A cold dark smirk came across the older man gloved hand running down the Dark Rocks, the Rock's as black as midnight. It had only taken a bit of power from himself to create this dilemma. More than a dilemma. He had only created them a few weeks ago and they were already creating havoc on anything it touched. Of course he had been smart, cunning made sure to create a home that would withstand the rocks.

It only made sense to prevent his greatest creation from becoming his biggest downfall.

Quirin circled around a bunch of Rocks that all seemed to gather in one place, soon. Soon he would have the Rocks attack the Royal palace. Would take down the family, the man clenched his gloved hand. HE would be the biggest Villain of all time. And nothing. NOTHING would stand in his way.

His house suddenly shook with an explosion prompting Quirin to pinch his nose with a gloved hand as he heard a voice yell sorry.

A son. A son was not something the leader of the Dark Knght needed. But after finding out his ex-had passed and he had no other family to take care of him. Or wanted to take care of him. Quirin found himself not having much of a choice.

Rolling his eyes at the smoke that came through one of the windows, Quirin stormed into the house slamming the door behind him.

Soon his biggest plot would be put into action. He just needed to prevent his son from blowing them up.