HEYYY GUYYSSSSSSSSSSSS! Oh, my, god. How are you? How's life? Are you guys in school? How's school? Work, maybe? TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT PLEASE! I MISSED ALL OF YOU! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHH! AHHH! AGGHHHH!



I'm calm.. I'm calm..

HEYY GUYSS! How are you?.. IM GREATT-If you were wondering :)— I know you're all probably thinking, "Sierra! Where have you been?" Or "yeah yeah, who cares about your life. Why did it take you so long to update?" WELL, I am going to tell you all (right now) why it took me so long (it was probably a month..) to finally update the next chapter of this story...

I started school.. I'm a sophomore now, in case you guys were wondering.. and I go to a catholic school, and if any of you guys attend a catholic school, you should know that catholic schools assign a TON of work. My Spanish teacher is already assigning me a project to do, and most of my teachers send me home with so much homework, I just haven't had the time to update as much as I used to... ughhhh! So, I apologize. Another reason is because I was going through some writers block for a couple of weeks, I hate writing the beginnings of a chapter because I never know how to start it, so yeah, figuring out a way to present this chapter was kind of a struggle for me too.. BUUUT ANYWAY, I have a lot more to say to you guys, but I really don't want to bore you all with my life, so, I am going to spare you the pointless details and just direct you guys to the continuance of the story. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, please leave a review at the end, I love reading all of your feedbacks, plus they motivate me to update faster so, yeah.. lol.

Now, without further ado, the moment we have all been waiting for...

- Sierra..


Week 2, day 6. One day before the annual ball.

"Did you hear the latest 'Marino gossip?" Trish whispered to me, distracting me from the lesson taught just a few feet away from us.

"No," I replied. I shook my head as I spoke, and I placed my pencil onto my desk, turning over to look at Trish. "What are the rumors for this week?" I asked, although I was not really interested.

I watched as Trish's eyes grew wide due to my response, and the way her jaw dramatically dropped. "You haven't heard?" Her voiced raised a little.

If I knew what Trish was talking about right now, I would not be asking her to elaborate more on her sentence. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head, confirming that I had no idea what she was talking about. "Seriously, Ally? How could you have not heard about this? This is like, the biggest, most talked about gossip going around the school right now. You seriously don't know?"

I began to slowly shake my head again, "Is this just about Brooke running naked across the football field, last week? Because If it is I already know about it, and trust me, I don't think anybody actually cares anymore." I stated.

Images from the scene a few days ago fluttered in my mind. I shuddered at the memory, thinking about the way Brooke ran out from underneath the bleachers, during lunch, wearing nothing at all, except for her white cheerleading sneakers. In just a matter of minutes, rumors were already spreading around the school.

Some people were saying Brooke was having sex with some guy underneath the bleachers, and other people are saying it was just a dare that her friends put her up to. I would like to believe that the second rumor, is really the truth to this whole scandal, but Brooke does have a strong reputation based around her sex life..

"No, no. Not that." Trish assured, "Although that day was pretty funny." She chuckled, "I'm talking about-." She leaned in closer, "Melissa and Brandon."

I blinked at her response, wondering how Brandon and some girl, who goes by the name Melissa, is so important to our social lives that they have been labeled as the "most talked about people" in school at the moment. "Okay..? Fill me in.."

Big mistake.. I thought to myself as I noticed Trish beginning to inhale a big gulp of fresh air.

"Brandon asked Melissa to be his date for the Miami ball this year, but, Melissa and her boyfriend, Mark, just broke up three days ago. And I know you're probably thinking, "big deal, who cares? Why is everybody so worried about it?" Well! The reason why everybody is so concerned is because now Mark is basically begging Melissa to get back together with him, but Melissa keeps on rejecting him, and now people are saying that she's just playing hard to get, and that the only reason why she's even going with Brandon to the ball, is just to make Mark jealous-."

Trish stopped herself to take in a another deep breath, and then her lips started to move again. "So now Mark and Brandon hate each other-OH! And , Mark is taking Kira to the ball now, but thats obviously just to make Melissa jealous. I also heard Brandon is pretty pissed about Kira being Mark's date, and I totally believe that part, I mean, it's obvious that Kira and Brandon have feelings for each other. The hate they send off towards one another just proves their love is strong for each other! But anyway, I hope your party is going to have amazing security, because it seems like this Saturday is going to be a very eventful night."

At this point, Trish's face was beginning to turn red due to the lack of oxygen she was recieving. So once she was done filling me in on the, oh so ridiculous gossip, she spent the next few minutes trying to steady her breaths. "Whew, that was a lot!"

"Yeah..A lot of stupid information.." I scoffed, "People seriously worry about that kind of stuff? It's not even important." I rolled my eyes and began to focus on the lesson again. Mrs. Henderson still had her back facing the classroom, and she was still writing a bunch of different notes on the chalkboard, while also explaining her lesson. I'm surprised she has not turned around and scolded Trish and I for talking, yet.

"The gossip might not be important, but the fist fight that's going to happen between Mark and Brandon soon, is-."

"Trish!"Mrs. Henderson suddenly yelled, instantly bringing the attention from my classmates, over to Trish and I. "Why are you talking during my class? Again?" She asked, although I'm pretty sure her question was not a question that is supposed to be answered by anyone. The text book Ms. Henderson was holding a few seconds ago, was now closed and resting by her side. She stared back at Trish with one hand on her hip and an eyebrow raised high, showing complete seriousness.

"Sorry, Mrs. Henderson.." Trish muttered sheepishly.

"Don't let me hear you again, or else there will be consequences. And by consequences, I mean a two hour detention after school. Are we clear, Ms. Delarosa ?

"Yes, Mrs. Henderson."

Mrs. Henderson stared at Trish for a few more, long, seconds before turning around and proceeding with her lesson, I think we were learning about something that has to do with the periodic table? I'm not really sure anymore..

"All I'm saying-." Trish whispered to me, checking back on as she spoke, "Is to just make sure to have extra security at that party tomorrow night. If Brandon and Mark don't fight here, today, in school, they'll most likely throw down at the ball on the dance floor."

With those final words being said, Trish sent me one last warning look before facing the front of the classroom, and focusing on the lesson. Or at least just making it seem like she were focusing on the lesson.. I rolled my eyes, as a response to Trish's statement. It's amazing how some people are really entertained by this sort of "drama"..

I have absolutely nothing to worry about tomorrow night, for the ball. Everything is going to be just fine..

"Look at them!" Brandon growled, furiously stabbing into his innocent cup of fruit. "Sitting together during lunch, all of sudden, laughing at stuff that probably is not even funny!" He glared over at the pair. Kira and Mark, who were now sitting together during lunch today. They both sat beside each other, and laughed at something the other had said. It looked as though they were boyfriend and girlfriend, as if they were two kids completely in love with each other.

"Why is Kira sitting with him anyway?" He continued, "Just because they're both going to the ball together, it does not mean that they are friends. She should be sitting with us! Her real friends."

In my head, I was widely grinning at the sound of jealously in Brandon's voice. It was sweet watching him get angry over the image of Mark and Kira bonding, it almost makes it obvious that he's completely head-over-heels for her. Although I'm pretty sure that statement has already been established by other people.

"Brandon," Katie sighed, "just go talk to her."

"Talk to who?" He asked, whirling his neck around to look over at Katie. "Kira? For what?"

"Well, dude, it's kind of obvious you're feeling pretty jealous about them hanging out together." Noah said.

"Me?" He scoffed. "Jealous? About Kira and Mark? You guys are joking, right?" When he saw no sign of humor in either of my friends faces, he let out a loud string of laughs and he continued to do that until his face began to resemble a fire truck. "You guys, are hilarious!" He exclaimed wiping away a single tear from the corner of his eye, letting out a few more snickers.

"What's so funny? It's true. Noah's right." Katie said, rolling her eyes at Brandon's pure cluelessness.

"I'm not jealous!" Brandon glared, "I am taking one of the hottest girls in Marino high; to the biggest party of the year-where I will be having the time of my life. Do you guys really think that I'm upset because Kira and that stupid 'bonehead boy' are going together?" He asked, "I'm not!" He answered, before anybody else could.

"Okay, Okay, Fine.." Noah said holding up his hands in surrender, slowly moving backwards into his seat. "we believe you." He said although Katie and I, and Brandon as well, we're not convinced with Noah's response.

With a click roll of his eyes, and a loud sigh of defeat, Brandon quickly looked around the cafeteria before turning back to look at Katie, Noah, and me. "Where is everybody?" He asked, "Ally. Where's your boyfriend? Austin." He asked me.

I could've sworn I felt Noah beside me suddenly tense up, and when I looked over at him, his hands were beginning to curl themselves into tight fists. But when his eyes caught mine and locked themselves, his hands slowly uncurled and his body relaxed.. Weird. "Austin, is not my boyfriend. He's my bodyguard." I replied to Brandon's question. "And he's upstairs, with Ms. Romano. He told me he was going to ''make his move' on her." I replied, choosing to ignore the sudden heat that started coursing through my body.

"Austin Moon picking up the older ladies?" Brandon smirked. "Sweet."

"Pretty childish and stupid if you ask me." Noah muttered. Brandon and Katie didn't seem to hear Noah's comment, considering the fact that they were now both deeply engaged in their phones. I chose to ignore Noah's response and just proceed to pick at whatever scraps of food was left on my plate. But even though I chose to ignore what Noah said a few seconds ago, I could not ignore the question that repeated in my head. What's his problem?"

After a long dreadful day of learning about atoms and Shakespeare, and running thirty laps around the track during gym, I can finally say that my day of learning, is over.

"Bye, girls!" I said to Trish and Katie, and Kira as well, but she was too focused on sending a death stare towards Brandon and Melissa, who were standing insanely close to each other and laughing about something, that I'm sure is not even funny.

"Later Als," They said, exchanging quick hugs with me and giving me small, friendly kisses on my cheek. "See you at the ball tomorrow!"

"Yes!" I clapped, "I cannot wait to see how you guys all look tomorrow night, I'm so excited!"

"Same here." Katie giggled. "Now, hurry up and go home, Austin looks just about ready to leave here."

Whipping my head around to where Austin parked his car this morning, he stood at the door staring at me, with a very impatient look presented on his face, tapping his fingers on the hood of his car.

"Yeah" I chuckled, "I better go." The girls and I exchanged another round of quick hugs before I offically walked away and entered Austin's vehicle. Once I was settled in, the sound of the engine roared and the car began to rumble. In just a few seconds, Austin pulled out of the parking space and we were on the road, heading back home.

The ride back home was quiet, a little too quiet for my liking. It was weird being in a car with Austin in complete silence, it's not something that we've ever actually done before. I looked over at my quiet friend and began to study his features. His eyes were deeply concentrated on the half crowded road, occasionally darting to the left or to the right. And his lips were shaped into a straight line. Austin's jaw was slightly clenched, and it was at that moment when I realized he was angry about something. Something that I needed to get to the bottom of.

"Are you okay?" My lips moved.

"Hm?" He replied, taking a short look at me then quickly looking over at the road again, "Oh..Yeah." He cleared his throat, "I'm great." He said, but I knew that his words were false.

"Are you sure?"

"Yup, greater than ever." His response was dry, which made it more obvious that he was just lying.

"Did something happen during school when I was not around?"

"No." He shrugged, "just a regular day." By now I was getting a bit frustrated. I couldn't stand to be in a quiet car with Austin, and I couldn't stand to see Austin upset either, even though he claims to not be. I'm not sure why I was so determined to figure out Austin's reasoning, or why I even cared as much, but the next thing I knew I was reaching over to the steering wheel, and pulling the car keys out of its ignition, causing the car to immediately come to a stop in the middle of the road. Big mistake.

"Ally, what the fuck!" Austin yelled, snatching the keys out of my hand. He immediately rolled down his window and apologized to the swerving cars behind him, who were now flipping him off and glaring at the both of us.

"Sorry," I nervously laughed.

"You could've gotten us into a car accident!" He said, as he inserted the car keys back into its correct place. "Are you out of your mind?"

"Sorry!" I repeated, "I guess I didn't really think about that part." The car started back up again, but instead of forgetting about this whole situation and driving down the road again, Austin pulled the car over to an empty curb, away from all the speeding cars.

"Why would you do that?"

"I don't know! I'm not even sure, myself.." I softly said. "I guess I just wanted your attention?"

"Well, your plan worked, you fucking have it now!" He yelled.

I let out a small gasp feeling completely surprised. I did not expect Austin to yell at me, and be angry as much as he showed. I expected him to just brush it off and laugh about it, something he would have usually done.

Instantly, his eyes that we're filled with anger a few seconds ago, was now slowly beginning to soften, and the original soothing, sparkly, brown color was returning back to its normal state. "Are you okay?" He gently asked me.

Without a word, I nodded. Funny, I couldn't seem to find my voice now. Austin stared at me for a couple of more seconds before he turned back to the steering wheel and began to drive again.

After a few more minutes of driving, (more like a few years) Austin finally pulled up into the driveway. He killed the engine and removed the keys, but he did not leave the car. Instead, he lets out a sigh and rests his forehead against the top of the steering wheel. "I'm such an idiot." He finally said to me, although it seems like he was speaking more to himself, than towards me.. but I still answered.

"You're not an idiot." I said gently placing my hand on his shoulder. He slightly lifted up his head away from the wheel and looked down at my hand for a moment, then he looked up at me and connected his eyes with mine. Another, big mistake.

As our eyes remained locked, I actually felt my body slowly begin to form itself into a giant puddle of slop. I felt a rush of heat coursing through my blood, in my veins, through my body. It caused my heart beat to quicken, faster than ever. And I'm pretty sure a small bead of sweat began to form on my forehead too.

My throat suddenly felt dry, and I felt as though my lungs just randomly stopped working. I was worried I was going to faint any second now, because of my lack of oxygen intake, but for some reason I still felt safer than ever. So I knew fainting was not an option for me.

Unfortunately, Austin blinked and his eyes moved right back to its original position on the steering wheel. My heart beat slowed, and my lungs began to function again, but my body became cold.

I turned my head away from Austin and tried to cover up my cheeks, which were now turning red and hot. "What the hell?" I thought..

"Yes, Ally. I am an idiot." Austin said, and with that finally being said, without another word from Austin or another word from me, he opened up the car door and stepped out. I waited until I heard the front door of the castle open and close before I got out, and did the same..

Hello again :). Kind of a dramatic ending wasn't it? I feel like this chapter was kind of a little.. meh. Did you guys think this chapter was a little 'meh'? IF, you guys thought this chapter was not all that great, let me know in the reviews pleaseeeeeeeeeeee :)). BUT, if you did not think this chapter was boring, and if you genuinely enjoyed it, please leave a review still. I love reading reviews, they make me happy and they motivate me to write more, and update faster. And they make me happy. :). (I know I said that reason twice..). Next chapter will be the annual ball! OMG IM SO FREAKINNG EXCITEDDDDD. you guys will see (well..read about) Austin's suit will be revealed, sparks will be in the air, drama will also be in the air. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE IN THE AIR. NEXT CHAPTER IS GOING TO BE AMAZINGNGNNGNG.

Anyway :). I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, once again I apologize for not updating in such a long time.. and I also apologize for updating at such a late time.. unless we live in different time zones where your time is earlier than mine. It's 10:36pm where I live right now.. just Incase you were wondering..

Bye! - Sierra :).