Bella's POV

One week. It had been one week since I had gotten that fateful call from Renee. Hearing that someone has died isn't always a huge deal. But hearing that it was a childhood friend… that wasn't easy.

Emily had passed away in her sleep. The doctors say it was a seizure. I had never known her to have seizures… but a lot can change in a few years.

Edward and his family had been compassionate and showed their concern. After numerous 'it's okay's and 'I'm fine's they finally simmered down some. Currently, I was faced with the dilemma of whether or not I would be flying to Phoenix for the funeral.

"You should go, Bella," Edward insisted. We were driving home from school, where everything appeared to be normal.

They expect me to grieve. I did want to grieve… I just wasn't sure how to do that. I didn't have much practice.

"It'll just be a huge production… I can mourn here just as well as I could there."

He sighed. The funeral was in three days. I was still set on not attending. Charlie agreed with me, for once. He didn't think I needed to go either. It shocked both Edward and me. Usually, he takes any opportunity to separate us.

When we finally pulled up at my place I turned to say my goodbye. Ever since returning from Italy I had been on lockdown. It was a shame I didn't get to see Edward as often as I'd like but I understood where Charlie was coming from.

"Will I see you tonight?" I asked.

"If you'd like to," he said, throwing on the crooked smile I loved so much.


I leaned in for a quick kiss before sullenly exiting the car and walking straight into my house. I didn't have time to look back. As soon as I reached the door I heard the car rev to life and disappear down the road.

"Hey, Dad," I called as I dropped my back under his sheriff's jacket.

"Hey, Bells," he called back from the living room.

I heard the TV on. Must be a game.

"I'll start dinner," I say.

"You got a phone call," he grunted, never looking away from the screen. "They left a message for you."

I furrowed my brow. Who would call me on a school night? Jacob? I had all but lost most of my other friends. Even Jake was on the edge.

I walked into the kitchen and just under the phone that was attached to the wall was a sticky note. I could just barely make out Charlie's unruly scrawl.

Collin called. Your friend from Phoenix. Said it's urgent.

I wracked my brain. Collin? I was pretty sure I remembered him. He was a good friend of mine through freshman and sophomore years.

His number was written under the message and I sighed. This was probably about Emily's funeral and I wasn't in the mood right now. I would call him tomorrow.

I pulled out some pasta from the cupboard to start dinner. Just as I had brought the water to a boil, the shrill ring of the phone caused me to jump.

"I'll get it," I muttered, wiping my hands and picking up the phone. "Swan residence."

"Can I speak to Bella?" I rushed and anxious voice said.

I furrowed my brow again. "This is she."

"Thank God," the voice exhaled. "Bella, it's me. Collin. I tried calling earlier…"

I blushed. "I know. I was going to call you back after dinner…"

"Not important," he interrupted. "Did you hear about Emily?"

I sighed. I knew it. "Yeah… look I don't think I'll make it…"

I didn't know why I felt so guilty. We had grown apart. I had too much to worry about. Victoria, the Volturi, Edward and marriage, my ending friendship with Jacob… I didn't think it would be the best idea.

"Look, I don't think she had a seizure," he said worriedly.

I shake my head automatically. "The doctors said-"

"I know what they said!" he snapped. "Listen to me! She's never had a seizure in her life. It doesn't make sense. Then there's the dreams…"

I sigh. I'd always suspected Collin had a crush on Emily. This may have been his way of coping.

"Look, I'm sorry that this is all happening. I think you just need some time to relax," I say calmly. "Maybe if you got some sleep-"

"NO!" he sharply interrupts. I raise my eyebrows in surprise at the urgency in his voice. "I need you to listen to me! Emily isn't the first one who died."

"People die, Collin," I say softly.

"No, no, no! From our high school. I don't know if you remember Jada? Or Henry?"

"No," I say carefully. What was he getting at?

"They're gone too," he says matter-of-fact – ly.

"Seizures?" I guess.

"No… not seizures…"

"It's probably a coincidence," I explain, mentally chuckling at the anxiousness in his voice. "Don't worry too much about it."

"Please, Bella, just listen to me!" he urges again. "They all died in their sleep!"

I shake my head. "I really doubt that…"

"I don't," he says quickly. "I've… been having these nightmares… and-"

"Collin," I interrupt. "I'm pretty busy. I really think you're just taking this badly. Just get some sleep and-"

"No!" he shouted into the phone. What was it about the word 'sleep'? "Listen to me… I'm trying to figure this out… but, whatever you do… Do not. Fall. Asleep."

He emphasized each word heavily and I sighed. He was losing his mind. Part of me wished I could help him.

"Collin, you're being ridiculous…"

"Please, Bella," he pleaded. "You have to believe me! Something is going on! You have to believe me!"

"I have to go," I said quickly. "Look… take care of yourself, okay? It was good to hear from you after so long. I'll try to call you tomorrow, find out how you're doing."

I heard something resembling a sob in the background.

"Don't sleep, Bella… Please, just don't sleep…"

"Goodnight, Collin," I say finally.

He doesn't hang up first, so I do it for him. What was with him?

I turned around and yelped, seeing the water that was boiling over and onto the floor for the first time.

"Everything alright?" Charlie called, distracted.

"Yeah!" I called back. "I guess my mind is a bit foggy…"

"Why don't you forget dinner," he suggested. "You're supposed to be mourning."

I sigh. "I'm gonna go upstairs then," I say gratefully. "Goodnight!"

He grunted in response and I quickly escaped to bed, where my angel was patiently waiting, perched on my bed.

"Who were you talking to for such a long time?" he asked.

I laid down on the bed next to him. "An old friend from Phoenix."

"Catching up?"

"I suppose…" I looked down at my hands.

"Is anything the matter?" Edward asked, impatient.

I knew he hated when I didn't tell him what I was thinking.

I looked up at his worried face. "He seemed… I don't know… anxious…"

"How so?" he encouraged.

I shrugged. "Kept telling me not to sleep."

Edward chuckled. "That's a rather strange request."

"You think?" I retorted sarcastically.

"It's probably a reaction to losing a friend," Edward said soothingly.

"That's what I thought," I say with a yawn.

"I suppose you're going to have to break his rule," Edward laughed.

"It's not funny," I say sadly. "I think he was really freaked out about something."

"Whatever it was, it can wait until tomorrow," he said, pulling me closer and stroking my hair. "Sleep, my sweet Bella."

He started humming my lullaby, and I was out.

I opened my eyes slowly. I was in a classroom. Didn't I fall asleep in Edward's arm?

"Edward?" I whispered.

The classroom was empty and dark. The desks were far too small for this to be a high school.

Then, I heard chanting coming from the hallway. The voices sounded like they belonged to children.

"1, 2, Freddy's coming for you… 3, 4, lock your doors… 5, 6, grab your crucifix… 7, 8, stay up late… 9, 10, never sleep again…"

I narrowed my eyes. What was going on?

My curiosity got the best of me and I made my way out of the classroom and started walking down the hall.

The voices got louder and louder. I was tempted to raise my hands to my head but, then, it suddenly stopped. And was replaced by the ear-shattering sound of nails scraping on a blackboard.

It was coming from my right.

Slowly, I turned my head.

He was standing in front of the board with a long knife in his hand. That's what it looked like, at least. He was scratching the board.

I was frozen on the spot, staring at the gruesome figure before me.

I wasn't prepared for when he turned to face me.

"I'm coming for you, Bella," he said, in the most disgustingly evil voice I could imagine.

I shook my head. "Who are you?"

He smiled.

"It's time to wake up," he smirked. He turned and picked up one of the small chairs behind him.

My eyes widened. "NO!"

He flung the chair at me. I lifted my arm and it took most of the blow.

He started walking towards me.

"No!" I started backing away. "No, please! No!"

"Bella!" I heard in the distance.

I felt pressure on my arm.

"Bella, wake up!"

That's when my eyes opened. I gasped for air, pulling in shaky breaths as I tried to re-enter reality.

"Bella, love, what happened?" Edward asked from beside me. Suddenly, his hand was over my mouth. "Wait."

He was gone from my sight just as Charlie entered the room, baseball bat in hand.

"Bella!" he gasped, running up to me. "What happened?"

I tried to catch my breath. "I… don't know…"

"You were screaming. Kept shouting 'no'. Are you okay?" he rubbed the back of his head, confused.

I blinked. Usually, I didn't remember my dreams very well. This one was still vivid and clear in my mind.

"A bad dream, Dad," I say, fighting to keep my voice steady. "I'm sorry I woke you."

He nodded. "Thought I'd seen the last of those," he admitted. "It's alright. It's four, anyway. Almost time to get up."

I nodded.

He stood for a second longer, probably testing whether or not I was okay to be alone. The truth is, I wasn't. But I wouldn't be alone, anyway.

"Okay, Bells… try and catch your last few Z's."

He slumped out of the room and immediately, Edward was by my side.

"You had me worried," he admitted.

I sighed. "It was just a nightmare," I reassured him. "I'm fine now." I could tell he didn't believe me, so I hurried myself away. "I'm gonna use the bathroom."

He nodded and watched me walk out of the room.

Once I was in the bathroom I locked the door behind me and stared into the mirror.

Just a dream. Just a bad dream.

I was trying to reassure myself just as much as I was Edward and Charlie. I shook my head. I was being ridiculous even thinking about this for so long.

I turned the tap and doused my face with some cold water. I was up now, may as well just stay up until it was time for school.

Before I turned to leave, something in the mirror caught my eye. I lifted my arm cautiously to examine the oddity.

There it was. A bruise, clear as day, in the middle of my forearm.

I swear that's the exact same spot that…

I didn't let myself finish the thought.

Quickly, I dropped my arm and made my way back to my bedroom.

Just a dream. It was just a dream.