Later that night, around the dinner table on the Bounty, Kai conceded defeat.

"You were right, Nya. You were the best cheerleader on the floor today."

Jay concurred enthusiastically. "Youlooked great out there, Nya. Seriously. Did you guys plan that move with the pyramid? It was totally awesome!"

"Nope," Nya sighed. "That was Brittany's fault. Entirely."

"You showed presence of mind, however," Zane approved. "I doubt whether any of the others could exhibit as such at the time."

"I'm just that awesome," Nya shrugged. Cole nudged Kai, and winked.

"You are," Kai agreed. "So awesome, in fact, that we got you a gift."

"Really?" Nya beamed as she took the small box. "Thanks, guys!"

"Don't thank us yet," Cole smirked. "Open the box first."

"But before you kill us," Jay said quickly, "I'm just gonna say it was all Kai's idea. I had absolutely nothing to do with it. "

Slightly bemused, Nya opened the box. Inside, nestled on pale pink paper, sat three tubes of lip gloss in varying shades of garish hot pink.


Nya grabbed all three tubes of lip gloss, wrenched the caps off, and was an inch away from jamming them collectively up her brother's nose when Kai took one look at her face, realized she was serious, and bolted from the room. Nya sat back down, breathing heavily, but grinning. It was a wolf's grin- one that sent shivers down Jay's and Cole's spines.

"I'm going to have a good time with these tonight," she said sweetly.

Coincidentally, the next morning, Kai woke up to find his lips frosted heavily with three shades of garish hot pink.