A.N: I don't own the vampire diaries or originals. This starts at the Mikaelson ball. This is about the older Gilbert sister, who has come back into town and caught the eye of an original, but will he Math hers? She has a secret that even her siblings don't know. This does contain some Elena bashing and will probably end up with both Salvatore's not ending up with her. Not sure yet one will likely end up with Rebekah. It will start with her entering the ball with Jeremy and she hasn't been back in town since her parents funeral. She isn't close to Elena. But who was she and how comes no one mentions her and there are no pictures, why does Stefan not even know about her. Who is the sharp-minded, mysterious stranger who entered the party? And what is her secret and why does she avoid everyone's eye is it to avoid compulsion or something else?

I don't remember much of what happened in the ball so some may be off to the story, but as from not much will go like in the series as I need it to go in a certain order for my story to make sense such as Kol getting his neck snapped before Elija's speech. Definitely, no Klaroline mainly as I think she was a bitch to Klaus.



Elena POV: Stefan, Damon and I were standing around keeping an eye on the originals who were currently at the bottom of the stairs talking. I was trying to figure out how I am going to talk to Esther without Damon or Stefan. The ball is nearly starting the last few guests are walking in the door. Jeremy isn't here which is a good thing I hope he doesn't come I don't want anything happening to him. I was watching people enter. I saw Caroline come in the front door in a beautiful dress I need to ask where she got that dress. Then Jeremy came in the door with a massive smile on his face and someone I never thought I would see again and wish I hadn't. Valarie my older sister or cousin now as I am adopted. 'She looked stunning in her dress. I wonder where she-'.

That's when Stefan interrupted by thoughts I am guessing I had a bigger reaction to her presence than I thought they must have noticed. "What's wrong?" Stefan asked. I didn't reply I just carried on staring they followed my gaze and asked who Jeremy was with.

I didn't reply. As my siblings walked further in the room she said something to Jeremy. "What did she say?" I asked them. "Well?" I prompt when they don't respond.

"I don't know I couldn't hear her … Stefan anything?" Damon replied turning to Stefan. Stefan shook his head negative. What that doesn't make sense.

"I don't know how we can't, I can hear Jeremy's reply," Stefan answered which just confused me more.

"What how can't you two hear her but can hear Jeremy they are next to each other. Your vampires how is that possible." I ask before wondering aloud "How can you hear my brother but not my sister" Both their heads snap to me. 'SHIT'. Apparently, the originals were listening to us I don't know why (probably to find out who that was on Jeremy's arm as they haven't seen her around and the town is small) but it was obvious they whereas all of their heads either snapped round to stare at me or my siblings. Stefan and Damon were both looking at me with looks of surprise. I saw out the corner of my eye Jeremy coming towards us and Valarie going towards the bar or the originals I couldn't tell which but I was hoping it wasn't the originals, she had no idea how dangerous they are.

Jeremy's POV: I got five feet away from the car walking out of my house on my way to the Mikaelson's house for this ball that was bound to be boring when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and it was my sister. My older sister Valarie looking beautiful in her dress but she looked so nervous. "Jere?"

"Val... your back... I have missed you so much" I basically whispered and launched myself into her arms. That's when I remembered she was dressed really nice.

"What are you doing here? - not that I haven't missed you or that you aren't wanted just I didn't think you would come back. How come you dressed up all nice did you come from a date where is -" I rambled until she stopped me.

"Jere breath," She chuckled, " To answer that onslaught of questions hmm let's go in order … I decided it's time to come back, thanks for missing me, I am dressed up nicely as I am coming to the ball, which before you ask I heard about from the taxi driver who took me to the house earlier as he recognised me and knew everyone in town was invited. So I dressed up in the motel I stayed at last night and today. So no I didn't come from a date. And before you ask my bags are in the motel I was at earlier" she answered my questions.

"Okay so want a ride to the ball with me while you tell me how you are?" I asked as I knew I wasn't exactly running late but I knew If I didn't leave soon I might not find a parking space. She agreed and we got in the car. On the way, she told me all about what she has been doing while she was gone her job and how she has travelled some lately for her job and we just caught up. Me leaving out all the supernatural stuff.

When we arrived I took her arm and lead her to the door where I gave my invitation and introduced Val as my plus one when we walked in I noticed how good it looked in the house and walked into the room, I could see my sister and the Salvatore's leaning on the wall near the ballroom and the originals at the bottom of the stairs in conversation and I stiffened 'SHIT Val doesn't know they are vampires she doesn't know any of that stuff she could get hurt tonight, no Jeremy your sister is smart and she wouldn't put up with any of their shit duh this is Val'. Val either didn't comment or realise I was tense "So Jere I am going to get a drink and you, my lovely brother, are going to keep Elena away from me until I have had at least a drink so I am going to what I presume is the only bar in this place okay" She whispered to me.

I laughed and replied, "never change sis and yeah I can do that talk later," we shared a quick hug and then we separated I made my way to Elena and Val went towards the bar walking past the originals. And they were all watching her.

Klaus POV: My Siblings and I were standing at the bottom of the stairs talking among ourselves while I was keeping an ear on the doppelganger conversation to make sure she was behaving I think some of my siblings were as well. We heard the Salvatore brothers say they could hear Jermey but not whoever the boy had managed to get as his date who I'm guessing wasn't the Bennet witch as they wouldn't have made a big deal.

When the doppelganger said, "How can you hear my brother but not my sister?". That's when me and my siblings either whipped our heads round to the Gilbert boy or the doppelganger proving to me they were also in fact listening. When I whipped my head towards the Gilbert boy I saw he was with a very beautiful woman in, ironically, a blood-red silk off the shoulder floor length dress that clung to her amazing curves and showed of her generous chest (Imagine a red version of the dress Christina Aguilera wore in Burlesque when singing bound to you). Her hair was pinned up with some curls framing her face and she had simple makeup on her face. She had stud silver earrings and bracelet and no necklace. Unfortunately, she was currently looking away from me so I couldn't see her eyes. She exchanged a hug with her brother and then walked away from him and seemed to be coming towards me and my siblings. As she walked closer all of us were now staring at her very obviously thinking she was going to walk towards us to greet her hosts, but she walked right by with her head down us not even glancing at us straight towards the bar. I and my siblings all shared a look wondering if she was knew what we were.

"Great the dopplebitch has someone else on her side now that's great," Bekah sighs.

"We do not know that sister and how comes none of you told me there was a hot older Gilbert," asked Kol watching our surprise guest.

"That is because none of knew," murmured Elijah.

"Well maybe I should introduce myself," said Kol smirking about to walk away. But Finn grabbed his hand stopping him and Kol gave him a look to say 'what'.

"No wait brother we should see how they interact first that will help us know more about their relationship" he answered Kol. Kol nodded knowing Finn made a good point. We all separated knowing we had made a silent pact to keep an eye on the girl and what was happening with her. By now she was at the bar and ordering a second scotch maybe. After watching her in the corner of my while going around talking to guests for about half an hour, I looked over at the doppelganger and her guards to try and listen in to the other Gilbert siblings, only Stefan and Jeremy where left. I wondered where the other two had gone and when I looked back at the Gilbert at the bar she was gone and I couldn't find her anywhere. Shit. I went to go find one of my siblings to see if they had a tab on her when I heard a disturbance near the back of the house where guest aren't supposed to be and the sound of a neck-breaking, if I didn't have my vamp/wolf hearing I wouldn't have heard it.

Stefan's POV:

'SISTER! Since when did they have a sister'

"Hey guys," Jeremy says coming over to us

"Jer what's she doing here?" Elena asked I could tell by her face she was shocked but her tone was angry, which made me confused.

"She is here because she came back and heard about the ball and knew everyone was invited and was going to see us anyways. So she stopped by the house and I gave her a ride. You must have just missed her." Jeremy answered his sister and I could see he was annoyed but I wasn't sure at which sister.

"Unbelievable," Elena muttered under her breath.

"Well I am going to enjoy the night and when we get home Jer all three of us are having a big long chat" Elena continued.

Jeremy snorted "Good luck with that".

Elena rolled her eyes and left. Damon followed after leaving me and Jeremy alone.

"So another sister how come no one mentioned her and there are no pictures of her," I asked him.

I definitely knew which sister made him annoyed now as Jeremy clenched his fists and replied sharply, "Yeah she's our older sister she's currently 26. The reason no one mentions her is that Elena used to freak out when she was mentioned and go into rant mode so everyone stopped talking about her. After our parents died she took down or changed any photo with her in them and put them away."

I nodded confused and decided to change the subject to anything other than his sister. When about twenty minutes later I heard the sound of a neck snapping and quickly went towards in with Jeremy on my heels.

Valarie's POV for rest of the chapter: I had just finished my second glass of Scotch when I felt someone sit down next to me. I rolled my eyes knowing what they were thinking and it was boring. I waved the barman over for a re-fill while wondering when this ball would start.

"How you enjoying yourself gorgeous?" asked the man next to me.

"It's fun just waiting for it to actually start, but if you don't mind I want to enjoy the quiet while it lasts," I replied

He seemed to of got the hint and walked off. I could hear the barman laugh. I needed a minute to think and collect myself. "Excuse do you know where the toilet is?" I asked the bartender. He told me and I made my way to the back of the house. Walking on my way I heard my sister talking to someone.

A.N. I don't know if this is what was said but it's close also I don't know if in the show Elena had seen Esther yet but in my version, she hasn't.

"Because I love you that's why," I heard a man say, by his tone I guessed he and whoever he was talking to was in an argument.

"Well maybe that's the problem," Elena said back to the man she was arguing with. What the hell Elena? That is not the reply when someone says I love you, even if you don't feel the same. At that moment I had never been happier to not be in a room as I had then. There was a silence and then they exchanged few more words and he left her leaving after him. Luckily they didn't see me. I went past the staircase and into the toilet. After, I had done my business I took some deep breaths. I just put my hands on the door handle when I heard a noise. It sounded like two people fighting. A loud thump happened which I guessed was someone falling and then a sickening crunch. Suddenly, I heard a lot of footsteps and some people talking, I realised the noise must have alerted all the people I was about to talk to individually.

Well, this just made things easier. I then opened the door and stepped out all conversation stopped as they realised they had an audience. I merely walked over to the staircase and went down towards the back of the house. I could feel them all watching me wondering if I saw them, as I had kept my gaze down pretending as if I was watching my steps. When I reached the last step I had understood that someone called Damon had snapped someone else called Kol's neck who was also a vampire and this Kol person was now on the ground temporarily dead. All of them had stayed silent and I realised they were hoping I hadn't seen the body as they didn't know I knew. So I calmly turned around without saying a word and went towards the body. I heard them all take in a breath and think a mile a minute. When I reached the body I bent down and snapped this Kol's person's neck back into place stood up and said all while looking at the body "Well that should make him come back to life earlier, wouldn't want the guests to notice him missing when Elijah gives his speech soon would we. Also, Damon do stop snapping people's neck's, especially tonight and especially when they like revenge."

They were all silent and then my lovely little sister whisper screamed: "Jeremy you told her."

"NO! I did not tell her and how the hell could I tell her about the speech when I didn't know it was happening" he whisper-shouted back.

"Well, you told her something as she knows about vampire" Elena replied.

I sighed quietly to myself, "Elena stop telling Jeremy off this instant he did not tell me anything, and even if he did it would have been sensible to as there are eight vamps at this ball. Now would you be quiet and wait for him to wake up and when he does Finn I must talk to you." I said effectively cutting her off and turned around smoothing out my dress. Suddenly, I was slammed into the wall by my waist and spun around to face the said person who I wanted to talk to 'Fuck sake' I thought.

"Who are you?" he snarled, I think.

"Valarie Gilbert and you are Finn Mikaelson original vampire and seen as I snapped you brother's neck back into place I think you should let go of me," I said looking up into his eyes.

He saw my eyes and stepped back.

"You are b-" Finn started

"Yes," I snapped cutting him off, "but now I must talk to you first before I talk to any of the rest of you which will probably be after this ball maybe at our house, oh and if your brother doesn't wake up soon do move him wouldn't want the party ruined by people seeing him come back to life" I continue when he stops.

I then walked into a room with him trailing behind. When he closed the door I turned around and lent on a table. I had unknown to him spelt it so no one could hear us.

"Okay so I know what you want to say but my siblings don't know. So please let me tell them and if you say it out loud other vamps will hear you ask them. Yes, it is new and no I haven't told them you will find out why later. But I need to tell you something important first so can you listen" I told him.

"Yes I can listen and no I won't say anything about it yet" Finn replied.

"Good, okay I will explain how I know later but all you need to know for now is. Sage is alive your mother lied and by letting her kill you it will kill any vampires in your bloodline. And if you and your siblings are linked then all their bloodlines die with them. So all vampires die not just all of you, and your mother knows this. She is planning on putting Elena's blood into the champagne so please tell them not to drink any of it somehow. A text would be easy. After the party come to our house and I will explain." I rambled to him.

He was quiet for a moment and then replied: "Okay I do not know how you know this but the fact you have proven you know things even I didn't know I believe Sage is alive, my only request is you stop my mother and bring Sage to me when you can".

I blinked "Wow that was easier than I thought it would be," I admit. "Now lets go make sure they haven't killed each other yet," I say laughing at the end. I quickly unspelled the door knowing otherwise he would feel it if he walked through and left the room to join the party with Finn leading.

A.N: I have gone through and corrected all the mistakes so if you have read it before it should make more sense now. I have corrected it on 14/11/2019 again as I knew there were more. I am going through to edit it.