This is my first fanfic

I Do not Own How To Train Your Dragon
English is not my native language, let me know if you encounter any errors
and you can comment because I will try to answer all of them
leaving this aside enjoy the fanfic

This is Berk

It's not as bad as you think you know, we have fishing, hunting and a gorgeous sunset, the only problem is the pests, you know some people have mosquitoes, rats, but we No, we have ... Dragons.

Most people would have been gone long ago, but we did not, as we are Vikings. My name is Hiccup Haddock Horrendous III, strange name I know (at least not the worst, like mildew or bucket), people believe that a horrible name removes gnomes and trolls and must be working because until today I have not seen any.

I open the door and see a monstrous nightmare that knocks on my door, I close it quickly and then I open it again and leave. In less than a minute I was outside the house listening to the warnings of adults and going to forge:

"What are you doing here come back in vain!"

"Do you want to kill yourself ?!"

At that moment I fall on my back and a viking on top of me and says:

"Good Morning!"

Well at least they still have time for good manners. After that I started to run when I was picked up and a Nadder passed burning the street and I hear:

"Hiccup what are you doing here? What is he doing here? Go back inside!" He says throwing me into the forge.
This viking that ended up is Stoick the vast, boss of berk and my father. They say that when he was small he killed a dragon so playing if I believe, of course I do. When I enter the forge a man named Gobber the belch turns to me and speaks:

"There was then decided to appear for party, I was already thinking that you had been taken"!

"Who would they not know what to do with all this!" I say gesturing to my glass

"Well do they need a toothpick?" He answers me with his sarcasm, loose a fake smile, and picks up the tools that need repairing, and begins to sharpen a I hear that whistle signaling that the fury of the night would wreak havoc this night, and Gobber says:

"Hiccup they need me out there, do not leave, understand?"

I nod and he sighs, he knew I was going to leave but if it was he left I got the mangler (an enlarged version of a beast that shoots boleadeira instead of arrows) and I go to a cliff where I keep mumbling "" let me get something to shoot, give me something to shoot "- When I finish speaking the fury of the night reaches a construction nearby giving me a slight glimpse of herwhich turned into minutes because of one of my speed spells (You see only me and the old man of the city have magic, so my father forbade me to use it in front of the others). With that moment I shoot the ball and I fall to back turning off my magic and I hear the fury of the night scream of pain and fall on the raven's point and shout,
"Is anybody there?" - At that moment a nightmare appears in front of me, destroys the mangler and begins to chase after me, after a moment running and screaming I see one of the torches and hide behind her when the nightmare shoots and burns the base of it. At that moment I turn to see if he was still there and I did not see him, but when I came back I saw the nightmare about to bite me and my father hit his face with a hammer, when the nightmare was to shoot him nothing came out and he said:

"Finished your gas!" He says starting to punch him

After the nightmare fled, he turned to me and started to scold me, after that Gobber took me home and told me to stop being who I am not, says the people who prevent me from using my magic. that he left I took my notebook with a map and my dagger and out the back door to the forest.


Under the Queen's orders I was helping in another attack when I was struck by something that wrapped around me pinning my wings leaving me unable to fly, I looked forward and saw trees approaching I closed my eyes and thought,
'So this is how I'm going to die? The last fury of the night dies for Vikings, I think the prophecy was wrong.' You see an ancient prophecy said that the last fury of the night would find a being with enough power to overtake the dragoness of monn and the dragon of the sun together and a pure soul, and she would turn it into a fury of the night, with that they would defeat the red death (queen) would free the dragons and restart the species. I know I'm the last fury of the night because the queen killed each one on our island and only left me alive because she was small and could already be controlled, she made me watch all the others die in front of my eyes.

I stopped thinking when I hit a tree and then on the ground creating a trail, after I tried to break free again I saw that it was useless and I slept. When I woke up I felt a strong magical pressure and I shuddered at the thought of such being on the side of the Vikings. I closed my eyes and heard:

"When I opened my eyes I saw a small Viking of my age putting his foot in me, I moved his leg and he fell back pulling a dagger and leaving it on fire , only then I realized that the magic was his and that he was not using even 1% of it. Accepting death I realized that he looked into my eyes and spoke almost voicelessly:

"I did it ..." He started to walk away and I thought, 'So that's it, are you going to let me starve or die for the animals ?!' When I thought about it he came back and started cutting the strings, when he cut the last rope I bound him with a stone and examined his soul, when I saw that his soul was pure, I realized that he was the being of prophecy and knew instantly what to do. I ripped off his shirt and cut it a little above his heart and did the same on me, after that I let my blood fall on his wound after a half liter of my blood fell and was absorbed by his body, licked his wound to close and not to appear the cut, after that moment I roared in his face and walked away to a cove to wait and recover my energies, that night I slept dreaming that at last the dragons would be free and had a companion.


I was already searching the forest for hours when I looked at my notebook and I marked another place on the map, I angrily scribbled the map, I put my pencil to mark the page, I closed my notebook and I said:

"The gods hate me, some lose their knives, others lose their mugs, but I, I can not lose a whole dragon." I kick a stone and I see a black scale on the ground, when I caught it, I realized that only a dragon could have a I picked up the scale and conjured up a location spell creating a path only visible to me and I started to follow until I see a trail on the ground, wide the scale and start following the trail when I see the fury of the night I go faster and I scream, putting my foot in it:

"YES I DID THAT, I DRAWED THE FURY OF NIGHT !" After that she squirms and falls back pulling my dagger and enveloping her in flames when I see her eyes and realize she is as scared as I am and accepting her death , I say again almost without a voice and started to leave but I realized that she would die of hunger, for wild animals or worse for another Viking, before thinking more I began to release it after cutting the last rope she held me against a stone and I looked into my eyes and before she knew it she took my shirt off and made a cut a little above my heart and repeated the process in her and began to drop her blood on my cut replacing my blood with hers after she knocked it down liter of blood she licked the wounds closing them and leaving no scar, then roaring in my face leaving me bewildered and leaving. After I got up I put on my shirt, I took my dagger and when I left I fainted.

When I woke up I realized that it was night and I hurried back home before anyone noticed my absence (although I could disappear for a month that no one would notice besides gobber, I know this because I already tested).