WARNING: I have no clue where I'm going with this story, and that's becoming more and more clear to me each chapter. Sorry if that results in a lot of rambling story line, but I am trying to flesh everything out to hopefully inspire myself for future chapters. I'm awful at writing an outline and following it, so a lot of the story will be haphazardly thrown together.

Anyways! Moving on, hopefully we'll be getting into a little bit more character interaction starting in the next couple of chapters!


Izuku had had many dreams and aspirations in her life. There had been a brief time as a child where she wanted to be a princess, and later a racecar driver, and then an even briefer time in which she wanted to be Kacchan's bride. She had resigned herself to the fact that none of these dreams would come true, and had moved on. She thought she had done the same with her dreams of being a hero, but recent events had shown that that was not the case.

The day that All Might told her that her dream was possible would go down in history as the best day of her life.

She had never been picked on for being a girl, or for lacking a quirk. Her aptitude for sports and academics kept that from being a problem. But she had still always felt the divide between her and the boys around her. She didn't care that they were naturally stronger than her; if she worked hard enough, she could bridge that gap. But not having a quirk… there was nothing she could do about that. No amount of work would bestow upon her that special mutation. And so, she had given up on working towards anything she had been told "required" a quirk. Specifically, becoming a hero.

And yet, before her stood the top hero in the country, telling her that it didn't matter that she was born without a quirk, she could still become a hero!

Her excitement quickly gave way to confusion. After all, despite his words now, he had previously made it very clear that he didn't think a girl, lacking a quirk as they do, could become a hero. It didn't seem like her actions that day would've changed that opinion.

He obviously saw her confusion on her face, as he laughed and finally explained, "I'm going to give you my quirk!" He seemed to think that was all the explanation she would need, but she certainly disagreed.

"Wait, are you saying that your quirk is able to be passed from person to person? Is that even possible? I mean, I've heard of copying quirks, but this is the exact opposite! And there's so much speculation as to what kind of quirk you have, but I've never even heard rumor of anything like this! And if this is real, is it a full transference of the quirk, meaning All Might will no longer have his abilities, or is it simply sending a copy of your quirk to another person? And if it's the latter, how many people can you send it to? Can you take it back once it's been sent? Are there qualifications for who can get the quirk?"

"Whoa whoa whoa!" All Might cut through her rambling. "Slow down, young lady! I'll answer all your questions eventually, but for now let's get the important parts out of the way!" She nodded enthusiastically, eager to get any of her questions answered. If anything, this seemed to amuse All Might even more.

"Well, first of all, my quirk is called One for All, and it has been passed down for several generations to those who are worthy of wielding it! It is a compounding quirk, so each new receiver is more powerful than the last! My predecessor gave it to me many years ago, and trusted me to use it to save everyone I could! But now that my injury is limiting my time doing my heroic duties, I need a successor. And you are the perfect candidate!"

She could feel her body physically shaking in excitement at this new information. She had been happy to hear that All Might thought her capable of becoming a hero, but now she had a tangible reason to believe the same of herself. She would no longer be just a "quirkless girl"! She could fulfill her dreams, and help so many people! But first she needed to figure out what all this would entail.

Before she could even open her mouth to ask her next line of questions, All Might jumped in. "Don't worry too much about it right now, young lady! I couldn't give you the quirk right now even if I wanted to! Your body isn't quite ready for that much power in it, your limbs would rip right off if we tried! No, for now we are going to train you, and hopefully you'll be ready by the time the UA entrance exams happen in 10 months!"

Before anymore could be said, he told her to meet him at Dagobah beach the next morning, and then quickly left with a few parting words. Showing up at that beach marked the true beginning of her journey.

Despite having lived in the area all her life, and knowing what to expect, she was still flabbergasted at the sheer amount of garbage spread across the once beautiful beach. She couldn't imagine why All Might would want to meet in such a place.

He quickly informed her that this wrecking yard of a beach was going to be the site of her training.

He must have seen her look of disbelief, as he let out a great laugh and explained further. "We are going to use this beach to kill two birds with one stone! Your goal will be to clear this section of the beach of all garbage! Lifting all of the heavy items will help build up muscle and stamina, and on top of that we will be performing a public service! Too many heroes forget that their job is to serve the community, and that doesn't always mean fighting villains!"

While inspirational, his short speech did little to convince her that she was capable of reaching his goal. But she had fought for years to break through all the stereotypes, and all of the limitations set upon her by society. This would be no different, she would just have to buck up and get it done!

And that's how her training started. Everyday she would go to school, study as hard as she could to keep up her perfect grades, and then she would attend one of her extra-curricular classes. She had asked All Might if she should drop them, but he had assured her that those were factored into his training plan, and that it would be for the best to keep her abilities diverse. So, she kept her Capoeira class, as well as a general dance class, a ballet class, a mixed martial arts course, and a writing course All Might had told her would be good for stress relief during her busy schedule. She one of these classes every weekday, and then had the weekend free to focus on the beach project.

On the days she had her classes, as soon as they were over, she would run home and change into her workout clothes, then run to Dagobah beach where she would stay until All Might deemed it time to finish for the day.

At home she had started making protein rich meals for herself to facilitate muscle growth, as per her mentor's orders. He had written up an entire dietary plan for her to follow alongside the exercise.

At first, she had struggled with coming up with excuses to tell her mom about her new busy schedule, but Inko seemed content to chalk it up to Izuku "growing up". The young girl wasn't exactly sure what her mother thought she was doing with her time, but she didn't ask. No reason to look a gift horse in the mouth!

Despite her incredibly busy schedule, somedays she felt like she wasn't progressing enough. That was especially true whenever she thought about the fact that she had to be ready for the UA entrance exam in only 10 months, but she forced herself to trust All Might's general knowledge, and to follow his plans as closely as she could manage. She was desperate to gain his power, and to finally set herself on a path towards fulfilling her life's aspirations!

Some days were harder than others, especially when her body finally decided to bloom into adulthood, and she got her first period. She couldn't be more thankful that it had happened while she was at home, having just gotten back from her writing class, but having yet to leave for the beach.

Her mom had told her years ago what she could expect from this particular phenomenon, but that didn't stop her from being incredibly irritable for several days after it happened. Part of that was because of the hormones, but it was also irritation at having one more thing that wanted to waylay her plans of being a hero. She found herself feeling exhausted much sooner in the day, which was limiting her progress. All Might had noticed this struggle and asked if there was anything that he could do to help, and she would never forget his face when she responded.

"Unless you can rewrite the genetic makeup of my body, and get rid of its incessant need to remind me that I am a female once a month, or could somehow make it less horrible, maybe change my mood to make me feel less like a rabid harpy, then no, there's nothing you can do!" Here she had paused to take in a deep breath. "But thank you."

His face had first been quizzical, not quite understanding what she meant. But you could see the moment understanding dawned on him as he abruptly deflated to his skinnier form, blushing a color so dark she worried he would pass out from the blood rushing to his head.

He quickly apologized and left her alone for the next couple of days, until a return of energy marked the end of her period. Both of them were content to pretend the interaction had never happened, and to ignore the fact that it would most likely happen again.

Outside of her training, she had been very isolated from the people at school. She had never had any particularly close friends, but she did occasionally go to cafes and stores with the other girls from her class. Now she never had the time to hang out with anybody, and she was so focused at school that most people avoided approaching her. It wasn't as though she was being bullied, in fact it was quite the opposite. Most of the people at school respected the fact that she was working so hard for her goals- though no one actually knew what those goals were.

The exception to this response was, of course, Kacchan. Because of her busy schedule, she hadn't been spending as much time in competition with the blond, and he had certainly noticed. Every time she ran away from him with excuses of "being too busy" he grew more irritable.

She knew that these interactions would one day blow up in her face, but she hoped that it would wait for as long as possible. That wait seemed to be over though.

5 months into her training with All Might, she found herself pinned to the school's wall by none other than her angry childhood friend. Despite knowing that she could hold her own against Kacchan in any fight that didn't involve his quirk, she still flinched away from the angry look in his eyes.

"What the hell, Deku?" the blond growled in her face.

She turned her head away, trying to avoid his gaze as she answered. "What do you mean, Kacchan? What's wrong?" The second she said it she knew feigning ignorance was a bad idea. Surely enough his lips twisted into a snarl and he slammed both fists against the wall beside her head, trapping her between them.

"Don't play dumb with me," his low voice growled. "You've been AWOL for months, and you keep bailing when I challenge you. What, are you scared now? Did you finally realize that I'm the superior one, and now you're afraid to fight me?"

She didn't know how to respond. On the one hand, she knew that if she agreed with his assumption, he would get even more upset with her. He never accepted her claims of being the obviously weaker one, and she had no reason to believe that he would believe her now. On the other hand, it would be difficult to explain what was going on without explaining everything, and much of her story wasn't hers alone to tell.

Her silence angered the temperamental teen even more, and she could hear the crackle of his quirk activating right next to her face. Deciding that there was no way to avoid giving him some sort of answer, she turned her head to look him in the eye and was surprised at what she saw there. She had expected his normal glare, with maybe a little more heat behind it. What she hadn't expected was to see lines of frustration on his face, or to see a hint of something very close to sadness in his eyes.

Guilt ate away at her as she considered lying to this boy whom she had known for so many years. He wasn't always the nicest, but he had still been there for her for as long as she could remember. When her father had left her and her mother so many years ago, this angry child had held her while she cried, and glared at anyone that dared to comment on her lack of a father figure. She couldn't bring herself to tell lies in this instance.

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to do. "I can't tell you, Kacchan." He opened his mouth, most likely to berate her more, but she quickly cut him off. "The whole story isn't mine to tell, and I don't want to tell you partial truths. Will you let me ask him to see if it's okay to tell you?"

Something in her response seemed to briefly upset him even more, but then he abruptly stepped back and turned away from her in a huff.

"Stupid Deku, you better not be into some weird back alley shit! And you better not make me wait! I'll give you until tomorrow to explain all of this, before I drag it out of you!" Despite his seemingly harsh words, she knew that they came from a place of caring, so she quickly nodded her head with a big grin on her face.

"I'll ask him tonight, and I'll talk to you tomorrow Kacchan! But I'm running late now, so I'll see you later!" Before Bakugou could say anything else, she quickly ran away. She had her ballet class today, and the teacher for that class was particularly strict about punctuality.

She wasn't sure how the conversation with All Might would go, nor did she know how she would handle it if he told her she couldn't tell Kacchan their secret, but for now there was nothing she could do except wait and hope the explosion wouldn't be too big either way.

One more chapter done! Sorry about how slow the story is progressing, but I have no clue how to speed it along. Hopefully it wasn't too boring, either way!

See y'all next time!