Wow, I haven't updated these in awhile! But lemme tell you I've got plenty WIP's in my drafts right now lol so many requests to do, so little time XD but I love it. Anywho, I'm back with another update and I think I'll update again tonight cause I have other drabbles I want to post so stay tuned friends :) Don't forget requests are always open! Here's a hiccstrid one-shot to make up for my absence hehe ;)

Requested by: anon on tumblr

Summary: After alomst losing her life to the deadly Scourge of Odin, Astrid can't sleep and needs to clear her head. A certain Haddock is having the same problem.

Rated: K+

Enjoy dragonites, this one's for YOU :)

Had it all been a dream? It seemed so surreal. The heat that radiated throughout her seizing body. The raspy coughs that took control over her aching lungs. The sleepless nights of tossing and turning, fighting persistently to not let unconsciousness overtake her. The cold stingy feeling of her freezing fingers when she tried to hug herself for warmth. Her eyes always remained shut tight, as if it were like little weights forcing them shut and keeping her away from the outside world. She felt like she was slowly getting eaten away. It was torture.

But also, she remembered him. When he would gently reassure her she'd be okay with his gentle voice. The safe feeling she would feel when he'd gather her limp form into his arms, and hold her tight against his chest. His soft yet strong heart beat she would hear, was the only thing continuing to help her fight for her life. Her heart fluttered through the pain when she felt his rough yet gentle hand take her clammy pale one, and squeeze it tight in hope she would stay alive for him. And she did.

But the thing that still haunted her for the past two days the most, was coming so close in contact with death. No one would ever be prepared for it, or when it would strike. And that's what scared her the most. She was so close, yet was fortunate enough that he saved her. He gave up one of the last known Buffalord's, to save her. They were dragon riders. It was their goal to keep the dragons safe and away from hunters. Yet he still chose to save her.

Astrid stared up at the ceiling blankly. Thoughts continued to swarm through her head, and there was no way she'd be getting any sleep tonight. Again. She rolled onto her side, making the bed creak a little. Stormfly was huddled around her bed protectively, snoozing away. Ever since Astrid got sick, her dragon formed a new sense of protectiveness towards her rider, always being extra close to her. Astrid smiled and gently stroked her hand against Stormfly's rough scales. Stormfly stirred a bit, but remained asleep.

Astrid sat up as quietly as she could, and ever so slightly tip toed out of bed removing one of the furs as she got up. She snuck around her dragon carefully and swiftly made her way down the stairs. She glanced back upstairs quickly just to make sure her dragon was still asleep, and lifted her retractable door just enough so she could crawl through without making too much noise.

She finally managed to scramble out of her hut, and stood up with a long sigh and stared longingly up at the full moon. It was a quiet night with a gentle breeze that spoke a thousand words. She made her way through the Edge, the only thing lighting her way being the full moon and a few torches that were still lit. She briefly glanced over at Hiccup's hut with consolation, but continued her midnight stroll as she didn't want to wake him.

The rhythm of her feet tapping on the wooden platform finally died down as her boots sank into the damp grass. The wind gently rustled through the trees as she made her way through the forest to her favorite spot on a nearby cliff, overlooking the ocean. The way the moon reflected off of the black ocean just gave her a sense of peace when she couldn't sleep at night.

She finally made it out of the forest and sighed contently when the cliff came into view. So isolated, so serene, so peaceful. She walked through the damp grass, and looked up at the stars with wonder in her eyes. It was crazy to think that the last time she had come here, she never would have thought that a deadly sickness would consume her. A sense of gratitude came over her as she realized how lucky she was to even be standing where she was.

She stood at the edge of the cliff, blue eyes panning out across the sea. She breathed in a gust of fresh air, smiling faintly when it rushed through her lungs. The thought of Hiccup crossed her mind again. Sure, he had saved her plenty of times before, but this time was different. The way he treated her seemed far beyond how he did when they were younger. Of course, if any of the riders had gotten sick he would've saved them too, but it just felt different this time. He held her closely, he'd grab her hand and hold it tight, he'd gently soothe her with his calm voice. It made Astrid's heart race just thinking about it. Could he possibly see her as more than a friend? It sure seemed liked it. And she sure hoped so.

"Can't sleep either huh?" A familiar voice asked, as she whipped her head around in surprise. Her widened eyes met with a pair of emerald green eyes that sparkled in the night. Her heart rate immediately died down when she realized it was Hiccup.

"Don't scare me like that again." Astrid chuckled half heartedly, giving him a little punch in the shoulder. Hiccup recoiled back with a little sympathetic smile, rubbing his shoulder tenderly. "Sorry. I couldn't sleep either, and saw you walk out of your hut and decided to follow you." He said as he joined her at the edge of the cliff, both now looking out at the sea.

"Oh so now you're following me everywhere?" She teased as she gently nudged him with her shoulder. Hiccup scratched the back of his neck with a playful roll of his eyes. "You just happened to be passing my hut. And I couldn't help but notice a little bit of hesitation, hm?" He said with that taunting look in his eyes. Astrid shook her head with a warm smile down towards the ground.

Her smile disappeared though as the waves continued to lap up against the cliff below, and she stared blankly out towards the sea. Hiccup pursed his lips with concern, then he looked down at his feet, thinking twice before he said his next words.

"It was scary you know."

Astrid turned her head towards him, but he didn't make eye contact with her. "What was?" She asked as he let out a shaky breath.

"Watching you almost die."

Astrid looked down as well and fiddled with her fingers. Guilt rushed through her body as she realized how stressed and scared her friends must've been when she was coming so close to death. She didn't even acknowledge the fact until now. She bit her lip, fighting back the urge to cry.

"It was scary for me too. I almost thought about giving up because the pain was so bad." Astrid said quietly, never really enjoying being vulnerable with anyone. But Hiccup was an acception. Hiccup slightly opened his mouth with worry as he looked over towards her sad eyes.

"You? Almost gave up? Didn't know Astrid Hofferson was capable of that." He said astonished as Astrid chuckled and softly punched him once more. "I'm serious." She said and Hiccup sighed pitifully.

"I know. And I wish there was more I could've done to prevent it from happening." Hiccup slumped his shoulders in disappointment. Astrid smiled sympathetically. She placed her hand on his shoulder gently and began to talk when he looked into her eyes.

"Hiccup, there was nothing you could've done. So don't blame yourself for this. You saved my life, and if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here right now." She told him softly, gratitude radiating though her eyes and smile. Hiccup smiled too, his pitiful expression disappearing.

"I have to admit, you're one of the strongest people I know Astrid. When I told my dad about you getting sick, he was surprised that you were still alive. Usually when people would get the scourge they became too weak to find the antidote, or wouldn't give people enough time to find it. It'd usually take their life in the course of one or two days. You gave us three whole days. That's pretty impressive if you ask me." Hiccup praised. Astrid chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"Well I had something to fight for." She replied simply and Hiccup raised his brow in curiosity.

"And what was that?" He asked not sure if he would get a response or just a slight smile. Surprisingly he got both.

"You." She smiled warmly at him, as he blinked in shock.

"M-me?" He stuttered and Astrid laughed softly. "Yes you. You were the one who was always there for me, always willing to go the extreme lengths to find the cure, always telling me to hang in there just a little longer. For you." She finished sweetly and Hiccup couldn't help but blush a little. She chuckled slightly at his slightly burning cheeks and wide eyes, and then looked towards the bright moon.

She froze as she felt Hiccup's fingers intertwine with hers, and he squeezed her hand tight. She smiled towards him, compassion in both their eyes. "I'm glad you did." Hiccup said softly.

They stood in silence for awhile, just listening to the waves lapping up against the cliff, basking in the fresh night air. Astrid could feel Hiccup tense up a bit, as the hand she was holding went stiff.

"Astrid it did get me th-thinking..." Hiccup finally broke the silence, and Astrid anticipated what he would say next, adrenaline rushing through her. "I meant what I said. Uh, about not being able to imagine a world without you. Watching you almost die..." Hiccup's breath hitched, "I don't know it just...hit me. I could've lost you and I j-just, couldn't be able to live without you." He finished off sadly, as Astrid smiled and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"And I meant what I said. Without you I wouldn't even be alive, and you changed my whole world since you took me on that flight all those years ago with Toothless. You showed me what peace looked like, and that it was possible. You showed me that the impossible was possible in many different ways, and my life wouldn't be the same without you." Hiccup's smile warmed Astrid's heart. She tucked a strand of her hair that flowed in the wind behind her ear, feeling her cheeks begin to burn. Thankfully it was night and it wasn't as present as Hiccup's blushing was. She stiffled a little yawn for the first time in two days. Exhaustion was finally making its way back into her and sleep sounded very welcoming. Hiccup noticed Astrid's droopy eyes and decided to call it a night.

"I think it's time we both get some rest." Hiccup said as Astrid sleepily agreed. Still holding hands they walked back through the forest and to the series of platforms where their base resided. Occasional laughs would come from the two, as they continued to tease and poke fun at each other. Hiccup walked Astrid to her hut, and he let go of her hand and they both shifted awkwardly for a bit.

"Soooo I'll see you in the morning?" Hiccup was such a dork it made Astrid chuckle inside. She nodded and fiddled with a strand of her hair, "Yeah, see you in the morning." She turned to face the door to her hut but then froze in her tracks.

Memories flooded through her like a wave. All the times she shared with Hiccup, back to the first time she kissed him after he had woken up from losing his leg, and to just a few moments ago when they stood on the cliff. Something tugged at her heart, to run and kiss him as she never knew when her last chance could be. She bit her lip nervously, and finally resolved the conflict within herself and whipped her head around. Hiccup hadn't even made it that far yet surprisingly, as he was slowly lingering back to his hut.

"Hiccup wait!" She called out into the night rushing after him, as Hiccup perked his head up surprisingly and turned to face the panting blonde.

Without hesitation she lunged herself forward and planted her lips against his. Hiccup grunted in surprise, eyes as wide as saucers as he stumbled back a bit at the force. She quickly pulled away tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear, realizing how abrupt the kiss must've been. Hiccup looked like he was in a completely different universe, as Astrid had never seen him so awestruck before. "Sorry I just-"

Now realizing that he might never have the chance again, Hiccup grabbed Astrid's waist without warning, pulled her towards him, and passionately closed the distance between their lips. Astrid slowly fluttered her eyes closed, eagerly kissing him back. She tangled her arms around his neck as he kissed her deeper, and he snaked his arms around her waist pulling her closer than she already was. They moved perfectly in synch, and after what felt like an eternity they slightly broke apart.

They both slightly gasped for air, as they leaned their foreheads against each other and smiled through their heavy breaths. Astrid blushed unconditionally, looking up into Hiccup's glistening eyes. He soothingly circled his thumbs in a gentle motion against her lower back, and she quietly chuckled to herself.

"What took you so long..." She whispered under her breath longingly as the corners of Hiccup's mouth tugged into a little smile. "I guess your near death experience finally knocked some sense into me." He replied softly, making her cheeks burn once more. "I guess that goes for me too." She removed her arms from his neck and snuck them behind his back, and hugged him tightly as she sleepily snuggled against his chest as the cold night air whisked on by. Hiccup rested his head atop of hers and held her tightly, swaying slightly and just enjoying having her in his arms.

Moments later when sleep started to tug at his eyes, he realized they'd have tocontinue this tomorrow as much as he wanted to stay. "As much as I'm enjoying this, I think we should get some sleep so we don't have to deal with sleep deprivation and Snotlout and the twins." Hiccup looked down at her amusingly as she mumbled sleepily, and lifted her face to meet his. "Sounds like a plan." She said as she gently pressed a kiss to his cheek and she reluctantly let go of him and left his embrace. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it one last time, before he let it go and watched her walk back to the entrance of her hut.

She couldn't help but giggle at the dopey smile Hiccup was wearing as he watched her leave. "Goodnight, Hiccup." She called out with a smile, lingering at the entrance of her hut. Hiccup beamed with a smile that was almost brighter than the moon.

"Goodnight M'lady." And with that he turned and dazedly walked back to his hut with the best feeling in the world. He had finally built up the confidence to kiss the girl of his dreams.

Astrid collapsed into her bed with a giddy sigh. Butterflies flooded into her stomach as she recalled the kiss. She rested her head against her pillow and instantly sleep took over, for the first time in four days.

Hiccup laid in bed and happily sighed. A sense of peace took over him knowing that Astrid finally knew how he felt about her. He drifted off to sleep and all he could think about all night was a certain blonde, who's life he never wanted to take for granted again. And he would make sure of that.

No matter what.