
Nya turned, hoping whatever it was, it would be fast. She was trying to get to her class on time, but the crowds in the halls of Ninjago High were notoriously thick and difficult to navigate through at times.

Brittany Chang, the captain of Ninjago High's cheerleading squad, was strolling toward her. The rest of the squad, as usual, was behind their captain.

"Ew," Brittany repeated dramatically, gesturing to Nya's T-shirt. "I mean, who wears stripes anymore? And that leather jacket. It's, like, soooo boyish. And those pants! I mean, does any normal, self-respecting girl wear ripped jeans?"

The rest of the squad fell over themselves to agree with her. Nya rolled her eyes.

"This one does, obviously."

"Ew," Brittany repeated, flipping her long hair and sashaying off down the hall. Nya glared after her, then turned and marched into her classroom just as the bell rang.

"Ugh!" Nya groaned later that night, as she and the other five ninja were sitting down at dinner at the dojo. "Those girls make me sick!"

"Which girls?" Cole said absently, starting in on his sixth bowl of rice.

"The cheerleaders," Nya groused. "Honestly, they walk around like they own the place, they wear enough lip gloss to conceal a rhino, and they're so…they're so… so girly!"

"Bet you have to be a real girl to be a cheerleader," Kai teased. "Bet you couldn't even make the team, Nya."

"I could if I wanted to," Nya shot back. Kai grinned.

"Yeah, yeah, you're all talk. Bet you couldn't."

"I could!"

"Prove it."

Nya clenched her fists and shoved her chair back, standing up. "I can do it, and I'll prove it to you. You know the cheer rally against Seacliff High that's coming up in a week? I'm going to be there, on the floor, in uniform, and you can sit in the stands and choke on the fact that you were wrong and I was right."

She jutted out her chin, daring anyone to contradict her. Everyone recognized the look. It was the one Nya always wore when she decided on something and nothing anyone said or did could sway her.

"I don't doubt it, Nya," Kai smiled, winking at his sister. "I bet you'll be the best, girliest cheerleader our school ever had."

"You're going to be great, Nya!" Lloyd said excitedly. "I'll be there."

"You'll be dressed like a girl for once?" Cole grinned. "I'll be there."

"Ninjago High will have a 94.63 percent chance of winning the rally with Nya on the team," Zane calculated. "I will be there."

"Did you say 'in uniform'?" Jay asked interestedly. "I'll be there."

Kai slapped him.