sorry for the long wait .

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Chapter 4

Longing and waiting

The thought of being in Asgard on his own has Loki filled with dread. Angerboda was to drop him in Asgard and return to Jotunheim with the ship. Later one of his brother's will be sent.

And the family will arrive for all the ceremonies later on. If he wedding takes place. Which will only take place if Loki fails to put an end to it.

The flight had been uneventful no one stopped them for security checks. Asgard just let an unidentified ship enter their atmosphere and it didn't take a genius to guess who was behind it.

All of the soldiers air-craft moved away from their path.

Loki felt extremely irritated, when he lived in Asgard as a son of Odin everyone distrusted him and now everyone was allowing him...a Jotun enter Asgard with another Jotun without stopping him.

What a joke. Than again they probably were challenging him to do something just so they could attack Jotunhiem.

He had little faith in these broken minded people.

Angerboda was looking at him with ill-disguised curiously. He probably never dreamt of being able to enter Asgard with such ease.

Worrier three was standing on the rainbow bridge, no Sif, no Thor, no King or queen just Heimdall and Thor's three buffoon waiting impatiently for Loki.

He had ensured Angerboda that this isn't goodbye but he can tell Angerboda did not believe him.

"Say the word Loki and I will take you where Asgard will never find you." Offerd Angerboda while earnestly looking into Loki's eyes.

Loki knew that Angerboda wanted more than just his friendship, he wanted more than what Loki can offer.

He also knew that his brother Byleistr had feelings for Angerboda since childhood. So Loki never entertained the thought of himself with the worrier his brother had fallen for.

No matter how tempting it was at times.
He cannot be the reason of his brother's heartache.

" I thank you Angerboda for this courageous offer, but this situation is much bigger than you and I. I cannot risk the safety of Jotunhiem for selfish reasons. " Loki sighed at Angerboda's sorrowful gaze.
Why wont he understand that to Loki he is only but a precious friend. His first ever truest friend.

He does not want that to be tinted.

"That does not mean I will simply give up, it means I will try to stop this to the best of my ability." Loki ensured.

"This is not the end my friend. Jotunhiem is my home, I will always belong there. We will meet again and again...and again." Said Loki as he pulled Angerboda in for an comforting embrace.

" But you will be another worrier's mate." Angerboda whispered sadly into Loki's hair. "An Asir's mate."

Loki did not comment. For he did not know what his future held but one thing he was sure about was he and Angerboda had no future together.

For Loki Angerboda will always belong to Byleistr.

As SOON as Loki emerged from the ship the blazing temperature of Asgard hit him, and it was like being punched in the face by a blazing fist.

The buffoons bowed their head respectfully as Loki approached. "Welcome home prince Loki." Heimdall said and Loki saw that knowing gleam in his eyes.

'HE knows! Does everyone in Asgard knows the stupid plan Odin and his sire made?

Well isn't that embarrassing. He was always an outcast here, mocked for his use of Seidmadir. Always compared to women now they most be howling with laughter for he is truly half woman.

Fandral looked Loki from head to toe. He seemed to like what he saw as a big pleased grin graced his face.

Loki was much paler than before due to Jotunhiem being a cold sunless realm. His hair longer and he put on some healthy amount of weight.

He looked as if he was the truest definition of exquisite.
He was dressed in what looked like his usual clothing yet the colour is now black and blue with no green or gold in sight.

Fandral started to wondered if Loki was feeling alright as he noted Loki was sweating lightly. Loki hasn't said a word neither would he look at them.

Hogun decided to break the awkward silence. " Prince Loki we are to take you to prince Thor and from there you both shall visit the allfather and allmother together."

Loki nodded.

"Come on lads the foods awaits us, there's no point standing around." Volstagg eagerly lead Loki's old horse to him.

Fandral laughed.

"You could ride with me princess, If you do not remember how to ride I can always teach you." Fandral winked at Loki as he continued with his blubbing, "I'm an expert, I love riding and I love people who loves riding too."

Loki ignored these nonsense coming out of Fandral and climbed on his horse, with a small nod in Heimdall's direction he followed Hogun towards the palace.

This place was bringing these bitter sweet memories to surface. He was overcome with acute nostalgia for the days when this place was home. He could almost hear Frigga's voice, Thor's laughter. He could almost feel Frigga's gentle embrace and the press of Thor's forehead against his, the hand on his neck. He could feel Thor's breath mingling with his own.

" Did you have a pleasant journey to Asgard?" Volstagg asked as they were approaching the palace. Breaking Loki's wilde train of thoughts.

Theres no point thinking about these moments of weakness, no he didn't need to think of these small moments. He has to focus on the lies he has been told, the feelings of being neglected, being unloved and no respect from anyone . These were gonna help him not fall for sweet words. For fake affection.

"The journey had been wonderful it would have been much more appropriating if I didn't make it here at all. " Loki spat.

He all but welcomed the silence.

Loki set his mind on what he was going to do and that is to convince Thor to break this marriage.

This is madness. How can Thor even agree to this? They may not be blood brothers but they were brought up as one. Plus how was Thor and Odin planning on making this work? Thor loved womens. He didn't care about looks he only wanted them to be womens. That's all he ever needed in his bed partners.

The palace was situated on an isolated spot just outside the main town. with high security now more than ever as within few days more Jotuns are meant to come.

The horses smoothly entered the stable.

Suddenly Loki feels fear creeping it's way to his bones. This place is like a prison with all this extra guards around, Loki started to shiver at the thought of spending the rest of his life here, with everyone watching his every move when he walks around and lets not forget Heimdall.

This place made Loki feel trapped. He got used to the freedom, he loved his new life in Jotunhiem.

" Thor is waiting for you in his chamber" Hogun informed.

"I cannot wait to see you again Loki." Fandral almost sung. He never behaved like this back than. Perhaps the knowledge of Loki's anatomy has brought this change. Everyone knew Fandral will fuck anything that has a cunt. Than again that's all Asgardians.

Disgusting æsir.

Loki walked behind Hogun climbing the marble staircase with a growing feeling of dread.

There was a time when Loki use to enjoy strolling through this palace but today it looks nothing more then a gilded prison.

The guard outside Thor's chambers pushed the door open. Hogun turned to face Loki "You're belongings will be brought to your chambers soon. If you're anything like the Loki I remember then I'd say you have travelled lightly." He could almost hear the smirk in Hogun's voice as well as the hint of enjoyment.

Well of course Loki had packed lightly he wasn't planning on staying!

Loki smiled " Yes very lightly."

Hogun only chuckled " I will have to part ways with you here. I suggest for you to be on you're best behaviour. "

Loki's eyes narrowed at that, rather than putting him off these words encouraged him and fuelled his confidence to get out of this cursed place. To prove to these who licked the ground that Thor walked upon that Loki Laufayson will not be accommodating nor be submissive to Thor Odinson.

These who did so are all abomination.

Loki stepped inside and saw Thor sitting on a chair with his head buried on papers while talking quietly with a long blond haired woman sitting demurely on one of the gold brocade window seat close by. She looked like a high-born and seemed very familiar.

Loki couldn't help but take Thor's appearance in, he looked more muscled than Loki remembered, hair a bit longer and skin as golden as ever. He completely forgot the effect Thor had on him. He fought hard against the urges to run to Thor and pull him in on a bone crushing hug and tell how much he missed him over the years.

As a child Loki always trusted and adored his big brother but in return Thor mocked Loki to please his friends. He let Loki be insulted and be ignored. Being forgotten by the very people he called family did wonders to his already bruised heart so he retaliated the only way he could. Pranks.

Thor looked up and his face split into the brightest smile Loki has ever seen.


Thor dropped the papers he had been holding.
Thor was completely overwhelmed by the desire to hold Loki in his arms, to make sure that it was truly him in the flash.

His body moved on it's on accord towards Loki. Beautiful and elegant Loki. Mischievous and quick-witted Loki.

Finally Thor will right his wrong doings. Loki is finally home and Thor will spend the rest of his life making up for the pain he caused. It was his fault Loki had to be away from home, from mother. Thor will do anything to earn the forgiveness of his two most precious people.

His brother and his mother.

He will do anything to ensure Loki will never have to leave Asgard again. Without Loki the royal family was incomplete, without Loki he was incomplete. Without Loki his mother was heartbroken.

Never again will he let his mother's heart be broken.

He opened his arms to welcome Loki in them. To hold Loki after years of waiting and withering with guilt, continuously yearning to be united with Loki once more.

And now finally the waiting was over.

Just as he was about to touch Loki...

Loki's pale almost white as snow complexion changed to blue, green eyes to red. He was still as beautiful as ever.

But that was not what stopped Thor from touching is brother, it was the fact that Loki was snarling at him while gritting out "Do not touch me!"

It was as if the time stood still as Thor recovered from the shock of hearing hate in his brother's voice.

This is not what he expected.

He had expected Loki to be just as thrilled as he was to be united again.

