possible match,

My name is Jasmine Hart, I am eighteen years old and for the last four years I was in hope to finding my possible biological father. If there any possible way you knew my mother, Rita Aarons, let me know. I would love to hear from you.

Sincerely, Jasmine.

Leonard started to panic and hurried and closed his laptop. He had to go lay down. Leonard got up as he heard Penny say something to him, but did not understand what she was saying. Leonard automatically went to their bedroom and laid down.

As he laid there he thought about nineteen years ago. Leonard never dated anyone in college but for a good two months he had sexual relations with a Rita Aarons. He remembered he walked into the cafe on campus seeing this beautiful burnette crying her eyes out. Even at his shy self felt sorry for this woman. So Leonard appoached her and asked if she was okay. Rita told him no and asked him to join her. As he did, Leonard learned her fiance ended things due to him leaving going overseas with the Navy. At first they became good friends, then became friends with benefits. It never led to any more than that as Rita had decided to get back with her fiance. Leonard never saw her again.

Leonard had closed hisneyes as he delivered a headache, as he heard the bedroom door open. He opened his eyes as he saw Penny sit on the edge of her side of the bed with his laptop in her hands. He took a deep breath as he began to rub Penny's arm. Her look was full of worry and confusion, Leonard decided to say something, "I'm guessing you read the message."

Penny nodded with a straght face, "Yeah when you walked by I asked you what was wrong. Well apparently you did not hear me, so I hung up with my sister and went to see what had you all disoriented. You know I never look at your laptop but you had me worried. I'm sorry I read it, but what are you going to do?"

Leonard sighed with his eyes closed once more feeling if he should yell or cry. "Penny I really don't know and I'm the genius. It happened when I was nineteen and I only slept with her only for a few weeks before everything ended. I guess I was not a careful as I thought I was..." He opened his eyes again to watch Penny put his laptop on her end table. Then she repositioned herself so she was now laying on her side and began to play with Leonard's hair. Leonard took one hand a began to caress her cheek, "You're not going to leave me over this are you?"

Penny stopped and frowned down at her husband feeling upset, "No! Why would I You had no clue about this. That is what is upsetting me." She resumed playing with Leonard's hair but still frowning.

Leonard look was appologalic look, "I'm sorry Penny, it's just so much to process and then I was worried about how this could affect us...What should I do?"

Penny gave him a small resurring smile and scooted down a few inches and have her husband a peck on the lips. "Sweetie, I know this a lot and you thank you for thinking of us. Sweetie we will het through this, so lets just start with writing her back on what you know."

Leonard gave her a nod, "Okay...What would I do without you?"

Penny smiled biting her lip, "Oh I don't know, single and lonely."