A/N: all updates for this story are on my profile u/9905372/

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Also, thank you to all of you that have reviewed my story, it means the world to me.

Post date: 08/27/2019

Chapter 21

It was currently April twenty-sixth, eighteen eighty-nine, four days since the easter egg hunt Lizzy held here at the manor and two days since the start of my punishment from Sebastian started. The Last two days had been rough, to say the least. Sebastian had at night, ravished me to the point of passing out. I always woke up sore and covered in Sebastian's seed.

During the day Sebastian avoided me, only talking to me if he had to. It was a new feeling, to be ignored by him. We usually chat and joke, learn new things about each other. Sebastian would, on occasion, talk about old contracts and how he didn't understand humans. I know this is punishment for the lie I told and the fact that I didn't say anything about undertaker being a grim reaper but damn it to hell, He knows how I feel about the man. I never withheld how I felt. But that's neither here nor there at this point. For now, I need just to relax. Getting worked up isn't going to change anything.

Sighing I rubbed my belly, The stream I half setting in was warm from the sun beating down on it. I had the grimoires both Sebastian and undertaker collected for me out open to various pages. I was taking this time to study as well as just be one with nature as they say. Witches and Demons were similar in the way that they were creatures of nature. We respect the natural world and its creatures in our own ways. In one of the grimoires, it had stated that relaxing in a stream in a sheer white rob could help with calming one's self so you could focus and recenter. I wasn't sure about that, but it was relaxing.

"Is it appropriate for a lady to be half-naked in a stream like this?"

My eyes went wide as I hear a mans voice behind me. That was William's voice; I'd know it anywhere at this point. Turning to look at him, I placed my hand out to rest in the lush grass to support my weight as I leaned forward slightly, my other hand on cradling my belly, I was may have only been fifteen weeks along but I was close to done at this point and caring heavy.

"Maybe but we witches like to dance naked by moonlight, so this I would think is far to dressed up." I gave him a small smile as he stared at me. William fixed his glasses with his scythe that looked like one of those grabber things older people use when they can't bend to pick stuff up in my opinion.

"It would seem your demon is corrupting your mind." William sighed

"Maybe so, but tell me William, is this a social visit or business."

"Do you know were Undertaker ran off to?" Moving right along, William questioned me, stepping closer to me. He was practically standing over me at this point.

"I have no idea were Undertaker went; My demon has kept me on a tight leash since the incident on the ship." I sat straight again both hand on my belly.

"And my To - Die book you stole?"

"I gave it to Undertaker" I was still looking right at him with a small smile still on my face. William, in another life, was worth betraying Sebastian. That makes me wonder about who he used to be in life.

"Of course you did... " William looked down at me fully and paused what he was saying for a moment before kneeling down to my level.

"What's wrong, William?" I asked, looking at him, confused. William put his hand out, resting it on the top of my belly; he had a soft look to his face like he remembered a fond memory.

"... how far along are you?"

"oh um, I'm almost four months," I said softly, I didn't want to disturb whatever it was he was remembering.

"We had tried..." William was looking at my belly fondly as he spoke, I almost missed what he had said.

"Tried?" I asked as I watched him. William looked back up at me as I slightly tilted my head to the side, waiting for an answer.

"To have children." William leaned in slightly, and for a moment, all we did was stare at each other. The moment though was short-lived as something shiny went wissing past my face between William and I. It didn't faze me, but William jumped back a bit and stood, glaring in the direction the object had come from. Looking the opposite way for the object, I spotted a fork sticking into the ground. Sebastian must have thrown that. "I'll be taking my leave."

"Yes, we wouldn't want your scent lingering." Sebastian's voice was heard from behind me, making me look up, and sure enough there he was. Sebastian may have been smiling, keeping to his butler act but I didn't miss the slight tick of his brow.

Looking back to William, I gave him a smile despite the situation. He gave me one last look before turning around to walk away, only to pause a moment and speak to Sebastian with his back still to us.

"Take better care of her than the last time." With that, he was gone. I couldn't help but feel sad about him.

"What were you doing with that reaper?" Sebastian moved to be in front of me as kneeling down to openly glare at me. I took a moment to think about how to answer him. While I allowed my emotions to be displayed on my face so that he could fully see the sadness, I feel.

"Though I shouldn't, I pity him. Though I am a demon, I bear the weight of a human heart." I moved my hands over my heart, closing my eyes. "My heart can't help but feel for him because after all, it was me that caused him to become a reaper in the first place." I looked back up at Sebastian, "I love you, My demon. but at one time, my soul loved him too."

Sebastian's face was neutral as he spoke. "Being a full demon, I can't say I understand the sentiment. However, while I feel nothing towards the reaper other than being territorial over your person, after spending so much time with humans, I can see your point of view." Sebastian stepped down into the water, taking a knee.

I couldn't help but chuckle at him; He understands humans more then he gives himself credit for. Plus the sight of him kneeling in the stream to be a better level with me is quite the sight.

Sebastian's POV

"What pray tell Is so amusing?" I put my hand on Mafdets swollen belly, enjoying the feel of my child moving around in her womb. Despite myself, I'll admit seeing her swollen with my growing seed was arousing.

"Nothing Sebastian" was her response, making me look up at her. Id let that answer slide this time. She didn't seem to be doing anything treacherous with Wiliam, and her scent is her own, though as to why she was in this stream was beyond me.

"Mafdet, ..., would you ever consider going back with me when my contract is made?" It was a sudden question, but one that I had wondered about for some time. Mafdet seemed to be thinking it over, her hand coming up so she could tap her finger on her lip. This was her normal in deep thought pose as I've come to learn.

"I'm unsure if I'm honest. I do at times, miss my human family and wonder if ill go back to see them or not." I moved in closer to her, invading her personal space, sliding my hand over her partially exposed breast. Her sheer white rob was made practically see-through with it being wet.

"Myself and our child our your family now." Mafdet let out a small moan as I gently touched her. Her. Moving my hand down and into her robe, I teased her hardening nipple. It wouldn't be too much longer before her supple breast was going to be used to feed our child.

"You're right" Mafdet moaned out, her teal eyes bleeding into a bright right red color. More and more, she was shifting into her demon side. It didn't take much more for her to open her legs to me voluntarily.


April twenty-seventh, eighteen eight nine, that was the current date. Mafdet becomes more and more tired as the days go on. Shes roughly four months along, She has about two more months. She was supposed to be checking on Mey-rin, but that was an hour ago. I happened upon Mey-rin herself as I looked around the manor for Mafdet.

"Mey-rin, have you seen Ms. Cara?" Mey-Rin tilted her head to the side in thought a moment before answering.

"She was in the Billards room, that she was Mr. Sebastian last I saws her."

"I see." was the only reply I gave her as I swiftly turned away from her heading for the billiards room. With my speed, I got there in no time.

When I opened the door to the billiards room, I saw her. She was curled up in the little brats chair sound asleep. At some point, she had let her hair down. This is the first time I've really taken the time to notice her current form as it was. She was small in both height and frame. Her long wavy ink-black hair was half in her face, and the skirts of her dress were flowing over the edge of the chair neatly. She was a beautiful demoness, witch. Her human heart was even in its own way, stunning.

Walking up to her, I bent forward so that I could reach out and move her hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. Seeing her belly, I couldn't help myself and reached for her, rubbing our child gently. I paused a moment to remove my glove, revealing my demons mark and put my hand back on our child. My demons mark glowed brightly.

This child would the start of a new future for myself. But this child will also be special, he or she is the first demon born in some time. We demon can be made, turned from a human into one of our kind, or be one of the fallen. The fallen were no allies of ours, though, simply angles that don't understand that they are no longer in Gods favor.

Moving forward more, I nuzzled into Mafdets belly as I was overcome with an all-consuming need always to protect them no matter the cost.


Mafdets POV

It's Currently April thirtieth, and I'm getting into a carriage with the help of Sebastian. It was getting harder to move around, and I hated it to be frank.

"Be careful, Mafdet. It's not just you in that body anymore." Sebastian said to me in an annoyed tone.

"Yes, Sebastian." I rolled my eyes at him. He had been all but glued to me since yesterday.

"Where are you going to be?"

"At home, now chill Sebastian and fun with the kids." Sebastian looked at me, confused as he raised a brow at me. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when he realizes he's going to be stuck with a bunch of kids for a while.