"Papa," the boy said nervously looking towards his father. He was doing his best to be brave but his body still shook with fear.

The child was being held by a beast of a man standing behind him with a knife dangerously close to his neck. Across from them was the boy's father kneeling on the ground being held in place with a knife to his throat. Fire and smoke surrounded them as the farm that belonged to the man and his son burned to the ground into nothing more then ash.

"Do what you wish with me but for the love of God give my son mercy. Charles is just a child, he has nothing to do with this," the man begged.

A large bald man casually walked between his captives. He spared the child a brief glance before turning his attention to the man.

"You've been selfish Alexandre. All I've done here is provide safety and peace of mind for a small fee to the farms here and this is the thanks I get," the man said.

"You 've done nothing more then terrorize innocent people into giving you what little they have. Destroyed homes and farms when they refuse your ridiculous demands, something needed to be done Labarge!" the man replied.

The man gave his captive a sinister smile before he replied, "Perhaps you're right…However, trying to write to the king about us was a mistake that you and the boy will pay for."

Before Alexandre could say anything else, the man behind him quickly ran the knife across his neck.

The boy felt the knife go across his neck and the white hot pain that followed coarse through his neck. The man holding him, dropped him to the ground without care before walking away from his victim.

Charles laid in the long grass, feeling terrified as he looked up at the stars and listened to the crackle of the flames that destroyed his home. Terrified and alone, the child closed his eyes and prepared himself to join his father in the afterlife.

Off in the distance he could hear voices calling out. Slowly the voices got louder and louder as they cried out for him and his father.




"Charles?" a voice close to his ear said jolting the boy awake from his nightmare.

"Peace lad, we're here. Not much further now," a kind voice said and the boy quickly remembered where he was.

Charles had not woken from a nightmare but a memory. Opening his eyes and not being in his own bed on the farm, listening to his papa hum as he made breakfast, was the true nightmare.

By some trick of fate, young Charles had not bled out from his injuries that horrible night. He had been miraculously saved by Monsieur Garrett and his farm hands. They got him to the village doctor just in time to save his life. As the child recovered, Garrett and his wife had made plans to get the boy to his godfather. Alexandre D'artagnan often spoke of his old friend Jean Treville and trusted no other with his most precious treasure.

This brought young Charles here in Paris. Monsieur Garrett had brought him here himself out of respect for Alexandre. He had never met his father's old friend but had heard all the stories about him and the other musketeers. The boy thought he would be excited when he would finally lay eyes on the Musketeer garrison. Now all he felt was scared and heartbroken.

Monsieur Garrett stopped the horse right in front of the gate. He hoped off before helping Charles down off the steed.

"Remember Charles, first impressions are important. Monsieur Treville, I'm told, is a kind man but a musketeer holds a high regard for respect and honor," Garrett explained gently as he led the boy towards the gate.

Charles nodded nervously before the farmer smiled at the boy and added, " I have no doubt that he will very impressed with you my boy."

The child looked up at the man and gave him a grateful smile. He was glad that Garrett had been his guide to Paris, he and his wife had always been kind to him and his father.

The pair made their way through the gate to the garrison. Charles couldn't keep his eyes off all the soldiers in blue as he followed Monsieur Garrett through the crowd. They were giants compared to him and it made Charles a little nervous to say the least. They reminded him of the men who attacked him and his father. Being surrounded by them was not helping things. Charles started to panic a little when one of the men gave him an odd look. He turned to catch up with Monsieur Garrett, only to slam into something that felt like leather.

"Oi!" a voice yelled in surprise.

Charles felt himself fall backwards before he was suddenly stopped by someone fisting the front of his shirt. The boy grabbed onto the hand holding him as his breathing quickened slightly.

"Aww well now. How'd a pup like you get in here eh?" A deep voice rumbled.

Charles quickly found his feet before he looked up at the massive man with dark skin. He didn't wear blue like the other musketeers but he gave off the aura of a soldier. He was terrified, this was by far the biggest man he'd ever met.

The man quickly noticed the fear in the child. He made sure the boy was steady on his feet before he let go of his shirt and knelt down in front of him.

"Where'd ya come from lad?" the man asked gently.

When the boy didn't answer him the man gave him annoyed look and said, "It's rude not to answer someone, ya know,"

"He is with me Monsieur," a voice said and both Charles and the man looked up to see Monsieur Garrett.

"This is your boy?" the man confirmed.

"Just his temporary guardian. Forgive his lack of response sir...it's not that he will not answer you but that he cannot answer you," the farmer explained.

It was at that moment that the soldier noticed a bandage wrapped around the child's neck. There was definitely a story there and he wanted to know it if only to skewer the person responsible for the child's injury.

"Perhaps you can help us. Where would we find Jean Treville?" Garrett asked.

The man looked surprised before he replied, "The captain? In his office more then likely."

It was Garrett's turn to look surprised as he gazed in the direction the man was pointing in.

"I see, we should be on our way then. Come along Charles," Garrett said as he grabbed the frightened boy's hand.

"My thanks for your assistance Monsieur," the farmer added as he nodded his head.

The other man nodded his head and spared another curious glance at Charles. Garrett quickly led the boy towards the stairs that led to Treville's office. The closer they got to the door, the more anxious the child became about meeting his father's old friend. He squeezed his guardian's hand as the farmer knocked on the door.

The day was an ordinary one for Captain Treville. The man grumbled as he sorted through his paperwork until he heard a knock on the door. He looked up at the door in confusion. Treville hadn't been expecting anyone today and had asked not to be disturbed.

Against his better judgement the captain yelled, "Come in."

He put his papers down and fixed his face with an annoyed expression for the soldier who dared to disturb the captain. However, when his guests walked in, his bright blue eyes quickly went wide with shock. He didn't recognize the older man walking in holding his hat, but he would know the boy anywhere.

"Monsieur or Captain rather. My name is Garrett of Lupiac Gascony-"

"What's happened to Alexandre?" Treville demanded as he shot to his feet.

Charles stepped back when the man rose but it was at the mention of his father that made him tense up. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Monsieur Garrett giving him a confident smile.

Garrett then turned his attention to Treville before he explained, "Perhaps we could discuss this privately."

The captain looked between the farmer and the boy before he nodded his head in agreement. He rubbed a hand over his face before he turned his gaze to the child. He smiled slightly when Charles noticed he was being watched and tried to stand a little taller.

"Lad, could you give us a moment?" Treville asked in a gentler tone.

Charles nodded his head before he nervously made his way out the door. Once he was out of the room Garrett turned his attention to Treville.

"He's grown so tall since I saw him last, he was just a babe then. Looks like his mother," Treville commented.

"He's got his father's heart, pride, and Gascon stubbornness though. Been a bit timid since the fire though…I think he's still a bit scared," Garrett replied.

"What happened?" Treville asked.

"Got our theories but Charles is the only one who knows for sure. Alexandre was trying to have something done about a brute by the name of Labarge terrorizing us all. Next thing we know his farm is in flames and he's murdered in cold blood, god rest his soul. We were barely in time to save the boy. Found him bleeding out in the grass with his throat slit," the farmer explained.

Treville clenched his fists trying to contain his rage before he asked, "Why bring him here?"

Garrett gave the captain a confused look before he replied, "Surely you already know the answer to that. Alexandre made you godfather to his only child."

Treville looked at the man as if he had grown an extra limb. When he had agreed to be Charles' godfather, he had dreams of his best friend's son growing up alongside his own children. That was before he had become captain…before he lost his wife and unborn son.

"I am in no position to take on that kind of role. You cannot just walk in here and demand this of me," he argued.

"There is no one else who can take him. Everyone is our community is to scared to take him because of Labarge and we all have our own children to care for. If you cannot take him then his fate falls into the hands of the court of miracles," Garrett replied.

The air became thick with tension as the two men stared at each other. The farmer did not want to force the man into such a drastic ultimatum but he was desperate. If Treville wouldn't take him then Garrett may be forced to take him to the court or find him a job on another farm.

Garrett thought perhaps his plan worked to well. A chill went down his spine as a dark expression fell on the captain's face.

"You would send an injured boy to fend for himself amongst beggars in the street!" Treville growled.

"I have no choice! I love that boy but I can barely scrape by without adding another soul to be responsible for. You are his only chance," Garrett said defending himself.

Treville glared at the farmer before he began pacing around the room. He did not want to see that boy living on the streets of Paris but being responsible for raising him terrified him. Finally, after what felt like hours the captain came to a decision.

Charles stared down at the two men dueling with swords. He'd never seen anything like it in his young life and he was completely entranced. His father had taught him a bit of how to use a sword. That sword was currently strapped to Monsieur Garrett's horse and his only possession of his home and family that were no more.

The boy stood on his tip toes to get a better look at the fight but quickly regretted that choice when the loose railing lurched forward. Luckily it wasn't enough to break the railing but it was enough to send one of the centre pieces of wood trim tumbling down at the two swordsmen below.

The two men quickly jumped out of the way just time. They both looked down at the piece of wood before looking up at the terrified boy staring back at him with wide eyes.

The younger swordsman looked up at the boy with a scowl and cold blue eyes. The way he held himself seemed out of place amongst soldiers as he held himself as if he were noble. Charles was instantly terrified of him.

The older fighter in blue smirked at the boy before he said, "Ya see Atos? This is why I keep saying the captain needs to get these railings looked at."

"You often expect children in the garrison Serge?" the younger man asked sounding annoyed.

"Expect everything at any given time my boy," Serge replied before turning his attention to the boy.

"Ya alright lad?" he asked gently.

Charles simply nodded his head quickly but didn't move. The younger fighter glared at him with an offended look. He looked as though he was about to scold the boy before the sound of a door opening got their attention.

The captain quickly walked out of his office followed by Monsieur Garrett. He looked at Charles with a confused look before looking over the rail at the two men below.

"Everything alright Lieutenant?" Treville asked.

"Of course sir. Think the lad may have given himself a fright with the rail. Needs to be tightened," Serge replied.

Treville nodded before he turned to Charles and said, "Follow me. We need to speak, you and I."

The boy nodded his head before he nervously started following the captain. When Charles noticed Garrett wasn't following him, he stopped and looked at the farmer with a confused look.

The farmer smiled at the boy and explained, "This is a talk between you and the good captain lad. I'll be here when you're done."

Charles smiled at the man before following the captain into his office.

That's all for now. Review and let me know what you think.