Hello everyone! And here we are with the final chapter. It has been one hell of a ride and I really thank you all for the support and reviews. I plan to write a few one-shots for this universe I created as well as new stories about Harry Potter and other frachises as well. Hope to see you on my next story. Enjoy it!

Chapter 9: Epilogue

September 1st, 2017 – King's Cross Station

The years had passed in a blink of an eye. After the birth of James Sirius Potter, Harry and Ginny had two other children; Albus Regulus Potter and Lily Luna Potter. Albus was practically a clone of Harry and the only one that inherited his father's green eyes. Lily on the other hand, inherited her mother's eyes and hair with her father's features. Harry finally had the big family that he always dreamed of having.

On his professional life things had been going quite well. He was promoted to Head of the British Department of Magical Law Enforcement when Robards decided to retire in 2007; once again breaking a record in being the youngest Wizard to ever fill the post. Ginny on the other hand, retired from her Quidditch career after Lily's birth and with her savings, created a company in partnership with Harry that sold Magical Objects such as Pensieves; where Ginny also took apprentices for the Runes Mastery. She and Harry had managed to – together – create a Rune that actually allowed Muggle technology to work around magic.

This had been a massive breakthrough to all the Wizarding World; in a united operation, the Wizards finally had things like televisions, cellphones, and even their own internet. Ginny had been awarded an Order of Merlin First Class for her creation as well as receiving global awards and recognition along with her husband. Hermione and Arthur nearly had an orgasm after using a magical computer for the first time.

Ron and Hermione had two kids; Rose Granger-Weasley and Hugo Granger-Weasley. Hermione had also been promoted to the Head of the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. She revolutionized the way magical creatures such as House Elves, Centaurs and Goblins were treated on Wizarding Britain and Ireland. The family grew even more with the numerous Weasley kids being born one after the other; and thanks to that, their family gatherings were always noisy and fun.

Life had been perfect as Harry and Ginny saw their kids grow up and before they even knew it, the time for their second son to go to Hogwarts had come. James was going to his third year, being the top of his class as well as honoring both his namesakes with his mischievousness and pranks – that left even the victims laughing as Harry and Ginny had been very firm in making sure their children knew the difference between a good laugh and bullying.

Harry Potter walked through Kings Cross' station while being accompanied by his family. He held Lily's hand as Ginny walked right behind him with their sons carrying their trolleys. They completely ignored the strange looks from the passing Muggles.

"I wanted to go too." Complained Lily, rather depressed.

"Just have a little patience, sweetheart. Your turn will come very soon." Consoled Ginny with a smile, remembering the times she said the same thing when she was her daughter's age.

"Stop teasing your brother, James." Said Harry to his oldest son.

"I was just saying there is a chance Al is going to Slytherin. It's not like it's a bad thing." James defended himself.

They went to Platform 9¾, immediately locating the Hogwarts Express as it released smoke and covered all the station. They heard Percy talking about some completely uninteresting subject, but he at least looked busy enough for them not to need to say "Hi.".

They quickly spotted Ron and Hermione, as they were sending their oldest daughter to Hogwarts for the first time. "Now remember, if you go to Slytherin I will just disinherit you, so no pressure." Joked Ron.

"Stop it, Ronald." Scolded Hermione with a slight slap to her husband's shoulder before spotting the Potter family. "Hello Harry, Ginny." She greeted with a smile. James greeted them all and with a wave of his wand, shrunk his trunk before pocketing it and taking his owl with him to find a compartment beforehand.

They reunited and started to catch up. "Did you manage to park correctly this time?" Harry asked Ron while Ginny and Hermione were talking about something else.

"Yes. Do you believe Hermione was skeptical about the fact that I got my license? She thinks I confounded the examiner." Scoffed Ron, indignantly.

"But you did confound the examiner." Pointed Harry with a smirk.

"Just in the parking test. Why bother using rear view mirrors when I can use a Supersensory Charm for that?" Justified Ron, defensively.

"You will just have to deal with the eternal disapproval of your wife." Joked Harry.

Ron threw him a dirty look. "You just mess with me because you know how to drive a car and drive a motorcycle." He complained.

"I know how to drive a car and ride a motorcycle." Corrected Harry, earning another dirty look from Ron. Before Harry could say anything else, he felt someone tugging on his shirt and he looked at Albus, requesting a private talk with his eyes.

Harry and Albus went a little further away from the group as Harry kneeled to his son's eye level. "What is it?" Asked Harry gently.

"Dad, what if I really go to Slytherin?" He asked, rather reluctantly.

Harry smiled. "Albus Regulus, you were named after two of the most courageous men that had ever lived. One of them was a Slytherin. And even if it wasn't," He placed his hand on his son's shoulder. "being a Slytherin doesn't mean you are a bad person. We all possess traits of the four houses; the Hat simply chooses our house based on our most prominent ones. Just because a person is loyal, doesn't mean she can't be cunning; just because someone is smart, doesn't mean he isn't courageous." He explained.

"So, you and mum don't mind?" Asked Albus.

Harry chuckled. "It doesn't matter to us. We will be proud of you no matter which house you end up in. But if it is that important to you, the Sorting Hat takes your preference into account, even if it doesn't guarantee it." He revealed.

"Really?" Asked Albus in surprise.

Harry nodded. "You know; the Hat said I could do well in Slytherin, but I asked him not to place me there and I ended up in Gryffindor." He revealed, shocking Albus as his father had never mentioned this to him or his siblings before. He smiled slightly with the thought of his father confiding him something he never told the others apart from his mother.

"Thank you." Said Albus.

Harry smiled. "Now remember," He looked into his son's green eyes. "The other children will probably expect you to be like me, just like they did with James. And they might make fun of you when they see you don't answer to their expectations. Do you remember what I said to your brother when that happened to him?" He asked.

Albus nodded. "You said he was James Potter and not Harry Potter; that he shouldn't feel ashamed of being different, but feel proud of it, because he would leave his own mark in the World." He remembered.

Harry nodded in approval. "This also goes to you. You are Albus Potter and not Harry Potter. You are going to leave your own mark on the World, and no one has the right to tell you how you should or shouldn't be." He said firmly. Albus smiled and nodded before hugging his father. "You're ready?" He asked, feeling his son nodding in his chest. "Come on, then." He said.

Albus pulled his wand and shrunk his trunk before getting the cage with his owl. Harry smiled at seeing the demonstration; he and Ginny taught their children how to harness their magic since a young age as they could feel the powerful magic all their children possessed and wanted them to have some control over it. When James and Albus got their wands, they were taught the basics at home. It was not as unfair to the Muggle-born children as it once had been since Harry and Hermione teamed up and built a special campus in Diagon Alley where all underage children were welcomed to practice their magic in the summer. The entry was for free and had a specialized people to oversee their practice and even Healers in case something went wrong. The Magical Campus had been a huge hit and closed a lot of bridges between the Muggle-raised and Wizard-raised children as they both frequented the place; and it didn't even strain the relationship between Muggle families as the parents of Muggle-borns were allowed to enter with the children. Hogwarts and other schools around the World also had phones now so it was a lot easier for them to keep in contact with their Muggle families.

Harry and Albus reunited with the others just as James walked out of the train with a Marauder grin. "You won't believe what I just saw." He said excitedly. "I saw Victoire and Teddy snogging in the compartment." He told them, only to be disappointed that the adults simply smiled.

"Well, it wasn't unexpected." Remarked Hermione.

"It would be cool if Teddy officially joined the family." Said Lily with a smile at the thought.

"Did you hear me?" Asked James. "I said they were snogging in the compartment." He repeated.

"You walked in on them?" Asked Ginny incredulously. "You are so like Ron." She said, remembering his timely interruptions when she was alone with Harry.

"He already goes to dinner on our house four times a week. I don't know why I don't simply invite him to officially live with us." Said Harry, considering the possibility.

"This would be very practical. After all, he is our apprentice for Masteries in Ancient Runes and Transfiguration." Agreed Ginny.

"I don't mind in giving him my room. I can sleep with Albus." Offered James, wanting his big brother – as his parents often referred him as – to live with them.

"No." Said Harry firmly. "We have more than enough rooms for everybody. I will only put you two on the same bedroom if I want the house demolished." He said, knowing how mischievous his sons could be; he particularly blamed Fred, George and the Marauder genes for that – not that he would want it otherwise.

Albus looked around, noticing the looks they were receiving. "Why are they all looking at us?" He asked, nervously.

"That's because of me, Al." Said Ron to his nephew. "I'm extremely famous, you know." He joked, getting smiles from the whole family. Ron looked at his side as he noticed something. "Look who's there." They all turned to see Draco and Astoria Malfoy with their eleven-year old son. Draco noticed he was being watched and greeted them with a slight nod. "So that's little Scorpius." Said Ron.

"Yes." Said Harry.

Ron hummed before turning to Rose. "Listen, Rose; don't get too chummy with him, alright? And I want you to beat him in all your tests, thank Merlin you inherited your mum's brains." He said to his daughter, ignoring the several shoulder slaps he received from his wife.

Harry looked at the watch that once belonged to Fabian Prewett. "You all better go. The train is about to leave."

"We will write to you two as much as we can, I'm sure Hedwig will love to deliver our letters." Said Ginny hugging her boys. "And don't forget to give our love to Professor Longbottom." She added. Neville had retired from the Auror job as soon as he achieved his Herbology Mastery and became a Professor at Hogwarts four years ago.

"Mum, he is a Professor, I can't just walk into the Herbology class giving him love." Said James, receiving one last kiss from his mother.

They all said their goodbyes and Harry was the last as he hugged his boys. "Behave, or better saying; don't get caught. I'm sure the maps I gave to you both and the Cloak I gave to James this summer will help with that." He whispered with a wink, seeing his sons smile in a way that only true Marauders could.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny watched with a sense of nostalgia as their kids boarded the Express, just as it started to leave. Harry waved along with his family, following the train with his daughter until they lost sight of the kids when the train made the curve.

"They are going to be fine." Said Ginny in his ear as he nodded. The scar on his forehead didn't hurt in nineteen years.

All was well.

The End

I'm sure you noticed the change I made in Harry's second son's name. I'm sorry for those who love Snape, but I have to admit that while I admire him for his role that was one of the main factors Harry won againt Voldemort; I have absolutely no sympathy for Severus Snape.

Snape was a bully and a bitter child trapped in the body of a man. Harry never deserved the treatment Snape gave to him - and I don't buy that "He had to keep appearences!" crap. Lucius pretended to be a victim and completely deserted Vodemort on his first fall and yet he lived to serve him again (and betrayed him again, I might add). I think Voldemort would have believed if Snape said that he pretended to be a reformed man as to get more information and truthfully; it would have made more sense. He tormented Harry, Neville and other non-Slytherin students and was a lousy teacher in general. And fon't forget that Snape only changed sides because he realized he put the woman he was obsessed with (sorry, but what he had for Lily had been an obsession and not love) in mortal danger. He had asked Voldemort to spare only Lily - he was fully willing to leave both James and Harry (a baby at the time) to death.

As for those who believe James Potter was the main responsible for his choice of allegiance in the past - read the books again. In the chapter where his past is revealed, it was made clear that Snape called all the Muggle-borns (aside from Lily); Mudbloods. Sirius also said that Snape entered Hogwarts knowing more Dark Magic than most seventh year students. Snape said James Potter was a bully but he condoned Mulciber placing Mary Macdonald in the Hospital Wing saying it was "just a laugh". So while James might have been wrong in his conduct in his school days; Snape was worse back then and in the future.

So despite crucial his role in Voldemort's ultimate defeat, that still doesn't make him a good person or a good man. And I don't believe he deserved such honor as having his name remembered in Harry's son. But that's just my opinion, if you disagree; it's your right, but my mind will never change. Snape was a bully, a bitter man and was not a good person.

Thank you for following the story and until next time!