Raphael, the hyperactive 6-year-old he was, raced down the halls, slipping and sliding into walls but not stopping for anything. Right behind him was the 4-year-old Gabriel, who was just as excited as his brother. They rushed into the kitchen, having smelt the delicious scent of something they had not smelled in many years.


A voice behind them yelled and their two older brothers, Lucifer ( 12 ) and Michael ( 17 ), came racing down the same hallway, brilliant grins on their faces.

" Beat you!"

Lucifer teased, sticking out his tongue at the brunette. They both took a seat next to their little brothers at the island.

" Did not!"

Michael frowned. A gentle laugh.

" Alright, boys. Come on. We have to get ready. Dad is expecting us in his study at 10."

Elora, Michael's twin sister, said, putting an equal amount of pancakes on their plates. All four boys simultaneously drowned them in syrup. Elora stared unbelievably at Gabriel, who also decided to drown his pancakes in melted chocolate and caramel.

" Gabriel, I swear to Father, one day, you're going to have a cavity."

The youngest frowned.

" I don't think that's possible."

He said, before burrowing his head into his food. Elora sighed and started to eat her own pancakes, causing all four of the brothers to stop and stare at her incredulously.

" Elora?"

Lucifer started.

" You do know that those are pancakes."

He said. She frowned.

" Yes. What of it?"

He shifted uncomfortably.

" They have sugar in them."

Elora's eyes lightened with understanding and she laughed.

" Honestly, guys. Just because I enjoy eating healthy doesn't mean I can't have some pancakes once every few years."

Michael raised an eyebrow at her.

" True, but the last time that happened, it was on the day Father introduced us to Gabriel. So what's the occasion this time?"

Elora put a finger to her lips, a familiar mystery smile already on them.

" Patience, dear brother. You'll see."