
Chapter one

I was so young when they came, but I still remember it. I went out into this field outside my village every day and ran and played while my parents were at work. I was in that field when they came to G'mai. I just remember the sky lighting up to shades and colors I had never seen it turn before. Purples and pinks, blues and black. I remember being transfixed by it. It was close to where I was, so I went towards it. I remember this huge, imposing space ship, coming out of the colors in the sky. It came and landed, and it whipped the wind and I remember feeling like it would push me over. These men came out of the ship, men of all kinds and colors. I had never met a people other than the G'mai. Some of them looked like me and my people- some of them looked like monsters and gods from our legends. But even so, I wasn't scared. The men talked among themselves, until they fell silent. I realized they saw me. A man came over to me. He was huge, larger than any man or beast I had ever seen. He knelt in front of me, and he held out his hand to me, and I took it. A beautiful and new adventure waited for me. I knew I just had to reach out and grab it.

When we boarded his ship, I was in awe. I looked and studied everything. I was so curious. I was brought into a room full of food, the most delicious and abundant food I had ever seen, and I remember the feeling of being full for the first time. I wasn't scared even for a moment. I wasn't even scared when all the men loaded onto the ship and we began lifting higher and higher into the sky. We went above the clouds and into the stars, and I stood in awe of it all. I only started to feel fear when I looked out the window towards my planet getting smaller and smaller and seeing my planet become a flash, a blinding light of an explosion. And it was gone.

Kara sat in a seminar for her graduate biochemistry course. A guest lecturer droned on about a topic she had already studied on her own. She knew the material from hours of pre-lecture reading last night. Her pencil dropped from her hand to her desk. Realizing that she wouldn't be taking notes this afternoon, she let her eyes drift through the room, from one face to the other. Her eyes trailed to the window and stopped. She caught her breath. Through her view from the window, she could see the majority of New York city sprawled out in the distance, and there in the sky, a portal opening. It started small, familiar colors of pinks, blues, and black, pushing the sky and clouds out of its way to reveal the expanse of space close enough for the birds to touch. Then came the sounds: the booms and screeches of technology and life forms Earth had yet to know. The boom aroused the other graduate students and they started to gather at the window. Smaller spaceships started zooming out of the portal and weaving into the streets and around the high-rises below. Then, an enormous machine was birthed through the portal above, groaning with every twist and turn. The machine was larger than a building and the sight of it sent the students screaming from the room. Kara stood up from her seat. Fuckā€¦ she thought, aliens.

Running out of the building and down the hill and through the tall trees, Kara knew she had to get downtown. She ran and each of her footsteps pounded and shook the ground. She didn't care if she revealed her identity and abilities to the humans, all she cared about was the people down on the streets, being killed or injured without even a hope. She had seen these machines before, and she had seen what they had done in battle to those standing in their way. Her paces quickened to 100 mph, then 120. Within minutes she reached the city and rushed to the heart of it. Sirens sounded as police cars speed and tanks rolled in through the city streets, all guns aimed and firing on the metal beast. Kara knew these human guns wouldn't even make a scratch. The metal on these ships were stronger than the metal on earth. As she charged toward it, a man in a red metal suit flew over her head. CRASH! into the monster, leaving a dent but barely slowing it down. He flew back and started shooting missiles at it that came from his shoulders and his hands. These had no effect, and the beast continued to crash through the city, tearing out chunks of buildings as it snaked through. Kara knew she had to stop it. She quickly looked around her for sure footing, then, with the power of hundred men, she ran towards the beast and leapt into the air bringing her fists down onto the nose of the ship, crushing the metal beneath it and bringing it down: SLAM against the earth. With the head of it driven into the street, the tail followed, being compacted and crushed into itself. Kara, having ridden the thing down to the ground with her fists still against it, she dug her heels into asphalt to try to slow it down. She could feel the paved road being dug up beneath her and the beast as it slowed and stopped, the rest of it landing on the earth with a labored THUD and CRASH. Kara stepped back and examined it. It was unmoving, and she determined that it was disabled. "What the fuck?" A voice behind Kara made her whip her head around. A woman with striking red hair and a black body suit stood there with eye wide, she had seen the whole feat. The metal armored man landed beside her. Coolly he looked at Kara and asked, "Who are you?" Kara didn't have time to answer, and they couldn't wait for one. Goblin-like aliens riding car sized space crafts zoomed around them. With a quick nod of his head, the man was off, flying over them and pulling goblins off their rides one at a time. The woman waited until a craft was heading toward her and she jumped on top of a car and off it onto the craft, throwing the alien off and piloting it herself. More space crafts zoomed towards Kara, and with one jump she reached up and grabbed the nose of the craft and sent in straight into the ground. She continued to catch and throw down the aliens and their carriers. She ran through the streets, taking out every hostile she came across. She saw another spaceship, larger than the ones the aliens rode on, in front of her. She started for it when a green flash came out roaring in front of her. He jumped 30 feet into the air, slamming his whole body against spaceship, sending into an explosion and crash landing. Unfazed and unhurt, the green giant continued to run and jump, smashing everything in his path.

The red man flew in front of Kara, "There's another one."

Kara looked up towards the portal, "Yeah, I see it. Its too high for me to get to."

"Then I guess I'll have to bring it closer." With that he was off and towards the sky. He shot at the second oversized beast of a spaceship, damaging it little, but enough to get it to want to take him out. It followed him down out of the sky. Kara knew it wouldn't get close enough to the ground for her to get to. She ran to a building close to her and tug her fingers into the metal of the building and started climbing up. She scaled the high rise to the top and just as the beast pasted by below, she leapt on to the top of it, and with one punch to its center, it broke apart, midair. The metal beast crashed into the earth taking Kara with it. When the aliens all saw their last mother ship taken down, they retreated back through the portal. In the middle of the wreckage, with the dust starting to clear and with the eyes of the city on her, Kara emerged.