
A renowned huntress, known better under the name of the Chaste Huntress from the Greek mythology. Born as the daughter of King Iasus of Arcadia, yet abandoned in the forests because he wanted a son. She was raised by a female bear sent by Artemis who pitied her, then raised by hunters who treated in the mountains. Atalanta became a fervent follower of Artemis, and later vowed her virginity to Artemis.

However, after returning to her homeland and since the king never had a son, he forced her into marriage. She then turned it into a footrace contest, where if she wins, the opponent dies, in order to protect her vow. She had very swift feet and was unmatched in terms of speed, but then someone used a cowardly method to make her lose the race, throwing irresistible golden apples in front of her to distract her. She was then forced to break her vow.

Atalanta is an existence that projected her former self while simultaneously, she exists as a symbol of purity for children. Although she was saved by the hands of the gods, it is nearly beyond redemption for the rest of the children. She, who materialized as a Servant, entrusts the salvation of the children to the Holy Grail.

I summoned her quite a long time ago, and she helped me resolve quite a lot of singularities thanks to her talents as a servant. Our bond has deepened quite a lot, yet, I still feel like we are distant from each other. Her distrust for men was surely strong because of her tale. However, I can not calm this pounding in my chest each time I see her smile, even though I know this love cannot bear fruits.

"Master, is something the matter?"

"Eh? Atalanta?"

"Thou hath been staring at me for quite a time now. Are thou not feeling well?"

"Wh-?'s not something you have to worry about."

I sighed. So I was staring at her while thinking about her. I really am a hopeless guy, am I not? She tilted her head to the side, and her lion tail swung left and right slowly while her lion ears twitched. I remember that her gestures were terribly more serious when I first summoned her. She was very wary of me at first, but she opened herself more with time. As I sighed again, she put her forehead against me and closed her eyes.


"Thou seems not to have a fever. Perhaps are thou still sick from the recent rayshift?"

"No no, I'm fine, I'm really fine…"

I quickly got away from her while my face felt really hot, and ran to my room.

-Atalanta's POV-

Master has been avoiding me for quite some time now. However, I do perhaps know why. Master is not really good at hiding his emotions. However, I vowed my virginity to lady Artemis. However, it is true that my feelings for Master are growing ever so slightly, bigger and bigger, and it is slowly starting to crush me.

"What did Master wish to talk about with us…?"

I caught a glimpse of a familiar voice coming from Master's room. The sliding door doesn't seem to be entirely closed. I took a peek, and I saw Lady Artemis and Orion-sama who were sitting on master's bed while Master was standing.

"It's about Atalanta…"

Somehow, my heart tightened hearing that. Master had a grievous face when saying it.

"Atalanta? Is there something wrong with her?" Asked Artemis-sama.

"There is nothing wrong with her. Or rather, it's something wrong with me regarding her."

"Eh? What could it be?"

Artemis-sama was suddenly really into it. Orion-sama, who was simply standing on her head had however a serious expression, and somehow looked like he knew what it could be.

"...I'm in love with Atalanta. Although...I know that she vowed to you, so I first wanted talk about it with you."

Artemis-sama had a serious expression too when she heard that, and then Master kneeled in a dogeza position.

"I wish to confess to her, and...I wish that no matter what her answer will be, you won't intervene."

"...Master, even if it's you, I won't forgive you."

"I understand that but even so! I...I am ready to fight for her!"

"Is that so? So Master is ready to die, huh…"

"Hey hey, calm down a bit. Look, this kid is literally trembling right now, don't add another layer."

"I am asking you to this as her parent figures, please let me confess to her...and...if her answer is positive, please let me have her!"

My heart jumped from Master's declaration. However, the air was heavy and Lady Artemis was glaring daggers at Master, who didn't move at all from his position, though he was trembling very severely. I was about to intervene, but Orion-sama jumped from Lady Artemis's head and landed on Master's.

"You have my benediction for this."


I was a bit surprised too, hearing Orion-sama saying this.

"Atalanta is a grown girl now. You should let her choose her path. Besides, as a man of love, I am happy that this man choose to muster his strength in order to face you like this."


"Also, why don't we asked the one concerned herself?"


I let out a dumbfounded voice when Orion-sama turned his head towards me. As a huntress, it is quite the fatal mistake, though it wasn't like I was hunting. The door opened widely and myself, who was leaning on it, fell on the ground.


-Master's POV-

It was scary...really scary. I barely hold out to not wet myself. Is this how it feels like to ask someone's hand to her parents? And then…

"Also, why don't we asked the one concerned herself?"

When Orion-san said that, the door suddenly opened and Atalanta fell on the floor. It surprised me so much that I forgot the pressure from Artemis-san's haki and broke my dogeza posture.


"I...I didn't mean to peep! It's just that when I heard Master's conversation with Lady Artemis and Orion-sama, I got curious and…"

She started to panic, then to blush and her tail was wagging like crazy.

" long have you been there?!"

"I...I just got here and…"

"From the very beginning." Said Orion-san.

Atalanta stiffened and then, she went silent while looking down, ashamed and her ears drooped down.

"Now, Ata-chi, can we hear your answer?"

My heart pounded loudly in my chest and I stared at her, in a daze. However, I feared her answer. Atalanta looked at me, then at Artemis, back and forth. She kept her head down and wasn't answering.

"...Atalanta, is your vow a curse to you? Please tell it to me in all honesty."

Artemis looked at Atalanta with a kind of droopy face.

"Master is…for me…"

My heart was pounding so hard right now, I felt like I'll have a heart attack by it pounding so hard.

"Master is...someone I want to be close by at all times. I want to share this life of mine with him. However, my vow to Lady Artemis...I cannot disregard it either. She saved my life, so dedicating my everything to her should be a given...and yet…it's suffocating. I can't stop loving Master..."

Artemis sighed, then looked at me with sharp eyes, that made me stiffen. However, I couldn't shake off that heat in my heart, that helped me withstand her pressure.

"It's your fault for my Atalanta to turn out like take responsibility. If you ever make her sad, even if you're Master, I will hunt you down."

"Ah...yes! I promise to make her happy!"

I bowed deeply again. Tears even started to overflow from my eyes, but I brushed them off.

"...Atalanta. It is fine to break your vow this time...I do not wish to see you suffer from it."

"Lady Artemis…"

Tears swelled in Atalanta's eyes too. I was a bit speechless and I didn't know what I should do. Then, I felt Orion's taps on my head.

"Hey hey, it's that time that you have to embrace your girl, you know?"

Following Orion's advice, I went near Atalanta and rubbed her back, after that I hugged her tightly, and she hugged me back with a happy crying face. I also started crying from joy as I couldn't bear with it too, and then, we kissed…it was a timid kiss, but it was definitely the best kiss I could ask. We kept kissing like that for a bit. Orion jumped on Artemis's head again, which was a bit sad.

"Come on, let's leave the two love birds alone for now."

Artemis sighed, then looked at us with a wry smile.

"I guess I was too severe with those children."

She left the room and closed the door, but she showed quickly again.

"Ah sex before marriage, ufufu."


I let out a dumb sound of my mouth. I looked at Atalanta, slightly embarrassed, and she looked down with a flushed face too. Her ears moved several times while her tail kept wagging fast.

-One week later-

We could hear birds chirping, filling the forest with a natural melody. There was nobody else around, except Atalanta and I. We were walking slowly, her hugging my arm, happy. No priests, no witnesses, in her eyes, there was no need for such things. We stopped at a small clearing of the forest and faced each others while holding hands. Atalanta was wearing a one piece white dress with small white bows tying her hair in two pigtails on the sides.

"You look beautiful in this outfit."

"Thank you Master. You yourself don't look bad either."

"Then, shall I begin?"

I asked timidly, while wearing a black tuxedo. For this marriage ceremony to be private, I am grateful because I would feel pretty embarrassed to do it in front of others, but it still holds a great level of embarrassment. Atalanta nodded at me with a large smile, though she kept her head a bit down with reddened cheeks.

"Then...I tighten my bonds with you, spend my time together to the extent possible with you, in times of happiness, in times of sadness, and in times of health too, until death does us apart."

I squeezed my hands with hers a bit. Gosh, this is something so embarrassing to say.

"I swear, by Artemis and Orion, that I shall never leave your side, no matter how bad things may become. I shall protect your life as though it were my own."

We kissed to settle our vows. We walked around in the forest, took a swim in a nearby lake wrapped in towels, we ate a picnic lunch consisting of roasted boar and an apple pie. We lied down under a tree, holding hands and passed time like this.

The sunset was slowly turning the sky into a sea of stars. Suddenly, Atalanta pulled my hand and led me to the cabin where we were staying for our wedding trip, all the way to the bedroom.


" my first life, I was forced to break this vow. But this time, without the fear of a punishment, I want to surrender myself to you, Master."

Her smile shone like the sun, and then, I understood what she meant by that.

"N...Na-...A...Atalanta, you don't mean…"

She blushed and looked down again, with a small smile on her face. It was is the day I become a real man. My instinct was slowly taking over my reasoning ability, and when we lied down on the bed with our fingers entangled together, we kissed passionately, almost taking no break to catch our breathes. Our tongue were moving as if in order to mix our saliva together. My hands started reaching towards her ears, who were looking fun to tease. With half-closed watery eyes, Atalanta was looking at me while somehow trembling.

"Ah...sorry! I...I was too forceful, wasn't I?"

" is…my ears are pretty sensitive..."

We kissed passionately again, and I slowly started to undress her. I soon saw her small bulges on her beautiful skin in plain view and started massaging them as I kissed her neck.


"What is it?"

"Master is quite the pervert…"

"Do you dislike it?"

She looked away while she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"...if it's only Master...then...I don't mind."


I kept kissing her, while my fingers started to slowly move from her breasts to her crotch while slithering on her belly. Once they reached their destination, Atalanta's whole body twitched.

"This place is…"

"It is already quite wet, isn't it?" I asked with a mischievous smile.

"Wh...who's fault is it?"

"You're so cute Atalanta."

"Please don't say that…" she said while her body was trying to suppress the jolts she felt from carnal pleasure. She hid her flushed face with her hands, that I moved away in order to kiss her again.



I inserted my fingers into her meat hole, giving on my fingers a hot and wet sensation. Unable to hold her voice in anymore, Atalanta let out a cute moan that made me want to tease her more down there. Her legs were trying to close the small entrance but it didn't stop me. I nibbled on her animal ears and kept teasing her crotch, making her moan more and more.

"Master...I'm already…"

So her most sensitive parts are her ears, huh...I inserted my tongue in there as a final blow and her crotch gave in, raising up and covering my hand and fingers with love juice. She muffled her scream before her legs lost all strength, and she panted. Did I...go too far?


I couldn't clearly hear what she muttered just now.

"It is not fair...Master shouldn't be the only one giving me pleasure…"

-Atalanta's POV-

Master was terribly skillful just now, aiming at all of my sensitive spots. I couldn't mutter any strength and then, I gave in to the overwhelming pleasure, which gushed out of my crotch. However, I could see that Master is suffering down there as well. When I found some strength again, I pounced him and I saw the bulge in his pants that was twitching a lot. I slowly undid the pants covering the thing and a big meat rod sprung up, with the weird form of a mushroom. It had bulged veins covering the trunk and a manly smell was emanating from it.

"Is this Master's…"


It was big...bigger than my memories about such thing. When I looked back at Master's embarrassed face, I wanted to tease him more, even more so with all he has already done to me. I got my face close to it and started by kissing the tip. Ara, it twitched. I kissed it again and started to lick the tip, and Master had a red face with a cramped expression showing it had some effect. Fufu, so cute. I started licking the trunk too, down to the root of it. I could hear Master's voice, who's trying to hold it down.


Suddenly, Master grabbed my waist which was near his face and then, I could feel him licking my lower part.

"Ma- Master! It was supposed to be my turn pleasuring...nya!"

"Sorry, Atalanta...but I can't hold back."

"Mu...if it came down to this…"

I started to kiss the tip, then slowly, I put Master's meat rod's tip in my mouth, then slowly made up and down movements. His thing pulsed strongly when I put it in and Master's teasing went a bit clumsy. I could also hear lewd sounds coming from me as I was taking care of his manliness. Slowly, I started to put his thing deeper in my mouth. Master's attack became more aggressive too, as he inserted his tongue inside of my lower mouth and he stroked my tail too.

"Atalanta, if you keep doing this…"

But I didn't stop my offense either. I accelerated my vacuum effect and his groin was starting to pulse more fiercely.


Master's hands went from my waist to my head in a flash and they pressed my head against his waist, pushing the tip in my throat. My mind went blank at the same time, and I almost chocked, then I could feel something gushing out of his thing. It surged like wave, slowly filling my throat. When Master's hands freed my head, I took his groin out of my mouth. What he released in me was a gooey white liquid. It had a really weird taste, but somehow, I didn't want to let even one drop of it out. I could also feel my crotch burning and aching as I gasped for air, and Master's rough breathing was also hinting me that he can't endure anymore.

I want to put it what we both thought at that time.

We swapped positions again and Master's thing was still swollen and filled with vigor. It made me...happy. I reached my arms at him.

"Come, Master…"


My heart has pound each time he called my name. He grabbed his won groin and directed the tip to my entrance. Finally...finally...Master and I...will become one.

-POV Master-

I can't take it anymore. My instinct are screaming loudly to me to put it in, and I can't think straight anymore, except about her. The one I am mating with right now...I directed the tip to her entrance and slowly pushed it in. As my own tail entered in her, the fleshy walls of her vagina made my thing feel like melting. Atalanta's face cramped as I was putting a bit of force in order to put it fully in.

"Tell me if it hurts…"

"I'm...I'm okay…"

I forced my way in, slowly, and Atalanta's face became more and more painful, and then...I've fully put it in.

"It's fully in…"

"I full…"

Atalanta wrapped her legs around my waist and squeezed me.

"Master, please...don't move for a bit."

I nodded. I could see that some blood was slowly dripping from her lower part. That must have been very painful for her, and yet, she was looking at me with teary eyes and a smile blooming on her face. I couldn't help but kiss her in this state.

"Master, it's okay now. The pain is gone…"


I slowly pulled out until the tip would come out, then put it in again. The burning sensation of her insides are making me want to release anytime soon, but I refuse. I cannot do it without her. I bore with it and made simple thrusts, but at each moans of Atalanta, my reasoning was further eroded. My thrusts went wilder and wilder, yet she didn't seem in pain.



"I can feel it, Master's spear thrusting inside me. It good I can't think straight. It is the first time I've ever felt like this."

"I'm glad to hear feels so good for me too that I can't stop shaking my hips."

Atalanta started moaning louder and louder. I kissed her and with extreme strength, she hugged me while we were having sex.

"Atalanta, I'm at my limit…"

"Me too, I'm almost there. Master, together…"


I could feel something flowing in me while the piston movement of my hips started accelerating and then, I felt it surge in my thing and be poured inside Atalanta's womb, who screamed as she received it in her. Her vaginal walls tightened like they were trying to squeeze me dry, and then, we both lost strength, and we were just lying on top of each other, naked. We panted a lot, and then...I saw tears flowing down Atalanta's cheeks.

"Atalanta?! I'm...I'm sorry, I made you cry, right?"

"Those are *sob* tears of joy you idiot…*sob*"


"I never knew that *sob* something that I despised before *sob* could feel this good. The last time *sob*, I suffered so much from it, and yet *sob* here, I'm enjoying it so much…"

I felt relieved hearing I didn't made her sad. I lightly caressed her head as I was hugging her.

"I am glad that this time, I did it with someone I love…"

She kissed me passionately as I regained some vigor again.

"Master...did you just...get hard again?"

"Ahaha….sorry, I can't help it because it's you."

" can't be helped then."

Then, I saw Atalanta move and get on all four on the sheets, sticking out her ass in the air. Her tail kept was also wagging a lot. I gulped my saliva and attacked her again. The bed started rocking loudly against the walls. It is fortunate that we were alone in that cabin. I could feel inside of her that my tip was hitting against something.

"Ma..Master, you're...reaching so deep!"

Atalanta's arms already gave in and I already was past beyond stoppable now. My mind was that of a beast at that time. I grabbed her tail too and she let out a loud moan. Another sensitive part is the tail for her, it seems. I kept thrusting, deeper and deeper. Atalanta's gasps and moans were louder than ever. The heat of passion consumed us and then, we reached climax again. Atalanta hugged me again, but with my head on her chest.

"I love you Master…" She said in a smooth voice.

"Me too, Atalanta, I love you. I want to stay with you for all eternity..."

We stood connected for the whole night, sticking to each others.


"My my, Master and Atalanta-chan really are fond of each other."

Back in Chaldea, the goddess Artemis and Orion who were wandering around came across Atalanta, who was walking side by side with her Master while hugging one of his arms and humming with a big smile on her face. Her tail was showing precisely how happy she was, as it swayed joyfully left and right. They seemed to have not noticed them yet, as they just walked like that.

"In the end, it was a good decision to let her break her vow, right?"

"Although I still think it's a bad thing, it doesn't feel too bad to have let her meet love."

"Haha, it sure is."

And yet, at night...loud noises were heard and it was easy to know it was from the Master's room. Moans and repeated bumping on the walls were, though muffled by the isolated walls, clearly heard. The noises were heard until quite late in the night.

"Perhaps...was it a bad idea instead?"

"I can't sleep..."