Hi everyone! I'm finally back from my vacation and ready to get this epilogue posted. I might actually need to split it into three parts instead of two like I originally thought, but I have to see how the second section cooperates first(which I am still not done writing, but working on it).

Also, I'm switching the epilogue to Damon's point of view, and it will be obvious why once you start reading :)


"Whoa, nice catch!" I grinned as Alex caught a blueberry in his mouth on the first try.

Mia shouted, "My turn!"

I grabbed a few more of the berries and tossed them towards her face, but she missed every one and they scattered on the floor where I would be the one to pick them up later.

"No fair!" Mia pouted. "How do you do it?"

Alex explained, "You just have to keep your eye on it, and then you let it fall in your mouth. Like this." He snatched a blueberry from the counter and threw it in the air to catch.

"I wanna try!" Mia demanded, reaching for a blueberry herself.

I quickly put a stop to that before she inadvertently had the entire container full of berries on the floor and we didn't have enough for pancakes. "Here, you stand still with your mouth open and I'll drop it for you."

She did as I asked and I dropped the berry into her mouth, making her giggle happily. I tugged one of her pigtails with a teasing look before returning to the griddle to pour some more pancakes.

Neither of my kids had changed much over the past year and a half or so. Mia still loved the color pink and was obsessed with princesses. Alex still begged me to go fishing every time the weather permitted.

I, on the other hand, had changed quite a bit. My life went from single uncle playing father to two children to the complete opposite, and I had a beautiful wife to thank for that.

"Do I smell blueberry pancakes?" I heard Elena's voice yell from the bedroom across the house, and I smirked to myself. That woman and her nose—she was like a bloodhound ever since her hormones were thrown off balance.

"Why don't you get your lazy butt out of bed and come check?" I shouted back, earning snickers from both kids.

I flipped the pancakes onto a plate and set them on the table just in time to watch Elena waddle into the room with a glare fixed on her face. She was dressed in a pair of jeans with a sweater pulled down over her big pregnant belly. She huffed, "Excuse me for being thirty nine weeks pregnant."

I grinned and crossed the room to greet her with a kiss. I grabbed the back of her neck and placed a long, chaste kiss on her lips which she happily returned.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, dropping my hands to her stomach to feel our baby.

"Good." She said. "I've got a feeling that the baby isn't going to come until after the due date. He's stubborn, just like his father."

I raised a brow, "I think we're both to blame for that trait, babe."

She rolled her eyes a little then sat down at the table. Mia and Alex assumed their seats on either side of her and I brought over the butter, syrup, and whipped cream for Elena's pancakes.

And no, that wasn't a craving. She's just a natural sugar and fat lover. She's just lucky that the baby seemed to be sucking up all of the calories, or else she'd have gained a lot more than twenty pounds while pregnant.

I sat down across from her with my own plate of pancakes and mentally rolled my eyes at the sight of both kids completely covered in syrup. They were not the neatest eaters.

"When can we open a present!?" Mia blurted out excitedly once we were all eating breakfast.

"How about we wait until we're done eating and Grandma comes over?" Elena offered. "But you can only open one today if you promise not to put up a fight for bedtime tonight. Santa won't come unless you're asleep."

"Okay!" Mia easily agreed. "Do you think Santa will bring everything I wanted?"

Elena shrugged, "Maybe. I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

Allowing the kids to open one present on Christmas Eve was the only way Elena and I were able to keep them from annoying us the entire day. They were just too excited for tomorrow, and if all we had to do to keep them out of our hair was let them open one present, we'd happily do it.

"Can you open a present for the baby?" Alex asked Elena. "I got him a present, and I want you to open it!"

"How about we wait until tomorrow for the baby's presents?" Elena said, placing a hand on her stomach. It was more like her own personal shelf at this point. Before bed, I sometimes catch her eating while watching TV in our bed with a glass of water sitting on her stomach. I don't know what she's going to do once our son is born and that shelf is gone.

After breakfast, I brought everyone's plates into the kitchen to clean while Elena helped me, despite my arguing. In her own words, she was 'pregnant, not disabled.' Except she was thirty nine weeks pregnant and due to go into labor at literally any second.

And she says the baby is stubborn because of me.

Just as she closed the dishwasher, she gasped then pouted, "Damon, your son is training to be an MMA fighter in my uterus."

Mia questioned, "What's MMA?"

As she flounced over to Elena to feel the baby kicking, Elena explained, "Mixed martial arts. It's a professional fighter on TV."

Mia giggled when she felt one of the baby's thumps, "He's so strong!"

I tossed the dishrag onto the counter then joined them, placing my hands on Elena's stomach next to Mia's. Sure enough, there were some more bumps and kicks. That feeling would never get old.

I grabbed Elena's left hand and brought her wedding ring to my lips to kiss. As if you even needed to ask, our wedding was most definitely a shotgun wedding. We found out Elena was pregnant in May when she started having morning sickness. It was a surprise, that's for sure, but a happy surprise.

Getting married just made sense. We had talked about marriage before she was pregnant, and it was always a part of our plan. So after the doctor confirmed that Elena was really pregnant, I went out and bought a ring. I proposed to her the next day. I took her out to dinner to celebrate the news, and afterwards we took a walk on the beach. I got down on one knee at sunset and asked her.

She hardly even let me finish asking before she said yes.

The next month went by in a blur of wedding plans. Caroline stepped up to the plate to act as our planner, not that the ceremony required that much work. We kept it small—just close friends and family. We were married on a boardwalk in June, and we decided to postpone the honeymoon until after the baby's here so Elena can drink.

With any luck, once we do get around to our honeymoon we'll be too busy trying for baby number two that it won't even matter where we go.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, and figuring it was my mom I asked Elena, "Can you get that, babe? Mom probably forgot her key."

She nodded and kissed my cheek before waddling over to the door with Mia at her heels.

The kids were excited to meet their cousin. I swear, it's been like an endless barrage of gifts and drawings and cards from them ever since we told them.

"Damon?" I heard Elena's voice call. "Can you come here?"

She sounded…not herself.

Hoping that everything was okay with the baby, I hurried over to the front door only to stop dead in my tracks when I saw who was standing in my house. I blinked hard a few times, as if what I was seeing wasn't real, but every time I opened my eyes he was still there.

"Stefan…" I breathed in shock, and the next thought going through my head was the kids.

Alex was in the living room still looking through all of the presents to decide which to open today, but Mia was wrapped tightly around Elena's legs, hiding behind her. I wasn't sure if she even knew that he was her dad.

Elena had a comforting arm wrapped around her niece, but Mia still wouldn't come out.

I didn't even know what to say.

"Hey, Damon." Stefan said awkwardly, trying for a smile.

Like hell this reunion was going to be all sunshine and rainbows. He left. Not just me and Mom, but his two children. Coming back now wasn't going to be so easy.

For fuck's sake, Mia was scared of him! His own daughter didn't even recognize him, and I'll be damned if I place my trust in him only to find out that he's leaving again.

"Elena, can I open this one!?" Alex came running into the foyer holding a wrapped gift, but any and all excitement died as soon as he saw his dad standing there for the first time in over four years.

He abruptly dropped the gift and it fell on the floor as he ran over to Stefan and my brother picked him up in a hug.

I felt Elena grab my hand and give it a squeeze, and I sent her a tight smile before returning my attention to my brother.

When he set Alex down, I asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I got discharged for a while." He offered. Neither of us even knew what to do or say, and it was painfully obvious.

Stefan knelt down to give Alex another hug, and then he looked towards Mia sadly. She hugged onto Elena tighter and hid behind her legs again.

What a fucking nightmare…he couldn't have given us a little warning before showing up at our doorstep?

I bent down to Mia's level and said to her, "Mia, do you know who this is?"

She nodded silently and whispered, "My daddy."

"That's right. Do you remember him?" She shook her head again and didn't say anything. I shot Stefan a withering glare then said, "That's alright, Princess. It's been a long time. It's okay if you don't remember him."

She glanced at Stefan then asked, "Is my mommy coming home too?"

My heart broke at the hopeful look in her eyes and I sighed, "No, baby, your mommy is never coming back. But your dad is here now, and I know he missed you while he was gone. I'm sure that he loves you enough for your mom too, and Elena and I will always love you too."

Mia hesitantly peeked around Elena's legs, and Stefan held out a hand to her. Alex encouraged her, "Mia, it's Dad! He's back!"

She instantly ducked behind Elena's legs again, so I tried, "Princess, why don't you give him a hug?"

"No!" She suddenly yelled. "I want you and Elena to be my mommy and daddy!" And then she ran to her room, her door slamming loudly behind her.

I closed my eyes and exhaled shakily, then I felt Elena's soft touch on my shoulder where I was still crouched down. Shaking my head, I stood up then said to Alex, "Hey buddy, why don't you go next door and make sure Grandma's up?"

He was a smart kid. He knew that Mia's reaction wasn't something anyone expected, and it hurt to think that he hurt because she didn't share his excitement at seeing their father.

And now, he nodded silently then grabbed his coat and slipped on his snow boots before going outside.

When I was sure he wouldn't hear me, I turned to Stefan and glared, "You're pretty fucking unbelievable, you know that?"

"Damon…" Elena gripped my bicep, and I sighed.

Stefan, looking guilty, said, "I know."

Good. He deserved to feel guilty.

"You could have at least called to warn us you were coming home. I mean, what the hell? Did you honestly expect that you could just show up after almost five years and things would go back to the way they were? What's the matter with you!?"

"I know, Damon!" He said a little louder than he probably intended, judging by his lowered voice when he spoke next. "I know. I don't know what I was thinking, I just…wanted to come home. It was all last minute. I requested leave and my commanding officer had no problem granting it. The next thing I know, I'm on a plane flying to Maine. I don't even have a phone yet."

I felt myself shaking my head, "You don't get to do this. You don't get to show up on our doorstep and be a father again, because right now, I have a little girl who was abandoned when she couldn't even talk down the hall, upset because she probably thinks she's going to separated from the only family she's ever known."

"I fucked up, Damon! I know!"

Stefan ran a hand through his hair, only further disheveling the messy locks. It was the first time that I was actually able to take in his appearance. He was wearing the typical army garb, and he looked almost as the same as when he'd left, but maybe just a little older. His hair was about the same, but lighter, maybe from spending a lot of time in the sun.

"I left, and there's no excuse." He added. "I'm not here to make any either. All I want is to have my family back, and not just the kids. My brother and my mom as well." His gaze flitted over to Elena, who was still clinging to my arm, "And any new family too."

In that moment, I hated him.

I hated him like I'd never hated him before, including when he first left.

I hated him more now than when I had to go to a parent teacher conference with Alex's teacher after he casually told her that he couldn't go on a field trip to the museum because he didn't have a mom or dad to sign the form.

I hated him more now than when Mia asked me why her mommy and daddy didn't want her.

I hated him more now than when I just needed my brother to be my best man at my wedding but he couldn't because he was gone and didn't care enough to even call every now and then.

And I hated him more now than ever before because he left his kids, and now that I had one of my own on the way, I just couldn't understand how he could do that to them.

It was selfish of him to leave in the first place, and here I was thinking that maybe the army actually would change him like he wanted.

But I was wrong. Because instead of thinking about how his estranged family might react, he decided to drop by out of the blue and crush everything around him.

I wouldn't forgive him for this. Not anytime soon.

I looked at my niece and nephew as my daughter and son, and I would put them first before anything else. I'd protect them with my life, and to have Stefan come in here without warning was hurting them in a way that I couldn't protect them from, or even prepare them for.

It was too late. The damage was done. The only thing left was pain, and I had no idea how we were ever going to get to a point where things would feel normal again.

Christ, I'd gotten married and I have a kid on the way! He didn't even know about any of it!

"I think you should go." I told him firmly. "Go over to Mom's. Hell, while you've already got the screw up ball rolling, you might as well give her a damn heart attack too. I don't care what you do over there, whether you want to hang out with Alex or not, but right now, I need you out of my house. I have a five year old girl that's more of a daughter to me than she is to you down the hall, crying because of you, and I will always put her first, unlike you."

I felt my throat growing tight with my emotions, and I heard Elena's soft plea to me, but all I could do was glare at the stricken look on my brother's face.

When he made no move to leave, I pointed behind him and said, "I want you out of my house. Now."

I grabbed the door, intent on showing him that I wasn't kidding, and I didn't even crack when I saw the tears in his eyes. Every ounce of pain he was feeling right now was nothing in comparison to what I've had to front for his two children over the past five years.

He finally took a step back onto the porch after picking up his bag, and I slammed the door in his face.

We were finally alone, and my body sagged against the door. My eyes were closed as I slid to the floor, but then I heard Elena grunt when she sat down in front of me between my legs.

I knew she thought I was too harsh. That's just the kind of person she was. Despite everything she'd been through, she always wanted to see the best in people, my brother included.

I was not like that. Once you broke my trust, it was nearly impossible to earn it back. I was not as forgiving as my beautiful wife.

But instead of telling me that I went about it the wrong way, she opened her arms wide.

Like not hugging her was even an option.

I buried my face in her neck and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her as close as possible with her belly between us. She ran her hands through my hair just how I like it, her nails lightly scraping over my scalp.

"I love you Damon." She started. "And I'm so sorry that things worked out like this. I don't blame you for kicking him out."

After a moment of silence, I mumbled, "Where's the 'but'?"

I could almost feel her smiling, "There is no 'but.' I'm not going to say anything, because you have every right to feel the way you do. The only 'but' I'm going to say right now is that you have a little girl that you need to talk to, and as much as I know you don't want to, this conversation has to come from you."

I nodded into her shoulder, "Okay." Dropping my hands to her belly, I rubbed her protruding round stomach lovingly and added, "I could never leave you or Max. God, I love you both so much it would kill me if I had to leave you."

Elena gave me another squeeze before I let go, and I was surprised to see tears streaming down her face. She hastily wiped them away, "Stupid pregnancy hormones. Ignore me, just go to Mia, okay?"

I stood up and then pulled her to her feet knowing that she'd need help, then I kissed her forehead before trudging down the hall.

How was I even supposed to have this conversation? My biological niece just told her biological father that she wanted me to be her father and Elena to be her mother.

There was no instruction manual on this, no matter how many parenting books I'd read and reread over the past seven months.

I knocked lightly on her door before pushing it open, "Mia?"

She was sitting on her bed, brushing the hair on one of her dolls silently. I left the door open and sat down next to her with a sigh. To my surprise, she was the one to speak first, "I don't want to go live with him."

"No, Mia, you don't have to. Your dad doesn't even have a place to live yet, but even then nobody will make you live with him if you don't want to." I explained to her.

"Can you and Elena be my new mom and dad?"

"Well, it's not that simple, Princess." My heart was breaking for the little girl that I would do anything for because this time, there was nothing to do that would ease her pain. "I'm your uncle and Elena is your aunt, so we're not your parents, but that doesn't mean that we don't love you. We think of you like our daughter, and we do all the things that parents normally do, so in a way we are your parents, but not your mom and dad." She nodded then I asked, "How do you feel about your dad coming back?"

She shrugged, and a moment passed before she whispered, "Scared."

I pulled her into my lap and urged, "Why?"

"Because I don't remember him, and he wasn't here. I don't want him to take me away because he's my dad."

"He can't take you away, Mia." I promised her. "I'm angry that he left too, and you don't have to forgive him or want to see him if you don't want to. But he is your dad, and I know that he missed you while he was away. He loves you just like I love you, but that doesn't mean you owe him anything, okay?"

She silently nodded and I pressed a long kiss to the top of her head while trying to figure out what I was supposed to do next. I guess I should actually introduce my brother to his sister in law. And I should make sure that Mom didn't actually have a heart attack at the sight of him. Though I had no real desire to look at his sorry face again today, I was not afforded the luxury of having that option. As an adult in charge of two kids, I had actual responsibilities to be mature and handle the situation accordingly.

Being an adult fucking sucks.

"How about we put on a Disney movie to watch and make some popcorn?" I offered to the little girl in my arms who just had her world flipped upside down.

She nodded, though hesitantly, and asked, "Can we watch The Little Mermaid?"

"Sure." I smiled. "How about we see if Elena wants in on the fun?" This time, she nodded more excitedly and I lifted her into my arms with a groan. "You need to lay off the pancakes, little missy, you're getting heavy!"

"Nuh-uh!" She shook her head rapidly as I walked towards the living room. "I'm not fat, I'm growing older!"

"Don't remind me!" I flared my eyes at her and she giggled a loud peal of laughter. I tossed her down onto the couch, making her messy bedhead even messier, and as I started setting up the TV with the movie she wanted, Elena joined us with a bowl of popcorn hot out of the microwave.

"The Little Mermaid? Do you think you can sing all of the songs once they come on without messing up?" She asked Mia, one arm cradling her stomach as she came over.

"Yeah, I know them all!" She confirmed, then abruptly changed the subject, "Damon, can you bring my blanket and wrap me up in a burrito?"

Chuckling, I stood up and grabbed her fuzzy pink blanket from the armchair and unfolded it. I laid it out flat on the floor and she laid down on one end, then I rolled her over to wrap it up around her while she squealed in delight.

"Snug as a bug in a rug!" I playfully pinched her cheeks, only making her laugh louder. Then I picked her up and set her down in the child sized princess chair she has, setting her up so she can watch the screen.

Then I flopped down on one end of the couch and patted my lap for Elena, "Come put your feet up. Has the swelling gone down yet?"

She unceremoniously plopped down next to me and turned to lay down so her upper body was in my lap. I placed a couple pillows under her head and back to make her more comfortable, and she kicked her feet up on the armrest of the other end, sighing, "Yeah, a little. But they still won't fit in some of my shoes."

"At least you weren't wearing a toe ring." I shot her a wink, making her roll her eyes.

Mia shushed us once the movie started and the characters started talking, so we shut it for her sake. I placed my left hand on Elena's belly while my right hand tangled in her hair, massaging her scalp.

I could stare at her pregnant belly for the rest of my life and be the happiest man on the planet. She was carrying our son pretty low, much to her annoyance, when she started having to buy maternity jeans at only three months. Now, she was huge, and I'd never loved her more. I even loved the way her belly button poked out and showed through her shirts despite the fact that she had an innie.

After about fifteen minutes, Elena suddenly reached for my hand on her stomach and started moving it around. She placed it flat against a spot on the upper part of her belly and we both smiled as Max kicked our hands for a good thirty seconds.

Then Elena said, "His feet are up here, which means he's in the right position to be born. Maybe he won't be stubborn after all."

I lifted up her sweater to expose all of her glorious skin, sporting very minimal stretch marks despite her size. I leaned down to press my lips against it and whispered to my son, "Hey Max, it's Daddy. Are you gonna be good to your mommy and come on time or make her wait? I know she loves having you in her belly, but she's not so crazy about the cravings, her swollen feet, and the back pain. Maybe you could cut her some slack and pop out of there a little early. We're all ready for you, you know. We've got the spare bedroom decorated as your nursery and thanks to Mommy's baby shower we've got everything we need. We even have a hospital bag packed for Mommy when you're ready to meet us. And I've already read all the books, so I promise I won't drop you. At least not too hard."

That one earned a soft giggle from Elena and I dropped my cheek against her belly. She reached up and ran a hand through my hair, coaxing me into closing my eyes and relaxing.

We had a mountain of problems to deal with in regards to my brother, but for right now, I just wanted to spend Christmas Eve with my wife and our baby on the way.