I do not own.

With the wind in his hair, Gatlocke, looking pretty smug, drove the commandeered tank away, using the explosion as a cover. He was pretty sure that Rex was dead. A pity, really, he will miss that rascal.

"Going somewhere?" Rex asked as he rode close to him in his Rex Ride.

Gatlocke looked over in surprise. Then his signature grin returned. "As a matter of fact…" He pointed his cybernetic blaster at Rex and fired.

Rex pulled back to avoid the blast. His Rex Ride disappeared and his Boogie Pack formed. Gatlocke turned to shoot again but he was out of ammo. Instead, he hunched over and the tank sped up.

"Get back here! There's a matter of kidnapping we have to discuss." Rex told him.

"What? Can't hear you. Lalalala!" He covered his ears.

Rex shot some grappling hooks from the turbines that hooked onto the tank. He flew higher lifting the tank up. Gatlocke used his cybernetic blade to cut one of the lines. It was a mistake as the tank tilted throwing him out onto the ground.

Rex released his load which fell on its side. Landing in front of Gatlocke, he pulled up his goggles.

"Game's over." Rex told him.

"Hah! It's never over." Gatlocke got up. Running recklessly at Rex with his sword, he was knocked back with one punch from his Smack Hands. "Okay, how about we call it a tie?" He asked while on his back.

Providence soldiers arrived to constrain him.

"How about we call it… Rex is awesome and Gatlocke sucks?" Rex suggested.

"We can negotiate." Gatlocke said as he was lead away. "Call me."

"Don't hold your breath." Rex muttered. He saw a jump jet fly into the Keep. Realizing that Six and Holiday were probably on it, he made his Boogie Pack and flew to the Keep to check on his guardians.


The smell of antiseptic stung Six's nose. Wrinkling his nose, he slowly opened his eyes before immediately closing them. His shades were missing and the lights were too bright.

"Oh sorry about that." He felt the lights dimming.

His eyes opened. Holiday was standing above him.

"Good morning… or is it good afternoon?" He asked.

Holiday chuckled a little. "Neither really. It's nearly midnight."

"Good night, then." He replied.

Holiday chuckled again. "Not quite either. You just woke up unless you want to go back to sleep."

"No, how long have I been out?" He tried to sit up.

She put a hand on his good shoulder to restrain him. "Stay put. You've only been asleep for a few hours. You have several broken ribs; you've fractured your tibia; you tore the ligament in your shoulder; you have lacerations, bruises, and stitches where the sword went through, not to mention the minor concussion." She listed for him.

"Is that all?" He asked.

"And you are dehydrated." She finished.

"Hmmm, that has to be a new record." He said.

"You will probably be in a cast for at least 6 weeks." Holiday said.

"How's Rex doing?" Six asked.

"He's fine. He apprehended Gatlocke and was driving the grunts crazy by the time we reached base." She said sitting back in the chair.

"Hmph, I have to talk to White about putting him someplace he can't get out of." Six growled.

"I think they're going to beef up security around him as well as look into vetting our employees a little more." Holiday replied.

"How about the monkey?" He shifted so he could look at her.

"Bobo? He's the only one who doesn't have a single scratch, not even a split fur." She shook her head in disbelief.

"Well, I'm glad we all made it out." Six said.

"Yes. Thank goodness for that." Holiday agreed softly.

Then they lapsed into awkward silence until they both spoke at once, stopping, and then starting at the same time again.

"Sorry, you go first." Holiday said red-faced.

"No, you should." Six insisted.

Holiday with her eyes on the ground, cleared her throat. "Did you mean what you said… about… you know…" She waited nervously.

"Yes… you are stubborn." Six stated.

Holiday's eyes shot up. She could see the twinkle in his eye and the corner of his mouth pulling up. She couldn't believe it; he was teasing her. "If you weren't already injured, I'd smack you." She told him trying not to laugh.

"Violence doesn't become you." He answered with a smirk.

"Oh, I don't know about that." She cocked her head. "I thought I did a pretty good number on that robot."

"Sorry, I missed that." Six said.

"You were busy being annoyingly heroic." She leaned in close to his face. He tilted his up a fraction.

"I'm not sure those two adjectives go together." Six said.

"When it comes to you, I think it's very accurate… and that's one of the many things I love about you." Her lips were a fraction away from his. Six moved in. Holiday's eyes fluttered shut as she melted into the kiss. When she pulled away, there was a dreamy smile on her face.

"We make a good team." He said huskily.

"We do." Her smile broadened before moving in for another kiss.


Gris with a bandage around his middle limped into the office. He knew his employer was not going to be happy. He stood silently before a large desk with several monitors that was blocking his view of the lady sitting in front of them.

"Well, well Gris… it looks like it was a bust." Her smooth voice did not sound angry but Gris knew better.

"We'll get them next time. That idiot you hired…" Gris winced when she slammed her fists against the table.

"Are you trying to blame me?" Her voice now carried dangerous undertones.

"No, sir… I was just saying that Gatlocke screwed up our…" He stopped when he saw her stand up. Her purple hair stood in stark contrast to her pale face. Some of her bangs covered her right eye.

"I'm not interested in excuses. We lost the doctor, one of my bases has been destroyed, and Providence has some of my men in custody." She said walking to the front of the desk, heels clicking on the marble floor, black cape flowing behind her. "But this foray has provided me with some insight. It seems my robotic army needs some work. We can't replace all our human staff... yet. They need to be flawless for the next phase of my plan." Her voice was back to the usual serene tone. "So it was not a total failure. You may leave."

Gris glad that there was no punishment turned to go until her voice stopped him again.

"But Gris… don't fail me again. Next time I won't be so forgiving." She walked back to her seat.

"Yes, sir. Thank you,sir." Gris gulped as he retreated to the exit.

Black Knight stared at a picture of Rex fighting on her monitor. "My, my how you've grown Rex… how you've grown."

This is the end. Hope you've enjoyed it and that there was enough HOLIX for you. (Oh, who am I kidding? Is there ever enough HOLIX?) That was so much harder than I thought it would be. So now onto Dreamscape and maybe, maybe if you're lucky you'll get some Christmas stories this holiday season… I hope. Anyway, thank you all for reading. Please don't forget to check out the other authors on this site to KEEP GEN REX ALIVE! Read, Review, Favor, and Follow your favorites.

God bless.