Chapter 1

"Ash come on wake up" Delia Kachem said as she shook her son Ash a boy around ten years old awake "mmm just four more minutes" he said groggy " you wait that long and you won't get your first Pokemon " she told him. Instantly his eye shot open.

Ash jumped out of bed. "Mom! Why didn't you tell me sooner!" He ran to put a jacket over his pajamas. "I'm going to lose the Pokemon I wanted!"

Deliah shook her head as her son ran out without saying goodbye.

Ash ran through the streets of Pallet town, narrowly dodging others in his way. "Today is the day," he thought to himself. "Now, I begin my dream in becoming a Pokemon mast..." Well deep in his thoughts Ash didn't notice another boy in front of him and rammed right into him, knocking them both on there butts.

"Hey watch it Ash!" The other boy yelled, obviously irritated.

"Sorry Gary, I was distracted there for a moment." Ash said embarrassed of what just happened.

"What's your hurry any way?" the other boy, Gary, asked as he picked himself back up and holding out his hand for Ash to take.

"What does it look like? I'm going to your grandpa's lab to get my first Pokemon!" Ash said as Gary helped him back to his feet.

"Wait, you? Sorry, but I'm going to get there first!" Gary took to running in the same detection Ash was heading.

"Hey!" Ash shouts as he chased him.

The two kept pushing and shoving each other all the way to their destination, eventually they ended up locking hands and began to try and push the other away. "Wow you two haven't even gotten your Pokemon and your all ready battling each other." The two stop fighting and turned to the source of the voice. A girl about there are age stood in front of the door to the Lab. She had brown hair wearing a blue shirt and Red mini skirt and a white hat. She also had a yellow bag hanging over her shoulder.

"Leaf!?" They shouted at the same time. "What are you doing here?" Asked Ash.

"What? You think you two are the only ones in town aiming to become Pokemon trainers?" She replied, mildly annoyed. She then pulled out a Pokeball and held it out for them to see. "Anyway I just received my first Pokemon: this adorable little Bulbasaur! So if I were you to I would get in there before someone else comes by and takes the rest." Leaf then put the Pokeball back in her bag and just walked passed Ash and Gary.

After a few seconds of acquired silence the two the sprinted tore the door eventually getting themselves stuck in the door frame. After a few struggles they manage to get free and fell down on the floor. "What is going on here?" the two looked up to see an old man in his 60's with gray hair and wearing a white lab coat.

"Professor!" "Gramps!" the two boy's then got to their feet and turned to the old man. "Are we late?" The both questioned in unison.

"Relax boys! There are still Pokemon for both of you," Professor Oak said as he gestured for them to follow him. Ash and Gary sighed in relief as the followed him into another room "However I'm afraid that another trainer just came in a few minutes ago and has chosen my Bulbasaur so I'm afraid that your opinion are limited to Squirtle and Charmander" the Professor said. He then stopped and then showed them a table where two Pokeballs say "Now choose carefully" he said.

"I'm going to go last, Gramps." Gary said, smirking. If Ash chose Charmander, Gary would get the type advantage over him!

"Well, I've already made up my mind last night." Ash declared. "And I've decided to choose:" as Ash chose a Pokeball, he let out a white light. A red, lizard like Pokemon was inside and had a bright fire lit at the end of its tail.

"Char!" It declared.

"Charmander will be my starter!"

"Excellent choice!" Professor Oak agreed. They were all good Pokemon, but the Professor knew that they were all excellent choices for starting trainers.

Well Gary, I guess that leaves you with Squirtle" Professor Oak told his Grandson.

Gary approached to pick up the pokeball containing Squirtle with a smirk. "Squirtle is perfect. If Ash chose fire I will choose water"

Gary then opened the Pokeball releasing the little turtle Pokemon inside. "Squirtle! Squirt!" The blue Pokemon cheered as it laid eyes on Gary.

"Wow this is so cool!" Ash said kneeling down to pick up his Charmander, which in turn, started to lick his face. "Haha! And friendly too."

"Well Gramps, I'd love to stick around but I'd like to get started right away," said Gary as he returned his Squirtle to it's Pokeball and began to head out the door.

"Wait!" Oak held out a hand. "Before you two go, I have something for you that might come in handy." Professor Oak then went to one of his work desks and grabbed two small computer looking things.

"What are these," asked Ash as the Professor handed each one to him and Gary.

"It's called a Pokedex. It's my latest invention. It's a high-tech encyclopedia that contains information on all the Pokemon in the world!"

"But Gramps, it's empty, shouldn't it have all the information down?"

"Oh no Gary. The Pokedex will scan a Pokemon, then fill itself up on all the known data about that particular Pokemon. As you know, new ones are being discovered every single day! The ones in Kanto may be just a small fraction of the world known Pokemon."

Ash decided to test it out he opened the cover of the screen and ran it over his Charmander It read.

Species: Charmander

Type: fire

Level: 5

Attacks: Scrach, Growl, Ember

Weakness: Ground, Water, Rock

Bio: Charmander, the Lizard Pokémon. Charmander's health can be gauged by the fire on the tip of its tail, which burns intensely when it's in good health.

"Wow that's so cool" Ash said amazed at what this little devices could do.

"well Ash, Gary I wish you both the best of luck" Profesor Oak said

"Thanks Professor" Ash said as he returned Charmander to it's Pokeball and left out to door to start his Pokemon journey.