Iron-Frost Fanfic

Seeking Pleasures of The Flesh

Hey guys coming at you with another Fanfic! So, I recently discovered a ship that I enjoyed very much FrostIron. However, I didn't really prefer Loki being the top. He is so thin and sexy I just couldn't really picture it nor could I really picture Tony being a moaning bottom. As I came to this realization I was appaled at how little IronFrost fanfics there were. So, for me as well as for those like me that really enjoy the IronFrost ship here is my version. Some math on yrs, Asgard vs earth. If; 1 Asgardian lives = 5000 yrs 5000 yrs = 90 earth yrs then; 1 earth yr = 55 Asgardian yrs. This fanfic takes place after Thor Ragnarok and b4 infinity war with some subtle changes to IM3 and the avengers. I do not own any original characters or story. Please enjoy! ^^

Chapter 1

Thor, Loki, Banner, and the rest of the Asgardian's landed on earth in the middle of the night on a large, flat, grassy, land. Banner wondered if he would be able to find his friends after his two years on Sakaar. And Loki wondered if he could make amends on earth for what he did as he did on Asgard. He was feeling surprisingly thoughtful and guilty for his actions as he looked at the Asgardian's that looked at him with thankfulness. Thor had told them if it wasn't for Loki they would not be there. That Loki had helped Thor defeat Hela. It made him feel important, and honored. He felt as if maybe instead of being jealous of Thor he should have been helping him rule. He still resented Oden for keeping his heritage from him, but understood why he did. He sighed as everyone exited the ship on to the grassy land.

"Banner, my friend, will you be staying with us or will you be going your separate way?" Thor asked Banner.

Banner sighed, "I have no idea... It's been two years. I have no idea where to start..."

Thor brightened, "Then stay here and help us build up a new home here on Midgard. We could use your help."

Banner nodded, "Sure." He said simply.

"I think we should rest, brother. Start building tomorrow." Loki suggested and both Thor and Banner looked at Loki with shock at the soft tone his voice took. He was like a mellowed out Loki and it was strange. Stranger still was the fact that Loki called Thor brother. Thor hadn't heard Loki call him that in years.

Loki looked down with a slight blush, "Don't look at me like that. The people have had a rough couple of days. They should rest and so should we. We are no good to them weary." He said softly and walked away back into the ship.

Loki found a crate that had bed linens in it and started to pass them out to the people. The people looked grateful at Loki and thanked him. Thor and Banner watched Loki with shock written on their faces. After Loki was done, he wished everyone a good sleep and walked over to Thor and Banner.

Loki looked at Banner almost mournfully, "Banner.." He paused with his bright green eyes catching Banners as he licked his lips nervously, "I want to say.. I am truly.. I want to apologize about what happened here on Midgard last I was here." He looked up at Thor, "I truly want to help you rule the people that are left of Asgard." Banner's and Thor's jaws dropped open, "I know it's quite hard to believe, but I want to change." He looked down as some of the sleeping people, "I see now that I can bring good and help. And no hate or resentfulness is in their eyes when they look at me." He looked back at Thor and Banner, "I-I like that. So, would you forgive me?" Loki looked at both men with a look of shy sadness.

Banner swallowed and cleared his throat, "Uh, Loki, you threatened a lot of people. And killed some. But, if you say you want to change I believe you. I will just have to wait and see that change before I could truly forgive you."

Loki looked down slightly and nodded. He looked up at Banner with a small smile, "Then I will have to prove that I can change. Thank you, Banner..."

"Brother, I am glad that you want to change. And that you want to help. But, like Banner, I would like to see this change that you will make. I'm sure you will be a very good ally from now on." Thor said with a loving smile on his face.

Loki blushed pink, "Thank you Brother." He looked away slightly, "I am quite weary. I must rest." He said and walked away from the two men.


The next day Loki help build houses with his magic and it was going smoothly.

"His attitude has not changed. I truly believe he really wants to change." Thor told Banner, optimistic about Loki.

"I think so too. He looks so happy helping the people." Banner said noting the smile on Loki's lips as he built house after house with his magic. Thor nodded with a smile on his face.

Loki stopped as he heard a jet like sound around them. He looked at the sky with a puzzled expression. Everyone looked up at the sky as well with wonder. Loki walked over to Thor and Banner. "Did you hear that?" He asked.

"I think everyone did." Banner said still looking at the sky.

Suddenly Iron man flew down and punched Loki in the face. Loki cried out as he fell to the ground clenching his face with one hand as he looked at Iron man.

"Tony?" Banner said with a smile on his face though he worried about Loki.

Thor helped Loki up and Loki dusted him self off as Tony flipped up his helmet. "Banner?" Tony said as he looked at him. "Where have you been?"

Banner shrugged, "On another planet for two years."

Tony shook his head at Banner, "You will have to tell me about it later." He looked toward Thor and Loki as Loki rubbed his face while looking at Tony. "What's he doing here? I thought he was in prison." Tony asked Thor. Gasps and muffled screams came from the people around him. "What's going on here?"

"He's scaring the people." Loki said to Thor. "You talk to him while I go comfort the people."

Loki walked over to the scared people, "It's okay! This man is one of the protectors here on Midgard! He will not harm any of you. Please calm down."

Thor explained to Tony what had happened. Tony walked over to Loki and the people around him backed away with fear. "So, you help save a bunch of people and suddenly you want to change and be a better person? I don't buy it!"

Loki took a step closer to Tony, their faces inches apart, "I don't expect you to." He looked away slightly for a moment and looked back at Tony again, "I see that you still hold your anger from my mistakes."

"You threw me out a window!" Tony spat angrily earning him some fearful gasps from the people around him.

Loki's face twisted into a sad expression, "I do apologizes for that. And for my actions against the people of Midgard."

Tony's brows lifted, "You? Apologizing?" He laughed bitterly, "You have a plan and I know that it's ugly."

Loki laughed softly, "I'm afraid you are mistaken. I truly do want to change." He said and placed his hand on the cold metal of Tony's suit next to the arch reactor. Loki licked his dry lips as his face took on a sultry look that had Tony gaping at him. "I will just have to prove to you how truly sorry I am." He said slowly in a deeply titillating voice.

Tony blinked, was he flirting with him? Tony wondered as he grabbed Loki's shoulders earning him a surprised gasp from Loki. Tony shoved his face into Loki's with their noses touching. "Don't mess with me."

Loki's eyes flitted down to look at Tony's nose pressed against his, their lips only a breath away. He could feel Tony's hot breath on his lips. Loki gasped as a sudden rush of arousal hit him. Arousal? He asked himself, he hadn't felt arousal in 220 Asgardian years. (4 years on earth) He wondered what was going on.

Loki's eyes flitted up to look deeply into the brown irises of Tony Stark. "..Stark..." Loki breathed softly against Tony. Loki's eyes became heavy lidded as his body quivered. "..Please... I only want to help whats left of my people..." He said softly.

Tony looked down at their lips, "I never would have thought that a God would beg. Especially, beg a stupid mortal like me."

Loki sighed against Tony, "Stark.. I don't think you are stupid." Loki said softly. Tony looked back at the green eyes of the God with a shocked expression. "But, if begging would please you. Then, perhaps I will beg for your forgiveness..." Loki said almost groaned it out as his voice took on a rough edginess.

Tony's heart sped up as the sound of Loki's voice, it was doing things to him. "Sir, your heart beat has elevated, and your blood flow has increased. This is making your blood pressure rise. I believe this means-" Tony's AI system said.

"I know what it means, Friday." Tony growled at his AI system.

Loki's face flushed, "Oh.." he breathed as he moved his head to where his nose glided down the side of Tony's as his eyes became more hooded, "I suppose, that means I'm not the only one feeling this way." Loki said as he pressed his body up against the cold, hard, metal of Tony's suit. His hands slowly slid up the metal from Tony's waist to where his pecs should be. Loki groaned against Tony's lips. Loki bit his own lip with need as his body trembled against Tony. "I beg you Iron man.. let me earn your forgiveness." Loki groaned out.

Thor and Banner where taken aback with raised eye brows. Thor thought his brother odd, but never had he seen him so lewdly flirting. He thought his brother didn't like pleasures of the flesh. He had not be interested in those actions for many years. He wondered why now?

Tony push Loki back slightly but still held on to his arms. "Alright you can earn my forgiveness and prove to me that you have changed."

Loki looked at him with a sultry grin on his face. "Oh, you wont be disappointed, Stark."

Banner cleared his throat and both Loki and Tony looked at him. "Um shouldn't we be working to get homes for everyone?"

Loki chuckled softly, "I'm afraid I have barely any magic left. I used most of it to build those houses. I am too weary to continue. I must rest. This is why I am unable to get out of Stark's hold." He shrugged with that same grin on his face, "Oh but I'm not complaining." He leaned in a little closer to Tony, "I rather like it, Stark."

"Can't you use the rest of your magic?" Banner asked not knowing a clue about how magic works.

Loki chuckled again, "If I did, I wouldn't be able to stand. Or keep my clothes on..."

"What do your clothes have to do with you running out of magic?" Tony asked a little confused.

Loki blushed pink, "I dress with magic. If I use it all up I can no longer sustain the magic for my clothes. I then loose conciseness and there for my clothes as well."

Both of the men nodded in understanding as Loki looked down at the arch reactor in Tony's suit and chest. He grazed his fingertips on the glass. "What is this? What is the purpose of this?"

Tony looked down at the arch reactor that Loki was poking at. "That's a secret."

Loki's eyes shot up to Tony's face. "Is that so?" He thought for a moment, "Would you like to make a bargain?" He asked a little of his old self peeking through.

Tony's eye brows furrowed, "A bargain?" He asked.

Loki smiled sweetly, "Yes. A trade of information." He tapped on the arch reactor, "Information on this for information about my magic. Deal?"

Tony, Banner, and Thor's eye brows rose, "You would willingly give information about your magic?" All three men asked in unison.

Loki chuckled, "Yes. For information about this thing in your chest. It interests me." He said as his fingers grazed the glass. His eyes lifted up to look at Tony, "Do we have a bargain, or not? If the information about my magic is not of your interest, then perhaps something else. You name it I will bargain."

Tony looked down at Loki's lips, "Anything?" He asked huskily.

Loki's lips curved up as his eyes glazed over with lust and he leaned closer to Tony's face their lips a whisper apart, "Anything you want. You name it. I will do it."

"No the information about your magic will be useful to us." Banner said.

Loki leaned away from Tony as his eyes shot to Banner, "It's not up to you. It's up to him."

Tony cleared his throat, "No, Banner's right. Deal. Information about my arch reactor for information about your magic."

Loki sighed with disappointment, "Pity. Perhaps we can make a different bargain later." Loki looked at the metal hands still at his shoulders. "As much as I love being handled roughly, I'm afraid you will have to let go of me so that we may shake hands. To make the bargain more official of course." Loki smiled sweetly.

Tony let go of Loki and Tony held out his metal hand. Loki chuckled, "Perhaps you should get out of that." He pointed at the suit, "So, that we may have a proper hand shake."

"Fine." Tony said as he released himself from the suit and stepped out of it. He put out his hand with a slight look of annoyance.

Loki smiled, "That's better. Thank you." He said as his slender hand slipped into Tony's bulky hand. Tony's hand curled around Loki's. The heat from Tony was so titillating to Loki. His smile widened as his grip tightened around Tony's hand. He pulled Tony forward and placed his other hand on the arch reactor. Tony gasped as his eyes widened in shock. "Forgive me." He said as his fingertips grazed the shirt covered glass. "It looks more pronounced then in that metal armor." He murmured. "So, interesting..."

Tony pulled away from Loki and stepped away. Tony cleared his throat, "Just because I agreed doesn't mean you can touch it as much as you want." He said.

Loki blushed pink, "Yes. Yes, of course. Same goes with me and my magic, then." He said as he stepped away from Tony to stand beside Thor. "Brother I am weary."

"Rest, brother." Thor said with a look of worry. "Do you need anything."

"Would recover faster if I had constant contact with skin, but I am fine. I just need to rest." Loki said with a yawn.

"Contact with skin?" Banner asked curiously.

Loki looked over at Banner, "Yes, I don't normally distribute so much magic so I had no need for flesh to flesh contact. But..." He sighed wearily, "I have need for it if I am to continue building quickly. Other wise it would take at least 24 hours for me to recharge it."

"Flesh to flesh? Like the handshake?" Banner asked.

"No. More." He said as he looked at his hand nonchalantly.

"More? Like what?" Tony asked.

Loki looked up at Tony and blushed from embarrassment, "I..I absorb sexual adrenaline."

I hope you enjoyed that. If you did please fav., review, and follow for more. Also, I want to let you know how often I up load is based on demand such as Views and Reviews. So, share, share, share, and review, review, review. Also, I want to set up dates for every fanfic to be uploaded on so if you are keeping up with all of my story's don't worry I will organize it to where there is a fanfic chapter that comes out every week. Thank you all and I will see you next time! Queen out!