Chapter 3: Rule 3: Start Getting To Know Them

"A-Am I a what?" Deku asked as he blushed bright red like a cherry.

"Virgin. You know, someone who has never had sex." Dabi chuckled.

"I-I umm well I told Kacchan and Shochan that I wanted to wait until we graduated but we umm…" He muttered the rest.

"You what?" Tomura asked.

"We touched each other." Deku covered his face to hide the shame.

"Aww that's so cute." Dabi chuckled. "Hey don't hide your face, it's okay."

"We've done more." Tomura chuckled. "It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Why does that make me more embarrassed?" Deku muttered.

Dabi chuckled and put his arm around his shoulder. "You don't have to be embarrassed around us. You can trust us."

Deku looked at Dabi, who smiled gently at him, and smiled back with a slight nod.

Tomura watched and smirked before he pulled Deku close to him. "Don't hog him all Dabi." He chuckled.

Dabi rolled his eyes but looked down at Deku, "Do you have any questions for us?"

"Um well," Deku looked down and mumbled a bit.

"It's okay, we won't get mad." Tomura said gently.

Deku nodded, "Well how long have you two been together?"

"Hmm well we knew each other in elementary but we didn't get along until middle school." Tomura chuckled.

"We got together around the seventh grade so that's what about what nine years?" Dabi looked at Tomura.

"Yeah about." Tomura nodded. "He knew me before I changed my name too."

"He would say his name is Tomura when we were kids and kept at it. So I just called him by what he liked." Dabi said.

"Dabi says that but he says my real name when he's in a grumpy mood." Tomura chuckled. "And he is always in a grumpy mood unless he's with me."

"Ha!" Dabi smirked. "You make me mad all the time."

"But you love me." Tomura laughed as he pulled Deku closer to him. "Right Deku? You can see that Dabi loves me."

"Deku tell Tomura that I do not." Dabi looked down at Deku.

"I think you do love him." Deku smiled.

"Oh yeah?" Dabi smirked as he started to tickle Deku. "Say I don't love him."

Deku laughed. "No Dabi!" He squirmed as he tried to get away but he couldn't since Tomura was holding him.

"Come on Deku you can win this!" Tomura chuckled.

"This is unfair." Deku laughed, "You're- haha holding me!"

"Which makes it easier for me." Dabi chuckled before he stopped tickling him.

Deku panted as he leaned on Tomura who patted his head.

"See you won for me." Tomura chuckled at the tired Deku.

"Here Dabi, give him some water." Kurogiri said as he had a water bottle ready to hand to Dabi.

Dabi nodded and took it. "Here Deku open up." He opened the water bottle.

Deku looked and started to reached for it but Dabi shook his head and pressed the bottle against Deku's lips. Deku blushed a bit before he opened his mouth a bit as he drank the water. Tomura watched and smiled as Deku was getting redder. Dabi pulled the bottle back as Deku looked away a bit.

"Thank you." Deku muttered a bit.

"You're welcome." Dabi closed the bottle and gave it to him.

"Oh I have another question, were your ex's your first boyfriends?" Tomura asked.

"Y-yeah." Deku looked up at Tomura as he was still leaning on him.

"It must have been really hard then." Dabi said as he took Deku's hands.

"Yeah it was. That's why I told myself I'll never forgive them." Deku said.

"That's good. You don't have to forgive them or ever talk to them again." Tomura said. "We can make sure they don't bother you anymore."

"That's right." Dabi smiled gently. "We can protect you."

"That's sweet. Thank you. But I can take care of myself too." Deku smiled.

"Of course but that doesn't mean we can't help. Plus it's funny to see them mad." Dabi chuckled.

"The yellow one gets angry a lot doesn't he?" Tomura chuckled.

"Kacchan? Yeah, he's like a ball of flame." Deku smiled softly before he frowned a bit.

"Hey don't lose that smile." Dabi cupped his face. "They don't deserve to destroy that smile."

Deku looked up to him and nodded before they felt the car stop.

"We are here." Kurogiri said.

"You'll love Midnight's place, it's so fun." Tomura smiled as he unbuckled his own and Deku's seatbelt.

"And if at any point you don't want to be there anymore, you can tell us." Dabi smiled. "We won't get mad."

Deku nodded and smiled. "Thank you."

"Come on. Lets go. Kurogiri we'll call you when we're ready." Tomura said.

"Do you have your I.D. Tenko?" Kurogiri asked.

"Yeah I got it this morning." Tomura said.

"Very well, I'll be ready for your call." Kurogiri said. "It was a pleasure to meet you Deku."

"It was a pleasure meeting you too sir." Deku smiled.

"See you soon Kurogiri." Dabi said as they got out of the car. Kurogiri soon drove off.

"Finally got your I.D. back? Dabi asked.

"What happened to your I.D.?" Deku asked.

"Ah I gave it to a servant of mine to get something for me and he accidently lost it. So Kurogiri was looking for it and he found it last night." Tomura chuckled. "Father was mad."

"You have servants?" Deku asked.

"Yeah, that's how rich he is." Dabi pulled Deku close, "This is why he's so bratty."

"I am not bratty." Tomura pouted making Dabi and Deku laugh.

"Brat. Come on let's go inside." Dabi took Deku's hand and took him inside. Tomura looked around to see a red car coming. He smirked as he saw who was inside the car before he went inside the shop.

In the car

Katsuki was fuming as he drove up to the shop. He saw Tomura walk in and smirk at them. "Those little shits took Deku to a sex shop! A SEX SHOP!"

Shoto growled. "Park the car. We are getting Deku out of there. Those two are trying to hurt out Deku."

"Come on." Katsuki parked the car before they got out. "What is going on in his mind?"

"We'll find out soon. They're trying to poison his mind. Deku is innocent." Shoto glared at the shop. "He isn't supposed to be in these kind of shops."

"We are going to drag Deku out of there and take him home." Katsuki growled as they walking into the shop.

Midnight's Sex Shop

Tomura, Dabi and Deku walk in to see all various of sex toys displayed. The inside was a dungeon like room where various BDSM items were displayed on the walls as well as pictures of various people doing lewd acts. Deku gulped as he was more frighten of the dark place. Dabi looked down at Deku and wrapped his arm around his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. Deku looked at him and smiled back before he heard a scream.

Deku held onto Dabi and shook. "W-what was that?!"

"Must be one of Midnight's slaves being trained." Tomura said as he went behind the register where there was a door. He knocked on it. "Hey Midnight!" He called.

They heard another scream before they heard footsteps getting closer to the door. Tomura took a few steps back as Deku looked at the door only for the door to slam open. A tall woman with long black hair and blue eyes came out. She wore a dominatrix outfit that was made of latex.

She looked at Tomura and chuckled. "You're the only one who would dare knock on my door while I'm training my slave."

"It's what I do." Tomura smirked.

She rolled her eyes before they landed on Dabi and Deku. Her eyes widen a bit before she walked over to them and pushed Dabi off of Deku before she cupped his face. "Ohh you brought me a cutie to play with. What's your name dear?" She licked her lips.

"I-Izu-Izuku Mido-Midoriya." Deku gulped. "Bu-but they ca-call me D-D-Deku."

"So nervous, how adorable." Midnight smiled. "So shy too, I'm surprise you're not a vanilla."

"V-Vanilla?" Deku asked cutely.

"He's pretty vanilla." Dabi said as he pulled Deku away. "Don't touch him old hag."

"Old?" Mightnight's eyebrow twitch as a flogger magically appeared on her hand. "Who are you calling old?"

"Now now you know Dabi likes to tease. This is Deku's first time being in a sex shop before." Tomura said as he went to them.

"A first timer. Oh how exciting!" Midnight push Dabi away again and hugged Deku. His face was in her breast as he turned beet red. "I'm Nemuri Kayama, but everyone calls me Midnight. Unless you're one of my slaves then it's Mistress Midnight. I'm a dominatrix and this is my shop. Welcome."

"I think you're killing him." Tomura chuckled.

"Oops sorry." She pulled him off a bit and smiled.

"Ni-nice to meet you Midnight." Deku stuttered in embarrassment.

"Such a well behaved boy, I'd love to show you around." Midnight smiled as she snapped her fingers. Two males with chastity belts on and revealing clothing come out. "Boys one of you take care of the shop while the other deals with our little problem down there." She smirked.

"Yes Mistress Midnight." They said in union as one went in the room behind the door while the other went behind the register.

"Come, there's lots to show you." Midnight smiled as she took Deku to explore.

Dabi pouted slightly as he watched.

"Come on, we can help Midnight out." Tomura smirked and kissed Dabi's cheek. "He'll be ours soon enough."


Etsuko: Ha ha ha. Hi, everyone. It's been a while huh.

Youta: Almost 3 months.

Etsuko: Yeah sorry about that. A lot of things happened and it was either continue writing and struggle with school or pause writing and do better in school. And school is almost over so I'm back!

Emiko: And with that said what do you guys think about the new chapter?

Etsuko: You guys might have questions but they'll all be answered in time.

Youta: For now just take a guess and wonder if you're right or wrong.

Etsuko: Hopefully we will be able to stick to our new schedule and if you want to see what it is it will be in my profile.

Emiko: As well as a poll, now if you follow Etsuko's other stories or her profile you'd know there is a poll that we do twice a year. One at the end of the year to start out January 1st with a new story from a different anime show and one in the middle of the year that gets posted before Anime Expo, a convention that happens in Los Angeles during the first week of July.

Etsuko: The poll is up now so you can take your pick.

Youta: If you don't see a show that you'd like us to write a fanfic for you can always send us a message and we'll take it under consideration for this poll or the poll for next year.

Etsuko: And with that being said I hope you all had a good read and hopefully we will post next week or maybe earlier. Please favorite, follow, review/comment and vote! Have a great morning/day/night! Ciao ciao!