The town called Storybrooke had become Emma Swan's new home because that was where her son lived. Ever since Henry had come into her life four years ago, she wanted to get to know him. His other mom, Regina Mills, had slowly warmed up to the idea that they should spend more time together. Regina had made it a requirement for Emma to come to dinner on Fridays and that the only time she was allowed to miss it was if she was called away on duty.

The two women had been developing a friendship and Henry was very happy that he had two moms instead of one. There were times when the three of them spent time together and it wasn't something Regina made Emma do like the dinners.

Emma loathed Hook and hated that he kept following her around like a lost puppy. She couldn't go anywhere without Hook being close behind her. He constantly kept trying to ask her out.

It was Friday morning and Emma was in Granny's diner to eat her usual breakfast. As she sat down at her favorite booth and was enjoying her coffee and bear claw, she saw a familiar figure standing at her table. She immediately knew who it was because the lights made the pirate's hook shine brighter.

"Hello Swan, fancy seeing you here this morning."

Emma put down her bear claw on a napkin, "What do you want? I'm trying to enjoy my bear claw and coffee before work."

Hook leaned against the table,"It's not very nice for a lass to ignore someone that's trying to woo her."

"Well Hook, I'm not someone that you can woo so just forget it."

"I don't give up that easily, Swan.'

"If I say yes to a date, then will you leave me alone for the rest of the day?"

Hook nodded.

"Fine, we'll go on one date and that's it."

The pirate grinned, "I will see you tonight for dinner on the Jolly Roger at seven."

He walked out the door feeling triumphant and Emma resumed eating her bear claw. She couldn't believe that she had agreed to going on a date with him. After the incident in Neverland, Hook wasn't someone that she ever wanted to have a relationship with.


When she went to Neverland with Hook, the two of them were following Regina through the jungle. Hook had touched her shoulder to stop her from walking. She thought that he wanted to talk to her, but he chose that moment to try to kiss her. Emma had shoved him away before he was able to and told him that if he tried it again, she would leave him in Neverland. Hook wasn't one to give up easily. After they had returned to Storybrooke, Emma had ignored his attempts to woo her.


Emma finished her breakfast and went through her routine like she normally did. It was 6:45PM by the time she was driving to the dock to meet Hook. She arrived at seven and saw Hook waiting for her at the entrance of the Jolly Roger. She parked her car and followed him inside his ship.

He pulled her chair out and she sat down at a table that had a bottle of wine with burgers and fries on paper plates. It was an odd combination to have for dinner.

"I know that love burgers and fries, Swan."

"Yeah, I love eating them, but I wouldn't consider it as something you eat on a date."

"The wine is what makes it a date."

"Did you get this from Granny's Diner?"

"No, I made it myself. I don't like that device known as an oven, so I found another way to cook it."

Emma lifted the bun and saw that the burger was overcooked and the fries were starting to get soggy. She was already regretting accepting this date because Regina probably made her delicious homemade lasagna. Emma didn't tell Regina that she actually liked spending time with her.

After Neverland, Emma started developing feelings for the older woman. It was surprising because she had never been attracted to a woman before. She tried to ignore it, but the dinners had made her feelings stronger. She felt like she finally had her own little family.

Regina looked down at her watch and saw that it was 7PM. Henry and Regina were sitting at the dinner table with the lasagna on the table. Henry kept glancing at the door expecting Emma to come through the door any moment now. Regina pursed her lips and Henry could tell that his mom was going to have a "good talking" to.

Regina cleared the plates, Henry went to play videos games for a few hours. Henry knew that his other mom was going to be in a lot of trouble the next morning.

Emma was pacing outside of Regina's house and waited for her to come to the door. Regina had called Emma a few hours ago and told her to be at her house, no excuses. So there Emma was getting very impatient with Regina with her Sheriff badge on her hip.

Emma stopped pacing, moved right up to the front door, and slammed it as hard as she could.

"Regina, open this damn door!"

She heard movement in the house and then the front door opened. Regina opened the door and wore what she considered to be casual. To her, casual was wearing a red blouse, black suit jacket, and dark grey slacks.

"Miss Swan, you're fully capable of ringing the doorbell, aren't you?"

"Don't you 'Miss Swan' me, Regina."

She blocked the entrance and Emma put her foot in the door.

They were so close to each other at this point that if Emma moved a little closer, their bodies would touch.

"You called me over here and now you won't even let me in the door. What the hell?"

"Talking to you doesn't require me to let you into my house."

Emma let out a frustrated sigh, "Regina, I told you that I couldn't make it because I was with Hook."

"Miss Swan, you knew how important it was to make it to dinner." Regina said flatly and Emma saw the rage she felt through her eyes.

"If you didn't want to come, then you should've notified me a few days prior and not the day of the dinner." Regina snapped at Emma and raised her hand that was now glowing.

Emma kept her eyes focused on Regina's hand, "Regina, I would've told you sooner if I could."

"That's not acceptable, Miss Swan. You should've put in more effort."

Emma lifted her arms up to defend herself as she saw the glow turn brighter. After the light had faded away, Emma thought she would have part of her clothes burnt. They weren't in front of Regina's house anymore.

Oh no.