Hiya! Sorry to leave that last one as a bit of a cliff hanger! I'm writing this at the same time as the previous chapter so sorry if I haven't had a chance to respond to any reviews! I've tried to make this fic as unisex as possible but in this chapter it was rather difficult so I apologise. If you haven't checked out my other fic 'Things androids are better at' then please do! And I will be uploading a fluffy one shot soon. As always this was BETA'd and heavily edited by my best friend and bro.

After Connor left, you felt terrible. Why did you always have to push people away. You looked at the clock to see that it was coming up to lunchtime and you needed to take your painkillers. You made your way over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water to take your tablets with. On the way back to the living room you made a detour to the freezer to grab a tub of Ben and Jerrys(™) to sulk with.

After you created a duvet cocoon on the sofa and warmed the tub sufficiently to get to the chocolatey contents you decided to put a film on.

You were always a bit of a nerd growing up, always with your head in a book. You must have read hundreds of books in your time alive and was one of the few people, along with Hank, that kept paper books. Out of all the books you had read, one stuck with you, Pride and Prejudice. A strong headed woman who falls in love with an awkward man with rises and falls in their relationship. Now that's what you call a classic.

With your hands full with ice cream and tissues you opted to watch the film rather than read. You weren't really concentrating on the film, already being able to recite the words from the number of times you had seen it. You were lost in thought. Staring at Darcy you realised the similarities to Connor. He was beautiful, had no concept of social niceties but was honest and loyal. All the things you loved about him.

The comparisons caused another bout of sobs from you and you realised moping wasn't going to get you anywhere. It was time to get up, shower and look rA9 damn amazing.


After formulating a plan with Hank about how to win you back and to explain how he felt, Connor decided he needed a new outfit. After browsing the nearest suit store to Hank's house (he may be an android but he was still a man); Connor picked out a simple dark slate suit combined with a navy blue bow tie, remembering how you said that you thought they were cool at one point on a stakeout.

The next thing to get were the flowers. After extensive research he found that humans commonly gave roses to show romantic interest to a significant other and decided that traditional humanity was the way to go for his grand plan.

He drove to the florist that was around forty minutes outside of the city. It was a profession that was slowly dying out, wilting from a lack of attention with the and people opting for technological gifts for their significant other over something as fragile as a flower. They had to be perfect. Connor analysed every single rose that they had, much to their infuriation as he was 'scaring off his customers', not that there were many. Whether it was because of Connor or the fact that people just didn't buy flowers anymore, Connor couldn't tell. One thing for sure was that people still weren't quite comfortable with sentient androids yet but it didn't phase Connor.

-Cut 2.5 hours ago-


-length of life: approximately 6.4 days-



When the film finished you decided it was time to feel good about yourself. Walking to the main bathroom, you set the shower to mildly scalding, no one likes a cold shower, and proceeded to wash your hair. The mango and coconut scent flooded your senses in a shroud of fragrance.

After washing the rest of your body, you turned off the shower, looking redder than you probably should, and grabbed a towel to wrap yourself in.

The soft fabric covered your body, warm from resting on the radiator, you felt safe. It reminded you of waking up with Connor's jacket around your shoulders. Encapsulated. Protected.

Walking into your bedroom, you spot your shea butter moisturiser and decided to treat yourself. You were an incredible detective and person, you deserved to have smooth skin.

You generously lather yourself in moisturiser, letting it soak in whilst you searched your wardrobe for something to wear. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Yes.

Turning to the full length mirror in your room you checked yourself out, admiring your choice is clothing. You looked good. You contemplated going out but remembered that you had only taken your painkillers an hour or so ago and were likely to fall asleep in a random place if you went out. You may be trying to prove your independence but you weren't stupid.


After getting all of the ingredients for his plan, Connor parked in the car park outside your apartment complex.

He held a knife in his hand.

To anyone walking by, he must have looked like one of the poshest murders in Detroit. The hours had passed and the light had faded dramatically, the rain outside switching to snow. A shadow caused by the contrast of Connor raising the knife to his head by the harsh street lamps made the whole scene even more suspicious.

He pushed the knife at an angle into his temple just below his LED. With one swift movement, he twisted the knife upwards and a small clinking sound drew his attention to the handbrake.

He rubbed the spot where his LED had once been and his artificial skin repaired and covered the spot. Looking into the centre mirror, he realised how human he looked. Connor contemplated this. He looked human, acted human and felt emotions. He felt love. He was alive.

He was ready to win you back.


Just as you sat down, you heard a knock at the door. That was quick, you had only ordered the pizza not even ten minutes ago. You opened the door to see Connor standing the other side looking frankly incredible. You smile as you notice the bow tie and the rose in his left hand, extended out to you.

"Hello [Y/N]" His voice was low and nervous and to you, adorable.

"Hey" You were surprised you managed to even get that out. A storm of emotions flooded your mind, leaving it ironically blank.

"May I come in?" Connor gave you an awkward smile, apparently not expecting to get this far but glad nonetheless.

You just nod in approval and close the door after him as he entered. He just stood in the living room and looked at you expectantly, suddenly remembering something.

"I got you this rose…" He handed you the pristine flower, your hands touching as you took it from him, electricity flowing between you two.

"Thank you." You blush at the sweet gesture but still slightly unsure of why he was here and exactly what he wanted to do. It all seemed a bit extreme to come to your home, all dressed up and with a rose (not that you were complaining, eating your body weight in ice cream probably wasn't the best way to spend your evening).

As you surveyed his appearance you noticed something different about him but couldn't put your finger on it. You couldn't tell what he was thinking, usually he has his LED- his LED. That was it. It was gone. He looked so human without it, like the last remaining part of his past was just ripped out. You wanted to ghost your fingers over the site where it once was but now wasn't the time.

Walking into the kitchen, you got a pint glass and filled it with water. Connor's eyes followed you the whole time; unable to deny that you looked and smelt amazing. Placing the rose in glass so it wouldn't die, you walked back to Connor was standing, much like a puppy who's owner had told to stay.

"Why are you here, Connor?" You look into his big brown eyes with sorrow, just waiting to get hurt again.

"I feel as though we had a misunderstanding earlier." You snort in response.

"The past 3 months have been the worst of my existence. I missed you. I missed your smile, your sarcastic comments, your brilliant mind. You were helpless and I couldn't do anything to protect you. It scared me."

Tears had started to form in his eyes as he continued to stare into your soul.

"The thought of a world without you seemed pointless. Then you woke up. My world woke up with you. I knew I was deviant before but it felt like the whole process again."

During his speech the two of you had gotten closer together and he was now holding both of your hands in front of him with such tender affection. You knew you should say something but there was something mesmerizing about the way he spoke to you, like he had a voice just reserved for you. It was comforting.

"Then I kissed you and I knew that I liked you but the thought of losing you after that? I knew it would break me. I pushed you away because I thought I could protect the both of us better, But I was...wrong."

Both of you were crying now, tears streaming down both your faces. You smile at the big idiot in front of you to which he responded in kind, making your stomach flip.

Connor took a deep breath.

"I love you [Y/N]. And I am so sorry if I ever made you think otherwise. You make me human. There is no more android Connor, just the two of us being very human."

You don't know if it was his declaration or painkillers that made you act so rashly. Grabbing his wet face tightly you pulled him into a kiss. It was messy and salty from the tears. It was perfect.

You had to break the kiss due to the both of you smiling from ear to ear. You knew there would be more to talk about in the coming days but for now you weren't going to ruin the moment. It was clear that he had put effort in this and there was no way Hank wasn't involved (you'd have to thank him later). You weren't going to ruin the moment. This was what you wanted from the start.

"From my research I feel as though you're meant to say something back." The usual confident, sassy Connor was back and he was yours.

"I love you too, you big plastic idiot." You smirked and pulled him in for another kiss as he swept you off your feet as if you were in a film. You curled your body into his muscular frame, wrapping your arms around his neck and rested your head in his neck to inhale is sandalwood scent combining with the mango of your shampoo.

"[Y/N]?[Y/N]?" Connor asked meekly as he placed you onto your bed, only to realise you had fallen asleep in the short time it took him to carry you from the living room to your bedroom.

Of course.

The android smiled down at you as he tucked you into your bed. He removed his suit jacket, shoes and bowtie in order to loosen his top button and roll up his sleeves.

Gently, Connor got into bed next to you and you immediately clung to him, slipping into his embrace. He kissed your forehead and squeezed you tight.

"I love you [Y/N]. Thank you for making me human."

Before slipping into a deeper slumber you manage to mumble and 'I love you' back.

This time he would be there when you awoke.