A/N: So anyone reading my other story 'The Tunnel' just know I haven't given up on that I'm just having some writer's block. Anyways, thank you for the lovely reviews from the last chapter, I hope you like this next chapter. Enjoy!

Chloe puts the last of her items away as she hears a loud thump upstairs. She pauses as she starts walking towards the stairs hearing a crash and another louder thump, causing her to start racing up the stairs and towards her room. She spots Lucifer on the ground next to a broken lamp as well as a dent in her wall with a bit of blood in the center of it. She crouches next to Lucifer, noticing the small laceration on his forehead as she shakes him slightly.

"Lucifer, Lucifer wake up. Lucifer!" Chloe scrambles to get her phone realising that her cell is still downstairs. She looks around, attempting to come up with a plan, as she calms herself. She grabs a pillow and places it under his head before running down the stairs, nearly slipping on the hardwood as she attempts to get her phone. She immediately dials 911 as she races back up the stairs.

"Nine one one, what's your emergency?" Chloe leans next to Lucifer as she checks for any other obvious injuries.

"My...friend just collapsed, I think he hit his head, it's bleeding a little bit." She hears typing on the other side before the responder talks again.

"What's the address?" Chloe quickly responds, hoping her voice isn't shaking too much.

"Is he still breathing?" Chloe feels panicked as she tries to focus on Lucifer's chest, she sighs as she notices it rising and lowering at an even pace.

"Yes. We just came back from urgent care I don't understand." Chloe says somewhat quietly.

"The paramedics are on their way, why was he at urgent care?"

"He's been having severe migraines, we just got medication for it."

"Okay, some migraines can cause people to pass out, but it's better to check and make sure." Chloe just nods, feeling slightly better.

"I don't want to leave him, do I need to go out for the ambulances?"

"Is anyone else there to flag the ambulance down?" Chloe considers it before nodding.

"Yeah, hold on." Chloe sets the phone down and runs downstairs again, she goes to Trixie's bed and shakes her gently awake.

"Hey monkey, I need you to do a really important job, okay?" Trixie rubs her eyes.

"What time is it, Mommy?"

"It's late, Lucifer is really sick and there's an ambulance coming to make him feel better. I need you to go outside and look for them when they get here and to lead them here, okay?" Trixie nods as she gets up and puts on some sandals, running outside as Chloe runs back upstairs and picks up her phone again.

"I sent my daughter outside for the ambulance."

"That's good, the ambulance is almost there, but I'm going to stay on the line in case anything changes." Chloe nods as she hears nearby sirens.

"I can hear them."

"Okay, I'm going to hang up now. Have a nice night." The call drops and Chloe exhales heavily. She looks at Lucifer feeling her lip quiver before she breathes deeply, attempting to relax.

"Mommy, they're here!" Chloe hears Trixie yell from downstairs followed by the sounds of boot steps as they climb up the stairs and enter the room, surrounding Lucifer. One of the paramedics pulls Chloe aside as Trixie runs to her and hugs her.

"Ma'am, can you explain what happened?" Chloe looks back at Lucifer.

"We came back from urgent care and I left him alone for five minutes and I found him here. He's been having severe migraines, he hasn't even taken his new medication for it yet." The paramedic nods before going to the other paramedics by Lucifer.

"Will Lucifer be okay?" Trixie asks. Chloe smiles reassuringly as she nods, kissing the top of her daughter's head as the paramedics carry Lucifer out and down the stairs.

"Do you want to ride?" The paramedic from before asks. Chloe nods before turning to her daughter.

"I'm going to go with Lucifer, but I'm going to call Daddy to come and get you, okay? You'll be by yourself for a little bit, okay?"

"Can't I go with you?"

"Not right now, I'll have Daddy bring you by when he's feeling better." Trixie nods as Chloe turns and climbs into the back of the ambulance, sitting next to the gurney, looking at him with sad eyes. She had taken care of sick friends before, sure. She had even dealt with emotional breakdowns and gunshot wounds from Lucifer, but even then he never seemed so vulnerable. She'd never actually seen him sick, and for a second she thought back to his reference to being the devil, shaking her head as she smiled. It was a ridiculous thought, she believed in evidence and facts, and the fact was she never saw a photo that wasn't proven to be photoshop later and she had never found a dead man with wings growing out of his back.

She sat silently, absentmindedly holding Lucifer's hand and rubbing her thumb over his thin knuckles, while she calls Dan, asking him to take Trixie and to drop her car off by the hospital later. After she hung up, she felt his fingers twitch under her own as she sees him open his eyes and look at her. Chloe smiles at him and he manages to smile back weakly.

"Chloe…" Chloe nods as she squeezes his hand.

"How are you feeling?" Lucifer touches his head and looks around.

"Like Hell." Chloe laughs lightly at the reference. "I thought I was dying," Lucifer adds seriously, Chloe nodding understandingly.

"You've been through a lot in a few short hours, I can understand why you'd feel that way." Lucifer looks down at Chloe's hand, his arm tensing slightly. Chloe looks at him questioningly.

"Do you ever tire, caring about a poor sod like me?" Lucifer looks away from her, his hand shaking slightly. Chloe stares at him as she feels his hand slip out of hers. This wasn't completely unusual behaviour for Lucifer, but he still looked more vulnerable than he should.

"Lucifer, look at me." Lucifer tenses, his heart rate spiking. She doesn't want to stress him out, but she needs to get whatever weight off his chest. "Lucifer, please." Lucifer glances back at her before he holds the look.

"You're difficult at times, but I don't ever get tired of you. You make me worry unnecessarily at times, that doesn't mean I don't care. I know you beat yourself a lot over nothing, but don't beat yourself up for being sick, it happens to all of us from time to time." Lucifer just nods as he stares at her, he returns his hand back into hers, which she firmly grasps as the ambulance stops.

"We're here." One of the paramedics say as they begin to move the gurney into the building, Chloe following behind. As they enter Chloe is stopped by someone who hands her several sheets of paperwork to fill out before she goes to sit next to Lucifer. Chloe looks over the papers, realising she knows very little, to practically nothing, of Lucifer's family history or just of his health in general (minus his mental health, although she didn't want to possibly offend him at the moment). Chloe shows Lucifer the forms, a questioning look on her face.

"Any way you can possibly help me with these?" Lucifer takes them for a second before looking at Chloe and shrugging. Chloe squints her eyes at him.

"Do you really not know your family history or any of this?" Lucifer shrugs again, sighing.

"I know a lot of my family history, but nothing medical should be affecting me. All of this is new. I told you Ch- Detective, I've never been sick before." Chloe shakes her head, trying not to lecture him like she usually does. A doctor comes by, smiling at Chloe and Lucifer, that familiar glint in her eye as she spots him, a bright blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Hello, I've been told you've had an issue with passing out at home?" Lucifer smiles at the doctor mischievously.

"Something of the sort. I feel much better now though, doctor." The doctor looks down as she smiles, clearing her throat.

"You having trouble with the paperwork?" The doctor asks, noticing the empty papers on Chloe's lap.

"My family doesn't quite have much of a history, in this case, hope that won't be too much of a problem." Lucifer raises his eyebrows and the doctor nods, taking the papers and handing them off to someone else.

"Well let's see here." The doctor turns his head slightly as she prods at his head wound, she nods before removing her hands. "It's pretty minor, all we need to do is stitch you up and I think you're good to go. The second thing we need to figure out is the reason why you fainted."

"I'd been having migraines, severe ones," Lucifer says, flinching slightly at the memories. Chloe notices him touching his head slightly. "I was given pills for them today, but haven't had the chance to take any yet." The doctor nods.

"What symptoms did the migraines give you?"

"They wouldn't let me sleep and caused me to get sick in the morning." The doctor nods again.

"It's a possibility that you may have some rarer type of migraine, but this also could be a one-time thing due to the stress the migraines have been putting on you. Constant missed nights sleep and vomiting can cause dehydration and just plain exhaustion." Chloe nodded, feeling relieved.

"You have seemed more exhausted lately." Chloe points out and Lucifer looks down, guiltily. The doctor nods.

"Before jumping to anything major and unlikely I want to go with the more likely conclusion. As we say 'when you hear hoofbeats think horses, not zebras'. I'm going to let your new medication get a chance to work and to have you rest and hydrate. If there's still any problems then I'd like you to come back and we can discuss some other options." Lucifer nods, smiling slightly at Chloe.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Lucifer." Lucifer smiles.

"You too, doctor." Another blush creeps on her face as she leaves. An intern enters the room and stitches Lucifer's head before they are discharged and sent off. Chloe walks closely next to Lucifer as they walk to her car. He gets in the front passenger seat as she starts the car, driving quietly on the road. Lucifer stares outside the window, his dark eyes reflecting the neon lights that light up late night LA. He looks strangely innocent as he does so.

Chloe turns the radio on to fill the silence, some blues radio station playing. Lucifer looks at it, smiling. Chloe nods her head slowly to the music, feeling odd as her vision becomes slightly blurry and her nose runny. Lucifer continues to listen to the music and look out the window before he looks at her. He turns off the radio, staring at her.

"Detecti- ...Chloe…" Lucifer's hushed voice causes her lip to quiver. She bites it as she keeps driving, quickly wiping the back of her hand across her eyes. She smiles at Lucifer as if he hadn't seen her just a second ago.

"Is there anything you need before we get to my house?" Lucifer touches her shoulder gently.

"Pull over for a sec." Lucifer gestures towards a parking lot by a small convenience store. Chloe does so, partially cause she's concerned her driving may be affected soon, and also because he asked her to.

Chloe turns off the car after she parks it, resting her forehead against the steering wheel. Her shoulders shake, the only sign that she's crying. She learned from her mother how to cry silently. Lucifer uncharacteristically reaches out and rubs her back gently, the warmth from his palm relaxed her as she bit back the hiccups threatening to expose her. Chloe partially looks up, Lucifer looking at her with concern. Chloe laughs, hiccuping in the process. Lucifer looks at her strangely.

"I hate when you joke about your death. Because you always put yourself in danger, and I get scared someday your jokes will be a reality." Lucifer nods.

"I'm still here Chloe, I'm not planning on going anytime soon. I don't die easily." Chloe sighs.

"Yeah. I've never seen you look so...helpless." Lucifer clenches his teeth as he nods. Another tear escapes the corner of her eye as Lucifer gently brushes his thumb against her cheek. Chloe feels a shiver down her spine as she looks at him. She notices a street lamp shining behind his form, making it seem as if he were outlined by light. She could see how angelic he could look, if Heaven accepted dark angels.

His skin looked too thin in the light, his raven hair laying in a more messy, natural way on his head. His eyes looked completely black, greyish purple circles outlining them. Chloe had noticed with their first meeting the looks that were a part of his reputation, his complex personality had immediately covered her eyes to them though.

Now she thought she saw more than the women he seduced always saw. She saw all his flaws constructed together to create something beautiful. The faint scars scattered across his face, the way his lips twitch with uncertainty when he's confronted with emotions, or how scared his eyes look when another one of his metaphors come into play.

Chloe places her hand over his, breathing slowly as they stare at each other.

"Let's go home." Chloe breaks the tension, Lucifer looking at her confused.

"Yes...home." Chloe smiles as her hand slides away, Lucifer removing his and placing it on his lap. Chloe drives away from the convenience store and Lucifer turns the radio back on.

But instead of looking out the window this time, he's looking at her.