Mission of the Heart

Chapter 1: Goodbye

She smiled looking up at the man she loved as he held her close. Her ebony hair shined in the light as he kissed her lips once more saying his goodbye silent. She didn't know how long he would be gone but she would wait for him to return her heart skipping a beat as he stepped away laying a kiss to her hand before turning to say farwell to his mother and brother. She stepped to say farwell to her best friend and his father the other two leaving with her love. She followed the men degsinated to escort them to the veiwing area before being joined by his family she barely knew. "Come home safe Shiro take care of the Holt boys." Katie held her hand both girls were giddy and nervous "This is great They're going further than any human ever! Anne-Marie aren't you excited for them." Katie exclaimed. Anne-Marie smiled happily "It's there dreams now if only Matt can meet an alien his life will be full and maybe finally i can get his to go out with a girl." Katie "Yeah, for all his bosting he's never had a date." As the ship lifted off she had a ting in her heart tears forming she had a forboding feeling it would be the last time she saw Shiro as he was if at all.