The Dance M7 ATF AU

She was wearing her best dress and had probably spent more money than she should having her hair done, but knew she still didn't compare with the sparkling, exotic throng that whirled around her. She didn't normally attend this sort of high society function and was only here to see seven agents receive a special award from the Governor. The team had successfully concluded an intricate undercover operation with an impressive bust, which had secured hundreds of pounds of explosive material and saved the downtown district of the city from untold destruction. Since she had been involved in providing some outside research for the team's use, she had been sent an invitation to the awards ceremony which was being held in the ballroom of one of the most elegant hotels in town. She didn't expect any of the agents to recognize her and had only decided to attend the event the night before. While the finger foods and free drinks were nice and the atmosphere was opulent, she had to admit she was just here to get a glimpse of the members of the ATF team nicknamed The Magnificent Seven. They were an inspiring group at any time, and it was well worth the effort of getting dressed up to see them in tuxedos and ties, even if some of them were noticeably uncomfortable in the attire.

She was on her second drink and was planning on leaving soon, but had decided to stay and watch the dancing for a few minutes. The awards had been presented, and she had stood on the side and clapped enthusiastically with the rest of the crowd as the certificates were handed to each man. Now she planned to finish her drink while discreetly admiring the seven handsome figures circling gracefully with their partners. Then, having accomplished what she came for, she would leave. She'd met the impressive men a couple of times, and couldn't help but appreciate their talent, looks, and extraordinary record. She was also a bit awed by the aura of grace and danger that surrounded several of the team members. They reminded her of a pride of big cats.

Finishing her drink, she looked for a waiter to hand the empty glass to. The current song had just ended, and none of the agents would recognize her if she spoke to them, so it was time to leave.

A server had just taken her glass and she was turning to make her way through the crowd when an attractive figure walked up to her and lightly touched her arm.

"Hello. Didn't you provide some of the outside information that led to the successful conclusion of our last case?" The voice was soft and appealing, leaving a faint feeling of warmth behind it. Surprised, she nodded.

"Thank you for the assistance. We appreciated it."

She wasn't easily overwhelmed but had to admit that the amazing tone and light touch was making her blood sing in her veins a bit. As she started to say "You're welcome", he leaned a little closer. She could smell a soft, musky hint of cologne and feel his breath on her cheek. The handsome head nodded at her words, and then his lips curved in a gorgeous smile.

"Would you like to share a dance?"

Her eyes widened in shock. Taken by surprise, she murmured "Well, I was just planning to leave. I'm afraid I don't really fit in at these sort of affairs."

A light laugh escaped his lips and blew the hair at her temples.

"I don't either, but for tonight I'm trying. Come on… one dance." He leaned in conspiratorially. "Save me from these dowagers with their jewels and roaming hands-at least for one song." Amusement and even a hint of pleading sparkled in his gorgeous eyes as he met her gaze, and his soft voice sent waves of warmth through her.

She wasn't the best dancer, but how could she refuse? She felt her head nod in agreement.

"All right. Thank you. I'll be happy to be your bodyguard for a few minutes!" she answered with an inward smirk at the absurdity of her protecting the dangerous looking figure.

Another smile was her reward, and then strong arms drew her into his embrace. As if in a dream, he whirled her gracefully onto the dance floor.

The time seemed to slow down, and each impression etched itself on her memory, even as the room around them seemed to be covered by a mist. They didn't speak, just moved instinctively in each other's arms as the strains of the music surrounded them. For a few moments that seemed an eternity, she was in a fairy-tale.

When the music stopped, her partner drew her to a standstill.

"Thank you." he murmured, eyes gazing into hers. Then he leaned in and dropped a light kiss on her cheek, one eye winking mischievously.

Before she could do more than whisper "Thank you", one of the women he spoke of descended on him. Elaborate jewelry glittered in the muted light and a cloud of expensive perfume, worn a little too heavily, enveloped them. The lady grabbed his well-muscled bicep with a perfectly manicured hand and began cooing to him. Broad shoulders shrugged in resignation and he gave one quick glance of appreciation back over his companion's arm. A wry grin curved his mouth and his free hand sketched a small salute to his erstwhile partner. He then politely, but a bit distantly, turned his attention to the society lady now hanging onto him like a leech.

A small smile curved the lips of his previous companion, and with a secret sigh, she turned to go. Like Cinderella, the clock might have struck midnight, but she'd had her dance with the prince.