So first of all, I don't own Percy Jackson, nor do I own HOO. That credit goes to Rick Riordan.

Second, this is my first fanfiction, so go easy on the reviews, though I do enjoy seeing feedback, good or bad.

Third, Enjoy!

3rd POV

It's been two years since the end of the Giant war. Annabeth and Percy decided to go back to camp, at the request of Chiron, who needed a teacher for swordplay. Percy agreed and Annabeth went with him to be together.

"In order to excel at sword fighting, you first need a balanced sword. It needs to be perfect; not to heavy nor to light." Percy lectured to camp newcomers.

"How long did it take you to find your sword" asked one of the new Athena campers. All the newcomers had been told of the great hero or Olympus, Percy Jackson. They

were excited to be taught sword fighting by one of the greatest demigods in history.

"Riptide, was given to me by Chiron when I first entered camp" Percy said as he took out his pen. He uncapped the pen, and showed the sword to the campers, throwing it from hand to hand. "The moment I touched it, I knew this sword would be the perfect tool for me."

As Percy continued his lecture of the campers, Annabeth had emerged from her cabin, with a sad look, as she made her way to the arena, where Percy was.
Percy was about to start teaching the campers how to properly hold the weapon when Annabeth called out to him, "HEY, PERCY I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!"

Percy turned around, surprised at the fact that she used his name. Usually Perce, or Seaweed Brain would be what she would call him. This was strange.
Going up the arena, Percy noticed the look on Annabeth's face as he began to worry... Annabeth never had that look anymore.

"Hey, I got some bad news..." Annabeth began as they continued toward the Athena cabin. "I got into a college in California and I'm gonna be away for at least eight years, to pursue Architecture," Annabeth said.

"That's great Wise Girl! I don't know why your so gloomy though.." Percy replied.

"Well.. how do I say this.. I'm going to be really far away, and I don't know how this relationship will work from a distance" Annabeth said.

"Huh? Annabeth, you know I will never cheat behind your back." " Yea but the thing is, it wouldn't be the same, and since I'm gonna be busy at school, I doubt I'll be able to come visit. So in order to not have any problems, I was thinking of ending our relationship for now. At least until I come back."

"Wait wait... WHAT!" Percy exclaimed. "What kind of bull is that? Are you saying you want to end this because of some distance?"

"Im sorry Perce," said Annabeth, as she ran away. Percy was too surprised and heartbroken to feel anything at that moment. He slowly moved towards his cabin, realized what just happened... He just got dumped.

At the hunters of Artemis...

"God, why are there so many monsters so suddenly?!" asked Thalia as more and more monsters came out of the woods.

"How would I know, I don't control everything!" replied Artemis. The monster attacks have been increasing throughout the US, and the Hunters of Artemis have been getting hurt the most. This week alone has brought 4 attacks, in which 7 hunters have been injured, 2 of those being near fatal injuries.

"It's not great being all ranged. The moment a monster gets through, one of the hunters is forced of the defense!" yelled Thalia as another volley of arrows were brought down onto the monsters.

"HELP ME" yelled one of the new recruits as Artemis turned around.
A hellhound had been able to get through the lines and was dragging her back into the monsters.

"Crap, I need to get over there" murmured Artemis, though she got blocked from the recruit as 3 cyclopes jumped in front of her.

For Artemis, this was a piece of cake. She shot one of them, while she clubbed the other one in the eye with her bow. She took out her hunting knife as she brought the stunned cyclopes down to his demise. The third one decided to run, as he saw his comrades turned into dust in a mere seconds. Artemis had no trouble throwing the knife into his back, finishing the last one. But the damage had been dealt. She couldn't see the new recruit anywhere.

"This is not good. Not good at all. We are losing ground!" yelled Thalia, as another wave of hunters had to fall back."

"We need to get in control of this fight..." Artemis murmured as she yelled out her command, "HUNTERS, CREATE A DEFENSIVE STANCE. WE WILL NOT GIVE UP ANY MORE GROUND."
"This is gonna be hell" Thalia said, as she got herself ready.

This is the first chapter.

As many know, it's hard to break Percy and Annabeth up considering they are so loyal to each other, but I didn't want the cliché.. she dies and Percy get all depressed. There are plenty of stories like that so...

Review and Ill try to make another chapter tomorrow.