Class Act-Ch 48

Epilogue 2 Years Later

The team had been away on a case and were now racing to get Derek and Luke to the hospital because Penelope was welcoming their third child into the world and Desi was bringing their first. Derek said, "come on man, I can't miss this", Luke said, "yeah me either, if I'm not there my wife will kill me", Derek quickly said, "yeah what he said" causing Dave to laugh as they came in sight of the hospital.

Penelope was in one delivery room with Sarah and Desiree was in another delivery room with Fran, Penelope squeezed Sarahs hand and said, "where is he, where's hotstuff"?, Sarah said, "he sent me a text a few minutes ago, they've landed and on the way here". The doctor' said, "you're almost fully dilated, how are you feeling"?, Penelope said, "ready to have this baby".

In the other delivery room Desiree said, "momma where's Luke, where's my husband"?, Fran said, "honey he's trying to get here", Desiree said, "I need him momma, I need him to be here with me". Fran gently squeezed her daughters hand and said, "hang on baby he'll be here soon", Desiree grabbed her moms hand as another contraction hit.

As the SUV stopped in the parking lot Derek and Luke jumped out and ran toward the entrance, Derek flashed his badge and said, "Penelope Morgan and Desiree Alvez please". The nurse said, "follow me, Penelope is in delivery room 1 and Desiree is in room 2", Derek and Luke smiled as they followed the nurse down the hall toward the delivery rooms.

Derek opened the door just as the doctor said, "pushhhhhhhh Penelope", he ran over and took his wife by the hand and said, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry", Sarah said, "Penelope I'm going to head on out and let my baby brother do his thang". Penelope grinned and said, "thanks Sarah", she winked at Penelope and said, "that's what family does for each other".

She walked to the door and said, "I love you guys", Derek and Penelope both in unison said, "we love you to" before she turned around and stepped out into the hall to head up to the waiting room. Meanwhile in room 2 Desiree looked up and saw her husband walking into the room and she instantly reached for him with her free hand.

Luke kissed her lips and said, "I'm so sorry", Desiree said, "you're here now that's all that matters", Fran kissed her daughter on the forehead and said, "I love you baby". Desi said, "thanks momma, I love you to", Luke said, "thanks for being here with her when I couldn't", Fran said, "any time honey", just as she turned to walk away she heard the doctor say, "alright Desi pushhhhhhh".

About an hour later Penelope and her daughter joined Desi and her son in their room, Dave arranged for Penelope and Desi to be in the same room to make it easier for everybody to be able to see the babies. Derek and Luke walked in first and they were closely followed by the rest of their family, Derek walked over and kissed his wife and said, "how are my two baby girls"?, Penelope grinned and said, "we're both fine, tired but fine".

Fran looked at Desi and said, "and how are you"?, Desi said, "amazing ma, I can't believe he's finally here", Luke kissed her on the lips and said, "now our life is perfect", Desi smiled and nodded her head yes. Dave said, "alright what are the babies names"?, Derek said, "well we'd like for you all to meet Angela Sarah Morgan".

Sarah said, "ohhhh guys you didn't have to do that", Penelope said, "we wanted to, you were always there to help me and take me to my doctors appointments when Derek couldn't be here and you went above and beyond the call when you were in the delivery room with us". Luke said, "and we'd like for you to meet Zachary Michael Alvez".

Derek said, "awwww Desi thank you", she smiled and said, "we couldn't think of a better name for him", Luke said, "and of course we know that we're not going to be short of baby sitters, right"?, everybody was agreeing. Derek said, "Sarah would you like to be the first person to hold your niece"?, she said, "I'd love to", Fran said, "just as long as you know that I get her next" causing everybody to laugh.

Luke looked at Derek and said, "would you like to hold your nephew"?, Derek said, "I'd be honored" as Luke put the baby into his hands he said, "ohhhh lookey at you little man". Luke sat down on the bed beside his wife and said, "I love you", she said, "I love you to" as she gently kissed him on the lips, they then watched as their growing family spent some time bonding with the two newest members.

As Penelope watched Derek holding his nephew she knew that they had everything they could ever need, as the years continued Derek and Penelope welcomed one more child, a son named Matthew, he was a surprise that happened after they went away on a second honeymoon. Sarah got married to a doctor that worked at the hospital where her nephews and nieces were born and not long after she was married she gave birth to twin sons, Devon and Evan Samples.

JJ and Reid welcomed a daughter Sophie when Henry was 5 and Hotch and Emily welcomed a son Thomas to the family when their other son Jack was almost 8 years old. Of course Dave and Fran loved all of their grandchildren and they took great pleasure in spoiling them rotten at every opportunity. As their clan grew the three things they always had was joy, happiness and love, lots and lots of love.