Disclaimer : I don't own Bleach or Khr. They both belong to their respective owners.

Pairings are undecided.

Sawada Residence

Tsuna trudged home, her clothes and hair streaked with muddy water, eyes blood red from crying the past 20 minutes. She looked up at her front door, hesitant in entering knowing the fuss and worry her mother would experience.

Tsuna took a deep breath in before slowly opening the door and hesitantly entering, "T-Tadaima."

"Okaeri Tsu-chan, how was sch-Tsu-chan, what happened to you?!" Nana demanded as she rushed over to her injured daughter, holding her chin in her grip.

Despite knowing it was wrong, Tsuna was quite content with lying to her mother only to look straight into Nana's eyes and saw the distraught swimming within them and blurts out everything, "The other kids pushed me into the river because I was playing with Lulu and they called me stupid for having imaginary friends, but Lulu is real! And-And that the reason Papa doesn't come home is because he's embarrassed that I'm stupid!"

Nana immediately bundles her daughter into a tight hug, kissing her forehead while petting her hair, "Don't listen to them. Papa loves you so very much," Nana reassures, but couldn't help doubt her own words.

"Then why doesn't he ever come home?" Tsuna questions, her eyes shining in curiosity as the flow of tears began to stop.

"Papa is just really busy with work. He's the one who pays for the roof over our head, the delicious food we eat and the pretty clothes on our backs," Nana explains, gently.

"Tsu-chan would give up a week of all that if Papa could spend a day with us," Tsuna mumbles, pouting.

"I would too," Nana agrees before an idea popped into her head, "you know what? I'm going to call Papa and ask him to come home and stay."

"Really?" Tsuna gasps, her face full of hope and wonder.

"Really," Nana nods before standing back up, "now, why don't you take a shower before dinner?"

"Okay!" Tsuna jumps up and runs upstairs to do just that, her tiny feet thudding all the way up. The two had dinner with Tsuna explaining all the good things about her day with Nana smiling and nodding when Tsuna asked her if she was paying attention.

Later that night, Nana tucked Tsuna into bed as usual before heading downstairs and making good on her promise. She dials Iemitsu's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Iemitsu-" Nana started only to be interrupted by her husband's excited reply.

"Nana, my love~! How are you?" Iemitsu cooed over the phone.

"I'm fine, anata. Rather, there's something I want to ask of you. Is it possible you can come home?" Nana requests.

"..." Iemitsu doesn't reply until 5 minutes of silence have passed, "Nana, I'm busy with work. You just can't call me for such a silly reason."

"It's not silly! Iemitsu, it's been 4 years since you last visited! Your daughter is growing up with a father and that's not good for her, she's going to end up hating you or herself. She's being bullied for God's sake! And I'm tired of hearing all the whispers of the neighbours because you never show. Iemitsu, I need my husband and Tsu-chan needs her father. Please," Nana begs, her voice so small and quivering as she tried not to cry.

"Nana... I'm sorry, but-ow! What the hell?" Iemitsu yelped making Nana blink in confusion as another voice hissed at him.

"You idiot! Go see your wife and daughter!" Nana heard as Lal continued to whack Iemitsu a bunch of times over the head.

"Alright, alright," Iemitsu sighs, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a few weeks off."

"Really? That's great, honey. I can't wait to see you, bye!" Nana held the phone to her chest in pure happiness. Maybe now they can be a real family.

3 Days Later

The Sawada mother and daughter rushed back and forth to get everything ready for Iemitsu's stay.

The doorbell rang abruptly and the mother and daughter duo practically sprinted to the front door which revealed to be Iemitsu.

"My beautiful bride!" Iemitsu gushes as he kisses her on the cheek before noticing Tsuna hiding behind Nana's legs, "oh my gosh, is that my little tuna fish? Look at how much you've grown! I wonder how old you are, 6 or 7?"

The temperature in the room dropped several degrees and it wasn't due to the front door being left open, "Anata," Nana chuckles, falteringly, "Tsu-chan is 10."

"Oh, oopsie!" Iemitsu guffaws, not really bothered by the error he's made.

"Ah, why don't you and Tsu-chan play outside while I finish lunch?" Nana requests, hoping to salvage the day while she still can. Nana heads back into the kitchen while Iemitsu and Tsuna play catch on the porch. Iemitsu ends up throwing the ball a bit too far so Tsuna had to chase after it only to trip and skid across the grass. She pushed herself up so she sat on the back of her legs, her eyes teared up as she held her bleeding forehead while trying not to cry.

"Nana mentioned you were quite the klutz, but I never thought you were that bad," Iemitsu comments, his voice full of worry, as he remains completely oblivious to his insensitive words.

Tsuna's lip quivered as she tried to force the uncomfortable lump back down her throat, but upon hearing how disappointed her father is with her, the flood of tears started.

"Oh! Ah, um, tuna fish, don't cry over. I mean, it's fine if you aren't as smart as you classmates, or as athletic or even as popular," Iemitsu continued to babble on.

"Iemitsu!" Nana scolds, horrified by what he is saying. She had just finished lunch and was about to call her daughter and husband when she saw the scenario played right in front of her. Their daughter, who is injured and bleeding, is on the verge of crying and her husband is making things worse by pointing out her weak points.

"Tsu-chan, let's get your cut cleaned and bandaged," Nana says, softly and she takes her daughter's hand and leads her to the bathroom. She quickly disinfected the cut before kissing it and placing a kuma bandage over it. "Is that all better, Tsu-chan?"

"Hai, Mama," Tsuna replies, happy, before looking down at the ground while shuffling her feet, "Papa seems different from other papa's."

"I know that Papa is more... eccentric than others, but at least he's home. We should be happy," Nana affirmed.

"I guess so," Tsuna muttered, thinking that the family just needed time to adjust.

"Now, let's have a nice family lunch together," Nana says as she and Tsuna head downstairs only to be met with a highly disheartening scene.

Iemitsu who had changed out of his suit into a pair of boxers and vest, was lying on the floor of the living room downing his 7th can of beer. The open cans were left scattered all over the floor, some leaking into the carpet.

Nana was left aghast. Yes, she did buy those beers for her husband, but it was for the evening when Tsuna was asleep in bed so he could relax and they could spend time together. What was he thinking getting drunk well into the afternoon in front of his child?

"Ah, Nana (hic) I'm feeling tired so I think I (hic) I'll head to bed now. Night Nana," Iemitsu staggered his way up the stairs, forgetting or ignoring the existence of his daughter.

This visit has turned into a complete disaster. It was not turning out the way either girls had expected. What Nana hoped and prayed for nearly a decade would never come true, Iemitsu will never put his family first.

Nana knew what she had to do.

"Tsu-chan, why don't we go to the park after lunch? We could get ice cream," Nana offers and Tsuna immediately brightens up.

"You're the best Mama!" Tsuna squeals, "I'll help set the table!"

"Mama is lucky to have such a sweet and helpful daughter," Nana praises before the two sit down for lunch and head to the park for a fun day out which was simply normal for the two.

Later That Night

Nana, after reading Tsuna a bunch of fairy tales, tucked the sleeping child into bed before closing the door and leaning against it. Nana inhaled a huge breath of air before exhaling, she repeated the mantra before walking to her room where a safe laid under the her bed. Each step she took felt as heavy as lead, but she continued to trudge on.

Iemitsu was downstairs watching TV, his bellowing laughter nearly shaking the whole house.

"Iemitsu," Nana calls out, firmly and emotionless.

"Ah, Nana. Wait, this is getting good," Iemitsu holds up his finger to silence her, not once tearing his eyes from the screen. Nana grabs the second remote and shuts the TV down. "Hey!"

"I have been waiting, for 10 years," Nana told him, seething. "On the day of our wedding you said, 'Nana, I promise to give you the best years of your life. We will be the happiest, healthiest and most successful family in the world.'"

"We are a happy, healthy and successful family!" Iemitsu argued, "we have a big house, all the food we can eat and can afford new clothes everyday! I kept my promise!"

"No, you haven't! Iemitsu, you're not there for us. Tsuna and I don't need all of this as long as you're with us," Nana stresses out, frustrated. "Speaking of Tsuna, today was about you spending quality time with her yet you think it's okay to get wasted in front of her? That's terrible parenting, you are not setting a good example. She's going to end up believing that all you are is deadbeat bum."

"Tch, as if," Iemitsu rolled his eyes as he sat on the sofa properly, "if anyone's parenting is terrible, it's yours, Nana. You raised her with no spine that's why she gets bullied. You let her get away with so much, it's your fault that she's so stupid and clumsy."

"Tsuna is not stupid," Nana growled, desperately trying to contain her anger which she was failing. She grinds her teeth, her brows furrowed and her hands clenched into fists before taking a deep breath to calm herself, she waited a few moments so she wouldn't continue to explode on Iemitsu then hands him some papers.

Iemitsu snatches the papers out of her hands before his eyes widened in shock, "What? Divorce papers? You can't be serious!"

"I am, Iemitsu," Nana informs, dead serious, "please get out of my house right now."

"What? I paid for this house. You're the one who should get out," Iemitsu spluttered.

"Be that as it may, my name is on the lease," Nana informs, "I was the one who bought the house while you were working abroad as usual. Now get out."

"Nana, you can't be serious!" Iemitsu cried.

"I am. Leave," Nana orders. Iemitsu stared at her for a moment before stomping out the door, muttering and cursing the whole way. The door slammed shut and Nana went to ensure that he actually left. She leaned her back against the door before sliding down to the ground, pulling her knees into her chest as she starts sobbing.

"Mama?" Tsuna calls out, hesitantly.

Nana whips her head to the top of the stairs where Tsuna stood in her baby blue nightie, "Ah, Tsu-chan! How long were you standing there?" Nana asked as she furiously wiped away her tears, Tsuna gives no reply. "Did I wake you? Mama is very sorry for that. Why don't you go back to bed, hm? Mama promises there will be no more loud sounds to wake you up."

Again, Tsuna says nothing, but walks down the steps and hugs her mother tight, "Don't worry, Mama. I won't leave you like him," Tsuna promises as she continues to lovingly hold her mother the same way she used to do for her daughter when she was sad.

"Thank you, Tsu-chan," Nana nods, her voice breaking. She returns her daughter's hug and continues to sob for the man she never really had.

A Month Later

This past month have been crazy for Nana and Tsuna who changed their last name to Nana's maiden name, Hayashi.

Iemitsu was determined to win custody of Tsuna, however, Namimori is a relatively small town which is why the Judge knew about Iemitsu's constant habits of disappearing for long periods of time so it was obvious he wasn't on his side. Nana won full custody of Tsuna and rejected any child support payment from Iemitsu, she wanted him to be completely out of their lives.

"This is the last of our bags," Nana informs as she hauls in the last bit of luggage to the driver who puts it in the trunk. She watches the movers close the back of the trunk before driving onto the road. Nana then got into the cab and requested the driver to go to the river where Tsuna would be saying goodbye to Lulu.

Sure enough, there she was, sitting on the bank pretending to speak to Lulu, her imaginary friend.

"Tsu-chan, we need to go now," Nana calls out.

"I'm coming!" Tsuna responds before turning to Lulu, "will you be okay when I'm gone?" Tsuna couldn't help but ask again in worry.

A little girl, about Tsuna's age, with black hair and eyes nodded. She was wearing a white shirt with a red heart in the centre with blue suspender denim jeans. What was most noticeable though was the long chain protruding from her chest.

"Yes, I'll be fine," Lulu assures, trying to hold the tears at bay, "promise you won't forget me?"

"How could I forget my bestest friend in the whole wide world?" Tsuna grinned. Lulu gasps in happiness before throwing herself into Tsuna's arms.

"Tsu-chan!" Nana called out again, a little more desperate.

"Bye Tsuna," Lulu says.

"It's 'see you later,'" Tsuna corrects before dashing up the steps to the taxi.

"See you later, Tsuna!" Lulu fixes as she waves goodbye to her best friend.

Tsuna jumps into the taxi, peering outside the window as the taxi slowly pulls out the driveway. Tsuna watched as she leaves the only home she's ever known. "Mama, where are we going?"

"To the next town over, Karakura Town."