Author's Note: This story slightly ties into Stryke Out: The Aftermath. So in this story Hiccup still has seizures. This story can stand alone. However, I recommend reading my other story first if you want to understand why he suffers from seizures.

Sooooooooo sorry for taking it down again. I decided it was time to get a beta reader, who will be credited at the end each chapter. They have been amazing. I promise not to take it down ever again.

Hiccup shot a bola from his shield and aimed it at Krogan's legs, only to get lucky and have wrap around his arms and chest. The force of the bola knocked the Flyer to the ground and slid him across the ice and into a wall. The villain's head slammed into the wall, rendering him unconscious.

Hiccup shut Inferno off and sheathed it on his back before going after the egg. When he was about to run, Johann tackled him from behind and began to beat him mercilessly. He laughed with glee. The traitor was enjoying the pain he was inflicting.

Johann had waited years to do this. He wanted to do it from the minute he met the spoiled brat. Always having to be so smart and smug. He was as prideful as that father of his. All those trinkets that Hiccup had made for trade, tossed into the ocean as soon as Berk was out of sight. He had lied to this stick of a man when he told him he'd been playing them since Breakneck Bog. Oh no, he'd been doing since Stoick first became chief 30 years ago. He initiated most of the attacks on Berk. It wasn't always the Red Death. He had sent the dragons the night Valka was taken and eaten.

He enjoyed showing up the next day and playing the sympathetic friend. Johann had silently laughed as Stoick set off to find his dead wife. The eight-month-old baby had been left in the hands, well hand, of the moronic blacksmith.

Johann laughed at this memory. His joy compelled him to punch harder. He punched until he drew blood from several places on the young man's face. He stopped momentarily to get a good look at the Haddock boy.

Hiccup stared him down, daring him to do more. He hid his pain behind a face of steel and anger. He wasn't going to give this sick twist the pleasure of seeing him cry in pain and beg him to stop. Hiccup had endured worse.

Johann roared in anger. How dare this child pretend to be a man, denying him the pleasure of seeing him react to the pain!? He pulled out a knife and stabbed Dragon Master in the left arm. He ensured the blade went all the way through until it hit the ice.

The Rider tried to bite back a scream but failed. Johann laughed, cutting into Hiccup's cheek, enjoying the sight of blood. Suddenly the traitor felt something hit his back. Hiccup's knee. Next, he felt a punch in the gut before he tumbled across the ice. Hiccup stood, breathing heavily. He applied some pressure to his injured arm.

"Okay," Hiccup breathed as he glanced at the stunned Johann. He moved to pick up the egg, only to have it knocked away. He gasped and looked up. Krogan had awoken and freed himself.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOO," Hiccup screamed as he went after the egg. Johann stirred and saw Hiccup pull out his sword, ignite the flame and used it to vault over the side of the cliff. He caught the egg his legs and held on tightly.

Krogan and Johann stared at him in awe. Johann was the first to speak. "Funny, this reminds of the time I was on a glacier in the Southern..."

He cut off from his tall tale when the King of Dragons roared. The Alpha Dragon let out a burst of wind strong enough to throw the two villains away from Hiccup and its unborn child.

Hiccup screamed as he clung to his sword with both hands, one of which wasn't at full strength. Once the forceful wind stopped, Hiccup looked down and saw nothing. The Dragon had disappeared beneath the ice. He had to find a way out this jam and quickly. He saw a nearby rock of ice jutting out near him. Hiccup swung himself towards it, biting back the pain in his left arm. His plan failed when the rock came loose and fell to the bottom of the cavern.

He had to think of something fast, otherwise, he and the egg were goners. Hiccup looked at his leg and suddenly he had a plan. He gripped the sword as hard as he could with his right hand. He removed the egg from between his legs and placed it between his head and the cliff. Hiccup removed his false leg and plunged it into the ice. Then he started to climb. He groaned in pain and let tears fall down his cheeks as he made his way upward.

Eventually, he made it to the top, only to be greeted by Johann. "Bravo, Master Hiccup! I didn't know you had that in you. You must see the delicious irony of your situation". As he spoke, he took the egg from Hiccup and moved it to the side. "The final resting place of the champion of dragons will reside in the King of Dragons' birth nest. Sheer poetry". Johann chuckled at that last remark.

Author's Note: So what do you think. Should I keep going? I can have the next chapter finished in a couple of days. Let me know what you think by clicking that review button.

I'd always wondered what if the beating was worse. More severe. This is simply my fever and pain induced take on it.

Beta Read by- Draconicbeing2.0.