Summary: When Cassandra Jones, daughter of Captain Hook, is brought to Neverland with her father and his crew, there she meets the one and only Peter Pan. But knowing the demon Pan truly is, Hook removes the boy from his daughter's memory and sends her back to the Enchanted Forest. Years later, Cassandra is back in Neverland & Pan will do anything in his power to keep her from leaving his side ever again.

My father, David and I came running through the door of Granny's. David held my father's leather pouch in the air, exclaiming that they had a magic bean to save the town. As everyone cheered, I noticed in the crowd that someone was missing. Worried that my mom had been hurt, I leave my father's side and ran over to my little brother.

"Henry, where's mom? Have you seen her?"

Before he could answer, Emma cuts in. "That's what we wanted to tell you guys," Emma begins, "Regina can hold off the self-destruct device long enough for us to escape but," then she stops. But what? What was she not telling us? Then it dawned on me. No, no she wouldn't.

Knowing what Emma was going to say next, I placed my hands on top of Henry's shoulders and gave them a light squeeze. Henry looked at me, then back to Emma. Being the smart kid he was, Henry knew something was wrong too.

"But what?" he asked.

Emma stared at Henry not sure whether she should tell him or not. She took one look at me and she could tell that I knew. "But, she won't survive."

"No, no!"

"I'm sorry, but I promised her I'd get you and your sister both to safety."

"But we can't do this, she's family! We don't leave family behind," Henry exclaims. Still holding onto him, I shut my eyes tightly to keep the tears from falling.

"I know, but this is what she wants," Emma said, "We have a way out and we need to take it."

"We saved her from the wraith, how is this any different?"

I turned my attention to Snow and David to see what they were thinking and by the look on Snow's face, an idea had gone off in her head.

"The wraith!" Snow exclaimed.

"What?" Emma and I asked.

"We sent it through a portal, why can't we do the same with the self-destruct?" I immediately perk up. She's right, why can't we?

"Because we don't know if it's going to work?"

"It could" Snow argued.

"It's too risky," Emma said trying to stay practical, "no one will go along with this."

"Yes, we will" Archie said stepping in, "it's the right thing to do. Snow White and the Prince have led us before and we have always won, so who is willing to let them lead us again?"

People began to raise their hands and voice in their agreements to the plan to save Regina.

"Thank you, Archie" Snow said, "This is what we should do."

"And will do." David added.

"Here, here!" everyone chanted. Henry turned himself around in my arms and hugs me as I give him one in return.

"I know we haven't had a lot of chances to be parents," Snow says to Emma, "but give us this one. A chance to do the right thing, it's not too late."

"I just don't want him to be alone," Emma said looking at Henry, "I don't want him to grow up the way I did."

Before David could respond, the floor in Granny's diner shook violently below us, knocking me to the ground and pulling Henry with me. After a few seconds, the trembling finally stopped.

"Henry? Henry are you okay?" I asked. He nodded his head as we both stood up from the help of Snow and David. Emma looked frightened by the recent events and I was worried she wouldn't go forward with the new plan.

"This plan could fail," Emma said anxiously, "We use that bean now and we can get away for sure."

"But it's wrong Emma! I killed her mother."

"You killed Cora because you had too."

"I did it because it was easy." Snow admitted, "It was a mistake. There were other ways. Harder paths and I wished that I had taken them so please, Emma, let's take the hard path. Because if we don't, we will be building a future on Regina's blood."

Emma looked around at everyone's faces, deciding on what she should do.

"Okay," she agreed.

When I heard her say that, I felt my shoulders relax and I let out this huge breath I didn't even realize I was holding in, until now. I watch David throw the leather pouch to Emma, but my father swooped in and catches it instead.

"You're all mad," he intruded. "I can live with myself."

"Give it back" Emma demanded.

"She wants to die for us, then I say let her," he spat.

"Papa!" I shouted.

"Come now Cassandra, we are leaving," he said yanking me away from Henry and the others.

"No!" I yelled pulling out of his grasp, "Yes, I know Regina has done terrible things, but she has spent the last 28 years taking care of me. She's family, we can't let her die, please Papa" I begged. As I tried to reason with him, I could tell he needed more convincing. I then thought of something that I was sure I'd regret later, but I had no choice. I had a mother who needed saving right now.

"My own mother abandoned me, you told me that yourself. Then you meet Milah and the moment we become a family, we lost her. Then 28 years ago, Regina took me in, and she has been the best mother I could ever ask for. Now you're here telling me you're okay with her dying?" I choked out, ""I already lost two mothers, I can't bear to lose a third...please."

My eye sight became blurry and I try to keep the tears from falling, but it was no use. My father continued to stare at me and I could tell he was fighting back his own tears. My step mother Milah, was the first woman my father ever loved, but the moment she died, he vowed to get revenge. However, as years went on, that hunger for revenge soon took over his life. I know using our past was such a crappy move, but I needed him to give me that bean. As I was waiting for my father to decide, I could feel everyone's eyes on us. After a few more moments, my father lifted his head to look at me.

"I only wanted what was best for you," he said giving in. I wiped my tears away while holding my hand out, so he could give me the pouch. After I gave Emma the pouch, everyone started making their way out of the diner, but I decided to stay a little longer. Henry didn't leave either, but I told him to go on ahead.

"I'm sorry for bringing Milah, but what I said before is true Papa. Regina's been amazing, she even took me in before the curse ever happened." I explained. "I know you don't care for her that much, but please try to like her. For me?" I asked with pleading eyes.

"Anything for you lass," he said pulling me in for a hug.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his jacket.

"I love you, Papa."

"Aye, and I love you."

As we ran through the mines looking for Regina, we finally found her in a cavern near the end of the mine.

"Mom!" Henry and I yelled out.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded when she saw us.

"You were willing to die for us, that makes you a hero" Henry told her.

David went on and explained how we were going to open a portal and toss the self-destruct into it. Though, just like Emma, she didn't believe it would work. Henry and I begged for her to let us try this because we didn't want to risk losing her.

Getting ready, David veered us off to the side, and waited for Emma to give him the bean. Noticing it was taking too long, David asked Emma what was wrong.

"It's empty." Emma said disbelieving.

"What?" David exclaimed as he took the pouch from his daughter.

"Papa." I stated angrily. I couldn't believe him, and here I thought he truly cared.

"I can't contain this much longer" mom said, her voice strained. We all looked at each other, not knowing what else to do.

Emma cried out to her 'mom' and 'dad' and brought the five of us into a group hug. Henry pulled himself away and walks to Mom hugging her from the side. Mom smiled sadly before resting her head onto Henry's. She motioned me over and I slipped under her other arm.

"I love you both," she said to both of us, "I just wish I was strong enough to stop all of this. I'm just not."

Mom broke into tears as Henry and I hugged closer to her.

"You may not be strong enough," Emma exclaimed, "but maybe we are." She said pointing at the three of us.

Henry, Snow and David caught on and moved themselves away from us. Emma is right, if we combined her magic, with mine and Mom's, we were bound to stop the self-destruct. Together we had enough power to revert it to its dormant form, sending a huge blast that knocked all of us off our feet. As we struggled to get back up, I saw Tamara tying Henry's hands together and drag him away. Before I could yell for help, I felt a hand clamp over my mouth. I look up to see it was Greg. I go to use magic to send him flying against the cave walls, but nothing happened. He continued binding my hands together behind my back and dragged me out of the mines with Tamara and Henry in front of us.

"Let go of me!" I grunt as I tried to break free of Greg's grasp, but he had a tight hold on me.

"Relax, we're not going to hurt you" Tamara told us.

"Just everybody we love, you tried to blow up Storybrooke. Not to mention what you did to my dad!" Henry exclaimed.

"That was never the point."

"Are you sure?"

"See, we came here to destroy magic Henry," Greg explained, "but we found something more important, something that changed everything."

Henry and I stopped walking and we both looked at him questioningly. I didn't like where this was going.

"The two of you." He finished, before he gave me a hard shove to keep moving forward. We reached the end of the pier and from there Tamara threw a bean into the water.

"Where the hell are you taking us!" I demanded.

"You'll see."

"Henry! Cassie!" I heard the voices of our family calling from a distance. Greg and Tamara took one look at each other before pulling us into a run as we jumped off the pier and into the portal below us.