„Fuck you, Beka. Just go and fuck yourself!" Yuri shouted. As fast as he could he put on his shoes, grabbed his jacket and his keys and stormed out of the house letting the door fall shut as loud as possible. He was pissed. Although he knew somewhere deep back in his head that it was childish to get worked up so hard on something so stupid, he couldn't control his anger. It was seething inside him and he needed to let it out somewhere.

This shithead. It irritated him even more that Otabek had stayed calm leaning against the wall and just watching while Yuri had wanted to lay the whole apartment in ashes. Sometimes, he wasn't able to control himself. A force inside him awakened and set his body on fire. Not the good kind. Not the one you feel when you see the one you love. Not the one that makes you melt in passion, but the one that destroys everything and everyone.

Maybe he was just frustrated by the feelings he had to bury inside, Yuri thought while stamping down the deserted streets of St. Petersburg only accompanied by the street lamps' flickering light and the light rain that caused little drops to run down on his jacket and to drip from his hair. But even they failed to cool his temper down. He really needed something to calm himself, like a cigarette (though Victor would kill him if he smelled the littlest bit of smoke on him) or Katsudon who he could punch right in the face. He was so pissed at Otabek, but he didn't want to let it out on him. Yuri hated to admit, but he liked him. He has never liked someone so much except for his grandfather. He liked him more than was good for him. He liked him more than he should.

As he walked the rain became even heavier and in a second it was raining cats and dogs. Yuri could feel his phone ringing inside his pocket. It wasn't the first time since he stormed out, but he wasn't feeling like answering. He knew it was Otabek and he assumed that he was worried. However, Yuri needed more time on his own. Another ring of his phone. Not a call, but a text message. Probably, Otabek asked him to return home. Their home.

It had been fall, almost a year ago, when the Kazakh had told him that he was moving to Russia. He had wanted to improve his skating even more and the best coaches lived in St. Petersburg. Yuri still remembered how shocked he was for a second standing below the trees whose falling leaves coloured the park around them in a warm mixture of brown and red. Otabek had been troubled by the moment that Yuri forgot how to speak. Afraid that the Russian wouldn't be happy about his decision he had already started to draw back. Still not able to talk Yuri jumped at him wrapping his arms around the other's neck. He had been more than overjoyed that his best friend was moving closer to him. Regarding the distance their hometowns had, they were seeing each other quite often, but being able to be close to Otabek every day if he wanted, made Yuris heart beat fast.

He had noticed quite a while ago that he had developed a small crush on his best friend. Not like he was loathing for his closeness or thinking about him every second, but enough to differ from admiration and friendship. He had caught himself smiling every time when Beka was looking at him and he has been anticipating their meetings already more than one or two years ago. Otabek has emitted such calmness, it made Yuri sweep along. Only around him the Russian has felt able to let his guard down. His friend has been the only person that knew about his fears and deepest wishes. He has loved being by his side ever since, so it was clear that Yuri had asked Otabek to live with him.

His ringing phone brought Yuri back to presence. Taking a look at it told him that it was already close to midnight. He had been spending two hours wandering around in the rain thinking about the past. In addition, his phone told him that Otabek had already called 10 times and had left about the same amount of messages. 'He needs to stop worrying so much. I'm not a kid anymore', Yuri thought. Of course, he felt flattered, but he didn't want the Kazakh on his mind now. He was there way too often. He needed something to distract him, something to calm him down and make him forget about everything for some time.

Without much thought, his legs had led him into a rather dark alley. The only light that shimmered in the puddle was emitted by purple neon signs. "Fame". Yuri knew this club. He had already been there four or five times, maybe more. It was hard to be gay in Russia, but that didn't stop the queer folks to come out at night to meet up and party in more or less hidden places. The "Fame" was such a place. Officially, it was just a usual club. Unofficially, it was one of the hottest places to meet someone with similar desires to spend the night. Yuri removed his hood and stroke his hair back. Even though being dripping wet, he knew he looked a million times hotter than most people inside. Moving towards the entrance, he put on his most irresistible smile. With a wink he walked by the bouncers who didn't even make an attempt to stop him. In his head, Yuri rolled his eyes. So many stupid, manipulable people, but good for his wallet.

Inside, he was welcomed by a heavy sent mixed of perfume and sweat. There was not much light only some spotlights coloured in either red, purple and pink. Yuri let his gaze wander through the room and the dancefloor. Although it was quite early, a lot of people were moving their bodies against each other's. But Yuri didn't feel like dancing. Being touched by some stranger with his sweaty, dirty hands made Yuri want to throw up. There was only one person he allowed to touch his hips, pressing him closer to the body behind him while letting the music flow from his ears into his body. But Yuri didn't want to think about this someone now. He was here to forget about him, so he made his way towards the bar and took a seat far away from the dancefloor, so he could still observe, but far enough to minimize the chance to be pulled there by someone.

He ordered pure Vodka, took a sip and then looked into his glass. Maybe he should go home, it was a bad idea to be here. Otabek was worrying about him. He should at least tell him that he was fine. He was already reaching for his phone, when he heard a deep, rough voice next to him. "Such a wet kitten we have here. Wouldn't you like to dry off? I could help you if you want." Yuri was close to snarl at him. No one called him "kitten". But when he looked up a dark pair of eyes caught him. The guy in front of him was around six feet tall and had dark hair. His tight shirt couldn't hide the trained body beneath. 'I could do worse', Yuri thought and swallowed the insult that was already forming on his tongue. Instead, he returned the gaze and formed his million dollar smile. He would show him later that he wasn't a kitten, but a tiger.