We had been keeping it a secret for a couple weeks now. Ever since that night when i finally told him how i felt.

. . .

I have to do this, i thought as i gently knocked on his door. I stood out in the hallway of the boys dorm in my pajama shorts and a slightly cropped t-shirt. It felt like forever before he opened the door to see me staring at the ground playing with my finger pads.

"Oi, round face, what's up?" Bakugo said leaning against the door frame.

He was wearing a black fitted tank top and a pair of grey sweatpants with an earbud in one ear the other dangled down his chest.

"I...i uhh, was hoping i could uhh...come in and...talk to you." i stuttered still staring at the ground.

He opened his door wider and stepped aside to make room for me to come in. After a moment i finally stepped in and sat down on the edge of his bed, my usual spot, as he took a seat in his gaming chair in front of his tv. Before picking back up his own controller he handed one over his head to me.

"You wanna play with me? I mean i'm sure i'll just keep kickin your ass but it's worth a shot ehh?" he turned and winked at me with his signature smirk across his face.

My heart jumped into my throat and quickly looked away from his eyes back down to my fiddling fingers. "Uhh not thanks, i'm good for now."

He furrowed his brow giving me a weird look "what's going on Uraraka? You're acting all weird on me?"

I gulped my heart down and without raising my eyes mumbled "i need to tell you something...but i'm nervous."

He continued to look at me without saying anything. We sat there in silence for a while before he finally replied

"Well spit it out already!" he said louder than before.

"I...i just...i want to let you know...that...that i..uhh"

"WHAT IS IT, COME ON?!" he yelled throwing the controller to the ground.

"I LIKE YOU!" i yelled back squeezing my eyes shut and clenching my hands in my lap.

He stayed quiet again for a moment before letting out a small laugh.

"Well duh round face, i mean we wouldn't be friends if we didn't like each other."

I sighed knowing he didn't understand. This is going to be harder than i thought.

"No bakugo...it's not like that. I really like you...like...like more than just a friend." once i started letting it out i couldn't stop. "I don't know exactly when it happened but everytime i'm with you it just feels right. It's like i've seen this side of you i never knew existed and it just makes me so happy. I just keep finding myself always thinking about you, always wanting to be with you. No matter what i do i can't get you off my mind. And i didn't want to tell you because i'm pretty sure you don't feel the same way and i was so scared of ruining our friendship but i just can't keep this in any longer. I had to tell you or else i was going to go crazy. And i'm sorry and if you don't feel the same way it's okay, i want to stay friends, i don't think i can handle not having you in my life but i just had to tell yo-"

I was cut off by Bakugo leaning over me, his hands cupping my face. For the first time since i came in here i really looked into his eyes. I hadn't realized that tears were starting to fill mine as i stared back at him. He didn't say anything, just stared at me with my face sitting in his hands.

"Please...please say something Bakugo." i whimpered.

Another moment of silence went by before he brought his forehead down to rest on mine. Closing his eyes he breathed to me "you have no idea how long i've been waiting for this."

I gasped and his eyes opened again to look at me, quickly he brought his lips to mine. I was so surprised that i jumped and pulled back at first but one of his hands wrapped around the back of my head and pulled me closer. Finally i let in, letting our mouths explore each other.

I let out a small moan as his tongue ran across my bottom lip. I could feel his smirk as he sucked in my bottom lip, nibbling on it causing me to shiver. Without separating he gently pushed me back onto the bed and climbed on top of me bringing one of his knees between my thighs. I gasped feeling him rub up against me and involuntarily grinded back against him causing him to let out a growl.

I brought my hands to his chest and could feel the heat coming off him through his clothes, wrapping one arm around his neck and lacing my fingers through his hair i pulled him even closer to me. His hands started to run across my body, heat lingering everywhere he had touched. His hands worked their way up to my breasts and squeezed them through my shirt. My mind was going blank and without thinking I rolled my body against him in response to his touch. He took this as an invitation and quickly swept his hand under my shirt to fondle me more. The feeling of his thumb run across my bare, hard nipple sent shivers through my body and sent my mind spiralling in pleasure and fear. My head was telling me to stop, telling me this was moving much to fast but my body was reacting entirely on its own.

Bakugo growled again grinding against me and i could feel him swelling under his pants. He had made his way from my lips to my neck and was ferociously sucking, kissing and licking his way down towards my chest. Before he could pull my shirt up completely exposing my upper body i heavily breathed.

"Bakugo, wait."

He stopped and pulled away to look at me, his face a light shade of red and his eyes slanted and filled with lust. "Do you want me to stop?" he asked quietly.

"Yes...no...i don't know." i replied, my mind starting to clear enough for me to process what had just happened. A wave of embarrassment washed over me as I brought my hands up to cover my bright red face just to have him pull them away and pin them beside me.

"You know you're very cute when you're embarrassed." he commented with a smirk.

I turned another shade darker as i turned away unable to keep eye contact again.

"Don't worry, we won't do anything you're not ready for." he said rolling off me to lay on his back. He wrapped one arm under my waist and pulled me closer to him. Lying my head on his chest i started to fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

"Uraraka " he whispered


"You're mine now" he said pulling me closer to him.

"I'm yours" i breathed out before falling into a deep sleep.

. . .

But things were going to change. I was tired of being a secret.

"Bakugo why won't you tell anyone about us?" i asked him and we sat on his floor playing Tekken, him leaning up against his bed me lying in between his legs.

He grunted "because i don't want to deal with everyone making a big deal out of it, i like spending time with you alone and i don't want anyone interfering"

"I don't want to keep it a secret anymore though." i replied back

K.O flashed the screen after Bakugo had destroyed me with almost all his health left.

I sighed "it just feels to me like you're embarrassed of me or something."

Putting his controller down he wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled into my neck.

"I would never be embarrassed of you round face." he said dragging his lips against my skin. Chills ran through my body yet i still managed to pout and cross my arms over my chest. "Okay, fine. We won't keep this a secret anymore."

Excitedly i turned around in his arms to face him, a huge smile across my face. "Really! Are you sure?" i asked

"Of course, tomorrow night i have plant with some friends from class, you'll come with me." his hand grabbed my jaw gently and he pulled me inches away from his lips. "And after we'll come back here and i can play with you a bit" he said smirking as my face turned red.

That first night had been the farthest we had gone besides making out a few times. It's not that i didn't want to go all the way, i was just nervous. I mean i've had sex before but Bakugo has this wild energy to him that just overpowers me completely. It's both exhilarating and slightly frightening.

"We'll see how good you behave" i replied mirroring his smirk.

His eyes widened slightly in reaction to my comment before his lips turned into a devious smile. Pulling my face closer he kissed me until i let out a small groan. Slowly he trailed more kisses down my neck and back up to my lips while grabbing my waist.

Tomorrow's going to be interesting. I thought.

Hi everyone! i can't believe i am writing this right now! I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as i am enjoying writing it, i'm horrible with grammar so please let me know of any mistakes and feel free to give me any type of constructive criticism! thank! :3