He was dying. Tsuna was actually dying.

What a pathetic life he's led, Giotto must've been disappointed to have such a failure as a descendant. Couldn't get his grades higher than a twenty, couldn't last long in PE, couldn't stand up to his bullies, couldn't confess to Takeshi that it was him who unknowingly used his uniform jacket to clean up a spill during lunch four months ago and not saying anything about it before...

Couldn't tell Kyoko Sasagawa that he liked her.

Something flared to life, like a flickering flame finally bursting from it's confinements in the darkness.

Energyfirehyperelectricfirefire so much it's hothothotbreezy?hothot-



Giotto didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the situation.

It was no surprise Tsunayoshi had no desires to go to school, what kind of middle schooler would? (Although that Kyoya boy was an exception, really, the little Cloud was terrifingly protective of Namimori Middle) He was almost always late anyway, often sleeping in, although it had improved ever since Takeshi became his friend. The boy finally had a reason to go to school other than shyly watching that Kyoko girl from a distance.

But it seems Reborn didn't approve of mafia bosses sleeping in, and shot the brunet point blank in the face.

The body fell to the ground, lifeless eyes wide in frozen shock.


There was blood.

Giotto stared in shock at the still warm corpse on the ground, whirling around to face Reborn even if the hitman couldn't see him. The little devil didn't seem to care he just killed the future of the Vongola! Was he smirking?! "Reborn! You just killed Tsunayoshi for being late?! What the f-"

A sudden explosion of pure Sky Flames practically smacked the ghost in the face, and he felt his own flames stirring in pleasure at the familiar buzz. Giotto stared at the supposedly dead body of his descendant, where the burst of Flames were coming from.

Then Tsunayoshi seemed to rise from the dead, burst out of his clothes, a dense, pure Sky Flame burning brightly on his forehead as he started screaming bloody murder about Dying Wills and confessing his feelings to Kyoko, before running down the road towards the school in his bright blue and yellow star print boxers, still screaming at the top of his lungs.

Even when he was the founder of Vongola, the center of all things crazy, Giotto had to admit this was a first. Or maybe this happened at some point and he just didn't notice, but he's pretty sure he'd remember people running around in colorful boxers with their foreheads on fire.

Well, at least Tsunayoshi's still alive. But the lack of clothes was a problem...

Giotto glanced around to see if he could spot anyone before Tsunayoshi practically dragged his spirit away with him- aha!


Ugetsu already knew from his experience with Tsuyoshi that Takeshi was a nice boy.

He loved baseball, always put on a smile for others, and willing to do anything for those he cared about. Tsuyoshi was certainly proud of his perfectly happy and healthy son.

Ugetsu, on the other hand knew something was wrong when he found himself watching the boy instead of Tsuyoshi one night.

After all, the last time he got tied to a descendant when their parent wasn't already dead was when they were about to commit suicide. Something was wrong, but Takeshi wouldn't say anything, merely laughing it off.

Ugetsu now knew how Giotto and the others felt now whenever he did that himself.

Takeshi was making his way to school, not at all in a hurry since he didn't have baseball practice that day, and wanting to meet up wih his first real friend when Giotto practically popped into existance next to them.

Takeshi, surprisingly didn't jump out of his skin at having a ghost suddenly appear next to him, as if it were a perfectly normal occurance.

Ugetsu knew it really wasn't.

The blonde just gave the Takeshi a look, saying very seriously, "Tsunayoshi's running to school in his boxers right now, so could you get some spare clothes for him?"

Well then.

Takeshi noticed the serious look Giotto was giving him, he let the carefree smile slip and get replaced with a determined grin. "Got it!"

Takeshi turned around and ran back home to get what Giotto requested without question, being the only one who could actually... well, touch things and be able to carry them. Sometimes Ugetsu hated that part of being a ghost.

The Rain turned on his friend questioningly. "What happened, Giotto? And why is Tsunayoshi running to school in his underwear?"

His friend sighed, sending a look to the heavens as if saying 'some higher being smite me now I can't deal with this even in death'. "Reborn shot him with a 'Dying Will Bullet', which apparently kills the person shot and they're revived to fufil their dying wish. Without any clothes. It's like Hyper Dying Will Mode but more... wild and impulsive."

Ugetsu didn't know if he should be surprised or not. He just sighed, turning to go find Takeshi, "I'll meet you there then, let's hope Tsunayoshi didn't do anything weird in this Dying Will Mode you speak of."


Tsuna did something weird in Dying Will Mode, unfortunately.

Getting back to the brunet was fairly easy, but when Giotto found himself behind the boy screaming 'Please be my girlfriend!' at poor Kyoko while in his boxers, Giotto had to wonder why he even had the futile hope in the first place.

The golden-brown haired girl looked the brunet over in shock, shrieking and covering her eyes and very red face when she noticed his state of undress, running off just as the Sky Flame fizzled out.

Giotto felt his flames whine with protest when the boy's flames left, but he was pleasantly surprised to find the seal considerably weaker than before.

Familiar Sun Flames curled around his and he looked up to see a white haired boy with grey eyes running up to Tsuna, yelling at the top of his lungs, "Don't bother my sister, or I'll have to end you right here!" as he rushed right past Giotto and stright up punched the still recovering boy in the face. There was a loud shriek as Tsuna fell back, spluttering incoherently as the newcomer- dear lord this boy was practically oozing Sun Flames- yelled something about how it wasn't very extreme of Tsuna to scare his little sister. Giotto was about to try dragging Tsuna away from the fiery ball of extremeness when he realized... the kid also looked incredibly similar to-

"Ah, Giotto! It's extremely great to see you again!" The blond felt his face break into a grin as he saw Knuckle approach, the priest looking just as he remembered. Giotto glanced back at the white haired boy, who seemed to be interrogating Tsuna rather roughly, Reborn merely looking over at where Knuckle was with a quirked brow.

There was definitely a resembalance.

"It's great to see you too, Knuckle, but-"

"I extremely challenge you to a boxing match! You can't embarass my little sister like that!"

"Hiiiiieee! I-I don't- I'm sorry I- wha-!"

"I think your little one's about ready to beat down Tsunayoshi for embarassing Kyoko."

Knuckle sighed in exasperation, "Forgive him, Ryohei's just very passionate and over protective." Knuckle paused to look over the brunet who looked ready to melt into the ground. "Why is he in his-"

Giotto was quick to explain it, trying to keep it short as he cautiously eyed the boxer from the corner of his eye.

Knuckle had a funny look on his face after he heard about Reborn and his oh so lovely bullets. "... Did you ever-"

"Nope. Never seen it before today."

"Didn't Iemitsu use those when he was young?"

"... I was busy." Truthfully, Iemitsu had ignored 'the voice in his head' and never really seemed to want help with anything, so Giotto had just stuck to watching the Vongola and internally cry at how far it had fallen from its original purpose.

Tsuna looked over at the unfamiliar voice, eyes widening at the sight of another ghost. "G-Giotto-nii, is that-"

Ryohei seemed to have noticed Giotto as well, and the lawn-head barked out a "You extremely have a ghost too, Sawada?"

Well that was one way of putting it, Giotto supposed, even if he preferred 'Guardian Angel'. It made them seem less creepy.

Giotto simply nodded in confirmation, smiling as pleasantly as possible at the middle schooler as he moved to get between Knuckle's descendant and his own. "I'm Giotto, you see, a good friend of Knuckle's from way back. See, the whole incident with your sister was just a misunderstanding!" So please don't obliterate Tsunayoshi...

Ryohei furrowed his brow, staring at Giotto as if making a hard decision. Geez this kid's intense... Finally after a moment that seemed to last forever, "It still wasn't very extreme of Sawada to do that."

Ryohei seemed to have an interesting way with words. It reminded Giotto of Knuckle when he was younger.

Speaking of Knuckle, bless that man, he had started talking in the Extreme Speak of Sun users, earning a few odd looks from everyone else as he managed to get Ryohei to not tear the brunet to shreds.

Ryohei seemed to listen, eyes widening in understanding as he crossed his arms, nodding seriously. "I get it!" Turning on Tsuna, who 'eep'd in surprise at having the boxer turn on him again, Ryohei barked out a cheerful, "You're extremely extreme, Sawada! Join my boxing club!"

"Wait what? I don't know how to- huh?" Tsuna shrieked, backpedaling from the loud middle schooler just as Giotto felt a wave of Rain Flames wash over him. He looked up to see Takeshi run up and practically tackle poor Tsuna from behind, placing a bag in his hands and ushering him off to the boy's locker room so the kid could change. Ryohei followed after them, hopping like a rabbit after the pile of carrots and still yelling "Join my boxing club Sawada! We need extreme people in it since no one else can take real training!"

"And what makes you think I can?!" Was his cute descendant's exasperated/horrified/baffled reply.

Giotto raked a hand through his hair with a sigh, and Knuckle patted him on the back as Asari just laughed.

Kids these days.

"Ryohei's still going to challenge him to the ultimate boxing match you know."

Giotto just stared up at the sky, a 'Kami-help-me' look clear on his face (it's not like he had to hide it when hardly anyone could see him anyway) as if praying to some higher being for the poor kid.

"Tsunayoshi doesn't know how to box, Knuckle."

"That's not going to stop him though."

"Dang it."


Giotto felt like Reborn really needed to hold back on those Dying Will Bullets.

When the brunet was knocked to the ground - Knuckle had to make sure Giotto didn't charge into the ring himself, reassuring him that he's taught Ryohei how to hold back - for the fifth time, Reborn, under the disguise of 'Master Pao Pao' (what kinda name is that?) had pulled a gun on the two of them.

Honestly, Giotto wasn't all that surprised to learn Ryohei was in a constant state of Dying Will Mode. The Sun Flames he possessed were ridiculous and all over the place.

Ryohei didn't change a bit when he went into Dying Will Mode, all except to the bright yellow Sun Flames bursting out on his forehead.

Tsuna on the other hand, was yelling about 'decline like my life depends on it!' with an agressively determined look on his face as his bright and pure Sky Flame burned on his own forehead.

The match went on, the two nicely matched in speed and strangth thanks to the bullet's effects. Giotto, while thinking it was a bit of a waste of the special bullets, appreciated the thought of reassuring his descendant that it wouldn't be a one-sided brawl. Actually where was Reborn, he didn't see him-

Storm Storm Red I'm Here Boss Red Red Storm-

Giotto felt a zap of Storm Flames from behind, and he whirled around, finding nothing but the slightly cracked open door.

He knows those Flames.

He knows them.

After a pause, the blonde turned back to glance at the others, seeing Ryohei pouncing on his descendant exclaiming loudly about how extreme he was and how the brunet should join his Boxing club. Takeshi was standing a bit closer by, laughing casually and not-so-subtly trying to pry the white haired boy off his friend as their anscestors chattered on.

Not yet.

I don't want to wait.

Not yet.

Giotto pursed his lips for a moment, before letting out a breath he didn't know he had been holding (actually how did he do that when he didn't need to breathe, considering he's, ah, dead?) and wandered over to Asari and Knuckle to help them with their rowdy descendants.

Not yet.


"So I have to kill the twig to become Decimo?" The thirteen year old hitman questioned, doubt clear in his rough voice.

"Oi brat, don't call Giotto's descendant a twig!" The redhead behind him went ignored as green stared into black.

The fedora wearing hitman's lips twitched up ever so slightly at the burning hot feeling wafting through the air. The silveret quirked a brow at that but didn't say anything.

A Storm's coming. "Of course, that was the deal, Smokin' Bomb."

The teen scowled, furrowing his brow thoughtfully. "Sounds like a scam, but I'll do it."


"Class, we have a new Italian transfer student, Gokudera Hayato."

Tsuna snapped out of his daydream to glance up at the new student, taking in the silver hair framing an angular face, narrow green eyes seeming to glare at everything in existance, and the multitude of rings and bracelets decorating his hands.

A delinquient, avoid at all costs.

Yama- ah, Takeshi seemed to be interested as well, seeming to take in every inch of the teen as possible with slightly narrowed eyes and a grin a tad sharper than usual.

Tsuna could smell tobbacco.

He didn't like that smell.

It seemed to get stronger when the silveret approached his desk, ignoring the teacher, and kicking the brunet's desk over with a growl, his glare intensifying as a yelp escaped the brunet's throat.

"Che, pathetic."

Takeshi's grin slipped for a second, and Tsuna sent him a look, before the raven haired boy glanced at the newcomer once again before laying his head back down to go back to sleep.

Tsuna straightened his desk, slightly horrified to find that this Gokudera didn't sit that far from him. He couldn't ignore the gut feeling that this was Reborn's fault.

When he saw Giotto, who had been staring at the Italian with an incomprehensible look on his face, light up with a switch had been flipped and faze through the door, followed by Asari a little while after, he didn't question it.

It's definately Reborn's fault then. He just hoped nothing bad would happen like the whole incident yesterday with the Dying Will thing. He didn't want to end up running around in his underwear again, using Takeshi's old uniform for the entirety of yesterday was already embarassing enough.

Tsuna quietly groaned into his hands, dreading what could come next.


"G! I can't believe you're actually here!" Giotto had almost tackled his old childhood friend to the ground, basking in the familiar Storm's precence.

The redhead- not pink!- stumbed slightly, huffing, "Geez, it's like you reset back to when we were kids..."

Giotto let go, straightening to give his friend a smile. "Well I'm sure you know why that is."

G didn't comment, instead looking over at the kids, noticing how Gokudera seemed to be glaring daggers at the back of Tsuna's head. He sighed, shaking his head, "Are you sure they aren't our miniature clones or something? It's kinda creepy how alike they are to us."

Giotto chuckled, relaxing a bit, "At least I can say I have a good feeling about this generation. How's your little one?"

"You make it sound like the brat's my son."

"You know what I mean."

"Ahaha, you went to catch up without me?" The two glanced over to see Asari stepping out of the wall, making his way over to them with a light smile.

Giotto just scrathed his head sheepishly as his Storm and Rain engaged in a lovely reunion (more like grumpy growls from G and lighthearted laughs from Asari rather than a normal 'long time no see')

"So what brings you here, G?" Giotto spoke up, glancing back in the classroom at the boy his friend had brought along. He guessed it might've been because of the silver haired one and Reborn.

Always Reborn.

G sighed, following Giotto's gaze to Gokudera. "I'm sure you've already guessed it."

He had. Giotto did have a guess, but really, really wanted to be proved wrong.

Asari let the smile slip for a moment, pursing his lips. "How long then?"

"About five years."

"Geez, that long?"

G scowled, shaking his head frustratedly. "The brat ran away, that's when I got stuck to him."

Ran away. Giotto frowned at that, brow furrowed in concern. "Our descendants seem to have it rough..."

Asari nodded sadly, "I know something's off with Takeshi, but I really don't know what... He keeps laughing it off whenever I try asking, it might have something to do with baseball but unfortunately I do not know enough about the sport to really help with that, he seems fine but..."

"But you found yourself watching over him instead of his dad?" Giotto finished hesitantly, feeling an uncomfortable bubble of worry in his... ah, nonexistent gut. The nod he recieved only served to worry him more. True, it might have something to do with the sport his descendant's Rain loved so much, but he wasn't showing it at all.

G crossed his arms, muttering something about Rains not being direct enough of something, but eventually just gave Giotto an expectant look. "Well now that both of us have shared, what about you and your little bunny over there?" The redhead nodded towards the brunet, who seemed to be trying to become one with his chair to avoid Gokudera's judging glare.

"Tsunayoshi isn't a bunny, G." Giotto said in exasperation.

G huffed. "Well somehow he ended up taking after you so how could he not be?"

"Wha-? G!"

"Ahaha, I can see it, actually."

"Not helping!"

Giotto grumbled under his breath, wondering why he was still friends with these guys.

Because they stuck with you.

The blond noticed them looking at him curiously, as if waiting for a reply- oh. Giotto sucked in his breath, not liking the memory one bit. "...Ah, let's just say Tsunayoshi didn't take it very well when his nickname got 'upgraded'," he held up his hands to make air quotes, "from 'Useless-Tsuna' to 'No-Good Tsuna'."

"Ah, that explains a lot about him... poor boy." Asari shook his head in empathy, "I did notice that his Flames are-"

"Unsealed now," G interrupted, noting the air around them was dense with Sky Flames. "I could tell there was a seal yesterday, who on Earth had the bright idea to seal a kid's flames?"

"Iemitsu," Giotto grumbled in disappointment and slight anger. "His own father and Nono sealed his flames."

The two turned on him in surprise, G speaking up loudly, "Wait, of all people those two? Don't they get the consequences of sealing a Flame Active kid? When did this happen?"

Giotto combed a hand through his hair in frustration, hating the lingering feeling of sickeningly weakened flames so similar to his own being bound like that. The sudden break of the seal via Dying Will Bullet earlier that day had practically given his own Flames whiplash. "He was five when it happened. Since Tsuna's the first to actually see me, Iemitsu had shrugged off my protests as a weird voice in his head..."

"Five?! What were they thinking?!"

"But why would they...?"

Giotto grit his teeth, "It's because Iemitsu didn't want 'his little tuna fishie' involved in the mafia."

G wrinkled his nose at the nickname, hand twitching by his side as if wanting to grab something and strangle it. "The kid was already involved the moment the guy decided to have him."

Giotto looked back over at Tsuna, pursing his lips. "It's a bit late to keep him out of it now, so we'll just have to support the kids as much as we can then, now that the devil spawn showed up."

The three watched on as the kids just sat at their desks looking either dead bored or sleeping. Tsuna just staring out the window, occasionally glancing back to see if Gokudera had woken up, Takeshi sleeping behind a propped up textbook, and Gokudera not even bothering to hide the fact he was sleeping in class with his feet kicked up onto the desk.

"... Who's the 'devil spawn' you were talking about?"

"You already know who, G."


G had to admit he found his descendant rather annoying. The brat was brash and rude, had absolutely no sense of self preservation, and worst of all reminded him of himself as a kid. Gokudera was a thirteen year old brat, and that just made it all so much worse because it felt like G was looking through a time travelling mirror and was staring at a silver haired version of himself.

He couldn't let this brat make the same mistakes he did. He'd make sure to hammer in the lessons he learned over his lifetime into this kid's head in a few years. Gokudera'll need it.

Too bad the little prick had the nerve to be exactly like a younger G and flat out ignore all his very wise and very needed advice. The redhead wondered if it was his fault for a brief moment, but brushed the thought aside. The brat might've been his descendant but he was never this bad at his age.

Oh yeah, and the brat could see him too. Lovely. Just freaking wonderful.

The brat's wrong, by the way, because his hair is red! Not pink damn it! It was red when he was alive, and it's still red even when he's dead! Just because he's a bit translucent and glows a little does not make his hair pink! At least his hair didn't look like an octopus! (G made sure to ignore Asari's comments about how both of them had almost the exact same hairstyle, because no, it does not look like an octopus like the brat's!)

Then Gokudera had gotten a call from that Sun Arcobaleno, and G found himself behind a middle school with Giotto and Asari as the silveret threw an avalanche of dynamite at Tsuna.

They were right, that Reborn really is the devil spawn to toss an untrained civillian at a hitman who's been working since he was eight.

The smiling baseball brat wasn't helping the situation either. The Yamamoto kid had looked ready to just pick up Tsuna and run for it when he heard that Gokudera had 'dangerously flashy fireworks'. He was still going at it actually, and nothing was holding him back. Unfortunately.

And then Reborn shot Tsuna in the head.

Of course Reborn kills the next Vongola Decimo. Of course the kid falls to the ground with blood trickling down his forehead. Of course he died right then and there.

Of course he rises from the dead. Of course he bursts out of his clothes and has a Sky Flame burning on his forehead as he screams bloody murder and proceeds to defuse all the dynamite sticks and indirectly saves Gokudera from ending himself.

Of course Gokudera, his descendant, has the nerve to get on his knees and practically worship the ground Tsuna walked on.

"Oi! Get up, right hand men have more dignity than that!"

Asari's laughing, Giotto's looking on with a sense of nostalgia, the Yamamoto kid somehow, magically produces a change of clothes for Tsuna, and Gokudera's going on and on about the 'Greatness of the Tenth'. Reborn was giving him a smug look and G just just wanted to wipe it off that devil baby's face.

Honestly, how the heck did he get stuck with this bunch?

... actually, more importantly, how's the Arcobaleno sensing them?


A/N: ... Well at least it didn't take three months again! Also, screw the word count limit, have a 4K chapter filled with 2-3 AM crap. I still have no idea what I'm doing and this feels half crack and half serious.

I do have a few ideas on how the whole haunting thing's working and why they're kinda OOC but ah... I'll save that for another time. Lemme just say, the First Gen are a pain to write and I dunno why.

Also thanks to adiosNico on Discord for checking over this!

Thanks for putting up with me, I'd like to hear your thoughts in the reviews!