Rey steered the boat down the river. She wasn't sure where she was going; it was simply away from the base. She needed Kylo out of her quarters and away from her friends. He wasn't ready to leave the planet and she wasn't ready to leave him. Going out on the water had seemed the safest choice.

The feeling of freedom grew as they put more distance between themselves and the rebels. The rebels were her family now… but Kylo's place in her life was increasing with each passing minute. They needed to figure stuff out, and soon. His presence affected her and there was no denying the attraction between them. He just needed to look at her with that intense stare…

The breeze hit her face as she picked up speed. It snapped her out of her reflections. 'You can come out now.' She called to Kylo, who'd hidden from view while they navigated the waters near the station.

'You could've come to my ship.' Kylo stood beside her, his voice tainted by a slight moan. He enjoyed the company more than the swaying on the boat. Seeing the line of trees ahead helped but there was definitely a green tint to his cheeks. Rey would've laughed but she remembered the first time she'd been on a boat… it hadn't been pretty.

'Just keep looking forward,' Rey said, ignoring his comment, '…the nausea will pass.'

She loved being in control of the boat. It was fun and it was liberating; once you got used to the movement… so different to spaceships. She spotted a clearing in the tree line and headed towards it, with some luck the mooring would be easy and they could relax for a while… on land… she'd noticed Kylo's colour hadn't improved much.

If Kylo thought it would help, he would have sighed with relief when the boat stopped at the clearing. It looked beautiful and solid. Water was for drinking, not travelling on…

'Can you take that box please?' Rey asked him, pointing behind her. 'It's our lunch,' she explained, as she looked to secure the vessel. She was quite proud she'd remembered to bring some food. She hadn't planned a picnic; it just worked out that way.

'Anything…' Kylo started as to say as he stepped onto the sand… and promptly started to sink. 'Rey, I don't think this is a good spot for food.' He finished the sentence. Rey started to laugh… she couldn't help it as the look on Kylo's face was one she'd never seen before… somewhere between a lost puppy and sea-sick trooper.

He pulled himself back onto the boat… minus his boots. 'Can we please go to my ship?' He sounded exasperated, as he lay back down on the boat floor. 'Not yet.' Rey cuddled into him and gave him a gentle kiss.