Barbara's phone rang way too early in the morning, by Barbara's time-keeping, that meant after midday. She checked the caller ID and saw that it was Dick's number, so she picked up.

'Hey,' she said, though her voice came out as more of a croak.

'Sorry, I would have called earlier but I thought you might be asleep.' His voice in her ear made her smile.

'You called at the perfect time to wake me up, I mean, I wasn't asleep.'

'Oh crap, I'm sorry I woke you.'

'No, no, it's cool. I needed to wake up anyway.' She rubbed at her eyes and sat up in bed. 'So, uh, what did you wanna talk about?'

'Um, can we meet somewhere, like the park or something?'

'You sound nervous.'

'I'm not.' Dick spoke too quickly for his words to ring true. 'What time do you wanna meet?'

'I need to get ready so, maybe in an hour.'

'Okay.' Something in his voice sounded a little tense.

'You're already there aren't you?'

'Yeah, but don't rush, I can wait.'

'Okay, see you later.'

'Wait, Babs…'

She hung up the phone, grinning like an idiot.

Despite having an allowance of an hour, Barbara made it to the park in half that time. Getting ready was definitely easier when she was excited. She spotted him, leaning against the wall and watching the families dotted around eating picnics. She took a deep breath and strolled up to him casually. He didn't seem to hear her coming.

'Hey, Dick,' she said.

He turned to look at her, calm as ever, and grinned. 'You came early.'

'Couldn't leave you hanging around too long now, could I?'

Dick stood up and took her hand. 'Let's walk.'

They began walking slowly enjoying each other's company and the warmth of each other's hands.

'So, what did you want to talk about?' asked Barbara.

'Well, uh, I know you stopped me asking you this the other day, but, like maybe now's a better time. So, do you want to be my girlfriend?'

A grin broke out on Barbara's face. She giggled.

'You know, giggling's not an answer.'


'That was easier than I expected. So…'

'What do we do now?'

'I dunno, I guess just do what feels right.'

'You're supposed to be the one with experience.'

Dick elbowed her in the ribs playfully. 'So, there's something else I have to ask.'


'It's gonna sound like a weird request, so I'll just come out and say it. Do you want to join a superhero team, like a kid Justice League?'

Barbara bit her lip. 'You're not joking.'


'You really think I'm ready for that?'

'Well, when is anyone ever ready to join the coolest superhero team in existence? Which I founded by the way. Back when I was a wee thirteen-year-old.'

'So, this is the all secretive chess club?'

'That's the code-name. We really call ourselves Young Justice.'

'Okay, then.'

'Yes! I'm winning today. So, I'm gonna need you to grab your uniform and get changed. The initiations in like an hour.'

'In daylight?'

'Superheroes don't only wear capes at night, you know.'

They were stood outside an old telephone box in a grimy alleyway. They, meaning Batman aka probably Bruce Wayne, Robin aka Jason Todd, and her. Dick had gone in first to show off his new tights, and by gone in, he had disappeared into a yellow thing of light.

Batman told them it was a boom tube, some alien form of light-speed travel from a planet called Apocalypse. Barbara had no idea how to comprehend any of what Batman had said, but he'd reassured her that Dick was alright, so she guessed she had to take her word for it.

'So, we're also going through that portal thing-'

'Boom tube.' Batman corrected her, patiently.

'To get to this secret base.'

'Yes, we're are also going through.'

'Unless you wanna turn around, Barbie,' said Jason.

'Um, not gonna happen.'

'I'm not gonna lie, I'm feeling a little nervous too. I'm not sure I'm up to this super-nerd team. I'm not a super-nerd. I'm a superhero.' Jason said a little too smug.

'You're not a superhero, Robin, you don't have any superpowers,' said Barbara, feeling the need to correct his arrogance. It felt strange to call him Robin when she'd gotten so used to calling Dick by that name.

'So, what am I then?'

'A vigilante,' said Batman. 'You're turn, Robin, step up to the machine. Look into the camera. And say your name and destination.'

'Uh, Jason Todd.'

'Other name.'

'Oh right. Robin. Mount Justice.'

'Robin, B13, to Mount Justice.' The machine said it that airy tone it had. Jason disappeared in a ray of gold light.

Barbara had been waiting to speak to Batman alone, even though the prospect terrified her. 'So, uh, you probably hate that I'm here.'

'No, I trust Nightwing's judgement. If he says you're ready, I believe you are too. Just don't prove us wrong.'

'You know, you should probably tell him that at some point, he seems to think you still think he's a child.' And here she was, giving advice the Batman of all people.

'He is still a child, at least in my eyes. I don't want him thinking he can save the world on his own. He needs to know that he doesn't have to.'

'You're so angsty, both of you.'

Batman smiled, she never thought she'd see the day that Batman smiled. And with that smile, she could see under that mask he really was Bruce Wayne, that dopey guy she'd known as Dick's guardian since she was a kid. 'If you ever want extra training, don't be shy to ask.'

'Uh, thanks.'

'And it's time for you to go through.'

'Right.' Barbara stepped up to the machine and said 'Mount Justice. Batgirl.'

'Batgirl, B16. To Mount Justice.'

With a glaring yellow light and a strange sense of buzzing, Barbara was through to the other side. There was a crowd of staring faces and suddenly a group of kids in costumes were swarming her.

'Batman, 02.' The voice said and there was a swash of gold light. She looked over her shoulder to see Batman enter.

Barbara looked around and saw that she recognised the faces she saw. They were all the kids from the party the night before.

'Hey,' said Artemis in front of her, she was wearing an all green suit with a bow in hand and quiver on her back.

'Hey,' said Barbara. On impulse she reached over and grabbed an arrow from Artemis' quiver. It was a match. Barbara thought about the rip in her costume she hadn't had time to fix yet. 'It was you.'

'Yeah, I'm really sorry about that.'

Barbara handed her the arrow back. 'I guess friends shoot each other now.' Barbara cocked an eyebrow at her. 'Great to know.' She didn't get a chance to tell Artemis she was joking, at least half-joking, because she was interrupted by a rather eager looking green girl who pulled her into a tight hug.

'Oh my God, you joined the team. I'm so happy.'

'Megan?' Barbara gasped as Megan released her.

'Who else would I be, silly?' she asked, so bubbly.

Barbara grinned and decided not to mention the fact that she was green.

Then there was Gar bouncing up and down on a tail she hadn't seen before. He was also green, but she knew that. 'Hey, how are you doing?'

'I'm good.'

'Thanks for joining.'

Then she was suddenly engulfed in someone's arms, the hug hit her like a freight train and made her gasp for air.

'Woo! Batgirl's in the house.'

Barbara caught a flash of his red hair and gaping smile. 'Wally?'

Wally let her go and pouted. 'Damn it, how'd you guess my secret ID so easily? You're too smart.'

Barbara looked over at where Dick was leaning against a table with Batman beside him, watching. She could see that he was as happy as she was.

Before Barbara could answer Wally, she was interrupted by Kaldur, looking tall and wise in his Aqualad uniform. Kaldur held out a hand for her to shake and she took it. 'Welcome to the team.'