Disclaimer: I don't own Kim Possible, because that belongs to Disney. I also don't own anything pertaining to Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road. That one is from Minato Carnival. Some characters, place, and framework plot/events belong to them, otherwise they're only creations of my mind. I am not taking any monetary gain from this one.

Author's Notes!

Hey there!

Just finished my work load for the month and it seems I have spare time to write! And before I begin, I would like to thank to those who nominated my stories for the Fannies. I know I haven't been updating that much last year, but the support you guys are showing with my work is truly awesome, and I hope someday I can repay you with more interesting stories for you o enjoy. Thanks guys! Anyways, this is a fusion story, heavily inspired from the visual novel "Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road". (If you can't tell by this title, I don't know what to tell you, to be honest.)

Let's get this started! My name is kmtdiccion and I bring to you a brand new story titled...

"Possible's Pure Love Road"
by: kmtdiccion

"Welcome to Middleton!"

Colorado. One of America's fifty-two states encompassing most of the southern Rocky Mountains, the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau, and the western edge of the Great Plains. Inhabited by more than twenty million people, it is the 8th largest state by land mass and 21st in terms of population. And one of its'centerpieces is a medium-sized town named Middleton.

It's early June, the beginning of summer, and Middleton's longstanding tradition is about to begin.



The sound of rubber skidding on top of the asphalt and the incessant beeping of horns rang throughout the highway. A gang of bikers started hollering to everyone they meet on the road. All roadside couples quickly averted their eyes as they whistle and leer at them. An old businessman tried to cross when they suddenly zoomed past, nearly crashing on him. The poor man, too shocked by the chain of events, stumbled towards the adjacent trashcan. The whole gang cheered while speeding towards the riverside.

"Hoodlums are starting to gather again... This is why I hate Middleton sometimes." The man dusted himself off before letting out a sigh.

Meanwhile, riding the bike at dangerous speeds, one of the bikers shouted gleefully "So this is Middleton, the holy land for street racing~" The others just laughed in response. With the adrenaline still pumping through their veins, the gang zoomed through the streets. When the Colorado River came into view, one guy stood up from the passenger seat of the bike and shouted in exhileration"Man, get a load of that river! The breeze is so good, too."

"Wow, this is Middleton alright!" Another one spoke up when he saw a group of office girls leaving a building ahead of them. He blew a finger whistle while zooming past them, creating a strong gust of wind. The girls quickly grabbed on to their skirts, fearing it would flash their underwear to the public, and glared at the man, who was smiling impishly. "There's tons of good women wherever you look. Hahahaha!"

"You jerks! I hope you all rot in hell!"

The group laughed and responded "You shouldn't be outside this late in the night, missy. There's tons of us here!"

After a while, the gang saw a slender woman on the side, wearing a cheerful smile on her face. Her long wavy black hair danced along the wind, and her eyes sparkling with delight. Her skin was pale, but under the moonlight, it softly glows into light green. The boys stared at the woman and was thrilled to see someone so beautiful. One of them said "Whoa! Look at that chick!"

"Hyaahaah!" The one in front suddenly let his arm out and latched on to the plastic bag the woman is holding. She nimbly dodged the sudden attack but her prized possession met a different fate. Her prized liquor is now laying down on the cold concrete, shattered into little pieces, and its contents seeping through its cracks. The man laughed as he continued speeding down his lane "That's what happens if you just stand around! Hahaha!"

The woman stood is still standing still when the gang last saw her before taking a steep turn from the intersection. "But now that we're in Middleton, how are we gonna make a name for ourselves?"

"All we gotta do is to fuck up anyone who looks at us the wrong way. This is Middleton, after all!" The other responded, making the entire group laughed manically. The one continued while standing on top of his motorbike "The holy land for delinquents, with more than a hundred gangs littered throughout the town! This is the infamous Middleton!"

"If we make a name for ourselves here as 'Hurricane', we'll be famous across the country!" The gang cheered on. "Let's crush Middleton! Let's go!"

"... And, stop!" their ride was cut short when a woman stood in front of them, the girl was slender and her skin tanned, yet the aura she releases is not something to be taken lightly. Combing her shoulder-length brown hair with her hand, she smiled at them with a wicked gleam in her eyes "Hmm... I heard there were some fresh ones here."

The girl started pointing at them and counted "One, two, three... nine of you in total. Not bad, I guess."

"The hell are you doing girl? Don't you know-Gh?!" The leader got off his bike and started to sneer at the girl when a bright light suddenly shone all around them, temporarily blinding the gang. When he recovered his sight, he was shocked to see numerous people surrounding him wearing trench coats similar to the one standing in front of them, who now has four people standing up behind her. The girl in question meanwhile, never released her smile and continued:

"Middleton's never really had a peaceful summer, which means it is the perfect season to get assets like you." A convoy of motorcycles started circling around them, making the entire gang feel intimidated with fear. She finished with a bright grin on her face, saying "Hello, I am Bonnie Rockwaller, and welcome to MY Middleton!"

Bonnie Rockwaller
"Queen B"

All bravado and pride were entirely washed from the leader's body when he surveyed everything around him. He muttered with anxiousness etched on his words "W-Whats with all these people? It's not like there's ten or twenty of them..."

"Looks like today's my lucky day. Food Chain's 98 strong right now. I'll finally get into the triple digits." She murmured with a smile that sends them waves of shivers through their bodies. Her people surrounding them are now staring at them like a cornered prey before its predator. Having enough of it, the leader once again said:

"F-Food Chain? Who the fuck are you?"

That question made the brunette furrow her brows. "You don't know me?" She stared at the guy one more time before letting out a smirk "I knew you didn't look familiar. So you're just some country bumpkins talking big. Get with the times."

And before the leader could shout out a retort, Bonnie quickly dismissed him with a wave of her hand and said "Well, whatever. As long as you have the mental faculties necessary to grovel at my feet, I, Bonnie Rockwaller, would let even a monkey like you be a subordinate of mine."

"T-This... This girl is making me a fool!" Her statement made him snap. Growling with anger rising to his head, the leader snarled at the girl "Don't get too cocky, you bitch! If you think Hurricane's gonna bend over just because you have numbers, then you're in for a hell of a treat!" He brandished a lead pipe from his back and started running towards the girl. Bonnie let out a sigh and said "How spirited. Okay, if you really want me to, then I guess we can start with some education."

But before the boy could land a hit, a force akin to a speeding truck suddenly crashed into him and was sent flying across the street and into the river. Bonnie and the rest of the Food Chain went still when they saw the woman standing in front of them. The gang's eyes quickly went wide when they saw the same woman with the plastic bag from earlier. She stared at the man who is now unconscious, before closing her eyes. The brunette, meanwhile, muttered "Tch. It's 'Massacre'. This is troublesome."

The black haired woman now named 'Massacre' opened her eyes and asked the wilting group with a menacing glare "Now who was it who ruined my bliss?"

"What's with this woman? She just sent our him flying about ten meters with that kick!" One of the members of Hurricane murmured with disbelief, not noticing the constantly thinning out of forces surrounding them. With a loud clap, Bonnie Rockwaller shouted to the Food Chain "Recruiting is cancelled! We're leaving!"

And before they could voice their question, the army that was amassed by the brunette earlier quickly left them at the mercy of the demon, who is still letting out killer instinct that could knock out a full grown cow. The green woman puts her hand on her hips and ordered "Buy me a new bottle before the next time the thought 'I'm thirsty' crosses my mind. If you can't..." She let out a demonic smile and finished "... it'll be a massacre!"

"Wha-?!" And before anyone could move an inch, her hands quickly glowed green and instantly moved towards them. Her eyes were blazing with blood lust running through her veins. The remaining able members of Hurricane couldn't even let out a whimper when the last thing they heard from her is those two words:



Meanwhile, at an abandoned shack...

"Ah, man. I was so close to getting our 100th member, too." Bonnie muttered while kicking the dust off her feet. This night is supposed to be the night her Food Chain would shoot out to the league of legendary gangs whose members are in the hundreds, and even at one point thousands. She turned around when she felt a pat on her back and saw her smiling confidante and right hand member, Tara, comforting her in ways only she could.

"Don' worry, B. This happens sometimes, y'know. We will get there, rest assured."

Bonnie let out a small smile for her when they heard a whimpering girl who stumbled outside the alley. She looked completely terrified and was shivering uncontrollably. "Hiiiih! Hiiiih! She's a monster!" It looks like one got away. The brunette thank the gods above for her small mercies and started walking towards the lone member of Hurricane. When the two locked eyes, she started asking her "W-What's with that woman? The nine of us faced twenty people before, but she took us all out on herself!"

Tara giggled and asked in a teasing manner "Hahahahaha! You wanted to take on Middleton after taking on just twenty people? You're all complete idiots, y'know?" That line made the girl look at her stonily. The blonde girl continued "Hahahaha! I love your guts, girl!"

Bonnie clapped her hands to earn back her attention and said to her "Taking down twenty people isn't enough to challenge Middleton nowadays, much less challenge me, Bonnie Rockwaller, and my 98-strong Food Chain." She pointed at the girl and smiled "And with you I'll have 99. Make our newcomer feel welcome everyone."

The blonde girl, together with some girls, grabbed onto her and helped her stand up, but she retaliated "Gh. Stop it! You'll end up in big trouble if you lay a hand on me! We've got Big John on our side! He's the strongest brawler in the West! He's fucked up forty people already! If he comes here and sees-"

"Forty people? Sounds impressive.I want him as my subordinate..." Bonnie murmured with slight interest before grinning again "But that's still isn't enough. If you want to come to Middleton, you need to easily beat at least one hundred people!"

On an open lot somewhere on the outskirts of Middleton...


Big John loves to fight. Ever since he was little, he was already a serious troublemaker. Almost everyday he would be sent to guidance counselors and rehabilitation centers because he always end up gob smacking his opponents to near comatose state. His parents tried to steer him away but his rage is uncontrollable, and thus they ended up giving up to their pipe dream. He had joined numerous underground fight clubs and he is quickly climbing up the ranks of being the undefeated fighter. He had faced numerous techniques and he would always beat them all with his sheer might.

But, none of them could prepare him for this one.

He was lying on the grass, groaning from the extreme pain he is feeling, just like the fifty-nine others currently unconscious. And they weren't no joke either. They were black belters, athletes, the most heinous criminals in the West, and yet all of them including himself were defeated by the lone woman standing at the center of the mass of bodies. Her auburn red hair flowing gently with the wind. She let out a big sigh and whispered "The wind feels good. Looks like summer has come."

"Ghah.." He groaned again, but this time it earned her attention. She stared at the man for a moment before muttering "Weaklings." She raised her hand and called for one of her group's members "Joce, cleanup's yours."

A short-haired girl with freckles on her face smiles at her and said "Right, cousin!"

She was about to help the wounded the nearest hospital when Big John tried to talk, completely baffled by the result of his fight "I'm... I'm Big John... I've forty people and all of them I crushed easily... up until now..." He was stopped when he heard a small laugh coming from the redhead who just handed him his first loss. "Only forty? That's just a rookie's number. If you want to challenge Middleton," She stared at the man with eyes bearing no sympathy to the wounded "Come back after crushing 1,000 people."

Jocelyn just laughed lightly and murmured before 'cleaning' up the place "Well, that's cousin Kim for you. She pretty darn strong, so I don't blame you if you lose. She's Middleton's Bloody Fox for a reason y'know?"

Kim Possible
"Bloody Fox"

It's early June. In this town where unsavory characters meet, Middleton's summer begins.

A/N's: Welp, here's the start of another story. Yeah, I'm sorry if I made this even if I still have so many others waiting for an update. I am really polishing them to the point I deem it alright to publish. So I know this is too much, but wait for more! :)

Thanks for reading!

'til next time!
- kmtdiccion