A/N: We've heard of poor girls. Have you heard of a middle class rural girl? Who am I kidding? Of course you have. Well, have you heard of them in a fan fiction story? Yes? Good for you! No? Well, you're about to find out!

Disclaimer: I own this story, better not think about copying it whether it's good or bad.

"Mother! Mother!" Mikan ran into the kitchen, shouting. She stopped short as her grandmother turned around to glare at her, "Hush girl! Keep your voice low. Why are you creating such a ruckus?" She asked with all the authority of an old woman.

"I'm sorry grandmother, it won't happen again." Mikan replied meekly, adjusting her school uniform. She turned to her mother who ushered her into her room.

"How many times should I ask you not to-" But Mikan was too happy to listen.

She wrapped her arms around her mother as soon as they were alone. Yuka hugged her back, pinching her cheeks. "Whatever will I do with you?" She asked herself. Mikan beamed at her mother jumping up and down.

"97%! I scored 487 Mum, I topped!" Mikan exclaimed in joy as her mother's doe eyes widened in surprise and pride. She pulled her into an embrace. "The principal wants to meet you." Mikan said. "You can go see her tomorrow."

"She's a very bright student, Mrs. Yukihira. You must be very proud." Yuka smiled, nodding. "Women are excelling and making their name in every sphere and field, Mrs. Yukihira. Be it banking, aeronautics, creative or corporate fields. By the way, what have you thought for Mikan?"

Yuka's smile suddenly turned into one of regret. She hadn't foreseen or wanted to talk about this. "As you already know, in our village, women are married off at an early age..." Yuka went quiet as the principal opened her mouth to say something only to close it.

Feeling ashamed, Yuka spoke up. "But... As you know, Mikan is a very ambitious girl. She's kept her stance since she entered 10th grade and me and my husband, we have been thinking about sending her to the city for further studies. That is, hoping his mother doesn't object..." Yuka said without any confidence in her voice.

The principal gave her a wry smile. "Let's hope so, for her sake, shall we?" Yuka bid the elderly principal goodbye and set for home. As soon as she step foot into the house though, she went into her room to converse with her husband having found a new resolve.

"Why not?! She topped Izumi, 2nd in all of Kyoto, and you want to marry her off? She's only 19 for god's sake!" Izumi Yukihira had to step back a little. Never had he seen his wife so determined. "I know. I know. But... She'll have to get married someday... Why not make it sooner?" Yuka narrowed her eyes in disgust.

"Sooner?! Izumi, marriage is not a game which you can pull out off whenever you want! Believe me, if I had ever known, I'd never have married you." Yuka said, whispering the last bit to herself.

"What?!" Or so she thought. Izumi had sharp ears. Something she'd learned in due time. "Izumi, please, she wants to study further, do something for herself in life, as her parents, is it not our responsibility to help her achieve her dreams?"

Izumi took a deep breath. He was a wise man, and he knew when he didn't stand a chance and had to give up. Now was that time. "All right." Yuka's eyes widened. "I'll... Talk to mother about it." He said as his pretty wife's hand flew to her mouth and he frowned.

"What's with that look? She's my daughter too. I just want what's best for her." He said almost shyly as Yuka grinned, walked up to him and kissed him. "Now that's why I married you." She said as she ran up to her daughter's room to tell the news.

Mikan had been elated, the next morning, when Izumi formally announced it in front of his mother, she leapt up to hug him but Sakura Yukihira was NOT pleased.

"Are you out of your mind?! Sending a fully grown girl to the city? And for what? Further studies?!" The elder woman of the Yukihira household was one of older views and traditions. She was the reason why Izumi was always so conservative.

But Yuka knew how to get her way too; after all, she'd been here for 19 years now. "Oh no mother, not just studies, but to learn to cook too. When in Rome, you'll eat as Romans do right? I was thinking of sending her to Misaki in Tokyo, to pick up a few modern dishes."

Obviously, being prehistoric minded, Sakura Yukihira (aka Grandmother) didn't seem to mind at all, instead she nodded in approval. "You're right. Until we find a suitable boy for her, she can stay there and put her time to good use."

Mikan tried not to laugh as her grandmother, as usual, gave in to her mother's ploys. "Then it's settled then!" Izumi declared. Mikan hugged her family in joy. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She repeated in joy.

"Don't worry Yuka; Tokyo isn't as bad as you all think. Mikan will fit right in." Misaki was Mikan's uncle's daughter, her cousin. Married. She moved to Tokyo with her husband soon after their marriage. It had been three years and Misaki was pregnant by 2 months now. "I just hope she isn't too much of a hassle, especially since you're pregnant."

Misaki gave Yuka an Are-you-kidding-me look. "With my favourite cousin with me 24/7? It's a hassle all right, but we're gonna have tons of fun, right cuz?" She asked as Mikan squealed from the back seat, wrapping her arms around Misaki.

"You bet! I can't wait to see Tsubasa Senpai!" Mikan said and bit her tongue. "I-I didn't mean-" One thing you must know, Tsubasa, or Misaki's husband was also Mikan's former senior in high school. "Hey, it's all right. You can call him that if you want to." Misaki said coolly.

"Thank you. It just turned into a sort of habit." Mikan apologized, explaining with a sheepish grin. She knew Misaki knew how she'd always had a sweet, innocent crush on Tsubasa since the day she met him. But Misaki had never judged.

And neither had Mikan when Tsubasa's parents arranged for him and Misaki to be married off. She was happy for them, truly. Two of her favourite, adorable family members getting married! And now, one more was on the way! She'd be an aunt soon in 7 more months.

"Are you sure it'll be fine though?" Yuka was always sort of a worrywart when it came to Mikan. Mikan was very stubborn sometimes. "We're sending her to college. Not preparing her for war. Chill Yuka." Misaki said as Yuka eased into a smile.

Over dinner, Yuka thanked Misaki and Tsubasa over and over again for organising the hostel, college admission and everything else on such short notice.

"Oh my god, enough with the thank you's already! Jesus, why are you being so formal? Mikan's still my junior and I'm gonna need her here more than she needs me. It's not easy being wed to your cousin after all." Misaki punched him on the arm playfully, offended.

"Ow! See what I mean?! I need her. Desperately so." Mikan grinned. "I am at your service, my liege." She said as Tsubasa laughed. "So leave her and all your worries with us." He said as Mikan turned to her mother.

She bid her mother goodbye with great difficulty. Despite being excited, Mikan had never been so far away from her family. She'd always been confined to that little village of theirs that she didn't know how to cope with the world she was now in.

"Hey, don't worry. You'll be fine, I promise." Tsubasa and Misaki comforted her. Mikan felt better now. "Yep I will. I can't wait to start college tomorrow!"

Mikan was true to her word, she was unable to sleep a wink but still managed to wake up sharp at 5:30 as was customary back in Kyoto. Getting ready, Mikan adjusted her waist long chocolate brown hair into a high ponytail.

Putting on classic navy blue jeans and a floral full sleeve blouse that came up to her thighs, Mikan went over her textbooks again. She was too excited and unable to properly breathe and the only thing that helped in such situations were her books.

It was still too early but Mikan went into her Tsubasa and Misaki's room straight without any tact whatsoever and began furiously shaking her cousin up, "Wake up Misaki! It's already 6:30, I'm gonna be late! Do I look okay? Is this fine?"

Misaki smiled at her naivety. "College starts at 8 Mikan." She said drowsily. "Yes I know, but I wanted to go early so I can introduce myself to the teachers and review my lectures beforehand. I don't want to look stupid."

Misaki wanted to laugh but she held herself back from telling Mikan that looking stupid was what every student thought was 'in' right now. Students like her were geeks and thus, ultimately, lame. She made up an excuse instead.

"They won't open up so early... How about around 7:30?" She suggested as Mikan smiled shyly. "Sure." She nodded. "I'll go ahead and make breakfast." Mikan said as she excused herself out of her room.

"Enjoy yourself okay?!" Misaki called out as Mikan nodded grinning before she went through the gates. Okay, so, college wasn't exactly what Mikan had thought it would be.

Girls moving around in sleeveless tops, miniskirts, guys pulling their pant up from falling or to prevent exposing their underpants any further, students leaping through the window to escape class after giving their attendance, girls dancing in the middle of the ground with something round and strange in their hands.

At least the principal wasn't swimming in the pool in boy shorts when she came in to greet him. The dean, Jinno Sensei, was a very strict man of order and discipline. "Hmm. Mikan Yukihira from Kyoto. We're very proud to have a state topper in our college. First year lectures start tomorrow but at the outset, I'm for all round development."

Mikan listened with utmost sincerity. She liked him. At least, he seemed normal and sensible. "We have many societies here, nature club, sports club, social service league, dramatics society, etc, etc. You must join any society of your choice. What I want to say is, academics isn't everything in life. And since you're already good at it, I want you to try different aspects too. I welcome you again."

"Thank you sir. And I assure you, I will right away."

"Good to hear. The common room is right down the hall to the left. Good day."

Obviously, the societies weren't as excited to have a new member as she was to enter. They sat there conversing in groups, looking up to just stare at her and then resume talking. Mikan felt disheartened again but at the same time, quite amused.

There was only one group she wished to enter. "Um, excuse me?" She tried calling out in her meek voice to the two people sitting there, looking annoyed. They were identical she realized and stared at them, astound.

"Hello?!" A boy her age snapped his fingers in front of her face. "I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. It's just-" She turned to look at the person who was seated and then at the person who was in front of her. Twins!

"You're twins!" She said smiling in surprise. "Wow, remarkable discovery, genius! Why not announce it on stage as if people can't already see?" the stranger brushed her off. "I-I'm sorry if I offended you. I just haven't seen- I'm sorry." The other boy got up now.

"Stop it! You're scaring the poor girl." He was more gentle. "Yeah, whatever." The stranger said and sat back down. "I'm sorry about my brother." The gentle one said.

"No, of course not!" The rude one rolled his eyes as Mikan said this. "Koko!" The gentle one said in a menacing tone. "Stop it!" He scolded.

"Really, it's okay." Mikan said as she turned to stare at the stranger, the rude one, who was called 'Koko'. "Um, I would like to-" Suddenly, 'Koko' slammed his hands on the table and stood up with a paper in his hands.

"Listen, don't presume that by joining, you'll get to act right away in the lead role just cause you're a little pretty. It's not just about acting okay? We've got solid hard work to do. Backstage, production, running errands, all the dirty work! Better be clear before joining okay? I'm Koko and that's my brother Kit. Here. Fill it."

Mikan looked at the paper or form he handed out to her. "Oh. Okay." She said and immediately pulled a pen out, and filled everything out as neatly as possible and as soon as she could. "I'm done, here. Thank you again."

He narrowed his eyes. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold your horses. Don't thank me yet. This is just the recruitment form. Check the notice board tomorrow for interview timings. If you're selected from the various other recruits, then you're in."

Mikan nodded giggling. "I know the procedure for joining. I just said that for giving me a chance to join." She said as Koko stared at her, incredulously.

"Is she loose in the head or something?" He asked Kit once she was gone.

"Stop it! seriously, do you have to be so rude to everyone?!" Kit said accusingly. "She was civil unlike the various other recruits we had." He added.

"Maybe a backup plan if we don't select her in the interview. I haven't seen her before though, have you? What was her name?" He asked. "Nope. Not a clue." Kit replied shaking his head.

"Guess we'll find out tomorrow."

"So why do you want to join the dramatics society?" Mikan felt intimidated all of a sudden. The girl in front of her was glaring at her fiercely. Kit was there too but she still felt somewhat scared in the black haired woman's presence. The black head sat back in her chair awaiting an answer impatiently, Mikan noticed.

Mikan gulped, pulling herself together. "Because the rest of the clubs seem boring." She replied fearlessly. She thought she saw the black hair girl's eyes widen a bit, "Huh. I'm glad ours seem otherwise but are you interested in this at all?" She asked leaning forward, seemingly gaining interest. Mikan smiled feeling more confident now.

"Of course. I've acted in a few short plays before, nothing too major, but it seemed interesting, presenting yourself as someone else to the world, acting to be someone who you aren't, it's exciting isn't it? Like you're being reborn."


Imai Hotaru was at a loss for words. She had always loathed this job. Why did she always have to be the one to conduct the interviews? All the girls who came here, (They were mostly girls) only had one purpose in mind to come here.

She hadn't even bothered to ask for the girl's name when she entered, fixing her with a vise like stare the second she entered.

But no one had ever expressed dramatics like her. Of course, it could be a ploy. But Hotaru wasn't the type of person who falls for cheap tricks. She liked this girl. It will be her. And no one else, she decided.

"Thank you, you may go." She said. The girl looked startled. "So-So soon?" She asked. "You barely asked me 2 questions." She protested. "I've heard enough. You may go." She emphasized strongly.

She looked disappointed but nonetheless got up, thanked them for the opportunity, and left. No one ever thanked her for conducting the interview, Hotaru realized. They always cursed that it was her who had to do it. 'Well, bitches, I didn't have much of a choice either!' Hotaru would always tell them, sometimes out loud, sometimes in her mind.

But this time, she was happy she got to interview this girl. Thanks to the job, she got to hear something sincere and real. She looked at the form in her hand.

Mikan Yukihira.

It will be her. Only and I mean, only her.

"I guess not, huh? I was pretty confident about her too." Kit beside her said. Hotaru grinned. She stepped out the door to declare to the other girls seated fake-anxiously outside. Pretending to be excited about joining the society.

"I have chosen our newest recruit so you are all free to go. It's not like you're all interested in truly joining anyway so please spare me the fake enthusiasm and get a life because god forbid, as long as I am alive, you shall not step into DC, period."

Hotaru stated and slammed the interview door shut in their faces before anybody could react. She handed the form to Kit. "You guessed right. Find her, tell her. She's our newest recruit. Tell her to be at 7 sharp tomorrow at the school auditorium."

Kit grinned in confusion but nonetheless ran after Mikan. She was something else if Hotaru chose her immediately after 2 questions.

One thing you must know when it comes to DC (Dramatics Society) All women were after two things in DC, they'll settle for tea if they don't get coffee. However, tea was always, and I mean, always the 2nd choice. Not that it was any less delicious, but let's be real, coffee is way more delicious tasting as well as looking than tea. (Sorry tea lovers of the world, no offense intended. Of course, coffee lovers agree with me right?)

Coffee = Natsume Hyuuga.

Tea = Ruka Nogi.

And that's two things you should know about DC. Another thing, Coffee and Tea were almost never on sale. They're sold out much to the disappointment of the lovers of Coffee and Tea. But Mikan was the new recruitment here, and let's not forget, the protagonist of the story, so, just for old times sake, I wonder what she liked? Coffee or Tea?

What do you think? Let me know in the reviews section! I hope you like my new story! And I'm sorry if you don't. I'm working on it so, hopefully you'll come to like it in due time! Anyways, R&R please! :) Awaiting your views! :)