Saving the Galaxy: Vol 1

Chapter 2

Xandar and Getting Arrested

We dropped off Peter's last night stand and moved through the busy streets of Xandar. A lot of people were moving from place to place. Xandar was a place most aliens came to. I was shocked when I saw the different types of aliens when me and Peter first came here as kids. Sure, it was like that on Yondu's ship, but not like this. Then again, me and Peter are more used to the bars around here and other places. Best place to get information and alcohol. Space alcohol is weird. I pretty sure Earth alcohol don't do the things that it does. Most planets are the same in that regard.

Peter asked as we walked to Broker's place. "Can I have it?"

I limped slightly next to Peter, sending him a look. "The Orb?"

He sent me a hopeful grin. "Yep."

I said in a deadpan voice. "No."

He pouted. "Aw, why not?"

"Because I said so."

"That's not a reason!"

I laughed a little, giving him a reason. "You'll give us the wrong attention, like throwing it up in the air in front of all these people."

"No, I won't!"

I sent him another look. "Really?"


I let out another laugh, grinning at him in amusement. I pointed in front of me. "Look, we're already here."

He huffed at me, not sounding bothered. "Fine."

He followed me inside, the door similar to a garage sliding shut behind us. The action darkened the room a little. I could see the Broker behind his desk, fiddling with something.

Me and Peter were still standing side by side. Peter grinned at Broker. Broker was an older guy, Xandarian (which look closest to humans in space), with thin black braids going down his scalp. The strange thing about him was the eyebrows going in two different directions.

Broker looked up and greeted us. "Mr. Quill. Miss Jones."

I nodded at him and Peter did the same, saying. "Broker." Peter turned toward me and not wanting to delay it any further, I took the Orb from my coat and placed it on the table, but keeping it close to my hands just in case. I nodded my head at him again. "The Orb."

Peter smirked. "As commissioned."

Broker gave the too of us strange look. "Where's Yondu?"

I stiffened and withheld a grimace at the blue alien's name, hoping Broker didn't notice. Peter said in a tone that managed to piss off many different aliens in the past. "He wanted to be here. He sends his love. He wants me to tell you that you have the best eyebrows in the business." He laughed, grinning widely.

I stopped my laugh, keeping it in my chest. One of us had to be professional at these things. Broker rolled his eyes. I said before he could say anything. "Yondu ran into something. Had us take care of his business for 'im."

After staring at me for a moment, he nodded. I pushed it over to him. He tapped it and I could see the curious look on his face. Peter asked. "What is it?"

I couldn't help, but feel a little curious myself. Sure, it didn't matter. We stole what we stole, whatever they wanted or what we wanted, but a lot of times, I couldn't help but wonder what we were stealing.

Broker said, more interested in the Orb than us at the moment. "It's my policy never to discuss my client's business or their needs."

Peter pointed at me and him. "Well, me and her almost died getting it for you."

Broker didn't look impressed. "An occupational hazard, I'm sure in your line of work."

I snorted, annoyed at all the times me or Peter almost got killed on the job. "Without us, you wouldn't be able to get your hands on these things."

His voice was dry. "I assure you, there's always someone to steal."

Broker inquired about where it was from. Peter rolled his eyes at the memory. "Some machine headed freak working for a guy named Ronan."

Broker's head darted upward in alarm. I swore in my head at his look. Whoever Ronan was, I have a feeling we just lost Broker's business. He voice was full of fear. "Ronan?"

I raised my hands. "Hey, Broker, wait-"

He came around the table quicker than I thought he could. "I'm sorry Mr. Quill, Miss Jones, I truly am, but I want none of this transaction if Ronan is involved."

He shoved the Orb into Peter's chest. He was pushing him out the door. I darted in front of them with a sound of shock, trying to push Broker back. Me and Peter called. "Woah, woah!"

I stopped Broker. "Hey, stop! Who's Ronan?"

If possible, Broker looked even more fearful. "A Kree fanatic. Outraged by the peace treaty who will not rest until Xandarian culture-my culture- is wiped from existence!"

Broker was pushing us again. I might of been able to push him back with Peter, but my leg buckled behind me, allowing him to shove us out the door. Though his fear probably helped him too. Me and Peter were protesting.

Broker called. "His bad side I rather not be on."

Peter snapped, struggling. "What about our bad side?!"

I tried stopping Broker. "Hey! Hey! He doesn't even have to know!"

Broker said, getting us out the door. "He will. Sorry again, Miss Jones and Mr. Quill." The doors slammed in our faces. I yelped in surprise at the suddenness. Me and Peter almost ended up tangled on the floor, but we kept each other upright. I scowled at the closed metal door. I checked my waist for my weapons and was happy they didn't get lost in the scuffle.

Meanwhile, Peter punched the door. "We had a deal, bro!"

I ran a hand down my face. "There has to be a reason Broker's bein' a chicken shit."

Peter stopped hitting the door and sighed. "What are we going to do now?"

I shrugged, out of any ideas. "Look for someone else and fast."

Peter looked like he agreed. We should've been out of here without the Orb and richer, either going into space and into another bar. Now, we had to worry about selling it before Yondu found us and it wouldn't be long if we didn't hurry. Peter looked to the side and I saw a woman around our age (it was hard to tell with aliens), with bright green skin, a pretty face and long red hair. She was leaning against the wall, eating some type of fruit I didn't know the name of.

I rolled my eyes at the look on Peter's face. Really? Is now the time for that, Quill?!

The woman looked curious. "What happened?"

Peter made a face as I watched. He pointed toward the closed door. "The guy backed out on a deal with me-us." He amended at my look.

Peter gave another look. "If there is one thing I hate, it's a man without integrity."

I snorted in amusement. That was funny considering that we've been Ravengers since we were kids. "Kinda weird hearin' that out of your mouth."

I scowled at him as his elbow dug sharply in my side. He hissed. "Shut up!"

I sent him a glare right back. "Ow."

Peter turned back to the girl, putting on his charm. "Peter Quill. People call me Starlord."

I let out a bit of laughter at that, I remembered the dark skinned alien's reaction. "No, they don't." He sent me another glare, but I ignored him, turning my attention to the alien woman. "Nick Jones." I nodded my head at her. If I let Peter keep on going, we'd never finish this conversation.

The woman nodded back and smirked at Peter. "You have a baring of a man of honor."

I raised an eyebrow in her direction. What is she playing at?

My whole body stiffened as Peter started tossing the Orb in the air. I knew he would do it!

My body stiffened for a whole another reason when I saw her eyes follow it. Peter didn't seem to notice my wariness. He babbled. "I wouldn't say that...people say it about me..."

Before I could move, the woman kicked him in the stomach, taking the Orb. I smacked his shoulder. "Great goin', Quill!"

He shoved me back. "Wait a sec." He threw something, catching her legs with it.

I grinned when she fell over. "Good!"

I chased after her, Peter on my heels. I let out a grunt when her boots smacked me in the stomach, making me fall flat on my back. I groan, rolling to my knees and seeing her kick Peter in the face. I grimaced, rising to my feet. I slammed into her as I saw the blade she had above Peter's head. "No, you don't!'

We tumbled around on the ground, me shutting my eyes for a moment against the dirt. We winded up with her on top. I squirmed to get loose and moved my upper body upward, slamming my forehead into hers. She let out a yell, going back a little before punching me in the nose.

I yelped, groaning as pain spread across my nose and blood was gushing out. I saw her knife again and I lifted an arm to defend myself when she was tackled off. I groaned in pain again. I rolled to my knees, my hands over my bleeding nose, the blood falling toward my mouth and chin. "Why do they always break my nose! Ow!"

I heard a guy's voice. "Put them in the bag! Put them in the bag!"

I stiffened, hoping to my feet. I thrashed at the feeling of vines wrapping around me.

I heard the same voice. "Not just her, man! Him too!"

I heard Peter call. "Nick!"

I swore. "Dammit! let go of me!" I dug my nails or lack there of into the vines or branches. I heard a scream from the guy. "Ow! Biting?! That's not fair!"

I saw Peter run off, which meant he had an idea or the green woman didn't have the Orb anymore. The vines then broke, causing me to duck when I felt something almost fly at my face. I ran forward, ignoring the girl, chasing after Peter. She threw something toward him. I stopped short, seeing the Orb knocked out of his hand. I saw her snatch it and I chased after her. "You're not getting it!"

I saw her and Peter crash into each other, her onto of him. I shouted, running past them. "Peter!"

I ran backwards, catching the Orb in my cupped two hands. I noticed the gadget he attached to her leg, making her fly off toward the lake. I walked over to Peter, slapping a high five with him, holding up the Orb. "Got it!"

Peter grinned at me, but I said. "Still, I called it when I said that it would be your fault."

He sent me a mock wounded look. "Nic-hey!"

I let out a yell myself, me and Peter being stuff in a huge bag together. I swore loudly. "Fuck!"

I could feel Peter's scruff scratching my face. "Ack, Peter, move!"

"Shit-you think I can help it!"

I swore again as we were upside down, pressed against each other. Something like this has happened before on one of our Ravenger missions, but that doesn't mean I'm still not pissed. I heard a scuffle outside and I grappled at Peter's pants leg, feeling for his taser gun. I handed it to him. I whispered (never knowing what kind of alien had good hearing). "Here, take it!"

The flap open and I grinned as Peter electrocuted the green alien. "Awesome, Quill!"

We both struggled to get out, running off. I called out. "Who was trying to get us in that bag?"

He shrugged, running faster. "Who kno-ack!"

I stopped short as he fell to the floor twitching. "Wha-ah!"

I felt the electric current, making me seize on the floor at the pain to my nerves. I curled into a ball in pain, groaning. I shuttered some more from the pain. We were floating up in the air and I glared as I noticed the Nova Officer. The pain was leaving a little.

Great, me and Peter were arrested!

/ / / / / / / / /

Flashback 26 Years Ago

Nicolette Jones was only 8 years old when she got in a car accident with her parents inside. A car hit the driver's side, sending them on a tailspin into a guard rail. She was stuck in her seat belt, the device locking on her. Time was a blur, but ambulances came, taking them to the hospital. Nicolette remembered crying for her parents, in pain and scared, but wanting her 'Mom and Dad'.

She winded up being okay, bruises and scrapes, a bad one over her eyebrow. They patched her up and set her up in the waiting room with another kid listening to a Walkman, Nicolette had a similar one at home. She sat on a chair next to him, bringing her legs up to her chest and setting her chin on them. She was staring at the door toward where they said her parents were getting fixed up.

She balled her fists, they told her it was too early to tell her anything on her parents. She was so lost in her thoughts she almost didn't hear the boy say. "Hey."

She looked toward him, he didn't look hurt like she did. "Hi."

He smiled a little. "I'm Peter Quill." He held out a hand.

That got her to smile a little too. "Nicolette Jones, but people call me Nick." She clasped his hand, shaking it. She asked. "So, what are you doing here?"

The boy, Peter frowned. "My mom's really sick, she has Brain Cancer."

Nick bit her lip, she heard that Sally Millow's grandma had it and it made her sick. "Oh, sorry."

Peter looked at her. "Why are you here?"

She winced, touching the bandage on her forehead. "I-I, me and my p-parents got in a car accident, I'm waiting for them."

Peter frowned again. "Oh."

It was quiet for a moment as they looked away from each other. Peter then grinned at her. "Hey, you want to listen to this."

Nicolette scooted closer, putting her ears near his as music began to play. She smiled a little as she heard the music.

"Miss Jones?"

Nick's head shot up at her name, looking up. It was an old-ish man with thinning hair and a tired expression, his mouth turned into a sad frown. She jumped up, running over to his side. "My Mom and Dad! Are they okay?! Can I see them, please?!"

His frowned seemed to deepen and he said. "Can I speak with you over here?"

She looked at him and nodded silently, feeling something worrying in her chest. She was by a corner of the hall, away from Peter's sight. His voice was gentle. "We tried our best, but your parents..."

His voice faded out and she couldn't hear what he was saying, but she knew what it meant. She choked on a sob, grabbing onto his shirt, yanking on it. "Why! You have to save them! Please!"

He gave her a solemn look, letting her yank his shirt this way and that without moving. She stopped, turning on her heel and passing Peter. She heard him call out. "What, Nick!?"

She ignored him, running out of the hospital and coming through a back door, so no one would follow her. She feel on her knees on a field of grass. No one was there. She cried to herself. Time passed and she was shocked to feel someone drop next to her. She looked over and it was Peter. She wiped her eyes. "P-peter?"

"My M-mom, she-"

Nick grabbed his arm tightly. "Sorry, my-my parents, they're-"

Peter in turn grabbed her arm just as tightly. Suddenly a beam of light was above them, bringing them up.

Peter screamed in horror. "MOM!"

Nick yelled with him. "MOM! DAD!"

They grabbed onto each other as they were zipped up into the sky.

/ / / / / /

I know it's been a long time, but I finally got the second chapter out. Thank you for everyone who liked it. I'll try to update more frequently.

Cortana Hansen: Thank you, glad you like it.

BeautifulPink101: Peter and Nick are going to have a close relationship, that you'll see later. More sibling than anything else. Happy that you liked how I did the scene. Thanks for complementing my story. I read yours before, it's pretty good.

Lola Vegas: Good to see that you like it.