After bothering and begging for hours, Sesshomaru gave in. They would go visit Inuyasha's infant. It will only be a slight detour of about two weeks.
The weather had been rather pleasantly warm for several days of their travel. However, it was early spring, and weather was tricky, the evening that fell was freezing cold. They didn't bring anything to warm up thinking it would be warm and in case it did get colder they would at least have somewhere to be.

Rin sat as close to fire as she could. Despite the warmth she was still shivering and Sesshomaru couldn't stand seeing her like that. "I apologise for sleeping outside. There are no houses or caves for at least a days walk."
"It is alright. I'm not going to die in one cold night." Sesshomaru stiffened and placed her between his legs, his arms circling her to make her warmer. She could see the concern her comment caused. "I am kidding. I will be fine."
"Do not joke like that Rin… If you were to die-again…" He couldn't finish. Rin felt bad for even mentioning it. She kissed him gently and he returned the kiss. She snuggled in his chest while he put his cheek on her head. It was peaceful that night.

It was because of small things like these that she could, without a doubt, say that he loved her. The next morning she woke she was fully lying on him and her feet which would be on the ground were nicely tucked in his mokomoko.

Not an inch of her touched the ground.