Summary: Naruto finds himself teleport in the middle of a mission to a different world, where magic exists. Can he find a place where he can truly call home?

Warning: This fanfic contains yaoi. The pairing will be Harry x Naruto. There will be some manipulation and bashing, but I'm keeping it to the minimal. James and Lily are alive and Harry has an older twin named Charlus. They are both considered the 'Boys-Who-Lived'.

Charlus and Harry Potter, the 'Boys-Who-Lived' were with their friends Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley. Having been out of school due to the summer holiday after finishing their third year and second respectively. The twins were always sheltered, their parents not wanting death eaters to attack and harm them, especially with Voldemort's surprise resurrection a couple months back.

So the five friends were given a day to themselves before they spilt ways for the rest of the summer. Having spent most of their time in the muggle world, they had decided to return to the magical world for a few hours before calling it a day. It was on their way back, that they were attacked by Death Eaters.

"You two are coming with us. The Dark Lord has ordered it." one of them said as they had surrounded the five children. Taking out their wands, they each got into a fighting stance.

"We can't use magic outside of school remember?" Hermione mentioned and they gave her a look of disbelief.

"Now is not the time 'Mione." Ginny shouted as she dodged a spelled that was casted her way. Harry and Charlus, both being trained from a young age in dueling and battle spells, but even they had trouble dealing with they plus twenty Death Eaters that were there.

"Bloody hell! We can't keep going like this." Ron exclaimed, having narrowly missed two killing curses. Finding an opening, the five ran down the empty roads.

"We need to call mum and dad Char." Harry said as they reached an abandoned park. They had lost the Death Eaters for now, but they knew it was a matter of minutes before they were found. Charlus nodded at his brother and fumbled as he took the mirror their parents had given them out to call them. A moment later, a worried Lily Potter's face had appeared.

"Charlus? What's the matter? Are you alright?" she asked.

"No mum. We were attacked by Death Eaters in muggle London. We lost them now but-" he was cut off, by spells firing over their heads.

"Give it up children. The aurors aren't going to be here by the time we're finished with you." one of them seemed to be smirking as the others crackled evilly.

"Come filth, scream for me, scream!" Bellatrix, the only one that wasn't masked crackled as she sent the Cruicious curse at them rapidly.

Each gripping their wands, they were revealed when four cracks were heard and out came James and Lily Potter, along with their friends Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. The three adult males covered the rest of them and Lily ran over, checking if they were alright.

"We're fine now mum, really." Charlus whined, a bit embarrassed of all the kisses and hugs she was giving him and his twin.

"We're out numbered! We can't keep going on like this." James cursed as he felt anti-apparition wards all around them. They had all crowded together, having been pushed back to the point they had their backs on one another. The Death Eaters had them grouped in a circle.

"Damn it! What the hell are were suppose o do now?" Sirius exclaimed, as he couldn't fight and protect them all at the same time. What most of them were wondering were just how the Death Eaters had gotten so much stronger. A familiar green light that was aimed to an unsuspecting Lily was what stumbled them out of their thoughts.

"MUM/LILY!" they yelled and as dread crept up their stomach at the thought of losing her, a golden chain appear and to their shock deflected the undefeated-if you don't count the wins-to a nearby tree.

"What did you do mudblood?!" Bellatrix screeched, angry that she couldn't kill the filth in front of her. Her answer came in he form of a young blonde that had seemingly drop down out of know where, in front of the scared Lily.

Standing up, the young blond was wearing clothes that seemed a bit more for battle and wore a mask, different than that of the Death Eaters, one that resembled a fox. Their long blonde hair and petite figure made it hard to determine whether in was a girl or boy, especially with the athletic built. Piercing blue eyes shone from the mask as they assessed the area. Finally, they looked back at Lily, who had fallen to the ground as she looked a her saviour.

"Who the hell are you? If you're a Death Eater than why are you betraying Our Lord?" Bellatrix yelled murderous. The blonde just gave her a bored look and hen looked a the red head.

"Are you alright?" was what was asked, but they didn't understand.

"W-What..." Lily whispered, still a bit shaken up but then another spell that flew towards them and this time they saw that the golden chain did indeed come from the blonde.

The children were relief as were the adults and James wanted to ran and make sure his wife was alright, but couldn't as he was protecting the children. They looked intently on the new person and wondered where he came from. Remus vaguely thought the boy spoke Japanese, but waited until they were in the clear. Straighten up, they heard them sigh and mutter,

"Why do I always have to deal with crazy idiots everywhere I go?"


Naruto Uzumaki was bored. He honestly didn't understand why he had to go on this training trip. He was one of the best ANBU there damnit, yet he had to leave for his own protection. Sometimes he felt like blasting he old hag, especially since she made his stupid godfather come with him. He knew she was having a laugh over this. She knew very well that he didn't want anything to do with he fool after he had practically abandoned him in a pack of wolves as he saw the dumb village. He shook his head as he thought of that. They began kissing the very floor he walked on now, ever since the shitty old man had revealed his heritage to the village. Even before death the old man had to have he last say. As for his dear older brother...

Kakashi just patted his head and walked away giggling with that stupid book!

He really wished he could burn that damn book.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the door of he hut he was saying at kick open. It was the Akatski. Of course and it obviously had to be Itachi and his partner. Sighing, he placed on his old ANBU mask on. He hadn't worn it for a year or so.

"Is time you came with us Kyuubi. Surprised you don't have your bodyguard." Kisame grinned looking at him like a predator. He ignored his rambling and simply stared a his former teammate and friend.

"Itachi." he said cooly.

"Why are you still here?" Itachi asked in monotone, but curiosity was laced within. Naruto couldn't help but grin underneath his mask. Of course Itachi would ask that.

"Its been a bit boring around here. Thought I could use some entertainment." he shrugged, and then jumped out of the window.

They followed just like he thought and the battle was intense. Kisame was known as the strongest of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, given the nickname the tailless buju and he knew Itachi was far stronger than the shark man. His thoughts drifted to where the hell Jiraiya was until he saw an unknown jutsu heading his way. A bit late, he activated his Kamui, but something felt wrong. The last thing he remembered was looking a Itachi's worried/panic face-something he learn to see over he years-and then nothing.

Waking up, he saw that he was lying on the ground in what seemed to be a park. Standing up, he didn't quite know where he was, but he had heard yelling. Running in the direction he had heard it and landing on a nearby tree, he saw people throwing these lights a each other with a...stick? Yeah, he didn't understand that, but he noticed hat there were three red heads. An adult and two kids that looked his age or a year younger. He immediately thought if they were Uzumaki, even thought they were wearing weird clothes. He began alerted when he saw one of the lights, a green light headed towards the adult. On instinct, he used the chains he inherited from his mother and deflected it. Dropping down from his position, he looked around, trying to figure out what was going on. Obvious the black cloaked men with masks were trying to kill the other group and from the woman's insane laughter, he deduced that there was something wrong with her. Looking back, he saw the adult red head still looking a bit shakening up.

"Are you alright?" he asked and the woman jus stared a him.

"W-What..." he heard her say, but didn't understand what she said. Maybe he was in a foreign land that he had never gone to. He heard the insane woman yell at him and shoot another green light out of he sick, which he simply deflect again.

"What is up with that woman?!" Kurama yelled, having been woken up from his sleep.

"Don't know Kyu. I think she needs help. What do you think?"

"I think you should end her and all the other cloaked people. These light things are weird and annoying. And really, a stick?!" he twitched, making him laugh.

Back in the real world, Naruto took out three kunai and threw them at three of the closets cloak people, killing them. By the shocked looks he was getting he supposed he wasn't to do that.

"What the hell is going on here?" he asked irritated by all the staring and gawking.

"These people are trying to kill two of the children here." a man with sandy brown hair answered him back in his own language. Thank god someone understood him.

"Really? So all the men in the cloaks and the insane lady?" he asked, getting a small smile and a nod.

"The lady is their leader." he answered. Ah, so the others aren't needed.

"I understand. After his is over, I'd like it for you to answer some of my questions." Naruto told the man and ignoring his puzzled look, he took out two kunai and speed towards the cloak men.

A couple moments later, all the cloak men were dead and the insane lady was unconscious and bound. Naruto turned his attention to the others, who were gawking at him with wide mouths and their eyes popping out. He had never seen such a ridiculous expression before. However his eyes landed on the red haired woman and seeing her properly, he couldn't help but think she looked really similar to his mother, without the green eyes.

The Hogwarts group couldn't believe what they had just witnessed. One minute they were losing the next, some random person comes in, kills all the Death Eaters and captures one of Voldemort's inner circle. All in a couple seconds. Though they didn't understand what he was saying, at least they had Remus, who apparently did. Getting out of their shock, James ran and hugged his wife, their twin children joining them. The other three children hugged one another and Sirius ran to Bella to make sure she was properly bounded. Remus looked at the young person with a smile.

"Thank you for helping us. We would have died if you hadn't." he said, getting a nod. "If you'd like, I could place a language spell on you. You'll be able to understand everyone much better." he said, and the blonde took a step back.

"A spell? Like magic? Magic isn't really. What crazy place did I came to?" the last part more to himself.

"Hey Mooney, tell them that their pretty good for a girl!" Sirius yelled, from where he was kicking Bellatrix, a grin on his face. He translated what Sirius had old him, only to get a yelp from the grim. He saw a small cut on his check, curtesy from the masked blonde.

"I'm a boy damn it!" he yelled, making Remus pale.

"I'm sorry, he didn't know, especially with your mask own." he said quickly, trying to save his friend's life. "Siri apologize. He's a boy." he glared at the paled man.

"I'm sorry! Please don't kill me!" he cried, and although he was sure he masked boy didn't know what he was saying, he understood he was apologizing.

Naruto in the meantime was cussing up a storm and the laugh fox wasn't making things better. Kurama was the one that made him look more feminine, saying he'd make he perfect uke, whatever that meant. It did enhance his skills, so it was alright at times.

"Let him do the language spell. I don't feel any deception coming from him." Kurama said, after he quieted down.

"You may preform your spell." he said and he wolf man-since he smelled like a wolf-nodded and pointed the stick thing at him. For a moment he didn't feel any different.

"Did I work?" he asked, getting a grin from the man who smelled like a dog and had the unconscious woman over his shoulder.

"Sure did. Name Sirius Black by the way. Let me say hat you were awesome! Though I'm no sure about the killing a your age, but still awesome!" he said, still grinning like a loon. Naruto just smirked and nodded in recognition.

"Its nice to meet you Black-san." he said.

"My name is Remus Lupin. These three here are Ginny and Ron Weasley as well as their friend Hermione Granger." he said introducing he trio that came closer. hey waved at him and grinned, though the brunette had a look in her eyes he didn't like.

"The woman you saved is called Lily Potter. he man with her is her husband and our friend James Potter and the two kids are their children Harry and Charlus Potter." he finished, introducing the Potter family, who smiled at him with appreciation.

"Thank you for saving my wife. I wouldn't know what to do if she was gone." James said sincerely, holding on to her tightly.

"Yeah, thanks for saving our mum." Charlus grinned. Naruto just nodded and then picked up one of the stick like things one of the dead men were carrying.

"How did you people make he light things come out of the stick?" he asked, getting a round of chuckles. They died down however, when Naruto accidently blasted a nearby tree with said stick.

"Um...sorry?" he said unsure, because they gave him different looks.

"You can use magic." Ginny whispered their thoughts.

"Magic? I just channeled my chakra into this thing. Do you know where we are? It doesn't look familiar." he said looking around.

"Are you not from here?" Lily asked.

"I don't remember being here before and everyone I've seen speak a different language than I do and dress differently. And then there is the sick thing. What is it?" he asked.

"Its called a wand. People who have magic use it to preform spells." Lily explained, thinking of when she was introduced to the wizarding world.

"I've never heard of it before." he mumbled, wondering where the hell his Kamui sent him. Then it hit him.

"Shi!" he cursed, alarming them. 'Kurama, do you think we're a different world?' he asked mentally.

"Its a possibility. You have of get more information, but it does make sense. With the combination of Kamui, my chakra and the unknown jutsu that hit you could have sent you to a different dimension." Naruto was brought out of his conversation when a hand waved in front of him.

"Are you alright?" Sirius asked, making him blink.

"Do you know where Konoha is?" Naruto asked.

"Kono...ha?" Remus asked.

"Iwa? Suna? Kumo? Kiri? The Fire country? Anything?" he asked rapidly, getting a negative for each.

"We're sorry, but we've never heard of those places." James said awkwardly.

"Where are these places? And who are you? And why are you still wearing your mask?" Hermione asked, suspicion evident in her voice.

"Hermione! You don't have to be so rude." Ginny hissed, not wanting the girl to get them all killed.

"Well, I'd know why he's wearing his mask." Ron said.

"I apologize." Naruto began understanding her worry. There were some masked people that had decide to kill them about a couple moments ago. He took off his mask, gaining gasps and shocked looks. He gave them a cheeky grin and said,

"Hello, my name is Naruto Uzumaki and I think I'm on the wrong dimension."