Hi guys. This is my first fanfic. I was a big fan of the Pokemon XY and XY&Z anime. At the beginning of the anime I thought the writers were going in the direction of ending Ash's adventure and having him finally win a league and achieve his dream. (SPOILERS) Even though things didn't end that way the ending was still really satisfying, especially in terms of Ash and Serena and Amourshipping which I am also a big fan of. This story will basically tell how, in my opinion, the XY anime should have ended starting with Ash Greninja's final battle with Mega Charizard. I do not own Pokemon.

The final round of the Kalos league had nearly reached its climax. Mega Charizard had just taken a massive hit from Greninja's Arial ace move. However Charizard managed to get back up.

"This is it" Ash thought to himself. He had come all this way, battled through countless battles, and now he had a chance to finally win a league.

Ash smiled and said to Alain "No matter who wins or loses no hard feelings". Prepare to take me and Greninja on at full power, Greninja use cut!

Greninja sprinted towards Charizard at top speed, with shining blades appearing in its hands.

"Charizard, dragon claw. Charizards claws glowed green and he flew towards Greninja, both of them colliding with each other. Greninja and Charizard both slashed at each other, but each slash was deflected off the opposite attack.

Ash yelled "Water Shuriken" as Alain yelled "Thunder Punch".

Charizard's claws exploded into electrical energy and started furiously slashing at Greninja. However Greninja drew his water shuriken and was using it to deflect the coming thunder punches.

"He's taking on thunder punch with water shuriken" the announcer yelled with excitement.

"What intimidating offence and defensive abilities".

The sparing continued with neither Charizard or Greninja giving up. Suddenly Greninja, using Water Shuriken, struck Charizard's claws directly, causing the thunder punch move to shatter. Charizard was defenceless. Greninja, with all its might slashed the water shuriken across Charizards front, propelling Charizard backwards several feet.

"Lets go, water shuriken"

Ash yelled as he threw his left arm into the air gesturing holding the water shuriken. Greninja thrust his hand into the air, holding the spinning shuriken. Suddenly the shuriken began to glow and it suddenly grew about three times bigger, and it had the appearance of spinning disk of energy. Alain gasped in surprise.

"Blast burn" Alain yelled. Charizard threw its fists into the ground causing the ground to break apart into fiery energy and directed its way towards Greninja. Greninja, with all its might, threw the giant water shuriken towards Charizard. Both attacks missed colliding and continued towards their targets. Before anyone knew exactly what was going on the attacks collided with there targets. There was a loud bang and smoke filled the stadium. Everyone stared into the smoke trying to see what the result was, holding their breath in anticipation. The smoke slowly cleared revealing both Pokemon still standing.

Then they both pitched forward.

They both caught themselves. They were still standing.

"Unbelievable" the announcer yelled into his microphone.

"Even after two of there most powerful attacks neither one of them is giving up".

Back in the crowds Sawyer, Clemont, Serena, Bonnie, Tierno, Shauna and Trevor were watching intently.

"That was a close, one" Tierno said with a hint of relief in his voice.

"It's incredible" Trevor said.

"Even after being hit by two water shrunkens Charizard just keeps on withstanding them". Clemont was practically shaking with excitement.

"Charizard is just so powerful" he said.

"Greninja got lucky that time". "Why is that" Bonnie asked. Clemont smiled.

"It's quite simple, Blast burn is a fire type move and Greninja is a water type, meaning Greninja has a natural resistance to fire type moves".

Bonnie nodded and turned to Serena. However Bonnie noticed Serena had a look of worry on her face. She remembered seeing her like that at the beginning of Ash's gym battle against Grant, and during his gym battles against Wulfric. Though, Bonnie didn't need to ask her what was wrong. She knew exactly what was troubling her. She knew Serena cared a lot about Ash and worried about him all time, and not only that but knowing about her feelings for him as well. But she decided not to pry.

Serena was definitely on the edge of her seat about the battle. "Come on Ash, you can do this". She held her hand up to the ribbon that Ash had given to her during the Comorine city festival. "I believe in you".

"Did you say something", Bonnie asked her.

Serena immediately went bright red.

"Nothing" she said quickly".

She quickly recomposed herself, but she still couldn't help worry about Ash. He had come all this way, and winning this battle would mean everything to him. She didn't think she could stand to see him lose. She refocused on the battle, were both Charizard and Greninja seemed to be regaining their composure as well. Even though she knew Ash and Greninja had grown a lot stronger since there last battle with Alain, they had never been able to beat Alain. At this point they both seemed to be equally matched in this battle. She mentally slapped herself. She couldn't afford to be thinking like that. Ash needed there full support.

"Go, Ash" she yelled, standing up from her seat.

"Do you really think Greninja can beat Charizard" Shauna said.

"Of course he can" Serena said with a proud look on her face. "Ash never gives up until the end, and that's exactly why he's going to win".

Back on the battlefield Greninja and Charizard were both recovering from the last attack. Ash couldn't believe that Charizard had withstood the water shuriken attack. Not only that he could feel Greninja while not severely affected by the attack, it had definitely caused Greninja to take quite a bit of damage. Alain looked and felt almost as surprised as Ash. He clearly thought that blast burn would have finished the battle for good. Alain and Ash prepared for the next moves.

"Charizard, use steel wing", Alain commanded. Charizard immediately took flight and sped towards Greninja with its wings glowing metallic silver.

"Greninja, water shuriken" Ash commanded. Greninja grabbed the shuriken on its back and flung it at Charizard. However Charizard re positioned itself and its wing cut right through the shuriken. Charizard flew by Greninja at top speed, but continued circling the stadium. Ash knew what Alain was doing. Most of Greninja's attacks wouldn't reach that height, and even if they could Charizard could easily dodge them as when he was in the air, Charizard was just, if not faster than Greninja. Ash tensed. He knew he was going to have to find another way to take down Charizard, but before he could come up with a new strategy, Alain called out, "Use, flamethrower!"

A column of blue flame erupted from Charizards mouth and the beam of fire started incinerating parts of the field as it got closer to Greninja.

"Greninja, run" Ash commanded. Greninja immediately began running across the battlefield, franticly dodging the flamethrower attack.

"Jump and use water shuriken" Ash yelled. Greninja turned around, leapt into the air and threw the disk of water, colliding with the flamethrower. The collision caused a massive explosion of smoke, which blanketed the field and blinding Greninja.

"Keep your guard up Greninja" Ash yelled. The smoke started to clear, but as soon as it did Charizard came diving down on top of Greninja.

"USE THUNDERPUCNH!" Alain yelled. Charizards electrical fists collided with Greninja sending Greninja, tumbling back, and stopping only a few yards from Ash. Ash flinched in pain and fell to his knees holding his arm in pain.

"Ash!" Serena yelled in alarm. Clemont and Bonnie, and the rest were looking at Ash with worried expressions.

Ash was breathing heavily. Greninja slowly got back to its feet but seemed to be limping on its left leg. Ash managed to stand up as well, but he felt the pain of Greninja's injury. "Can you still battle, Greninja" Ash asked with obvious pain his voice. Greninja turned towards Ash and nodded.

Even though, Greninja could still battle, Ash knew Greninja wouldn't last much longer, but how was he going to win now. Charizard, though visibly exhausted, was still fighting at nearly full strength. Ash was at a complete loss for ideas. He knew that head on attacks weren't working, but what would.

"Come, on Ash, you can do this" said Serena under her breath.

Ash knew he was in a near hopeless situation. Greninja wouldn't be able to take another hit, and even with his most powerful attack, Charizard would dodge it, as it could out manoeuvre any of the attacks when flying.

"That's it".

Ash smiled and faced Alain. "Alain, this has been one of the hardest battles I have ever faced, but it's time for battle come to a close" Ash said. "Because by the end of this next round this battle will be over". Ash pulled his cap back. "This is everything Greninja and I have got".

"Greninja, run at Charizard" Ash commanded.

"Charizard use steel wing" Alain yelled. Once again Charizard took flight and zoomed towards Greninja, its wings once again glowing silver.

"Greninja, dodge it" yelled Ash. Greninja almost instantly ducked underneath Charizard as he flew over him. Charizard landed on the field directly opposite Greninja.

"Run at him again!" Ash commanded. Greninja sprinted towards Charizard again. Charizard looked ready to defend it's self.

"Now jump". Greninja, with lightning speed, jumped, and to everyone's shock, before Alain could call out another move, landed directly on Charizard. Greninja clung onto Charizard by the neck. Immediately Charizard attempted to shake Greninja off.

"Don't let go" commanded Ash. Charizard still desperately trying to get Greninja off, started using flamethrower attacks, which weren't helping at all.

"Charizard" Alain yelled.

"Fly to try and shake Greninja off". Charizard took to the sky, but with Greninja on him, meant Charizard didn't have the best control. Because of this both Greninja and Charizard were flying higher over the arena.

"Hang on Greninja" Ash pleaded in his mind.

"Just a little longer".

"DIVE" Alain yelled. Charizard Immediately nose dived. Even with this happening Greninja was still holding onto Charizards back.

"This was it" Ash thought. If this went wrong, not only would he lose, but Greninja would be seriously hurt.

"GRENINJA USE CUT" Ash yelled. Greninja, let go and at once slashed Charizards wings with the deadly move. Charizard roared in pain and lost control, crashing onto the battlefield. Greninja landed on Ash's side of the field, luckily feet first.

Charizard, slowly, got to its feet. Charizard had clearly taken heavy damage on impact but still had enough energy to keep battling. Although Charizard was still able to battle, Alain looked noticeably worried. Ash couldn't tell if he was worried about losing or Charizard.

"Alright, Greninja, dash at Charizard again" Ash commanded. Greninja sprinted at Charizard, but just as it looked like they were about to collide again, Greninja ran past him, and started running around Charizard at top speed. Charizard was hopelessly turning its head to find out were Greninja was, but Greninja was too fast.

"Now use double team!" Ash commanded. Multiple copies of Greninja started appearing, all running around Charizard. Gradually these copies started moving closer and closer to Charizard. Alain knew there was one attack he could use that would win the match for him.

"CHARIZARD, USE BLAST BURN ON THE AREA AROUND YOU!" Alain yelled. Charizard, with all its might smash its fists into the ground, causing the entire area around him to transform into an inferno of flames. Right before all the Greninja's were about to be hit by the attack Ash yelled at the last second

"JUMP". Due to the attack there was a lot of smoke but not enough, to block out what was happening. Greninja was in the air, having dodged the still happening attack, nearly directly over Charizard.

"Charizard, dodge". Charizard tried to fly away to avoid Greninja's upcoming attack, but he flinched in pain.

Charizard couldn't fly.

"That's why Ash used cut on Charizards wings", Clemont yelled in excitement.

"Charizard could only dodge Greninja's attacks because of the speed it can go when flying, and not only that Ash got Alain to use blast burn because he knew if Greninja could jump over it, he could have the opportunity to land a direct hit on Charizard because Charizard would be trapped in its own attack, because he couldn't fly over the blast burn.

"Let's try this one last time Greninja" Ash yelled. "WATER SHURIKEN!"

Greninja flung the shuriken over his head where it once again grew into a giant, orange disk of energy, and with all its might flung it directly at Charizard.

Frantically Alain yelled "CHARIZARD USE DRAGON CLAW", but before Charizard could strike at the shuriken, the shuriken struck Charizard. There was a massive explosion that sent a massive amount of smoke into the crowds and the rest of the stadium.

The smoke soon began to clear.

Greninja landed on Ash's side of the field, still standing.

The smoke cleared on Alain's side of the field, revealing Charizard still standing.

Charizard grunted,

then fell over on its front.

There was only silence in the stadium, which lasted for a few seconds.


The crowd erupted in cheers.

Ash stood there, with a blank look on his face.

"Did I just win"?

Ash then immediately broke into laughter. "We did it Greninja" Ash yelled at Greninja as he ran up to him pikachu following soot, and high-fiving each other as Greninja changed back into its normal form.

"Ash won!" Bonnie squealed. All of the others had risen from there seats clapping and cheering. "That was tuff battle, but even when it seemed hopeless Ash managed to pull through" Clemont cheered. Trevor and Tierno, were both cheering. "Ash, managed to defeat one of the strongest Mega Pokemon" Trevor said excitedly. Trevor smiled saying, "That's Ash for you; he always manages to surprise us. Shauna was clapping and yelling congratulations.

Serena was crying tears of joy for Ash. She knew that Ash would never give up and now he had finally managed to take his next step towards his dream.

Ash was still overwhelmed by what had just happened. He had actually won a league. This was everything he had been aiming for since he began his journey in Kalos, in fact since he began his entire journey.

"Ash" Alain said, while he and Charizard were walking towards Ash, but surprisingly calm and content.

"That was a great battle". He held out his and towards Ash "The better trainer won today". Alain and ash then shook hands.

"I look forward to the day we battle again, and until that day comes savour this victory while you can, Alain said jokingly. Ash smiled and turned to Greninja and Pikachu who was on his soldier.

"We did this together".

"This isn't just my victory" Ash said. "It's ours".

With the battle over, Ash and pikachu were sitting in the, what can be called a waiting room, for the awards ceremony to begin. Ash was still going over everything that had happened in his head. It all seemed so surreal, like he couldn't believe he had actually won. With Ash sitting there for so long without saying word, made pikachu curious.

"Pika, Pikachu" Pikachu said, climbing back onto Ash's shoulder.

"What" Ash said before snapping backing to reality.

"Oh sorry, Pikachu" Ash apologised.

"No, nothings wrong, I was just…. Remembering some things" Ash said quietly.

"Pika" Pikachu said, telling him to continue.

Ash smiled. Then he reached into his backpack that was on the floor, and pulled out a Pokeball. However this Pokeball had a small lightning bolt on the top part of the ball. Pikachu recognised it as his Pokeball. Ash had never used it, so Pikachu wondered why Ash had taken the ball to Kalos with him.

"You remember what happened, the day we started our journey" Ash said under his breath.

Of course Pikachu remembered, how could either of them could forget. When the two had started their journey things had got off to a pretty rocky start. Not only would Pikachu not listen to Ash but didn't like him at all. It was only when Ash put himself in harm's way to protect Pikachu was when they truly became friends.

"I can't believe it's been that long since then" Ash said still whispering. "We're a lot stronger than we were back then, and we're going to become even stronger".

Just as Ash was saying this, the door opened and all of Ash's friends entered.

"That was an incredible battle" Tierno congratulated Ash.

"You and Greninja were amazing" Bonnie said.

"That final attack was extraordinary" Clemont commented. "Greninja's shuriken seemed to increase in power, the more you two were pushed to the limit".

Ash stood up looking proud and confident. "Honestly I still can't believe I won". "There were points in the battle I wasn't sure I was going to pull through"

"Don't think like that, the important thing is that you won in the end" Shauna said indignantly.

"You're right" Ash said looking up. He quickly noticed Serena standing there. It looked like she had been crying. Ash was about to ask her if something was wrong, but out of nowhere she flung her arms around him silently sobbing.

"I knew you could do it Ash" she said.

Ash was quite taken aback by this. He had never seen Serena act like this before.

Everyone in the room looked rather uncomfortable. Serena quickly realised what she was doing at quickly with drew, wiping her eyes and smiling, also with a massive blush on her face.

"So Ash, now that you've won a league, what's your next step" Bonnie asked curiously.

Ash laughed. "Honestly, I'm not sure what my next step is". He then looked at everyone in the room. "But I know what I do next; it will push me forward even further".

Ash stood on the podium smiling proudly, with Pikachu and all his other Pokemon standing behind him. All his friends in the audience were applauding him, along with everyone in the crowd.

Diantha walked up to the podium and handed Ash the Kalos League Trophy.

"Ash, you have created an incredible bond with your Pokemon, you have shown everyone here the strength and capacity of a true trainer, and for that I applaud you".

"Thank You" Ash said.

"And Ash, you have now won the right to face me in a battle".

Ash starred in surprise.

Diantha smiled. "The battle will take place in the Kalos League Hall of Fame, and the victor shall become the Pokemon Champion of Kalos".

"Do you accept".

Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder.

"You're on Diantha" Ash said. "And may the best trainer win".

Ash turned back to the applauding crowd and look down at his trophy. It said 'Kalos League Victor'. Ash looked back up into the crowd, at his friends, then back down at his Pokemon.

"Thank you, all of you".

"I couldn't have done this without any of you".

Suddenly there was a sound of an explosion, as what looked like giant tree like tentacles started bursting through the walls of the stadium. They began rapping around, and destroying parts of the stadium. People screamed in terror and started to flee. It lasted about a minute, for the tentacles to stop moving.

Ash panicked and looked frantically around the stadium to find his friends. Luckily he spotted them in the crowd of people who had stood up from there seats.

Ash stared in shock at the tentacles and the damage they had done.

What was going on.