AN: Here's the conclusion. A shorter one, first attempt at some smut; I don't think it's too bad but likely won't be doing it very often. Thanks for hanging in there. I don't have any other ideas for Sterek pics, so I should be able to focus on The Bonded now!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. If the smut bit seems like it doesn't work or fit, please let me know so I can rework the story and remove it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf.

Chapter 2

Most days, Stiles tries to hold his breath and just run; praying for the day to end quickly, avoid anything that could trigger a panic attack which of course meant everything. He's thankful for the break in school, walking the halls and seeing the shadows of people who are gone because of him was almost impossible to handle. There was no avoiding anything when it was shoved in your face like that.

He tries not to think about Chris, hasn't seen him or talked to him since. He hid from him until he knew he'd left town, unable to face that man who lost his daughter because of him. Scott's not easy to be around either; he tries to act like everything is okay when he's with Stiles, but they've been friends for long enough that Stiles knows when he's faking.

Lydia tries actively to get Stiles out of the house, doing things to keep him busy even if its tagging along on a shopping trip. But, he mostly declines finding it just as difficult to be around her as anyone else. She seems be able to see the brighter side, accepting that though she lost her best friend she still has Stiles; she didn't fail him even when she could feel his death right around the corner.

She's an optimist. Who knew?

But, things have gotten easier. Stiles' panic attacks are spaced farther apart, somedays he doesn't get any at all and he's been sleeping for longer stretches. He's not well-rested exactly but the circles under his eyes have faded and the 4 hours he's been averaging verses the hour and a half, or less, he was getting before is making a huge difference in his mood.

He's got a big black therapy dog to thank for the nights he sleeps longer.

Derek's come by a few times since the night at the grocery store, and Stiles still isn't sure how he's getting up on the roof in his fully shifted form. Seriously, is he just leaping really high or is he stripping and stashing his clothes somewhere and shifting once he's on the roof? Is there a naked Derek Hale standing on his roof for any amount of time?

Not important.

What is, is that he's been showing up every other night to check in and Stiles lets him stay. He'll lay back in his bed, pat his side, and tells him to jump up. And it's not weird, he's actually surprised at how not weird it is.

It's been nearly two weeks since the incident at the store with Derek and Stiles is finally feeling okay for the first time in months. He has plans to hang out with Scott, ones that he made and he's been hanging out in the living room with his dad more.

He feels lighter.

Derek's, nestled against his side when he wakes up with his head on his paws. Stiles scratches his head with a wide smile. "Morning." He says casually, shifting to sit up on the bed as he stretches.

Derek groans, rolling to his side and pinning one of Stiles' legs under his weight. "Dude." The boy laughs. "You're gonna have to let me up. I'm, ah…I'm meeting up with Scott." Derek sits up, ears perked and eyes on Stiles. "Yeah. I called him yesterday, asked if he wanted to hang out. He seemed…thrilled to even hear from me. Not like we don't talk, but it's usually him reaching out to me." Derek's tail wags, he nudges his head under his hand to get him to pet him. "Yeah, I guess I'm doing a lot better. I think this whole therapy dog thing is really working. I uhm…I sort of…I wanted to see how I do on my own…for a couple days."

The wolf cocks his head to the side, his ears sagging slightly. "What? Come on, you know you're doing your wolfy duty. Taking care of pack and all that, I just…I want to see if I'm really okay, you know? I like you hanging out here, I do, but I can't let myself get dependent on you. That's not really healthy, you know? I mean we can still hang out, if you want…I want to. And maybe not with just the wolf…Maybe. But if you don't want to that's totally cool." Derek nips at Stiles' fingers, wagging his tail again. "Cool." The boy grins at the wolf again. "Okay, so I'll stop by the loft or something sometime. Also, you should probably text me…Just to check in. I think I just need a little safety net, some contact to ease into this staying alone thing."

That doesn't sound too desperate right? It's normal for me to want to have that line of contact open after all this. It doesn't sound weird or attached or like I have this clingy crush on him. Cause I definitely don't. This is just, a thing.

Derek snorts, his head twitching and his tail thumbing on the bed three times. "Good. Okay, I really need to get up now. I have to go meet Scotty. Come on." Stiles nudges Derek with his knee, making the wolf groan in protest and flop back onto his side. "Dude." He whines. "Okay, fine. 10 more minutes, then you're getting kicked out." Stiles rests an arm around Derek's neck, petting his size as he leans back.

Stiles ended up spending most of the day with Scott, grabbing lunch and playing video games even staying over a little later to watch a movie while both their parents worked the night shift. Stiles would get texts from Derek from time to time, which he'd respond to quickly. Though he tried to be quick as to not take his attention from his friend, the split focus did not go unnoticed by Scott.

Stiles' attention was on the bright lit screen, a grin spread across his face while he tried, and failed, to hold back his light laughter.

Scott cocked an eyebrow at him, smiling softly. "What's so funny?" He asked, leaning over to try and catch a glimpse of the phone. "Who are you talking to?"

"Derek." He said with a snicker. "Dude's actually pretty funny."

Scott scrunched his face. "Since when do you and Derek text?"

Stiles shrugs, rolling his eyes at the latest alert. "He doesn't understand how utterly amazing Star Wars is. Do you believe that he's never seen it either? How do I find you people? At least he's trying to watch it, unlike some friends.

"I'm not into that future-space crap."

Stiles gasps. "Heathen!" Stiles shouts, point a finger at Scott. "Do not speak such blasphemy in my presence! Star Wars, is not crap! You take that back!"

"Oh my god!" Scott groans. "It's just a movie!"

"It is an epic!"

The two boys stare at each other; Scott with an expression of disbelief and Stiles with narrowed eyes.

"Fine!" Scott tells him, throwing his hands up in surrender. "I give, I'll watch it."

"Lair. But, you're forgiven for you short comings. We can continue on with our friendship."

Scott rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he turns his attention back to Captain America. "So," He says casually. "Derek?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah." Stiles starts with a shrug. "He ah, he was at the store a could weeks ago and I…it didn't work out so well. He got me outside, snapped me out of it, walked home with me." Stiles pauses, smiling softly at the open message on his screen. "He's been sort of letting me use him as a therapy dog."

"He shifted for you! I've been begging him for weeks to let me see! Is it awesome?!"

"Yeah. Dude, he's so cool. And big! Soft too, all black with like…this stripe down his back that's extra dark and shiny. And a hand full of white hairs on his chest. Really cool. He's been a big help. He knew it too, I think. Asked if I wanted him to stay after he got me home; slept on the floor."

Scott nods with a fond smile, unable to do anything but smile at the warm tone Stiles' voice took talking about the older man. "I can't picture Derek in any kind of sleep over situation."

"Right?! He's been great though. I know he's just checking in with me when he shows up but it doesn't feel like that's what he's doing. Helps keep me out of my head a little too. He helps distract me."

Scott throws Stiles a knowing look. "You're into him."

"What?! No! That's-no!" Stiles' face heats up, color spreading across his face as he avoids his best friends stare. "You're crazy."

"Oh my God! You totally are! You have a crush on Derek! Derek 'rip-your-throat-out-with-my-teeth' Hale!"

"Shut up!" Stiles grabs a throw pillow, swinging it at Scott's laughing face. "I don't!"

"Stiles." Scott says, laughter fading away. "Dude."

"Fine! Yes, okay! Maybe I might have a tiny, little, microscopic thing for Derek. But it's purely a damsel in distress situation!" He adds defensively.

Scott shakes his head, smile still present on his face. "No, it's not."

Stiles throws his head back with a groan, covering his face with his hands. "No…It's not. Dude…I might…I think I love him."

"That's great!" Scott tells him, patting him on the shoulder.

"No. Not great, Scotty."

"Why not?"

"Because! He's Derek and I'm Stiles!" He explains as if the statement means everything.

Scott blinks at him. "And I'm Scott. I don't see you're point."

"If Derek is even into dudes, he's 1,000 times out of my league! I'm still playing tee ball while he's an all-star in the majors!"

"Don't sell yourself short, Stiles. Just 'cause Lydia had her head so far up Jackson's-"

"Watch what you say about Lydia." Stiles warns. "She is a Goddess among men."

Scott rolls his eyes. "Whatever, dude. My point is, you're smart, funny, loyal, resourceful. Derek would be crazy to not see that. You should just tell him."

"And when I get the soul crushing rejection? Then what? We can't keep going on as friends after that, it'll be too weird. He won't know how to be around me. I like where we've ended up, I like having him in my life. I don't want to lose that, Scott."

Scott thinks for a moment before shrugging. "If he rejects you, you come here. We'll take care of that heartache, distract you until you're ready to move forward."

Stiles nods. "Okay."

Scott mirrors his movement. "You're not going to tell him, are you?"

"Probably not, no. But good pep talk buddy. Truly one of your best. I actually feel a lot better."

It hit later than normal, waking from killing Allison for the hundredth time. It was a surprise too, there hadn't been very many intense nightmares but tonight was a night were Stiles went to bed alone.

This one felt real, it had to be. He still could feel the heat from her blood on his hands, feel it seeping through his pants. And his throat? Scott had slashed at him this time, he felt that too.

When he woke up, bolting up straight in bed, Stiles' hands flew to his neck; grasping at it where he knew it was open. He was dripping with sweat, relieved to find his throat free of injury but he was shaking from the memory. He reached out blindly for his phone, unlocking it with a trembling hand and calling Derek.

"Hello?" Answered on the other line; 2 A.M. and Derek was already up and alert. "Stiles?"


"I'll be right there, you're okay Stiles. Stay on the phone. Two minutes okay? Stiles?" Unable to answer, Stiles inhaled a shaky breath. "Good, breath. Great. Just focus on my voice, focus on me. Take another breath in, close your eye if you can." Derek understood the fear and danger that could come from the aftermath of a terrifying nightmare, closing your eyes after sometimes made things worse, the images from the dream flashing before you all over again. "Count in for 5, Stiles. Out for 5. Count and breath, I'm almost there."

Stiles tries, he really does, but the pain in his chest is just getting worse and it's starting to feel tighter. It's making him feel even more panicked; the dream and waking up alone and feeling the guilt so strongly now, like its fresh again.

Another minute passes and Derek's throwing open the window and climbing into the room. Stiles turns to him with tear rimmed eyes and tumbling out of bed toward the man. Derek has his arms around Stiles as he sees him about to collapse, easing them both to the ground. He tightens his hold around Stiles' trembling body, the boy fisting his hand in his shirt gripping it like a life line. Derek rubs circles on his back, whispering in his ear in an effort to calm him.

"Shh, you're okay. I've got you, just breath, listen to my heart beat and breath for me Stiles. There you go; I've got you, Stiles. Everything's okay. You're safe."

30 minutes pass, they stay on the floor, Derek leaning back against Stiles' bed with his arms still firmly wrapped around the scrawny body he'd pull into his lap, head tucked under his chin.

Derek's okay like that though, he like the feeling of being needed, of being the one to calm and sooth the boy he's holding protectively, likes the feeling of the extra weight of Stiles' lean body pressed against his chest. He's not sure when that happened exactly, but he knows it's been a long time now; a long time since he's looked at Stiles and no longer saw that annoying human that hung out with the new wolf.

A few more shaky breathes and Stiles seems okay, at least enough to speak, though he doesn't move from Derek's lap. "Sorry." He whispers, eyes feeling very heavy.


"I've been good."

Derek sighs, Pushing Stiles' back just a little to look him in the eye. "You don't apologize for things like this, okay? You're allowed to have a bad night and I told you to call me. Pack helps pack Stiles. Okay?" Stiles nodded. "Good. Besides, you held me up in 8 feet of water for over 2 hours, I sort of owe you."

"It was only 7 feet." Stiles remarked quietly with a small smile. "Don't be so dramatic."

"Okay." Derek says, rolling his eyes and making more of an effort to push Stiles off his lap. "Now, you get no sympathy." He tells him as he pulls himself from the floor.

Stiles pouts up at him. "What? Awe, come on. If I'm teasing that must mean I'm better, which equals good. Wait," Stiles calls in a sort panic as he sees Derek approach the window. He scrambles up to his feet, running his hand through his hair. Derek turns, giving him a questioning looks.

"Um, so…Dad's on night shift." Stiles tells him, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's always worse, you know, when he's not here."

"Yeah?" Derek turns his back to the window, watching, waiting for Stiles to continue. Hoping he'll continue. God, he's actually hoping Stiles will continue rambling like an idiot; what's wrong with him.

Stiles nods, his eyes not meeting Derek's. "Yeah. It's something I always seem to be aware of; even right now, out of a nightmare. My eyes snap open and my first thought is 'Dad's not here. I'm alone', and with no one to help bring me down it just sort of spirals. But I've been okay…relatively at least."

"Relatively." Derek echo's, moving back into the room.

"Better than before, I guess. Getting more sleep, no nightmares. Well, some nightmares but…you'd show up and help me."

"But this time?"

Stiles shook his head, a shiver running up his spine. "I woke up and swore I could still feel the blood…Allison's…Mine. It felt so real. You were there but…you just watched, eyes cold." Derek's brow furrowed, he stepped up to Stiles, placing his hands on his arms. "I know, stupid. But it was like totally being cut off, alone. And Scott he…was…he was furious, told me there was no hope for me, that I was lost. He didn't even apologize before he…" Tears gather in Stiles' eyes thinking about his best friend and how he looked at him. "He's actually looked at me like that before. That's what made is so real."

Derek's hand slid up Stiles' arm, brushing past his neck as it found its way to the side of his face, his thumb rubbing gently under his eye wiping away a tear. "How did he look at you?"

"Like I was a monster." Derek tenses, his nostrils flaring. "He hasn't…in a long time. I swear. But he did. He tried to hide it, knew it…that it wasn't me, that is was that thing when it managed to split away on its own. But it had my face, a shadow of me killed Allison. And it smiled. I get it. I share a face with the thing that killed the girl my best friend was in love with. I don't blame him." Stiles closes his eyes, leaning into the hand still resting against his cheek unconsciously. His voice was quiet and broke, rough with tears he was holding back. "Tonight, in the dream…it was like he was at a loss, like he didn't know if I was me or him…he was angry and sad and scared. So…he slashed my throat. And then I woke up." Without thought or hesitation, Derek pulled Stiles against his chest wrapping his arms around him. Stiles' hands clutched at the back of Derek's shirt, burying his face in the man's shoulder. "I woke up," Stiles sobbed quietly into Derek's neck. "and I could feel my throat ripped out and bleeding. Scott, he just…"

"He didn't Stiles, it wasn't real." Derek tries to sooth Stiles again as the smell of panic beings to fill the room again. "You're here, you're okay. Scott would never do anything like that, I'd never just stand by and let it happen either. I'd never let anything happen, not again. Not if I can do something." Stiles' whole body began to shake against Derek, his breathing hitched and erratic. "Stiles, come on. Focus, breath. Please, Stiles." Derek pleaded to him, desperate to pull him back from his panic attack. "You're safe, you're okay." Derek's whispered, his own heart rate rising in fear for Stiles. He settled back down onto the bed turning to cradle his face in his hands. "Please, Stiles." Derek's eyes dart over the boy's face, concern etched in his features. "You're okay, nothing's going to hurt you, I promise." Stiles squeezed his eyes shut, clenching his teeth as he gripped Derek's shoulder, shaking his head. "Stiles."

He wasn't calming, he couldn't get a handle on his thoughts enough to think how he needed to calm his breathing. When he tried to count, he lost his way at three; he couldn't find Derek's heart beat to anchor himself. The words being said to him were muffled and tinny and he couldn't really make them out. His vision was going black around the edges and he felt numb everywhere. It was a quick decision, but in seconds Derek was shifting; black coat spreading across his body. He whined and whimpered, still pleading with Stiles. He pressed his nose to the panicked boy's cheek, burying his muzzle in the crook of his neck, nuzzling in close. Stiles' fingers found their way through Derek's sleek coat; the wolf moaned deep within his chest, pressing himself closer to Stiles.

Stiles inhaled sharply, gasping for air as his lungs seemed to remember how to work. "Fuck." He gasps, his voice cracking and shaking. He turned to bury his face in the fur of Derek's neck. Derek whimpered in response, rubbing his muzzle against the back of Stiles' head. "I'm pathetic." He whispered, the wolf pulling back with a warning growl nipping his cheek. "Sorry." Derek huffs, sliding down to lay against Stiles with his head in his lap.

"You don't seem to mind me either way anymore. That's kind of…nice. I like it." He tells the wolf with a shrug, running his fingers through the thick coat. Stiles laid back across his bed, his legs hanging over the edge. He closed his eyes, still focusing on his breathing as he kept his hand in Derek's fur. The wolf stretched his head up to rest it on the boy's stomach. "I like when you're here. Everything feels safer." Stiles sighs, feeling himself drifting.

Loud clapping thunder echoed through the room, startling Stiles awake. He shot up with a yell, throwing Derek off him from the sudden movement. The wolf was back at his side in seconds, nose pressing against his cheek.

Stiles leaned into the comforting touch, dragging a hand down his face. "Sorry, you were probably sleeping all comfy." He curled his arm around Derek, hugging him close. "I forgot you were here." Derek whined, licking Stiles' cheek. "It wasn't a nightmare, promise. Just didn't expect the thunder, I think I was working on being awake so it came through louder." Derek's ears dropped. "Don't believe me, do you? Rude. No, it was actually sort of a great dream." Stiles smiled, looking at Derek. The wolf blinked at him, tilting his head curiously. Stiles' cheeks started to flush. "Uhm." Stiles cleared his throat, shifting under the wolf's weight. "Anyway, so looks like it's raining. You can stay, if you want. Hang out for a while." Derek knocked Stiles' shoulder with his head. "Is that wolf for yes?" Derek grunted in response, chewing on the boy's fingers when they came close to his mouth. Stiles laughed lightly, nudging the wolf. "You're so weird like this, but in a good way." Stiles paused for a moment, biting his lower lip. "You think…you think you'd want to still hang out with me…on two legs?" Derek gave him a curious look, making Stiles blush and fell self-conscious. "The wolf form is cool you know, awesome. Great for naps and cuddling; yes, you cuddle and no, I'm not going to make fun of you for that. But, the conversation is a little one-sided, you know? I mean I can sort of figure out what you'd say, you're surprisingly expressing like this, or maybe I just know you better than I thought."

Derek huffed, slamming his head into Stiles' shoulder before jumping off the bed and grabbing his discarded clothes from the floor and stepping out of the room to shift back.

"I wasn't entirely done talking, rude wolf!" Stiles calls to Derek.

"You weren't making much of a point." Derek said, reentering the room dress in his dark green Henley and deep blue jeans. "You were sort of just rambling, you tend to do that more when there's no one to interrupt you I've noticed."

"Yet, you've shifted into a wolf several times therefore taking away your ability to interrupt the rambling."

Derek sat on Stiles' bed with his back against the headboard. "You seem to let yourself talk through things that are more important that way. You get the rambling out and with no one to cut in, you find your way to what you need to say. At least a little."

Stiles climbed up the bed to sit beside Derek, shoulder to shoulder in his narrowing full size bed. "I guess I do. I've never told anyone about my nightmares, not in so much detail at least. I've tried or at least thought about trying but I choke on the words. Except with you."

"Why me?"

Stiles shrugs, picking at the hem of his shirt. "I guess maybe because you don't expect anything from me, except the normal rambling, spastic behavior. I think…I think that makes it easier. You don't expect me to talk it out or whatever like everyone else; you don't look at me like I'm some fragile broken thing, even after you've witnessed me being just that. Fragile, broken…you just…You're here and…and I don't know, I feel…better? Okay? I don't know." Stiles says, shaking his head.

Derek reached out for Stiles' fidgeting hand, taking it in his and lacing their fingers together. Stiles' looks at Derek in surprise. "It's not easy to allow yourself to let your guard down, to feel comfortable. After…After the fire, I didn't think I could trust anyone, didn't think anyone should trust me. It was hard, even being around Laura but leaving her seemed worse. So I stayed. Nothing felt right though; she was my sister but I couldn't bear to look at her or tell her the truth."

Stiles squeezed Derek's hand as his words trailed off. "You felt alone."

Derek nodded. "For years." He told him, smiling softly before continuing. "Until some skinny, pale-skinned, flailing kid stuck his nose where it didn't belong. A recklessly brave kid who boarders on moronic sometimes." Stiles felt his face heat up when Derek turned to look him in the eye. "For someone who seemed to want nothing to do with me, you ended up at my side an awful lot. I couldn't seem to shake you and with you came Scott and eventually Lydia and Kira, Malia. All of a sudden, one day I didn't feel so alone. And it started with you crashing into my life. Something just sort of started turning from that moment. You're one of the few people in the world I can count on…lean on. You never look for anything from me, never want anything."

Stiles swallowed around the lump forming in his throat. "Wh-why would I?"

"People use people for their own gain."

"I wouldn't." Stiles said softly, looking down at their linked hands. "I'm not Katie." He whispered.

"I know." Derek tells him, running his thumb on the back of his hand.

"I-I felt bad enough…using you like-"

"You've never used me, Stiles."

"Yeah, but when I-"

"Stiles." Derek lifted his other hand, placing it on Stiles' cheek, gently tilting his head back up. "You have never once used me in any way. That night at the store, I found you. I did what I thought might help. All those other nights, I was worried about you. I wanted to make sure I was close and could help if I needed to. Tonight, you called me. I told you to call me if you needed something; when I said anything, I meant it. You've never take more than I was willing to give, and even then you're reluctant to take that."

"But, Kate-"

"You are not Kate. You just said that yourself, but you have it in your head now that maybe you are. You're not, Stiles." Derek told him firmly, his voice hard. "Kate took advantage of a kid. You calling me in the middle of the night because your nightmare threw you into a panic attack is not taking advantage of anything, do you understand me?" Stiles nodded, his gaze falling from Derek's. "Stiles, look at me. Please." The boy closed his eyes for a moment before opening them to looking into Derek's hazel green stare. "You're…you're important to me." Derek told him, his heart racing. "Anything you need, anything you want, I'm here." Stiles nodded slowly taking a shaky breath in Derek's pause. "However you want me," He tells him, eyes flicking to his lips then back up. "I'm here."

Stiles' pulse jumps, his mouth suddenly dry; all thoughts gone. The corner of Derek's mouth ticked up, tilting Stiles' head back he leaned in slowly, his eyes searching his pale face for a moment; looking for protest or hesitation but Stiles didn't pull back. Hope and affection filled the air around them, a little more concentration and Derek could smell lust and desire at the edges. He stroked Stiles' cheek with his thumb, tugging him forward until their lips brushed against each other. A soft kiss, a test to see where the boy stood; how he might feel. A bold move for Derek, opening himself up for rejection and disappointment; his own heart felt as if it stopped beating, suddenly dreading that he was reading everything about Stiles wrong. It was short, chaste but exhilaration all the same for the wolf. His eyes stayed closed as he pulled away, not brave enough to look at Stiles quite yet, but even as he began to move back he was being pulled forward by a long-fingered hand on the back of his neck.

"Oh no you don't, Sourwolf." Stiles said when he found his voice again. He pulled the wolf back to him, pressing their lip together with a hungry sort of passion.

Derek's lips parted, his tongue sweeping over Stiles' bottom lip; the response gave him access to taste Stiles' mouth, eliciting a moan from the boy. The wolf grinned against an eager mouth, Stiles untangled their hands and swung himself over, settling into Derek's lap with his arm wrapped around his neck. His hand moved from his neck into his hair where he held on firmly almost pulling at the strands. Derek's arms snaked around the slender form in front of him, on hand pressed flat against Stiles' back between his shoulder blades. Stiles rocked his hips, grinding slightly against Derek, his head slowly dropping back feeling the hardness beneath him. Derek's mouth latched onto Stiles' neck like a magnetic pull. Stiles gripped onto Derek, his hand fisting in the wolf's hair, a soft moan passing his lips.

"Derek." Stiles said, the name coming out in a single breath.

Derek licked at the marks he'd made on Stiles' neck. "Tell me what you want, Stiles."

Stiles tipped his head to the side, his eyes fluttering closed. "I…I…" He stuttered, unable to pull his thoughts together.

Derek traced his jawline with the tip of his nose, up to Stiles' ear. He nipped at his earlobe, pressing his lips to the soft tender skin behind it, a low rumble vibrating through his chest. "Stiles." He whispered in his ear. "Tell me what you want."

There was a smirk on his face, Stiles could hear it in the teasing tone he took as he whispered. 'Fucker.'He thought, inhaling sharply as he felt Derek's teeth bit down on his collar bone where it was peeking out from his shirt. "Fuck." He breathed out, rutting against Derek. "Fuck, everything. All of it." Stiles sat back, holding Derek's head between his hands. The wolf's eye flashed a moment before going back to the kaleidoscope of greens and ambers.

Derek's hands grip Stiles' thigh, in one fluid motion he flips him on his back with his head at the opposite side of the bed. He moved to hover over him for a moment, gazing down into a pair of honey brown eyes. Derek growls lowly in his throat, pushing and pulling at the hem of Stiles' gray cotton shirt until it's off. He drags his mouth across his collar bone, leaving a trail of reddening flesh as he goes. He slid down the slim figure beneath him, exploring it with his mouth; licking, kissing, biting each spot as he went chasing the moles that dusked across his skin. Stiles arched up into the touch, whining softly, feeling a deep ache set is. He was never good with patience, now was no different.

"Derek." Stiles moaned in protest. "Cut it out."

"Shh." Derek took the elastic waist band of Stiles' boxers, peeking from the top of his pajama bottoms, between his teeth pulling it back and letting it snap against his him. He let out a yelp in surprise. "Tell me Stiles." Derek said, sitting up between Stiles' legs, his fingers hooked in the waist of his pants and boxers. He pulled gently on the fabric, running his fingers back and forth inside the hem, his knuckles brushing against bare skin. "What. Do. You want?"

Stiles stared into the forest that was Derek's eyes, nervousness now replaced with an unyielding want and desire. When he spoke, his voice didn't waiver, his heart beat was steady. He knew what he wanted, he's known what he's wanted. His eyes softened, love and affection showing alongside his lust for the man sitting in front of him.

"You." He said. "Only you. Always you. All of you, Derek Hale."

"You trust me?" Derek asked, a shadow of worry flickering in the back of his mind.


A slow smile spread across Derek's face, tugging at Stiles' sweatpants; Stiles lifted himself up allowing Derek to pull the material covering his leg off. The wolf's eyes flashed again, dragging his hands down the boy's side; blunt finger tips streaking across the pale flesh. Derek bent lower, pressing his lips against the side of Stiles' knee before following a trail of freckles up the inside of his thigh. Stiles bit his lower lip, his fingers bunching in his sheets as Derek lowered himself down to meet the tip of his cock. He dragged the tip of his nose up the shaft, eliciting a gasp from the boy, enticing the wolf and pulling him forward.

Derek lapped at the precum leaking from the tip, Stiles' hips jerking up as he swirled his tongue around the head.

"Fuck." Stiles moaned out, arching off the bed.

Derek reach forward, placing a firm hand on Stiles' abdomen to keep him from moving too much. He flicked his tongue over the tip again. "Shh, just be patient." He told him with a wicked smirk.

"Der," Stiles started, already breathless. "You're telling a hormonal 17-year-old boy who has his dick out getting literally cock teased by the guy who has been the center of all his wet dreams for over a year to have patience. Doesn't work so well for the boy."

Derek sat up, staring down at Stiles with big eyes. "Over a year?" He questioned.

"Shit. I didn't mean…I mean, yeah but you weren't…ugh. Fuck, this is so embarrassing. Okay, this is just awkward now. Maybe we shouldn't-" Stiles moved to push himself up, but Derek held him in place. "Oh." Stiles said. "Wait, so…not…awkward?" Derek starts to slowly stroke his hard, throbbing cock. "I-is that, shit…is that my answer? C-cause that's, mmm…that's a good an-answer."

Derek held Stiles' gaze as he lowered himself back down again, wrapping his mouth around Stiles. His hips buck up and he let out a sharp gasp as Derek takes his full length into his mouth, humming at the taste of the boy.

"Holy fuck." Stiles groaned, his gripping at the sheets. "Shit." He exhaled shakenly. "Derek, I-I won't – fuck!" Stiles rolled his hips, meeting Derek's steady rhythm. "I'm not…god…going to last." He tells him on breathless moans.

This seems to spur Derek on further, increasing his pace, pulling off Stiles with a pop to drag his tongue along the slit before licking up his full length and taking him into his mouth again, hollowing his cheeks in an effort to make Stiles cum.

"Fuck!" Stiles mewls, his breath coming out in heavy pants as he bucks up and moves with the sensation building within.

Derek gently presses a finger against Stiles' entrance, inserting a digit when his body seems willing to accept it. Stiles calls out, words stung together in an incoherent sentence. Derek pushes in farther, crooking his finger to find just the right spot.


Derek growls deep, the vibrations moving through his throat farther stimulations the cock he's wrapped around.

"Shit-shit. Der-fuck-god! Derek! Fuck!"

Derek bobs up and down on Stiles' cock, his finger hitting his prostate and in seconds Stiles' whole body is practically levitating off his bed; noises coming out of his mouth like nothing he'd ever made before. "I'm-I'm.." He tries to warn Derek but he can feel himself pushing at the back of the wolf's throat and there's just too much and he can't speak English; words are unable to come to him.

Derek adds a second finger and almost instantly he finds himself rewarded.

Stiles feels like he's completely exploded, totally ripped apart, never to be the same again. And Derek's just milking him, riding out the spasms that are trembling through his body as he comes down from his orgasm. When he's stratified that Stiles' is completely done, Derek pulls his fingers from inside Stiles carefully and lets his spent cock slip from his lips, licking the underside and cleaning off the tip before crawling back up Stiles' flush body.

When he's near enough, Stiles grabs Derek by his shirt and pulls him into a lazy kiss, feeling only a little weird about being turned-on by the taste of his own cum inside the wolf's mouth. He lets himself melt into the bed, closing his eyes as he comes down from what feels like the greatest high he'll ever experience. Derek, content with littering him with soft, butterfly kisses along his neck, over his shoulder, nipping playfully at his ear and along his jaw.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this quiet for this long." Derek murmurs into his shoulder with a smirk.

"Congratulations." Stiles told him in a daze. "You've fucked the ability to speak right out of me.

Derek laughed, rolling onto his back, pulling Stiles against him. The boy turned slightly, resting his head on the wolf's chest. "No one fucked anyone."

"Close enough." Stiles argued. "Dude-"

"I just had your dick in my mouth for close to 15 minutes while you screamed my name." Derek cut in, pressing his nose into Stiles' matted, sweaty hair. "Let's move past dude, huh?"

"Okay, you might have a point. No more dude."

"Thank you."

Stiles was silent for all of 15 seconds. "Snuggle bunny?" Derek sighed. "No? Maybe…honey bear. OH! Honey Der, get it?!"

"Stiles." The wolf grumbled.





"Sexy McGrowly Frowny Face!"

"Oh my god." He groaned.

"Yup. That's it. That's the one, where's my phone, I'm updating your contact name right now."

Stiles shifted off Derek, moving to reach out for his phone. Derek grabbed him by the waist, throwing him back to the bed with a soft yelp from Stiles. He held him by the wrist, pinning them above his head as he hovered over him.

"Soooo…no nicknames?" Derek hummed, leaning in to press his lips to Stiles' neck. He tilted his head to the side, giving the wolf better access. "Fine, but I'll still be calling you Sourwolf. I've earned the right. Speaking of earning…You ah, you wanna drop those pants their big guy? You didn't think we were done, did you?"

Derek's lips move over his skin as he speaks. "We're not having sex Stiles."

Stiles' mouth falls open. "And what exactly was that that just happened?"

"Not sex." Derek grumbled simply, dragging his mouth over Stiles' shoulder and across his collar bone.

"Okay…" He says slowly, twisting his wrist out of Derek's hold with no luck. "I guess technically no, but it was a form of sex; they teach you that in health class. I mean, dude-" Derek growled, biting Stiles' shoulder in warning. "Fuck! Ow, sorry! No more 'dude'. I forgot, old habits and all. Anyway…Great now I forgot my point. Something about oral sex? Whatever, least you could do is let me reciprocate."


"But, you've got to be like, I don't know…cramped?"

Derek's deep laugh vibrates through Stiles' body. "Cramped?" He asked, running his nose along his jawline.

Stiles shifts a little, a shiver running through his spine. "I don't know, Derek! Shouldn't this be like give and take? I don't want to leave you hanging."

"I'm fine." He tells him softly into the shell of his ear.

"You're sexually frustrated and if you just let me-"


"Ugh! Why?" Stiles asks with a pout. "D-do you not want me to…."

Derek leans back, releasing Stiles' wrist as he shifts his weight to one side, propping himself up on his elbow. He reaches up to cup Stiles' cheek, caressing the soft flushed skin. "I do, but not yet."

"Why?" Stiles asks quietly, unable to help but feel like he's being rejected.

"For one, you only want to because it's what you think is supposed to happen." Stiles opened his mouth to protest, Derek moved his other hand up to cover his mouth before he could even speak. "Two, you're not 18 yet and your dad is the Sheriff. The pack will be able to tell right away and Scott has a big mouth. This…well this was bad enough but it'll be easier to cover. If I let you do anything my control goes out that window. I won't be able to keep from going farther; from claiming you as mine."

"Yours?" Stiles whispered, swallowing thickly.

"Mine." Derek tells him with a nod. "And believe me I want to, this already showed a break in my control but…I just…I needed something. And you seemed like…" Derek froze, realization hitting. Maybe he jumped too soon. It could have been the heat of the moment, maybe Stiles wasn't ready. Did he push himself on him? Did he not feel like he could throw him off or tell him no? Did he intimidate him?

"Hey." Stiles called to him as he pulled back. "Stop. I can see what you're doing, just stop okay?" Stiles curled his had around Derek's neck, pulling him down to him and bringing their lips together. "You're over thinking. That's my job." He told him with a soft smile.


"But nothing. You're thinking what? I didn't want this? I mean I kind of hoped there'd be a little back and forth but no, Derek. I wanted this, trust me, I have wanted this. I've wanted something, anything to happen here. I kept thinking I was reading too much into things, maybe hoping too much. How could a guy like you want a skinny thing like me? But then you're all…I don't even know; amazing. And you just…you wanted me."

"I didn't say want. I needed, Stiles. Needed you."

Stiles flushed. "You can…I mean I…yeah. I need you to. I just, I didn't think you did but I want…I was serious before Der. I want you. So…it's okay, I like…give consent or whatever."

Derek smiled, brushing his lips to Stiles'. "Good to know. I'll keep that in mind." He gives Stiles a kiss on his cheek. "For your 18th birthday." He grins, rolling off the bed with a laugh as Stiles lets out a squawk in protest. He bends down to grab a pair of discarded jeans from the floor and throws them at Stiles. "Get dressed, I'm hungry."

Stiles grumbles, pulling the pants on. "Thought you already ate." He says sourly.

"Funny!" Derek calls from down the hall.

Stiles grabs a clean shirt from his draw, following Derek to the open bathroom. "What are you doing?" He asks with a raised eyebrow at Derek swishing mouthwash around.

Derek spits into the sink, wiping his face dry. "As much as I love the lingering taste you leave in my mouth, I don't think cum goes with a burger." Derek tells him casually, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he passes him standing in the door way gapping at the wolf. "Come on." Derek takes Stiles' hand, lacing their fingers together.

Stiles stumbles a little as he follows Derek. "I just…wow. I don't thing I even know what to do with you."

"Good thing you have time to come up with something. And seeing how you have 3 whole months to figure it out, I expect it to be mind-blowing."

"Are you…did you…are you joking about out sex life? Sorry, let me rephrase that." Derek pulls Stiles out the door, grabbing the keys to the Jeep as he passes the small table at the door. "Are you joking period?"

Derek leads Stiles to the passenger side, opening the door for him. "You're the only one aloud to joke?"

Stiles' eyes watch him as he rounds the front of the Jeep, getting in behind the wheel. "Yeah, because I'm the funny one."

Derek rolls his eyes, starting the Jeep and backing out. "Just cause you laugh at your own jokes, doesn't mean you're funny."

"God, you go from sweet, to horny, to joking, then back to rude…yet somehow still sweet because you're clearly taking me out on a date right now. So many ranges of Derek today." Stiles laughs to himself.

"See, right there. That's not really all that funny but you clearly think it's hilarious."

"You're really going to gloss over the bit where I said you're taking me on a date? In public Derek, where people will see."

Derek shoots Stiles a glance. "Is this the part where you talk down about yourself, then I have to tell you how ridiculous you're being, then you ask why I'd ever even look at you and I say something like 'you're the most incredible person to have ever stumbled into my life'? Is that were this is headed?"

Stiles shrugged, glancing out the window. "Well…not now." He said with a pout.

Derek turns the Jeep off the road, pulling off to the side and turning to look at Stiles. "Do you know what you are?"

"Uhm…well, that's kind of a vague question…" Stiles scrunches his brow, looking at Derek in confusion.

"To me, Stiles. Do you know what you are to me?" Stiles shakes his head slowly. "My anchor. And do you know what it means for a werewolf, especially a born werewolf, to have their anchor be a person and not an emotion?"

Stiles swallows, his mouth feeling dry. "N-no." He says quietly.

"Anchors set to emotions are weaker because your emotions can change so rapidly; a high stress situation can have you feeling everything all at once making it almost impossible to pin one down to draw strength from or to control yourself. A werewolf can only be anchored to another person when they've become strong enough to open themselves up to another. There is no choosing it, it happens on its own and without warning. There has to be unfathomable trust in this person, respect…desire." He says softly after a pause.

"And…and I…you…I've….done…that?" Stiles asks, voice cracking.

Derek nods, a warm, fond, smile lighting up his face. He reached out to cupped the side of Stiles' face. "You've done that, Stiles. I've never trusted anyone the way I trust you. I've never looked at anyone the way I look at you. The room literally brightens for me when you walk in. The only thing more important than pack to a werewolf, is their anchor when they've found their true anchor. I'll only ever have one, Stiles."

"But Scott-"

"It's slightly different for him. Being bitten he can find another physical anchor, also he's a True Alpha. He lost Allison but he has Kira and…honestly his mom is more his anchor than anyone else. Your dad, you. Scotts true anchor is family. Being bitten, there's a bit of a gray area there for him."

Stiles nods in understanding. "But you, no gray area?"

"No gray area."

"Just one anchor."

"Just one."

"And…that's me?" Stiles asks slowly.

Derek nods. "You."

Stiles is quiet for a moment, considering this. Derek sits, letting him process. "But…why?" He questions.

Derek laughs, shaking his head. "There was never going to be anyone else, Stiles."

"Why?" Stiles asks again, almost pleading.

"Because, no one else has ever cared enough. Enough to be willing to cut off my arm to safe my life, enough to confront a dangerous hunter about his crazy sister, enough to just be there when I was force to kill my own beta. You bite back at every sly comment Peter throws out, you held my head above water, you came back for me instead of going after Scott when your dad was missing. Even though I was the one that screwed up, being with Jennifer. You know what I've been through, you've seen how I carry the weight. When almost everyone I know has written me off, you're still here."

"But…I'm not really-"

"Stiles, you're the most incredible person to have ever stumbled into my life."

The corners of Stiles' mouth twitch up. "You said it."

Derek smiles, nodding. "I did."

"Who knew Derek Hale could be such a sap."

Derek runs a finger under Stiles' eye. "I'm not the one crying." He says in a smug tone, still somehow sounding affectionate.

Stiles huffs out a laugh, bringing a hand up to pull Derek forward until their forehead at together. "Shut up. You just…you unveiled every thought you've ever kept to yourself to me and basically told me I'm your one and only."

Derek brushes his lips against Stiles'. "You are. I am 100%, irrevocably in love with you, Mieczyslaw Stiles Stilinski."

Stiles grins. "You even pronounced it right, I can barely pronounce it right."

"Thought that might impress you."

Stiles nods eagerly, pulling Derek to him pressing their lips together; his hand curls around the back of Derek's neck, a soft moan bubbling up muted by Derek's mouth as he sweeps his tongue inside.

Stiles pulls back a little breathless, eyes closed. "I'm like…97% sure I might be in love with you." Derek growls, nipping at his lower lip. "Ow! Hey, okay. Maybe like…98.5?" Another growl echo's inside the cab of the Jeep as he bit at Stiles' jaw. Stiles laughs, holding Derek's face in both hands. "Fine, so I might be 100% completely gone on you."

A low, please rumble comes from within Derek, a sound Stiles would call a purr. He pulled Stiles forward for another long, lingering kiss.

Time seemed to pass unnoticed for the two, their hands pushing through each other's hair, gripping and pulling, fists bunching in their cotton shirts. They don't see the flashing blue and red lights when Stiles is half climbing into Derek's lap. They don't even hear the first tap on the window, proving Derek's earlier point about his control. Stiles is trying to maneuver himself over the gear shift when the second, sharp, knock on the driver side window startles him. He pulls back from Derek, shielding his eyes from the blinding light shining in his face. Derek winces at the light, turning his head away as he rolls down the window.

A heavy sigh comes from the man standing outside the car. "You know," The man starts, clearing his throat as he lowers his light. "Most people at least find an empty lot or go to the overlook in the Preserve. But the Sheriff's son finds it acceptable to just pull over on the side of one of the most travelled roads in town." Stiles stammers, Derek just slowly turns his head to look down at his hand. "Hale." The man greets. "Stiles." He says more firmly.

"H-hey dad. Wh-what's up? How's your, ah, your night?"

"It's been pretty slow, until getting 3 separate calls from concerned motorist telling me my sons Jeep is pulled off the side of the road. So, of course I panic, thinking something happened to you, only to come out here to find out that not only is my son fine, but half in the lap of an older man."

"To be fair…I did try and tell you we needed to have a talk that one time, so…this whole 'I'm into dude's' surprise is really your fault." Derek rolls his eyes up to the roof, shaking his head.

"Stiles," The Sheriff starts, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't care who you're with, just be happy. I do, however, have a slight issue with the older part."

"Sir," Derek speaks, turning to look the Sheriff in the eyes. "I have no intention of disrespecting you. I know Stiles is only 17-"

"18 in 4 months." Stiles mumbles, his dad and Derek shooting him a look. He throws his hands up in surrender. "Sorry."

"I know that I am a few years older, but I care for him deeply. I would never do anything to hurt him, I just want him to be safe and happy, and hopefully I can be a part of that. But even if not, as long as he is happy, that's enough."

Noah nods, a small smile crossing his face. "Me too." He pauses, looking from Derek to Stiles. "He makes you happy?"

Stiles' eyes slide over to Derek, his smile fond as he looks at him with adoration. He nods as he answers. "Yeah, he really does dad."

Noah sighs. "I used to look at your mother the same way." He rubs the back of his neck and continues. "Okay. There will be ground rules, I expect them to be followed."

"Daaad." Stiles whines. Derek shoot his arm out, smacking him lightly on the leg. "Ow, hey!"

"Sh. Sorry Sheriff, of course, whatever you say."

"Kiss ass." Stiles mumbles to quietly for his dad's ears but gets him a narrow eyes glare from Derek.

"Right." Noah continues. "Curfews, especially during school, will be adhered to and I have the right to change them as I seem fit based on grades and well whatever else I think requires punishment. We'll start with that; I've had a long shift and I'm beat so Derek I'll see you Sunday for dinner and we can go over everything else then. For now, get on out of here and no more roadside pit stops."

"Yes, sir."

"Not you, son." Noah says to Derek with a fond smile. "I know how my son can be; Stiles, don't make me shoot your boyfriend because you got him in trouble. I actually like Derek."

"That's just…unbelievable." Stiles throws his hands up, shaking his head in annoyance.

"Go. Goodnight, drive safe." Noah waves at them as he walks back to the cruiser.

"That wasn't that bad." Derek says after a few moments pass, the sheriff's cruiser pulling out and driving down the road.

Stiles pouts from the passenger seat, crossing his arms over his chest. "He totally likes you better. I'm his son. You're the...the…" Stiles waves his hand at Derek. "I don't know, but he's not supposed to like you. Not yet at least…"

"Him liking me is a good thing, isn't it?"

"I mean…sure, but like…not more than me."

Derek laughs lightly, pulling back onto the road. "Maybe I'm just irresistible to all the Stilinski's."

Stiles turns to Derek with a smile, reaching out to take his hand. "Yeah, you really are. Thankfully, you're more irresistible to me then to my dad. That would just be a whole lot of awkward." Derek lifts their entwined hands, bringing Stiles' hand to his lips with a smile. "This is going to be one of those intense kinds of loves that everyone envies, isn't it?"

Derek glances over to Stiles, his eyes sweeping over his face seeing him truly at ease for the first time in months. "Yeah, it is. You ready for that?" He questions with a raised eyebrow.

Stiles grins, squeezing Derek's hand. "Bring it on, Sourwolf."